Ahsoka stood outside on the planet Bothawui, waiting for Taran to arrive. Over the next two months, the four of them had split off by themselves to search the galaxy to find Ceran. So far none of them had much luck, though Anakin had come close to finding him, but the young acolyte had slipped from his fingers. Now they were to rendezvous here. Since Taran was the closest, only one sector away compared to Anakin's four and Obi-Wan's six, he was to arrive first. The Resolute was docked on the planet's dry docks, which would take off as soon as the everyone got here.

Ahsoka saw the outline of a forest-green colored Interceptor-class fighter fly out of the clouds towards the Resolute. She smiled, knowing who its occupant was. She hurried over to the Resolute, watching the fighter disappear into the ship's dorsal hangar. Thankfully she was only so far away from the ship. She climbed up the ship's ramp and into the ship itself, racing towards the hangar.

Inside the hangar, Taran stepped out of his fighter. He gazed for awhile at the green highlights around it, the Republic symbol on the left, and the Elementian emblem on the right, containing the symbol of the United Republic as well (This is for the Legend of Korra, which though rushed, was still a kick-ass show). His skin was slightly darker, a more brown complexion rather than light-brown due to his search on planets with high temperatures and exposure to the sun, and he was taller, now a full inch taller than her, though the addition of her montrals didn't make it seem like much. He wished he had found a single trace of Ceran, even a rumor or a hint, but he ended up chasing nothing for two months. R3 popped out of the droid socket on the side of the ship, coming next to Taran, whistling something.

"I know, chasing ghosts. At least on my planet you see them every now and again," Taran. He felt Ahsoka's presence behind him and turned around to see her. He smiled, glad to be back with her by his side. The two lovers hugged, glad to be back together again.

"Don't worry, we'll find him," she said to reassure him once they pulled apart, but still in each others arms

"I hope so. If he finds out what kind of power he has, then we're all in danger," said Taran.


Taran was still visibly shaken as they made their way back to the ship, running as they did.

"Taran, you haven't explained anything to us. Why is Ceran so important all of a sudden?" said Anakin.

"There's no time! The sooner we find him, the faster we can neutralize probably the worst threat imaginable," said Taran, still zoned out.

"But why? Does he have some kind of weapon?" said Obi-Wan as the three of them tried to keep up with Taran.

"Yes, well kind of," said Taran, still only giving them so much information as they got to the shipyard where the Resolute and two other ships of the Open Circle Fleet, the Intrepid and the Dauntless, awaited them.

"Taran, this makes no sense," said Anakin. "There's something you're not telling us."

"It doesn't matter," said Taran, still hurrying as fast as he could to the Resolute. "The sooner we leave the better." Suddenly, Taran felt himself being lifted up, he turned to see Ahsoka using the Force with one hand to levitate him up. Concern was etched all over her face.

"Taran, please, tell us why this is important," she said softly. At first Taran didn't say anything as he was brought back to the ground, but finally sadness gave way as he hung his head in shame.

"There's something about me you need to know," said Taran, "and you might not like it. You all know my name's more Corellian than Elementian?" The three of them nodded.

"One of my ancestors was a very unpleasant man, and because of him I'm bound by a great power, and a great curse. That's all I can say right now," said Taran. "We have to find Ceran now because if he finds a way to access this power, he'll be near unstoppable, maybe even worse than the power the ring gave."

Although they were unsure, Obi-Wan stepped forward.

"I'm not sure what this power is or where it came from, but if Ceran has it, he has to be stopped," said Obi-Wan.

(End flashback)

"There's something that I can't get my mind off of. Who is your ancestor?" said Ahsoka. Taran's face darkened.

"I can't tell you," said Taran.

"Taran, please? It can't be that bad," said Ahsoka. Taran let go, his head down.

"You have no idea what kind of person he was," said Taran as he began to walk away, leaving Ahsoka standing there confused and worried.

Anakin arrived next, his fighter landing beside Taran's. Ahsoka was there to greet him, but she looked slightly melancholy.

"Everything alright Ahsoka?" he said as he got out.

