This is my first Golden Sun-related fic. Please be totally honest, and forgive the occasional mistakes, if any. English is not my first tongue.

By the way, in case it is not obvious enough... I DO NOT OWN GOLDEN SUN, NOR ANY OF ITS SEQUELS. It is all property of Camelot and Nintendo.

Golden Days and Silver Nights.

Golden Sun. Golden Sun: Lost Age. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.

Camelot, Nintendo.

The day after all was over...



Ever since that had happened, days had been particularly shiny, and nights were always accompanied of a bright, full moon. No exceptions. At least, not so far. No matter what weather was raging, or the amount of clouds in the sky, or if one actually tried to hide both celestial bodies with smoke or one's own hands... The light always found its way through.

It was a little bit too dangerous to go out alone, these days. The occasional monsters that had received their said monstrosity due to Mt. Aleph's eruption were now just as strong as those enemies that Felix, Jenna, Isaac and Garet almost had died fighting. All because of the exposure to the Golden Sun's rays.

But if the monsters had become stronger, the Adepts had, as well. Being in touch with the Golden Sun not only brought Felix and Jenna's parents and Isaac's father back, but also granted them (along with Ivan, Kraden, Mia, Garet, Piers and Sheba) what felt like "eternal youth", and considerable more power. For some reason, Isaac seemed to be the one whose vitality and Psyenergy had received the most improvement. Anyhow, and to some extent, all the people involved with the lighting of Mars Lighthouse had been transformed. Renewed. Perhaps not into Gods, but maybe Demigods...?

Still, it has only been a day since they made it to Vale. And only four days since the Golden Sun was created. The Wise One had yet to make an appearance. There were still so many things they did not know...


"You know, I'm pretty sure he can wait. It's not like we're really in a hurry or anything, and you said yourself that you loved our town..." Felix folded his arms and frowned at his blue haired friend, who was already set to leave.

A sunny day (yet another one) made Vale look like it was not destroyed at all. Even then, the lack of buildings, cottages and the Inn was more than evident, and instead, the townsfolk had settled with tents, at least until they could finish re-constructing everything. That being said, Vale could easily be mistaken by a shiny, more crowded Shaman Village.

"I understand how you feel, Felix..." Piers smiled. "... But, as much as you were worried about Vale not surviving the rise of the Golden Sun, I am worried about my town myself. And that probably goes for Sheba and Isaac's friends, too."

"Vale was obliterated because of its proximity to Mt. Aleph. I don't recall Lemuria having huge, dangerous volcanoes next to it, to be honest with you. Same goes for their hometowns."

"True. Maybe I can't speak for Kalay, Lalivero and Imil... But I can say, when speaking for Lemuria, that circumstances were already tense and violent with only Venus and Mercury Lighthouses lit. Now that Jupiter and Mars joined the fray, I'm afraid of what may have become of King Hydros... Conservato is a strong Adept. And he's got issues of his own." He seemed to be quite affected while saying it. "... I don't want to imagine anything weird... But anything is possible. Especially now."

"Yeah, that much I can agree with." Felix sighed with concern. He then gazed left, right and centre, as if making sure he is not seen nor heard by anyone. Vale's people were all amazed by the "handsome Lemurian warrior", and the fact that he had decided to leave so early could only bring awkward situations for Piers and Felix. The latter shrugged and nodded.

"I guess it can't be helped. As long as your mind is made up, then I'll play along. Are you sure you don't want us to tag along, though?"

"I'm sure. I can take care of myself, you know..."

"What I was trying to say is..."

"I know, Felix." Piers gave the Venus Adept his hand, smiling friendly and honestly. "I'm also going to miss you. All of you. But don't worry too much, it's not like any of us is dying just yet, least of all me, right?"

Felix shook Piers' hand, and gave him a manly hug. It lasted for a few seconds, but both men knew inside their hearts that the hug itself felt like it lasted way longer... And felt warmer.

"Right." Felix said, smiling back. "Listen, uh... Thanks so much for everything... I really appreciate your efforts, and uh... You know... Uh..."

"Compliments are definitely not your strength, are they?"

"God, they're not."

They laughed out loud. Moments later, Piers was off, waving Felix good-bye as he walked towards Vault with his back turned against Vale's entrance. Felix waved back for as long as his hand let him, his smile not fading an inch.


