So, I haven't posted anything new for a long. There a lot of different reasons: none of which I'm going to elaborate on as at the end of the day no one is really interested in hearing the details of my life. However, this story has been kicking around for awhile and I finally decided to take a chance and post it. As it has been some time since I was fully immersed into this world, there might be some OOC. However I believe I stay true to the nature of the characters. Just know that I don't own the characters in any way, shape, or form. I know this particular genre is done to death, but I can't help myself. Even after all this time, it calls to me. Until the next time dawns, kisses!
From the outside, the bar looked almost like any other in the city. The name was sprawled in a a swirling script in a sultry red neon. As she approached, she wrapped her jacket around her a bit tighter. Tonight there was no line, but she imagined on the weekends, it was a different story. A large man sat just inside the doorway reading a book.
Kaoru glanced at her watch and not wanting to wait outside, she entered. The bouncer looked up and gave her a once over before nodding her inside. She groaned to herself. Was she really getting that old that she wasn't even being carded anymore? Resigned to her inevitability of aging, she hitched her bag on her shoulder and entered the bar called 'Liaisons'.
Deep bass music slowly reached her as she strode through the hallway towards the main room. Dim lighting permeated, with spotlights focused on the dance floor. Tonight, in the middle of the week, only a small group gyrated to the house music. She paused a moment, allowing her eyes to adjust. Fortunately the lights were focused on two of the bars, the main one set just off to the side of the dance floor, a smaller one set up on a dais that overlooked the main floor. Fewer people were there and she headed towards it, keeping her attention ahead.
There was no sign of her friend. She pulled out a stool, looking around fully for the first time since she had set foot in the bar. It seemed like any other club in the downtown area. Why would Misao want to make a point to come to a place like this?
"What can I get for you love?"
She looked up at the bartender. She was young, long dark hair pulled back to reveal high cheekbones. Kaoru wondered if she looked as graceful behind the bar. "Umm, I'll have vodka soda. With a lemon. Ketel." She stated, answering the questions before the bartender could ask.
She reached underneath the bar top and found a hook. She hung her bag on it, grateful that it still bounced against her shin. As the bartender put her drink in front of her, she shrugged out of her jacket. "Did you want to start a tab?" The woman asked.
"Do you need a card?"
The woman glanced around and shrugged. "Fairly slow evening. I should be able to track you down if you decide to dip out." She stated with a wry grin.
"I'm in the business; I have no intention of doing so." Kaoru retorted, a smile tugging at her lips.
"Im Fiona. Let me know if there's anything you need."
"Kaoru." She held her hand out to the woman.
The woman's fingers were cold in her hand. The dark eyes searched her up and down. "If you need anything, any of these guys give you any trouble, don't hesitate."
She watched the tall woman glide to the other end of the bar. Kaoru found her words a bit strange. She glanced around again and decided perhaps not. She could sense the predators who waited on the fringes of the crowd, waiting to swoop. She sipped on her drink and grimaced. It was much stronger than she would have anticipated.
Kaoru turned back around in her seat and looked up at the television that was mounted above the bar. A basketball game played and idly she watched it for something to focus her attention on. After a few moments she felt as though someone watched her. She chanced a look around.
Most of the attention existed on the main floor. No one below payed much attention to the lack of action up here. The few patrons who did sit were scattered around the bar. The bartender was busy chatting with a redhead at the far end. Three seats down another man sat. His eyes left the game and glanced at her. He raised an eyebrow and raised his drink. She offered him a tight smile and gave a slight shake of her head. He shrugged and returned to the basketball game.
No one else seemed to pay her much attention. She glanced once more at her watch, wondering where Misao was. The woman had a tendency to be a touch flaky, but this was late, even for her. As she finished her drink, Fiona returned, placing a fresh one in front of her.
"I didn't order this." Kaoru told her.
"From the gentleman." She nodded towards the dark haired gentleman. He raised his drink again to her.
Kaoru fought the urge to roll her eyes. "If I accept it, will he come over here and speak to me?" She muttered.
The bartender snorted. "He's harmless. He buys a drink for someone just about every night. I doubt he'll say anything to you. If he does, I'll clock him."
"Then why bother?" Kaoru asked with a frown.
