As the sprawling cityscape came into view Kenzi drew in a deep breath. Not only was she getting ready to off the Morrigan, albeit necessary once the challenge was issued, she was also attempting a hostile but law abiding takeover. That thought alone wouldn't have flown well with the old, human, Kenzi but she had come to understand that the way things were done in the fae world we not how they were done in the human world. Essentially, she had to let go of some of her humanity if she was going to make it in the new situation she found herself in.
You will get used to the inner workings of fae culture. The hellhound assured.
With that declaration, Kenzi made her way into the tallest building in the square that was Evony's compound. An elevator ride later she was waiting at the desk that was once housed the shy Seniatta, Bianca.
Another casualty of the Morrigan.
Kenzi couldn't help but agree with the vehemence in the hellhounds tone. As a leader, Evony should be taking into consideration the needs and wants of her subordinates. That damn talent sucker was part of the reason that the dark had such a bad reputation. Of course, there were those who agreed with the current Morrigan's methods, and those would most likely be the ones that would oppose her. But they would be easily taken care of.
A wolfish grin spread across Kenzi's face.
You, little human, were the best mistake the Norn could've made.
Rather than taking it as an insult, Kenzi beamed. It was the closest thing to a compliment the hellhound would give regarding humanity.
The tell-tale sound of heels clicking on the polish floor signaled the closing of Kenzi's thoughts. She had bigger, more important, things to worry about.
Remember protocol. We must go about this the right way. Although I'd prefer it otherwise. The beast grumbled the last part. Kenzi wanted to smirk at the dour, surly, tone of her beastie. He was just mad that the old ways didn't still apply and that diplomacy ruled over tyranny.
It'll be okay beastie. We'll come out of this on top.
A rumbling echoed throughout Kenzi's mind.
I'd prefer that you didn't call me that. You know my name.
Kenzi just rolled her eyes as Evony came into view.
Yes, supreme fae lord. She jibbed.
"Oh Kenzi darling, you don't know how much it means to me that you decided to join my faction. The dark will welcome the hellhound, not like those judgy light fae."
Kenzi was beyond annoyed with the utterly dumb fae in front of her. There had been so many instances where Evony had been manipulated by her underlings and not to mention her completely oblivious nature. This was a prime example, Kenzi was getting ready to overthrow her, and she couldn't sense the malice or untoward intentions.
She is most unworthy of the title.
I beginning to see that more and more.
And like times before, Kenzi and the hellhound were on the same page.
"Don't try and sell me Evony. You know as well as I do that I'm not here because I want to have sleepovers and talk boys, I'm here because it's where I belong. Nothing more, nothing less." Her agitation was showing at the recruitment whore's statement.
"Teee-sty. You'll fit right in." The Morrigan smirked.
She motioned Kenzi to follow and they soon took off down a long corridor the sound of heels clicking leading the way. They ended up stopping at a vault door. Her curiosity piqued she cocked her head to the side in a very canine like manner.
Evony opened the massive door and ushered Kenzi inside. The door stayed open, making her feel somewhat safe. The Morrigan then pointed to an ancient looking book with lots of names elegantly scribed within.
"This" Evony said while running her fingers over the delicate pages of the book "is the book of the dark. It contains the names of every dark fae, both past and present."
As Kenzi got closer to the book, she noticed that there were two names per line along with the type of fae written next to the first name.
"Why are there two names?"
The dark leader just smirked. "One is the fae that is joining and the other is the sponsor."
"Sponsor? Like what they use for accountability in AA meetings?"
"Well, that's one way of putting it."
Kenzi couldn't understand this fae tradition. Was a fae really going to be held responsible for her actions? She didn't think so.
"As you can see fae lady, I didn't bring anyone with me to cosign as my babysitter."
Once again the Morrigan smirked, "It's a good thing I asked Vex to come by then."
