Matthias- Denmark

Lukas- Norway

Berwald- Sweden

Matthias was never the superstitious type. He had walked under many ladders, seen dozens of black cats and broken countless mirrors; and he was still living. Faeries, trolls and goblins were just stories to him. Stories that your mor or far told you before you went to bed or when you were naughty. The Dane firmly believed that if you couldn't see it, it won't harm you.

But something happened one day that gave him second thoughts.

Crouching in the bushes, a signature smirk spread across his face, Matthias knew his so called 'wild goose chase' was at an end. Steady now, Matthias. He told himself. You've been tracking him for days. Don't let him get away from you. Stepping lightly in the snow, he moved behind a large boulder, watching a pure white stag step delicately between the trees.

There was a legend saying that if you hunted the white stag, he would show you your destiny and grant one wish, and you would go down in history. Remembered forever.. This was the only legend Matthias had ever believed, because his father was living proof.

"I was so close to it that I could feel his breath." Erik said, tucking Matthias' five year old body with warm blankets.

"What happened?" Matthias pouted, sorry for his father losing the chance to be remembered forever. "Didn't you do it?"

"I couldn't." Erik leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "I thought- why should I kill him for my own self gain? I walked away. That's when I met your mother." His face fell, remembering the fire that took out most of his land and livestock, as well as the love of his life.

The small, wild haired boy stood up on the pile of furs, shaking the blankets off of him. "I promise! I'll find the stag for you! I'll bring mama back and find my destiny!" He declared, while Erik applauded.

"Go to sleep. I'm tired." A small Swede muttered from under a mound of blankets.

Erik patted the lump. "I'm sorry, Berwald. We'll all go to bed now. Good night boys." He tucked Matthias in for the upteenth time, kissed both of the boys foreheads and left the room, blowing out the candle.

Running a hand down the side of his longbow, Matthias strung it, feeling the feather of the arrow tickle his cheek. Taking in a deep breath of the icy air and letting it out silently, aimed for it's heart. This is for you, Mor and Far. I'm going to live up to your expectations.
Just as he was about to let his arrow fly, a figure came out from the forest and approached the stag. At first Matthias thought he was another hunter, hoping to have a shot at the reward of killing it; but the stranger walked calmly up to the stag, saying something in an unknown language that sounded a little like Danish, but wasn't.

Deciding not to let this get in the way of his prize, Matthias let his arrow fly. The stag stepped back an inch and it missed him completely, burying itself in a tree. Matthias lowered his bow in disbelief. Not only was the figure smirking at him, but the stag seemed a little proud as well. He groaned quietly in disappointment, glaring up at the sky. When he looked back at the stag and the stranger, they were gone.

It's not time yet. Be patient, young warrior.

The Dane looked around wildly for the body of the speaker, but seeing no one. Blinking in confusion, he decided that he was suffering from the cold, and needed to rest. Matthias ducked under an alcove of rock and was surprised to learn it was a tunnel. Deciding that nothing else could possibly go wrong, he went inside of it, blinking when he emerged into the bright sunlight.

Stepping inside the secret glade cautiously, Matthias unstrapped his axe from his back, just in case. Looking around at the snow laden trees he eventually decided that there was nothing here to harm him. Re-strapping his axe, he looked down at the frozen-over pond.

Something under the ice glowed an icy blue, pulsing like a heartbeat, beckoning him. Matthias let curiosity take the best of him, stepping onto the ice and looking down at the unknown light. He reached a hand down to touch it, pressing his fingers against the ice.

The weight was too much, and the ice groaned as it cracked, Matthias falling into the water.

All of Matthias' breath was forced out of him, letting the liquid that felt like cold fire enter his lungs. He struggled, trying to reach the surface blindly. His hand hit the ice above, and he weakly hit against it, the water quickly sapping his strength and hope. He wondered if Berwald would ever know what happened to his brother Matthias, and if he would live forever wondering where he went.

Someone grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the water. Dimly, as if from a dream, Matthias felt a firm hand on his chest. All of the water from his lungs suddenly came up, and he rolled over, coughing up water and bile.

"Ro deg ned, alt er i orden." He heard a voice said. Slightly monotone, but worried. It wasn't the voice he had heard earlier..The mysterious rescuer turned him over, brushing the Dane's hair away from his face.

