Cheers broke outamongst all the Lost Boys, while the Jolly Roger's crew took their hats off in respect.
Captain Hook was dead. Dead on the very deck of his ship.
Peter stood, holding his sword that was stained with the former captain's blood.
"Three cheers for Peter!" One of the Lost Boys shouted. Peter smiled, allowing himself to fly above them as they all shouted, "Hip hip huzzah! Hip hip huzzah!"
The crew watched on with melancholy expressions, for they knew what was to happen next. They had seen it so many different times. The crew almost felt guilty in not warning the boy of what was to come, but then they thought perhaps this Peter was different. Smee chastised himself for ever believing that any of the Peters that wound up here would be any less vengeful than the last. It was a reoccurring cycle, a vengeful boy becomes a vengeful man, again and again, while the crew remained ageless and the Lost Boys would be saved by a Wendy and taken to grow up in a loving home.
Neverland was a tragic place indeed. Its wonderful environment hid deceitful creatures such as mermaids, and fairies that controlled just about everything that happened in it. There were men who only fought small boys who never had parents. It was a land full of insanity.
Peter laughed as he soared above the ship, as the sky turned dark with clouds. Tinkerbell appeared suddenly, glowing brightly. Spotting his favorite fairy, Peter flew back to the deck. He stood in the middle of the deck, next to Hook's body. To his right were the lost boys, and to his left were the pirates. The Lost Boys had quieted down, now looking to their leader as he spoke to the fairy.
"Tink! Are you here to congratulate me?" Asked Peter, placing his hands on his hips and sticking his chest out in pride.
The fairy flew to his face, studying the boy for a moment before she darted up, flying around Peter and leaving a trail of fairy dust behind her as she flew. Peter lifted a hand to touch the dust.
"Tink, what are you doing? I can already fly." He kept his joyful manner as he spoke, but was suddenly overwhelmed by a pain that flared throughout his boy. He cried out his pain, clutching his chest.
"Oi! Tink what are you doing to Peter?" Shouted one of the Lost Boys.
A couple of the boys unsheathed their weapons, causing more fairies to appear. Peter fell to his hands and knees, falling into the blood he had spilt from Hook. Tinkerbell quickly flew away, leaving the other fairies to handle the aftermath.
"Tinkerbell!" Peter cried out.
He stood up slowly, Hooks blood on him, and made to fly but was unable. The Jolly Roger's crew watched with dismay as Peter began to register what had happened to him.
"What is going on?! Why can't I fly?" He shouted at everyone enraged, feeling betrayed.
A male fairy flew to him, looking at him with pity.
"My dear boy, you have killed Hook. Did you not realize that with drawing blood from another human would result in your becoming a man?" Asked the fairy.
Peter looked as if he were to cry at this realization, but held back. "What do you mean? I thought this was what was supposed to happen! Hook needed to die!"
The fairy gave a melancholy smile. "Right you are boy. He needed to die so that you could take his place."
"No… No! I am not going to grow up! No one can make me!" Peter shouted, clenching his blood covered fists.
"Tinkerbell took your agelessness from you. You will grow up. Once you reach the age of 22 you will stop, until you too are slain by Peter," the fairy explained.
"I am Peter," Peter snapped.
"You are Hook," The fairy replied with a definite tone.
The Lost Boys looked on in terror as the conversation took place, unable to move, locked in by fear and sadness for their leader.
"I would suggest you boys to fly away to your hideout now. Peter will join you again soon." One of the sweeter fairies suggested. The boys looked torn at leaving their leader, but obeyed the fairy. They watched Peter as they flew away, a few of the younger boys openly weeping.
Peter began to cry, yelling out in anger, before sinking down to the deck once again holding his head in his hands. Smee slowly walked to Peter, twisting his hat in his hands.
"Peter- er, Cap'n… You won't loose you hand today, but I will warn you that you soon will. Whether it be by a crew member or that bleedin' crocodile, it will inevitably happen," Smee explained.
Peter gave an angry sob in reply.
"Cap'n, I'd suggest you take to the cabin and sleep."
Peter snapped his head up. "I will do as I please." His eyes held completely hatred for the world, shocking Smee into stepping backwards.
"Aye, cap'n…" Smee replied quietly, shuffling back to the rest of the crew.
One last fairy approached the former Hook's body and sprinkled dust over it, turning the body itself to dust. Peter watched in disgust, before getting up and slowly walking to what was now his cabin, Hook's blood still dotted his body.
"Let's sail to the other end of Neverland. Tomorrow we teach and prepare Hook for what is to come," Smee shouted, once Peter was in the cabin.
The crew shouted their agreements, and set off to sail the ship.
It would be a long 10 years with this new captain. The crew already feared what this Hook would do once he were taught the ways of man. He had already killed a man. What else would he do out of vengeance?
Smee would later swear that he had never seen such hatred in any Peter before.