Evolution of a Whisper


What could Mommy want?

"Saphronia Maria Stone!"

Daddy's using my full name! Am I in trouble?

"I'm coming! I was up the pine tree!"

I dash inside, expecting to find my daddy furious. Instead I find him and my mommy waiting at the table in the kitchen. On the table are two eggs.

"I told you she would come quicker if we used her full name." Daddy told Mommy.

"So…I'm not in trouble for something?"

"Do you need to be?" Mommy asked with a raised brow.

I quickly shake my head. My eyes drift from my parents' faces to the beautiful eggs on the table. My parents are the top two breeders in the Unova region. The Pokémon they breed are incredible! Each of the Elite Four has at least one Pokémon that my parents bred! So do most of the gym leaders and the current and previous champions as well! When I get older, I want to be an awesome breeder like them!


"What was that?" I ask, surprised by the strange voice.

"What was what, sweetie?" Daddy has a confused look on his face.

"Umm…nothing. Why did you call me in?"

"Well sweetie, we wanted to ask you something." Mommy started. "What do you want to be when you get older?"

"A Breeder."

"You realize that it is going to be a lot of work right?"

"No more work than being a Pokémon trainer would! Besides, I've been watching you and Daddy my whole life! I know that this is what I want to do! I may only be eight years old, but I know that I want to spend my life taking care of Pokémon and Pokémon eggs like these two here!" As I talk I climb on a chair so that when I finish I can reach the eggs and place one of my hands on each egg.



*Gasp* "Did you hear that? There were two voices just now!"

"Where do these voices seem to be coming from sweetie?" My daddy just went from proud and happy to confused and concerned in record time.

Hi. Are you going to stay? You are warm.

"Um, they seem to be coming from…the eggs?"

"Oh." Both of my parents gasp. My mommy looks at me with a thoughtful look on her lovely face. My daddy falls into a thoughtful silence as my mommy continues. "Sweetie, what do they sound like?"

"One's a boy and one's a girl. Why? Can't you hear them?"

"No, sweetie, I think you have a special gift. We were planning on this anyways, but now I am certain. Sweetie, to be a breeder you have to at least have two Pokémon. We thought about it and decided to give you these two. We are starting you with eggs because it will help you understand the Pokémon better. We got lucky that you will have one of each gender. Will you take care of these two?"

My mouth is open in surprise by the time she finishes speaking. I have to gather myself a bit before I can respond. "You mean, these two beautiful eggs are for me?"


I lunge across the table to hug my parents. Then I gently cradle the eggs to me in another hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" It's all I can manage to say.

Two weeks of gentle care and constant contact later, the eggs start to hatch simultaneously. Two little Eevees are soon staring up at me. The male looked similar to all other Eevees I had seen. While I had talked to them while they were in the eggs I had decided to name him Avon, no matter what type of Pokémon he was. The female however was a different color. Worried that she might be sick I quickly took them both to Daddy for him to check.

"What is it sweetie?" He asked when I entered his nursery for the Pokémon he planned to keep. When he looked at he saw my newly hatched Eevees and my worried look. Then he noticed the females coloring. "Incredible. To have one of your first Pokémon be a shiny one…" he trailed off.

"Shiny? Does that mean she's sick?" I asked starting to panic now.

"Oh, no, no, no sweetie! She's just fine! A shiny Pokémon is just one with coloring that is different. Have you decided on their names?"

"The male's name is Avon! The female's name is… Dusklace. Are you positive that they are okay?"

"Here, hand them here and I will give them a look over. Yep, they are perfectly healthy." He put them down on the ground and they quickly scampered back over to me. "They seem so happy and attached to already. Sweetie, I was wondering if you would like to try to talk with some other Pokémon eggs?"

I start wiggling in excitement at the chance to talk to more Pokémon while they were still in their eggs. Five minutes later, however, had Daddy utterly confused and I very disappointed. I hadn't been able to hear any of the Pokémon.

Mommy? What's wrong Mommy?

Why are you sad?