"I'm worried about Taran. He's more down on himself and he won't talk to me, or anyone else, about it," said Ahsoka.

"He's holding a big secret, and one that could probably ruin his life. I don't know what I'd be doing if it were me, probably the same thing," said Anakin. "Give him time, he'll open up."

"Okay, but maybe I should stay with him for awhile to make sure he'll be okay," said Ahsoka.

"Alright, but don't do anything I wouldn't approve of in there," said Anakin, his glare returning.

She chuckled a little. "Same old master."

"I'm serious."

Taran lay on his bed, gazing at the wall. Many thoughts were swimming around his head, but one was the most prominent.

"Why did it have to be me?"

As his mind focused on that thought, he felt anger begin to swell in him.

"Why did he have to be my ancestor?"

"Why do these things always happen to me?"

"Couldn't this have happened to someone else?"

"Ah, still pondering are we?" said a dark voice. Taran swiftly turned to see a dark, imposing shadow in the corner of the room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why can't you accept your fate? You're of my flesh and blood, and that's something no one can run away from."

"Shut up! I wish I could if it meant getting away from you!" Taran yelled at the shadow.

"Ah, but you can't. You can't run away from fate," it said before it disappeared.

"Just stay away from me!" yelled Taran as it retreated away.

"Stay away from what?" said Ahsoka.

"Ah!" said Taran, scared nearly out of his wits because he didn't know she was standing at the door.

"Oh, hi Soka," said Taran, still a bit shaky.

"Who were you talking to?" said Ahsoka.

"Oh, just...nobody," said Taran. Ahsoka gazed at him before she shut the door and locked it. She walked over and sat on the bed, still looking at him.

"Tell me what's bothering you," she said softly.

"Nothing, I'm fine," said Taran.

"Taran, I know you. You're not alright," said Ahsoka.

"You don't know me! You don't know how I feel, or how I can stand not knowing where Ceran, or how I never wanted to have a power that could..." he said, but stopped as he gazed at the wall where he last saw the shadow.

"I know you're not alright Taran," said Ahsoka, coming up and turning him to face her. "And I just want to help you get through it."

"But how can you?" said Taran, his voice so soft she could barely hear it. She took his hand and lead him to the bed, sitting him down and forcing him to lay back. She got on top of him and gazed down at him.

"I don't care who your ancestor was or what he did. What makes you different is that I know that you're capable of doing good things, no matter how dangerous. You remember this?" she said as she showed him her green crystal necklace.


"It's the best thing you've ever given me, and it meant the world to me when you did. I love it, just as I love the person who gave it to me when he didn't have to," said Ahsoka. Taran felt his emotions heighten after she said that. He remembered how he got her the necklace, being sent to death in an arena on Dathomir.

Grom, as if in a daze, paced around for a little. Then he roared and used his arms to climb on the wall into the stands. The Nightsisters screamed and ran in terror as Grom got on top of the stands, trying to grab them and kill them They all ran out of the arena, followed by Grom, who smashed the entrance to continue attacking them. Once he was out of sight Taran lowered his arms and fell to his knees, exhausted.

"That was really brave what you did Taran," said Anakin as he helped Taran to his feet.

"Thanks, that was the first time I used the mind trick," said Taran.

"Come on, let's get out of here," said Anakin.

"Wait, there's one thing I need to do," said Taran. He went to the center of the arena, shuffled some sand away, and picked up the green crystal he had seen.

"So, you found one," said Anakin.

"I can sense that this one is good enough. It has some kind of quality that I'm sure Ahsoka will like," said Taran...

Anakin went past, said happy birthday to her, and left to go on the bridge, leaving her and Taran alone.

"I got you something," said Taran.

"What is it?" said Ahsoka.

"Close your eyes," said Taran. She happily obliged. Taran came up to her, pulled the necklace out, and put it around her neck.

"Okay, open." She opened her eyes and saw the green crystal tied around her neck.

"Taran, it's beautiful," she told him.

"It has a special quality I'm not sure of, but when the time comes then you'll know," said Taran.