Fiona leaned her elbows on the bar top. Kaoru focused on the woman's dark eyes to keep from dipping to the obvious display of cleavage. "Sometimes he gets lucky. Just as many hungry and desperate women come in here as hungry desperate men."
"I can only imagine the things you see in a place like this."
"you said you were in the business."
"I bartend at one of the restaurants just south of here. It happens on occasion, but normally I just see the beginning vestiges of it before they come here."
"Lust, desire, and a bunch of horny people drinking, I should write a book. This place sees a bit of everything. And then some." She added, almost under her breath. She rounded back to Kaoru, her dark eyes searching. "How is it you wandered in here? I would think yo'd be more comfortable at one of the dive bars on fourth."
Kaoru sipped her drink. "My friend wanted to check it out. See what all the fuss was about apparently."
"Why on a Tuesday?"
"Like you said, my scene is more dive bars. I'm not into the mob scene. It was the compromise my friend and I made."
"So where is this friend?"
"That I don't know." As if on cue, her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and saw it was in fact Misao. "Speak of the devil."
Fiona waggled her fingers at her and moved back towards a couple who had found their way upstairs.
"This had better be good." She stated answering her phone.
"I'm so sorry." The woman sounded breathless. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
Realization dawned on her. "Are you kidding me?"
"Really, Kaoru. There was an emergency and Okina…I can't even get into it. Unfortunately it had to take precedence over a night of drinking."
"You could have called me over an hour ago when I was on my way here."
"I'm sorry. Look, I will call you tomorrow."
Before she could say anything else, the line had gone dead.
Kaoru rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Problems?"
"Can I get my check?" Kaoru asked.
"Mr. Moneybags got your second drink and I have your first."
She sat back, startled at the pronouncement. "You didn't need to do that."
Fiona shrugged. "It's my prerogative to do as I please, and it please me to buy your first drink."
Kaoru sucked down the last of her beverage and slipped back into her jacket. She grabbed her bag and place a ten on the bar. With one last glance around, she rose from her perch and headed towards the door. This time, she took a few more liberties glancing around and nearly stumbled when she spotted a tall handsome man. He was watching her. As their eyes met, he inclined his head slightly. She blinked and then the stranger was gone. She wasn't sure who he was, but something about his glittering gold eyes seemed sinister.
Without another backward glance she hurried out the door and into the night.
Now that she was outside the bar, she felt a wave of anger sweep over her. Why shouldn't she be angry? Her friend had stood her up!
The anger burned away quickly turning inside. She shouldn't blame Misao. It wasn't her friend's fault she had a tendency to be a flighty. The woman had a family emergency. Still, she wished she hadn't wasted the last hour and a half waiting for her. If only she had called sooner. At least she had gotten free drinks out of the situation. And perhaps she had made a friend, though she didn't foresee returning anytime in the near future.
A gust of wind skirted around her legs. Kaoru shivered and wrapped her jacket tighter about herself. It was only three blocks to the train station. It was a Tuesday night, but perhaps she should have used more caution. She was in the city after all. She looked up and spotted the bright white light of the rail station. It glimmered as a welcome beacon.
Behind her gravel skittered. She spun, her hair standing on the back up on the back of her neck. She peered into the shadows. Nothing seemed to move and she slowly turned back towards her destination. She wasn't one for paranoia, but she couldn't help the feeling she was being watched.
Her stride increased, her destination appearing further away. Silently she cursed herself, wishing she had called Sanosuke. She knew he had class tonight, but he would rather she had waited for him to escort her home. Considering her tab, she probably could have afford him to pick her up. Hell, she could have bought him a round for his trouble. Why on earth did she not heed the warnings?
Again she heard something behind her. This time she didn't look, merely broke out into a sprint. Three minutes later she burst into the circle of light surrounding the station. She heaved a deep breath and bent over. She coughed, the cold air burning her lungs. She had not physically prepared herself for a mad dash. Kaoru looked around and offered a grim smile to the gentleman standing on the other end of the platform. He nodded at her and returned his attention to his newspaper.
She looked to her left and spotted a couple. They were giggling and more interested in each other to offer her much notice. She bought her ticket from the machine and glanced at her watch. Her train would arrive in two minutes.
Rectifying her earlier mistake, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed.
She sighed in relief as the lazy tone filtered through the earpiece. "Hey, it's me."