"AS IF I'D TELL THE LIKES OF YOU!" Piers shouted back, though Felix knew for sure that he was also chuckling. Several minutes later, Piers had vanished through the trees further away. Silence.

Then, the silence was suddenly interrupted by an exaggerated sniff.

"So... So beautiful!" A female voice –and a very familiar one, at that- said behind the dark brown haired man. Felix turned on his feet, and found his memory wasn't deceiving him. Jenna was either really outstanding an actress to actually shed real tears, or a skilled liar to fake them up. There was little difference between the two, though.

"A love story between two men, they don't know when they will be able to see each other again... So romantic!" Jenna sobbed, hidden behind some bushes.

"I have no idea what are you talking about." Felix said, while folding his arms again.

"Oh!, such a cruel world this is!..." Another female voice said, just beside Jenna. "Too proud to kiss each other good-bye, but dying to do so as one of them marches most likely to war...!"

"Oh, God. You too, Sheba? Seriously?" Felix raised his eyebrows, not enjoying the jest.

"Don't worry, Felix." Said a man in the middle of the girls, whose red hair shone so brightly it resembled fire itself. "I'm sure you'll be able to kiss him next time."

"Typical..." Felix grunted, his three friends laughing hardly, almost rolling on the floor. "Just typical."

Just then, a flash from the past came to Felix's mind. Tasting the sweet revenge inwardly, Felix smirked mysteriously and turned his back to them as he left to his family's tent.

"Ah, it is a cruel world, indeed! And here I thought I was doing my dear little sister a favour with not leaving Mia alone with Isaac ever. But who knows, maybe next time I really won't need to interrupt them again...

"What was that?!" Garet and Jenna snapped together. They looked at each other while Sheba whistled mockingly and raised her thumb at Felix, quietly letting him read her lips as she said 'nice one!'. Jenna shook her head as if trying to wipe her own thoughts, for some reason, and faced Felix as Garet apparently did the same.

"Felix, what did you mean by that?!"

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you go for a weak spot." Sheba said, grinning behind Garet. He was looking paler than usual when he was nervous.

"Me? Nothing. I just thought it possible that Mia would... You know... It has been almost two years since she met Isaac and left with him... Anything could happen, right?"

"Since... Since that long?! But Mia... Mia and I usually...!" Garet became even paler. Felix then faced them and showed them his tongue, in mockery.

" I knew it! You guys looooooove Isaac and Mia!" He laughed, Sheba too. "It's cool, no worries. I'll tell them! That's how good a brother and friend I am! Bye!"

"Felix, don't you dare!" Jenna said, walking closer to him as he walked further away.

"You know what they say about red-heads in a wedding? That they look GREAT on Bridesmaid outfit! I wonder if Mia would agree with making you hers...?"

"Felix, you...!"

That being said, Jenna and Garet dashed towards Felix, who laughed out loud as he ran away from them both. Sheba finally lost it and rolled in the floor while laughing.

Felix could not remember the last time he had been so happy and at peace... And if that had happened before, he was sure it could not be compared to the happiness and peace in his heart right now and there. Whether or not humans would destroy the world abusing Alchemy, he did not really know... Or care. If that time had to come, then he was prepared to fight.

But right now, he had to make sure he ran away from his sister.


Chapter One: After The Storm Was Over...


So Piers left. And so did Mia, a day later. And the day after that, Ivan as well. Only Sheba remained, though she did not show any intention to leave, and neither Felix, nor Jenna, nor anybody else would bring the subject to discussion. It was a complicated matter altogether, as while Isaac and Garet were known in Lalivero for vowing to protect Sheba from any harm and bring her back safe and sound, Felix and possibly even Jenna and Kraden were "the kidnappers" for the people of Sheba's hometown.

"I don't really think so, though..." Isaac said, while he and Felix talked about it one night, at the latter's tent. "... See, when the fight with those two was over and we got out of the Lighthouse, we had a long enough chat with Faran and Iodem, from Tolbi. We did mention that you actually jumped from the aerie just to save Sheba from falling... This, by the way, wasn't anything like you at all. What were you thinking...?"