Kenzi's heart nearly stopped when she heard the Mesmer's name. She had done all she could to focus on anything but the Mesmer fae, especially when she had other things to worry about. But, she thought, Vex would be a better choice than anyone else that Evony could have come up with.
At the mention of his name he strode through the vault door and appeared next to Kenzi. The proximity had electricity racing throughout her tiny frame. Though she felt like her body was ready to bolt, she outwardly remained collected.
"Vex." She greeted, promising herself to deal with him at a later date.
"Hello, love." His teasing tone was half-assed and he seemed genuinely happy to see her. She filed away that information for later.
"So, you gonna be my fae sponsor? Does this mean if I have a human relapse, I have to report it to you?" Kenzi elbowed him in a jesting manner. However, the contact had an unexpected result. He seemed to lean into her touch. Another piece of information to store away.
He laughed lightly. "Yes, I will be your sponsor, that is if you wish it."
Kenzi nodded, "Of course Vex." She replied honestly.
Suddenly Evony cleared her throat, "Well, as touching as this all is, shall we get this show on the road?"
And just like that, the spell was broken as Kenzi nodded and Vex scooted a good foot away.
Evony handed Kenzi a calligraphy pen and the Russian did a mental eye roll. Of course, they'd use a calligraphy pen, old ass fae. At least it's not a feather and ink well. Without hesitation, she scrawled her name as best as she could along with her species. She then handed the pen over to Vex. He paused for a moment, his eyes meeting hers in a silent question. One to which she nodded to. At her affirmation, he hurriedly wrote his name, though the script showed no signs of being rushed, it was neat and elegant just like Vex. As soon as that thought passed, she shoved it down in favor of listening to Evony's welcome speech.
"The dark welcomes you, Kenzi. I am sure it will be a pleasant stay." She grinned, looking between the newly initiated member and Vex.
"Hn." Kenzi acknowledged.
Clapping her hands together in finality to the initiation the Morrigan closed the conversation. "Well, if that's all I have a previous engagement scheduled for 530 and I'm already late." She turned to rush from the room but was stopped in her tracks by the small voice of the once human girl.
Kenzi's shoulders were square, her chin held high, almost defiantly, as she spoke the words she had researched and rehearsed with the help of Trick's handy dandy books. "Under the rite issued by the Blood King and in front of this witness I, Kenzi Malikov, formally challenge the current Morrigan, Evony Fleurette Marquise, for the title and privilege of Morrigan." Kenzi silently thanked whomever was involved with Vex's appearance, since it made it worlds easier if she had a witness present. Otherwise she would have had to declare herself twice, once in front of Evony and once in front of the fae clans to make it an official challenge.
Evony slowly turned on one spiked heel, her eyes wide and disbelieving. "You little bitch, you dare to challenge me? In my OWN home?!"
Kenzi stared down the woman who looked like she was going to set the room on fire with her eyes. The woman took a step forward, only to be stopped by Vex.
"Get the hell out of my way!" She made to push past the Mesmer, only to be stopped once again.
"You know the rules Evony. This has to be taken up before the clans, both light and dark."
She screeched, "Damn the rules, those mindless jackasses wouldn't dare go against me."
"Rules are rules, love." Vex's tone was more playful than it had previously been.
Kenzi cracked a smile. "See you later Evony, it will be a pleasure to beat your ass." Offering a flourished bow purely for mocking purposes before exiting through the heavy metal door with Vex following behind her.
She didn't look back until she was down the stairs and out of the building, forgoing the elevator all together.
Once they were outside, Vex spoke. "Well, love, that's not exactly what I had in mind but can't say I'm entirely surprised." Kenzi smiled softly, "Yeah, now that's out of the way, we need to talk about us." And with that sentence the air was heavy both with anticipation and fear.
"That we do." He agreed.
A.N So sorry that it has been so long since my last update. I've been going through my stories and trying to update the ones that have been neglected the longest. This was my most severely ignored one. I do hope, however, that regardless of the timing that you enjoyed it and I will try not to wait years in between updating.