"I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend," she said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a kiss.

"Ahsoka, I do love you, more than words can describe, but I have to do this on my own. I can't tell you who it is until the time is right, and I'm telling you that even you will cringe a bit when you find out," Taran said sadly.

"But Taran-"

"Please, Master Yoda says I must do this alone," said Taran. Ahsoka nodded, though she wanted to disagree with him. She got off of him, holding his hands.

"Anakin's here if you were wondering," she said.

"That's good. Once Obi-Wan gets here we can go and find Ceran," said Taran. He sat up, Ahsoka still in his lap as he gazed at her eyes, which so captivated him.

"I'll tell you when the time is right," he said, kissing her softly. She returned it just as softly. Though she was still disappointed, she respected his decisions, and reminded herself that if this situation were switched she would have done the same thing.

"But how bad can it be?"

Obi-Wan landed his fighter in the hangar next to Anakin and Taran's. Stepping out of the cockpit, he looked around to see everyone in the hangar making checkups or loading supplies and material onto the ship. His journey came up just as empty as the others, and to be honest he wanted to know why it was so important to find Ceran in the first place. Sure Ceran was a threat, but there was something Taran wasn't telling anybody that might lead to a sinister truth.

"Good to see you back Obi-Wan," said Anakin as he came up to greet.

"Hell Anakin. Are we ready to leave?" said Obi-Wan.

"Almost, they're prepping the engines as we speak," said Anakin.

"Good, and I expect Taran and Ahsoka to be ready as well?" said Obi-Wan.

"Yes. They're ready," said Anakin.

"So where do we go?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I'm not sure. Hopefully Taran can provide some insight," said Anakin.

"Speaking of Taran, where is he?" said Obi-Wan.

"Ahsoka just went after him," said Anakin.

"And you're okay with them, alone?" said Obi-Wan. Anakin had told Obi-Wan about what had happened during their time on Korriban, leaving out his relationship with Padme.

"Aren't you?" said Anakin. Obi-Wan thought for a moment. He always trusted Taran, but he was still a bit iffy on this was against the Jedi Code to be in a relationship anyway, but he knew Taran had a rebellious trait in him, probably influenced by Anakin and his past lives.

"I trust them to do the right thing," said Obi-Wan.

"Same here. Now let's get up to the bridge, we have a lot of ground to cover," said Anakin.

"I was thinking the same thing," said Obi-Wan. The two Jedi walked their way up to the bridge, greeting fellow clone troopers and officers along the way. The two got up to the bridge where Admiral Wullfe was waiting for them, and to their surprise Taran and Ahsoka, but they were looking at a galactic map in the briefing room.

"Good to see you again General Skywalker and General Kenobi," said Wullfe.

"Admiral," said Obi-Wan and Anakin as a sign of greeting. Wullfe excused himself as he went over to the flight control crew as they prepped the ship. Obi-Wan and Anakin walked into the briefing map where Taran and Ahsoka were highlighting the planets and systems they had checked. Sensing their presence, Taran turned around and smiled as he beheld them after two months.

"Nice to see you back," said Taran.

"The feeling is mutual. Any leads?" said Obi-Wan.

"Not really. Every place I've been to has given me the same finding: nothing," said Taran.

"This is odd. Where can he be at?" said Anakin. "It's like he knows we're looking for him."

"I don't think so. Master Yoda and I are the only ones that know," said Taran. "But still, I doubt even Separatists get leave."

"So what do we do?" said Ahsoka.

"For now, we need to get back to the war. Ceran will have to wait for now," said Obi-Wan.

"Understood," said Taran, though he looked somewhat downcast.

"Admiral, any systems that are in need of our aid?" said Obi-Wan.

"None so far, although Master Plo requests reinforcements," said Wullfe.

"Where to?"

"It's a planet near the Umbaran system. We don't exactly have a name for it, but he is under attack," said Wullfe.


"Yes sir. A battle fleet," said Wullfe.

"Alright. Signal the other ships and prepare to go into hyperspace," said Obi-Wan.

"Yes sir."