"Yeah, well, never mind that now..." Felix waved his hand as if trying to physically wipe the last comment out the picture. He felt a little hot on his cheeks, and Isaac's ninja-speed, suspicious gaze made it all even more embarrassing. "... The point is, even if Faran happened to know about Kraden, Jenna and me, Lalivero's townsfolk and Tolbi's soldiers aren't quite acquainted with us and our circumstances, now were they?"

"But that's it, though, isn't it? The only way to know for sure is actually going there ourselves, right?"

"Yeah, but she's still not saying anything to me." Felix frowned. "Ironically, the Mind Reader doesn't like it much when someone else tries to read her own mind."

"Welcome to the club. Ivan might be even worse." Isaac shook his head in frustration. "Always so damn mysterious. But you know, I do wonder...

Isaac remained silent for a while, the fire outside the tent cracking and warming the environment while providing some primitive light.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure how to put it... But sometimes I feel like they're the same person..."

"Ivan and Sheba?"

"Yeah. And also, you know, there's the Anemos thing. Lalivero's townsfolk often mentioned how Sheba had fallen from the sky... Where Anemos is supposed to be."

Felix meditated on this for a second.

"Remember when I told you about Garoh?"

"The Werewolves Village? What about it?"

"It's been bothering me, lately. In between my conversations with Kraden before you guys and us met at Jupiter Lighthouse... We were kinda thinking... If Anemos vanished to the sky and became the Moon... And Garoh's people transform into wolves while looking at that Moon...Wouldn't then the connection be logical?"

"But what would those people's transformations have to do anything with Anemos? Even if Anemos happened to be the Moon they're looking at?"

"Isn't Anemos a tribe of Wind Adepts? Like the Mercury Clan at Imil and so on?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Garoh's people can use Whirlwind. And some, Reveal."

"No way... Really?" Isaac's eyes widened. "Can't it be a coincidence?"

"Way too 'coincidental' to be considered a coincidence. There has to be more to it than what we are talking about."

"Should we ask Kraden?"

"That would be a good idea, though I was more like thinking about somebody else."


"Master Hamma." The Venus Adepts looked at each other for a moment, and then at the starred sky. Both smiling.

"We've changed, haven't we?" Isaac grinned."Before, it was all about who would hold Jenna's hand while walking, or about who would be able to use Move first. But now..."

"Now, it's all about Golden Sun, Lighthouses, Ancient Civilizations and Alchemy." Felix nodded.

"I feel so old..."

"Heh! I wonder how Kraden must be feeling, then..."

Both of them laughed.

"By the way, I didn't hear anything about why you jumped so recklessly from the aerie, back then..."

Nice try, Isaac... Felix thought, smiling inwardly. "That's probably because I never said anything."


"I don't get it... Nobody is pushing you to leave, so why are you so gloomy?" Jenna said, while they walked to the very same river in which Jenna thought she had lost her whole family, some years ago.

At long last, after going through deserts, frozen poles, mountains made of Magma and Lighthouses practically inhabited by blood-thirsty monsters, Sheba and Jenna could finally take their shoes out and put their bare feet into crystal water. The feeling was great. Such a childish thing to do, such a meaningless thing to wish, but once gone from one's routine, it can be missed so very much.

"I'm not gloomy, Jenna" Sheba replied for God-knows what time. "Seriously, you Fire Adepts never give it up, do you?"

"You bet we don't!" Jenna frowned. "But this time, forget about Psyenergy, and Alchemy and Adepts for a sec... This right now, is called female intuition. And a very tough one at that. You're hiding something, aren't you? Something about Lalivero?"

"No, I am not. Geez...!"

"Don't 'geez'-me, shorty!"

"Excuse me? Have you measured your own height lately? Ivan is taller than both of us, and he is little for someone his age!"

"Don't change the subject!" Jenna folded her arms. "I get it if you don't want to say anything to Kraden, Piers or Felix, but at least tell me!"

Sheba merely looked down, falling silent all of the sudden.

"I knew it. You ARE hiding something!"

"For the love of...! You're so daaaamn stubborn!"

"What is it with you Wind Adepts? You enjoy gazing at everybody else's minds, but don't like it the other way around?"

"Perhaps we don't want them to gaze at something painful?"