"To what do I owe this honor?"
"I was supposed to meet Misao downtown. She stood me up."
"There's a surprise."
"Be nice." She ordered. Kaoru shifted, wishing the train would hurry. "Where are you?"
"Still at the gym. Looking to leave here soon. What's up Jou-chan? I wouldn't think you would call me just to tell me that."
"Can you meet me at the rail station on Woodlawn? I should be there in about fifteen minutes."
"Yeah." There was a pause. "We'll have to come back here so I can fully lock up, but I can meet you there."
The speaker came on announcing the arrival of the train. "Thank you."
She closed her phone with a snap. Kaoru stepped up glancing down the track towards her ride. She noticed the stranger had also stepped up, folding his paper under her arm. Caught up in watching him, she didn't notice a the new arrival. As the train pulled into the station, a fifth person stepped onto the platform. She glanced over her shoulder and sucked in her breath softly.
The doors opened and she hurried onto the train. Kaoru found a seat and curled into it, her dark blue eyes scanning everyone on board. There were only a scattering of people on at this time of night. During the week, there wasn't much for a late crowd. The latecomer took a seat across the aisle from her. She raised the collar of her jacket and studied him, her lashes lowered.
She immediately recognized him. He had been sitting at the end of the bar. She hadn't given him much attention. If his hair hadn't been such a distinctive shade of crimson, she doubt she would have recognized him now. His face was lowered and he appeared to pay no attention to anyone. She wondered if he had even noticed her at the bar at all or if the slight buzz she had gained truly was giving her paranoia.
She lifted her head and rested her forehead against the glass. Her gaze strayed to his reflection. Kaoru could just make out the sharp profile of his nose and jaw. The dark red locks curled over his collar. He appeared deep in his thoughts, just as he had at 'Liaison'.
"Is this seat taken?"
She looked up in surprise. They had come to another stop and a few more people had gotten on. A guy with a shock of dark hair stood next to her. Dark eyes watched her.
Words got stuck in her throat and she glanced around the car. "There seems to be plenty of seats." She offered, indicating the half empty train.
"But I wondered if I might sit in this one."
The train started again causing him to rock forward. Something about him caused her stomach to turn and he moved to sit.
"Really, I would prefer to be left alone." She told him, shifting so he couldn't join her.
The dark eyes narrowed. "There's no need to be that way." His voice lowered and he reached toward her. "I'm just trying to be friendly."
"I believe the young woman told you to find another seat."
Both looked up. The redhead had risen and now stood next to them. "What's it to you?"
The announcement for the next station echoed. "I suggest you get off the train." The redhead stated mildly.
"Who is gong to make me?"
The stranger lifted his head, his golden eyes flat and menacing. "I won't tell you again."
The brunette visibly paled. The train came to a stop and the doors opened. He slowly left, his dark eyes fearful as he cast another look over his shoulder as he exited the train.
In shock, Kaoru watched him go. After the train started again she looked again at the redhead. He had settled again across from her, though in the seat closest to her. She looked at him with fresh eyes. He looked at her and she blinked. Just a moment ago she had thought his eyes were gold. Now they watched her calmly, a delicate shade of lavender. "Thanks."
"How is it you are traveling alone?"
His voice was pleasant. "My friend stood me up." She admitted. "But you might already know that."
A hint of a smile graced his lips. "I did see you at the bar."
"Are you following me now?"
"You and I happen to be heading in the same direction."
Kaoru glanced up and saw her stop was still two away. She shifted in her seat. They sat in silence for a few more minutes. "How is it you were alone in the bar?" She asked after a few moments.
"I had intended it that way."
She nibbled on her bottom lip. The train rolled to a stop. One more and she would be leaving. "Do you not have any friends?"
"Do you?"
"Very few." She admitted.
"As do I." He tilted his head to the side, studying her. "Have you ever been in that bar before?"
Kaoru shook her head. "My friend was interested in checking it out. Unfortunately she had a family emergency." Her mood darkened slightly. "She forgot to call."
"Not much of a friend."
"It wasn't on purpose." She defended. "Misao does suffer from a severe case of ADD. However, she would do anything for me."
A ghost of a smile curled his lip. "I stand corrected."