I gasp in shack at hearing the two voices. "Avon, Dusklace?"

Yes? They both ask at the same time.

"Sweetie, can you still understand these two?" Daddy asks, looking down at my two Eevees.

"Yup!" Is all I can say before I scoop the two of them up and cuddle them in relief. I could still understand my baby Pokémon! "But… why couldn't I understand any of the others?" Confusion returns to both Daddy's and mine expressions.

"Why don't you try talking to this one?" Mommy (my Mommy) suggested as she entered the room with another egg. I quickly put down Avon and Dusklace before Mommy hands the egg to me.

I'm cold.

"Mommy! The little Pokémon is cold!" I look around frantically while I try to warm it up in my arms. Daddy quickly hands me a blanket to wrap it in. Then it hits me. I was able to understand it—no it was a girl—I was able to understand her!

Mommy smiles "I have one more little test to conduct before I can be sure but I think I know what your ability is." She reaches into her belt pouch and brings out a poke ball. "Come on out Flareon!" She calls as she releases the fire Pokémon. I had seen him before but he was usually busy helping keep the eggs cozy with his warmth.

That egg's temperature is low! I need to warm it but little Sophie holding it! What if I accidently hurt her? I hear as I watch Flareon shift his feet nervously as he stares at the egg in my arms.

"Here, Flare, now you don't have to worry about burning me." I tell him, using his nickname, as I gently place the egg on one of the many cushions in the nursery. Surprise is written across his expressive little face as he quickly settles around the egg to warm it, her. "Mommy this egg is female and I can understand Flare!"

Can you truly hear me, little one? Flare asked me.

Mommy I want to be cuddled! Avon pleaded.

Me too, me too! Dusklace agreed.

"Yep, I can talk to you Flare!" I say excitedly as I scoop up my little ones. "Mommy, do you know what my ability is now?"

"Oh, yes I do sweetie. You can understand any Eevee. That egg is from the same parents as your female—"


"Dusklace. So they're sisters, if you're sure that the egg is female."

"She's a girl. Um… what about Avon?"

"What about him?"

"What about his parents?"

My parents share a glance. I wait patiently while they talk silently with their eyes. They often talk like this when they aren't sure they want me to know something. I think they are teaching my big brother how to talk like that too, so maybe one day they'll teach me!

"… Well we found Avon on the doorstep with a note telling us that he was an Eevee." My daddy finally tells me.

"So that makes me his mommy right?"

"Yes sweetie."

"Good, cause he's been calling me that since he hatched! What about you Dusklace?"

Not my mommy but very important. I love you! The little, shiny, Eevee replied.

I love you too! But you are definitely my mommy! Avon piped up, the both of them sounding very happy. I put them down so that they could run around, though they stayed close and were careful around the eggs especially when Flare gave them a warning. Dusklace was very interested in the egg that contained her sister.

Suddenly the little egg began to hatch! When the littlest Eevee I had ever seen was finally out, she raced over to me, to everyone's surprise.

Hi! Will you give me a name? I want to stay with you! The newborn yipped at a rapid rate.

"Mommy, Daddy she wants to stay with me and have me name her. Can I?" I pleaded with them with my eyes. A name for the tiny one had already popped into my head.

"Do you think you could handle three Pokémon at once?" My parents asked me in all seriousness.

"Yes. I think I can." I told them equally serious. They smiled and nodded at me. I gently scooped up the newborn Eevee. "Well then, Dawnlace, looks like you get to stay with me too!" All three of my Eevees yipped in excitement, making sounds but not words.

Oh my, it is going to be rather loud around here for awhile. Flare sighed as he looked at the energetic little Eevees already playing around his feet. I giggled at how put upon he sounded as I translated what he said to my parents who also smiled.

Author's Notes: This is my first story published. It is going to be slow going. I have lent this OC to xXCelibiXx for a story. I wanted to write her origin story, so this is it. I have no clue where this is going but I hope it is not completely awful. Please review; I have no clue what I am doing.