"What do you mean?" Jenna recoiled. Had she finally gotten to the root of Sheba's (and perhaps Ivan's) motives for secrecy?

"N-nothing." She immediately gazed at the water.

"Oh, hell no! You're telling me! C'mon, tell me! What did you mean by 'something painful'?"

"Sheesh, Jenna, please, be quiet! You don't have to shout...!"

"I'll shout as many times as possible if that means I can get you to talk, Sheba! In fact, I'll shout it to the whole world, if you don't mind!

"What are you talking about...?"

But Jenna had already gotten to her feet, and had a quite threatening look in her face, which obviously meant she was up to no good.

"Oi, Felix!" She called out loud. Sheba turned her neck so fast that she hurt herself. Felix was here the whole time?!... And indeed he was. All the way to the other side of the river, nearby the shore. He was playing some chess with Isaac, Garet watching them closely. As soon as Jenna called him, all of them –as if it was necessary for male friends to answer the call of one of them together- looked at Jenna, who made an evil grin.

"Jenna, what the hell are you...?"

"Yeah, what is it?!" Felix shouted from where he was.

"Sheba wants you to know that she lov-..."

"Shut up!"

Sheba jumped and pushed Jenna inside the river. Unfortunately for her, however, Jenna was fast enough to pull Sheba herself as well, which ended up with both girls submerged in the moving water. As it was a calm, children-friendly river, nobody around the place seemed to worry. They all did, nonetheless, look quite interested in the turmoil. Some villagers chuckled, the three young men shrugged and kept playing, and Jenna's mother, who happened to pass by to bring them some snacks, shook her head in both disagreement and amusement.

"My, always so noisy. Not even after such a quest must your sister be calm, right Felix?"

"Right... Wait, is that turkey?"

"I know it's you favourite, but don't be rash. There's plenty for everybody. Garet, Isaac, dears, take some too!"

"Thanks, Ma'am!" Both of the mentioned said. Felix's mother leaned to Isaac's ear and whispered.

"I hope you can deal with her, sweetie. Good luck!"

Isaac turned at her, blushing and almost choking his bite of turkey, but she was already grinning and leaving to the tent.

The two girls rose from the water and sat at the shore again, squeezing their jackets dry. Sheba had a grumpy, yet reddish expression on her face.

"What was it you were saying, Sheba?!" Felix asked, while trying to steal a turkey drumstick from a distracted Garet.

"Nothing!" She replied instantly, almost automatically, blushing for no apparent reason. "I, uh... I just said that I'd love to take a bath, that's all! You guys keep at it! You know, chess makes people smart and stuff! Maybe you should let Garet play a bit more!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Garet asked back, while Felix and Isaac almost shot their food from their mouths due to laughter. Isaac recovered first.

"She means that we're trying too hard to catch up with you, you know, because you're so smart and all..."

"Well, that goes without saying, doesn't it?" Garet said, his chest inflating. "That Sheba is a sweetheart..."

"Jenna, you dumbass! Don't ever do that again, I'll kill you!"

"If you kill me, Felix won't love you anymore, will he, sweetie?" Jenna blinked at her.

"Shut up."

"Try and make me." Jenna replied, defiantly. "Now, please start telling me everything you're hiding, or I'll tell him the little you haven't hidden from me!" Sheba merely leered at her, as if wishing her the most painful death.

"You're one despicable, evil, dangerous woman, you know that?"

"And you love me even more, while knowing so."

"The hell I do." Sheba sighed, knowing Jenna had it way too right for her to admit it. "Well, whatever. What do you want to know?"

"You know what it is I want to know." Jenna suddenly became serious. "Every time we mention Piers, Ivan or Mia, you stop talking so much, you look like you'd like to teleport somewhere else. Why? What is it?"

"I..." Sheba looked down. "...I just feel a bit jealous."


"Because they have a place they call home to return to. A family. Or at least, they have people who they consider family... And those people feel the same. Piers has his Uncle... Ivan has Lord Hammet and Layana... And Mia has the people of Imil."

"You have Faran. And the people of Lalivero. Isn't that quite the same?"

"I don't have them. They have me." Sheba gazed at the sky, now turning golden and purple, marking the beginning of twilight. "They cherish me because they think of me as some sort of goddess. The second I set foot on Lalivero, I tell you, they will put me in a cage and never let me out of it... They'll come to me whenever they want answers about the future, or whenever they are hit by issues they can't solve with a human's normal strength."