The intercom announced her stop and Kaoru rose to her feet. She looked down at the redhead, almost expecting him to rise as well. Impulse seized her and she stuck out her hand. "Im Kaoru."
He looked up at her, surprise evident in the dark purple orbs. Cautiously he looked at her hand and gingerly took it between his cool fingers. "Kenshin."
The train was sliding to a stop and she peered out the window, spotting Sanosuke. "This is where I get off."
"It was nice chatting with you."
"Do you frequent that bar?" She blurted.
His dark eyes studied her. Slowly he released his breath. "I can be found there from time to time."
"Perhaps I'll see you there." She stated and turned to leave. As the doors slid open she glanced once more over her shoulder. "Or perhaps you could come to the Akabeko, since you seem to head in this direction on occasion."
"Perhaps. Good evening, Kaoru-dono."
"Bye!" She waved and stepped off the train. The doors slid closed and she watched the redhead through the window as the train rolled out of the station.
"Who was that?"
She looked up at the tall brunette standing next to her. "What?"
"The guy."
She shrugged. "Just some guy."
He raised an eyebrow. "Some guy that you happened to yell out your watering hole?" Kaoru shifted and flushed. "If you had him to walk you home, why did you call me?"
"I didn't meet him until I got on the train." She shivered as they began walking away from the station. "Paranoia kicked in leaving uptown."
"No need to explain it to me." They reached his car. He unlocked it and she opened the door. She waited patiently as he tossed the stuff on the passenger seat into the back. "Sorry." He smiled apologetically.
"It's fine. I'm glad you met me. I feel a little silly now." The feeling that had overwhelmed her before reaching the train had abated.
"You're a single woman. Honestly I think a little paranoia is a good thing."
"After you close up, I'll buy you a beer."
"Done and done." Sanosuke chimed turning the car engine over.
He watched them drive off. He had spotted her at the bar, her loneliness calling out to him. Unfortunately it had called to a few other patrons in the bar as well. If Fiona hadn't mentioned it to him, who knew what sort of trouble could have found her. He wondered if she had realized just what kind of a place she had wandered into.
Kenshin took in a deep breath, tempted to follow. However the presence that had stalked her from the bar to the train had vanished. She was safe for the moment. His eyes narrowed, curious of her relationship of the tall brunette. He had seen the man before though they had never officially met. He had some connections to the human world, ties Aoshi was interested in utilizing for the future. If a war was coming, they could use all the resources they could get. Of course that would mean recruiting the man into a world he thought existed only in horror films.
The train began moving again and he slowly sank back into his seat. His phone rang and he picked it up. "Yes?"
"How did it go?"
The violet eyes blinked. He had momentarily forgotten he had been on a mission. "Right now it's somewhat harmless."
The woman on the other end snorted. "Somewhat?"
"Hiko was right." He admitted reluctantly.
"Of course he was." She sighed. "I need to report to the hospital in ten minutes. Will I expect to see victims tonight?"
Kenshin looked up at the sky. "I don't know. I doubt from there. Even the few who work there are more interested in having a place to go than actually harming anyone outright. Most of us crave a safe haven and 'Liaisons' offers it."
"You don't think its intended to be a feeding ground?"
"It is Tuesday. The weekend will be a different story. However, other than the usual human fodder, I don't think it's meant to be a place of malice. That isn't to say that things won't get out of hand. We will have to wait for Friday."
The woman on the other end sighed. "Can't wait for that one. If you think it could get ugly than I imagine I'll be working all weekend."
"Good thing you're nocturnal."
"Ha ha. Very funny."
"Has Aoshi checked in?"
"It's still early. I imagine he'll show up on the grid sooner or later." The woman paused. "Why what's up?"
Kenshin hesitated. "It might be nothing. I'll call if I find anything else out."
He ended the call without a farewell and swayed with the motion of the train. It rolled to a stop and he rose from his seat and exited the train. He stepped into the night and lifted his face into the breeze. He inhaled deeply. He caught a faint of whiff of something and glanced sharply to the east. The bar might not yet be a feeding ground, but that didn't mean the predators hadn't come out tonight.
His blood stirred at the possibility of the hunt. He allowed one last thought of the beguiling woman to flit through his thoughts before banishing her to the back of his mind. It would do no good to be distracted.
Thoughts? Any and all comments are always welcome.