Matthias found himself staring at the strange man who was with the stag earlier. Same blank expression, same platinum blonde hair with a piece sticking out and curling slightly, same piercing indigo eyes that Matthias swore knew everything. It was slightly terrifying.

Putting one hand on the Dane's forehead and keeping the other above his heart, the figure closed his eyes. "Varm opp."

A sudden warmth spread throughout Matthias' body, drying his clothes and chasing away the chill that was threatening to destroy him. He sat up, staring up at the stranger in amazement. "How-"

"Shut up." The figure stood up. "Something's behind you."

Falling for it completely, Matthias spun around. Seeing nothing out of the usual, he turned back to the stranger.

There was nothing other than him and the wind.


A tall blonde man looked up as Matthias entered the house. "Where have you been?" Berwald asked, standing up and crossing his arms. "You said you were going to be back by midday. It's sunset."

"I got sidetracked, sorry." Matthias apologized, placing some fowl he had hunted earlier on the table. "You never guessed what happened today."

Sighing, the Swede rolled his eyes. "What is it now?"

"I was saved by an angel." Matthias nodded, proud. "I almost died."

"Good for you. Now who's going to cook this?" Berwald pointed to the geese.

Shrugging, Matthias sat down in front of the fire. "I don't know. I can't cook at all. Anyways first I almost killed the white stag. It was right in front of me. Then this strange person came out of nowhere and warned it. Then, later I fell under the ice and was going to drown, but the same person rescued me. When I was all healed he just vanished."

Berwald sighed and walked over to Matthias, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Matthias. You're twenty three years old now. You have to stop being so foolish. There's no such thing as white stags. You probably fell asleep somewhere and dreamed it all up. And plus you are perfectly dry."

Pushing his hand away angrily, Matthias stood up. "I know what I saw." He said stubbornly, but he knew his younger brother was speaking sense. He always did. Why was Berwald so much more damn mature than he was?

"You made it all up. Fader's death was too hard on you." Sighing, Berwald began plucking the goose.

"I know..." Matthias glared at the ground, then suddenly perked up, an idea having popped into his head. "Berwald, we should leave."

Berwald stopped from his work and looked up. "What?"

"Leave! Go find our own destinies! Far was always talking about things like that." Jumping up, Matthias began packing.

"But-" Berwald tried to put in his input, but Matthias wouldn't let him interfere.

"Destiny isn't a thing that someone has planned out, you have to make it yourself! We should set out tomorrow- go into the wilderness. Never look back. Maybe we can even-"

Berwald slammed his hand down on the table, making the optimistic Dane jump. "Matthias! Shut up!" He growled, then calmed down. "All I want in life is to settle down. With a loving family and a good home."

"Me too. But we're still handsome young men." Matthias put an arm around his little brother's shoulders. "We should live our lives, not waste it here. Besides- we might find the love of our lives when we're doing it. Consider the possibilities."

The Swede stared into the fire thoughtfully, arms crossed. A minute or two passed before Berwald sighed. "Fine. You win."

His face lighting up, Matthias hugged him. "Tak bor!" He squealed and ran out of the room happily as Berwald sighed and muttered something 'about that childish older brother of his.'

As he laid back and tried to go to sleep last night Matthias grinned. Now that he thought of it- the legend never said he had to kill the stag in the first place. Maybe it had shown him his destiny after all.

((Far/Fader- Father

Mor- Mother

Ro deg ned, alt er i orden- Calm down, Everything's okay

Varm opp- Warm up

Tak- thank you

Bror- Brother

(all from google translate- please correct me if I'm wrong!)

Me and my best friend evah Deru were continuing a Nordic!Viking! RP and I decided HECK. Lets make an epic fanfic out of this! (because swinging on the swings at the park and listening to Two Steps from Hell music gives me inspiration) So i spent last night planning everything out and hopefully i don't stop writing it like i did Pangaea Boarding School and loose interest.

And yes, the title is from a 'Two Steps From Hell' song. *had no inspiration, and it seemed to fit*

WAYYY to much talking. XD The first chapter is slightly uninteresting, but the plot will get going. I hope you guys enjoy it! Yes, its DenNor, with some one sided SuNor (i don't support/ship it, but we have to have some drama in there) and some SuFin waaaaayyy in the future.

Please rate and review and maybe even share? Stay beautiful everyone!))