Hey guys! Long time no see, huh. Sorry for the break. i've been really busy with school and stuff. I hope i haven't kept you waiting too long. This was a fun chapter to right, anywho...because it features the rest of the Gaang, like some of you have been asking. Hope ya enjoy!

Tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tapitty tap.
It was the tapping that woke Sokka. He grumbled in annoyance, pulling the covers over his head. Can't I get a peaceful sleep, for once?
"I'll get it," Suki said, getting up from the other side of the bed, her short brown hair ruffled and sticking up in places. She walked over to the window, where the noise was coming from, and opened it. An annoyed looking messenger hawk was pecking the window, a scroll tucked in its sack. "Ooh! A message!" she pulled the scroll out from the bag and let the hawk hop inside. She reads it aloud:
Sokka and Suki:
It's Katara. I know I said I would try 'not' to disturb your 10-year anniversary vacation, but this is a situtation that requires your attention. Zuko and Mai have something important to tell us about their daughter, and think it needs our whole group's attention. I wouldn't doubt them on that. So, *Sokka* please come.
Thanks, Katara
Suki looks up at Sokka.
"Oh great. I had my fifth anniversary ruined by the exploding cake-"
"Sokka," Suki interjects. "You know the exploding cake was an accident."
"Anyways, I'm not having my sister ruin another of my anniversaries!" He turns away, his lip stuck in the air.
"It's my anniversary too," she says, grabbing his arm. "I think we should go."
"Suki, are you serious?" Sokka asks. "Can't we just have a quiet, normal anniversary?"
"Does it matter where we are?" Suki asks, giving big eyes to her husband. "As long as we're together?"
"Don't try that wooing garbage on me," he replies. He looks her in the eye. The staredown takes place for about a minute. "Alright, Suki, you've won," he grumbles, getting out of bed. "Send a reply to my lovely sister." Suki smirks, and begins writing the note.

"That's it, officers!" Toph growls, feeling the ground. "Feel the earth in the metal. It's not going to bite you!" she snaps to a man who is cautiously bending. "I can feel you trembling! Man up!" She smacks him the back.
"Chief Toph?" a timid voice asks.
"What is it?" she asks, whipping around. "No, there aren't any bathroom breaks!"
"I have a letter for you," the man asks, holding it out. After holding it out, he pulls it back. Toph snorts. "I'll read it to you," he sputters nervously.
It's Katara. I know how you hate leaving your metalbending academy, but this is a situation that requires your attention. Zuko has something important to tell us, and he believes that our entire group should be present. I would not doubt him on a matter like this. So, please come.
Thanks, Katara
Toph pauses, the contents of the letter sinking into her head. I could do with a vacation from this dunderheads, she thinks, turning to her officers. And if Sparky thinks its important, it probably is. And i need to ask Katara something important.
"I will come," she says to the letter-bearer. He nods, walking away to write her reply. "You lily livers!" she snaps to the officers. "I'm going on a quick trip. I'm putting Jen here in charge. If any of you flub up, I want you to tell me." She glares at the officer.
"Of course, Chief, ma'am."

"No gold statues. Gold would be asking for criminal activities. No, not platinum. Bronze, maybe, yes bronze it is. Got it? Thanks." Aang puts down the phone heavily. Ugh. I hate business work. He holds his head in his hands. Running a city is so hard. With a sigh, the Avatar gets up. He is met in the doorway by a young fire nation woman with nervous amber eyes. "Avatar Aang, sir!" She squeaks. "I have a letter from Firelord Zuko!" Oh great, Aang thinks. He's going to want a platinum statue. The woman hands him a letter, emblazoned with a fire nation seal.
Dear Aang:
It's Katara. I know you have important duties running Republic City. But please, this is important. Zuko and Mai have something important to tell our group. I trust Zuko when he says its urgent. Please come?
Love, Katara
Aang rubs his arrow in frustration. Oh monkey feathers. He glances at the pile of papers on his desk. It might be healthy for me to take a break and spend time with my family, he thought. With Katara, Kya and Bumi. And I can visit Honora and Arya too. I haven't seen Sokka, Toph and Suki in months. That setttles it. I'll go. He turns to the woman.
"Send a reply letter. I'll be there on Appa in a day." The woman nods and hastily scrawls out a reply. Aang grins.