Yay! ^-^ A new fanfiction! And this time it's for the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. Yeah, I was daydreaming about this idea in class, so yeah.

Read and review :D

Hope you enjoy!

The door slammed with an iron thud. Zuko looked at the solid iron door, felt a hollowness open up inside him, like it always did when he checked on Azula. This was his sister! Then he remembered all the terrible things she had done, and the hollowness closed instantly. He walked away, his feet echoing in the empty prison hallway.

He threw open the door, and collapsed on the bed with a sigh. Mai put down her book and walked over to him, a concerned look on her face.

"Everything alright?" she asked, sitting beside him.

"I saw her again," he confessed. Mai's face hardened.

"I told you to stop seeing her," she said, her voice sharp. "I hate seeing you like this." Zuko looked aside.

"Where's Honora?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"Sleeping," Mai replied tenderly. She smiled once more at Zuko then stood up. "I'll make you some tea." He grinned. There was nothing more he loved than Mai's tea. It was almost as good as Iroh's.

Zuko closed his eyes, feeling Mai's breathing beside him. His thoughts of Azula had finally been pushed out of his mind, after tea and playing with his daughter. His daughter. He felt so proud of his beautiful daughter. He knew she would grow up to be an amazing girl. He let out a deep breath, and felt on the verge of sleepiness, when…

"Firelord Zuko!" a voice shouted, banging on the door. "It's important!" Mai grumbled in her sleep, rolling over. Zuko pulled the cover over her and got up to get the door. He opened the door, mumbling under his breath. In the doorway, was the head of Azula's prison. Dread filled him. Had she escaped?

"What has happened?" he asked, trying to remain calm. "Is it about her?" The uniformed officer scratched his head, looking around anxiously. At this point Zuko noticed a small bundle under his arm.

"Can we talk about it inside?" he wondered. "This is not a matter for all ears." The firelord nodded, and closed the door behind them. He led the officer to the sitting room, where they sat on couches. Mai wandered in, looking extremely tired.

"Go back to bed, dear," Zuko said quietly. "You look awfully tired." Mai shook her head.

"If this is about her I'm staying." He rolled his eyes. He knew there was no arguing with her. Instead, he motioned for her to sit next to her. Mai sat down and leaned on his shoulder.

"So what is this about her?" Zuko asked, his voice grave. "Did she escape?" To his relief, the officer shook his head.

"No, she is secured in her cell. What I want to tell you is that…earlier this evening, we heard some awful noises coming from the cell. At first, the other guards and I thought it was her struggling in her straight jacket, like she often does. Then, it abruptly stopped, and a new noise started: a crying. Not Azula's crying, but more like a baby's crying." Zuko and Mai looked at each other in astonishment. Did this mean what they thought they meant?

"And? You checked on her, right?" He said, tension filling his voice. The man nodded.

"Of course."

"And what did you find?" he asked, nervousness filling his voice.

"We found this." The officer pulled out the small bundle from under his arm, and opened it up. Mai gasped and Zuko almost fainted. It was a baby.

"How?" Mai asked breathlessly, her jaw dropped. Zuko's face has gone as white as a sheet.

"It can't be…" he murmured. The officer shook his head.

"I have no idea, Firelord," he said, dropping his gaze. "What should we do with it?"

"Dispose of it immediately!" Zuko snapped. "Any offspring of her—'" Mai narrowed her eyes.

"Are you insane?" She asked, her eyes flashing. "This child has done nothing wrong! We can't punish it just because of its mother!" He put a hand on his forehead.

"Mai, you know how much she bothers me," he groaned. "And what is going to happen when people find out who her mother is, she be shunned for sure!" Mai clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Then nobody will know." She turns to the officer. "Nobody will, right?" She gives him an ice-cold glare.

"Of c-course not," he stutters. "No one of my guards shall speak of it."

"See, Zuko?" Mai murmurs, throwing her arms around him. "If we don't tell anyone, it'lll be fine." He just groaned some more.

"How will tell the child then?" he said, barely controlling his anger. "Oh, what are we going to say? Oh your mom is the craziest wacked sister of the Firelord who's in prison?!"

"We won't tell her until she is ready," she soothed. "It's okay." Zuko looked up.

"We?! Who said anything about us? I am not having the Azula child in my home!" He stood up, and looked like he was close to exploding.

"We will forgot it's her child, and treat it like Honora's sibling," Mai said firmly. The officer scratched his head awkwardly.

"I can take it to an orphanage," he said quietly. Mai turned on him.

"It is not going to an orphanage!" she yelled, and grabbed the baby out of his hands. She stomped away. "I'm going to go put it to bed." Zuko stood there, next to the dumbfounded officer. He sighed angrily.

"I get so upset when I see her once month," he ranted. "And now I have to see her child for an eternity!" He pulled his hair. "I've had enough. Maybe it's a dream." With, that he stormed off into his bedroom and slammed the door.

"I think I'll go," the officer said, before inching out the door. A shrill cry of a baby could be heard.