The wind blew as a soft, caressing breeze. Jenna felt her relationship with Sheba grew deeper by each word she spoke.

"They use my falling from the sky as an excuse to call me their goddess. To think that I'm divine and all-mighty. I was only able to barely conjure a mere whirlwind and I already was considered an entity worthy of giving their lives for. What will they think, I wonder, if they saw me capable of making thunder strike the ground, or tempests surround the village? They'll use that power for war. They don't realize it yet. But they will. I know it."

"But what about Faran? Does he really not see how you feel?"

"He does, and he does not." Sheba shook her head. "Naturally, he's torn between being a father and being the leader of those people. And then again, I was never his daughter to begin with... His, is a mind I was always too afraid to read."

"Why don't you try telling them why you fell from the sky in the first place?"

"I don't know why I fell from the sky. I was a baby. For all I know, I could have come from the water, or from a Volcano, or from the Core of the Earth... But my powers... The fact that I'm a Wind Adept seems to fit with their stories... So up until now, I too believe I fell from the sky. But, Jenna, if I could stop being able to 'see' the future for a second, and I was able to take a quick look to the true past... MY past... I sure as hell would try to know why did I fall from the sky, and where from in the sky, specifically."

"Is that the reason why you feel like you don't have anywhere to go...?" Jenna's eyes, though sad because of Sheba's pain, were full of understanding. Sheba, of all things, thanked her for that... Pity would never let her feel like she could do something about it.


"I would love it if you stayed." Jenna said. "You know, after all we've been through... I don't know... It would be really hard for me not to be with you anymore."

"What do you mean? But, your family..."

"I love them. Don't get me wrong. I love them to the core of my heart." Jenna smiled nostalgically. "But I've never had a sister. I was the little one, the feeble one. The cry-baby. Mom and Dad still have it hard to picture me fighting alongside Felix and Isaac... I was always the one who needed protection." She hugged Sheba and pulled her closer to her. "But then, they were gone... And I felt as empty as you feel right now. And though Felix came back, well, you know the circumstances... And, because of the fact that he had to take responsibility for our family and then the whole world, Felix is a guy who will hardly ever show his true emotions."

Sheba smirked, albeit tearfully.

"Is that so...?"

"Yeah. Believe it or not, between Saturos, Menardi, Alex, Kraden and Felix, the environment was always about to turn into a fight... And I was always in the middle of it. But I'm thankful... So thankful that I got to be with you. I felt like I was no longer alone, and that there was someone I could actually speak to. I finally felt how it was to have a sister... And I think... That's one of the reasons Felix is so fond of you. He knows you did what he couldn't, because he had to focus on his duty. You prevented me from eventually hating him for being so distant... So cold."

"Funny. I don't feel like I ever did any of those things." Sheba said, smiling.

"And I never thought those were the things I would feel about you. It was my heart talking." Jenna held Sheba's hand. "We love you, Sheba. And if you want to stay, we would very much accept you here in Vale."

Sheba gripped Jenna's hand softly.

"Thanks, Jenna. I... Love you guys, too."


Felix knew he was dreaming.

And he knew, because after seeing the vastness of the world, he could hardly remember being on such an incredible, huge and breathtaking place. A place way too large to be called a country. Even the noun 'Kingdom' did not feel quite right. But for the time being, he would have to settle with it. For a second, he thought he might have been in Lemuria. The one from the old times. He would not be surprised to find out as much... Kraden's and Piers' description of the old Lemuria –along with the one coming from other Lemurians themselves- make it sound like the said land was not only just as grand as the one Felix was visiting on his dream, but also just as advanced.

Even without seeing any people living in such a place, Felix was completely taken aback with the way the buildings, houses, and even the simplest constructions on that place easily rendered Vale's previous straw-roofed houses completely tasteless. Was it steel? Stone? Wood? He could not begin to imagine the material in which these buildings, and even the roads and foundations of the 'Kingdom' itself were constructed. Whatever it was, it was shiny. Bright. As beautiful as a jewel, maybe a Diamond.

Felix wandered about for what felt like half an hour, to two hours. But then again, it was a dream… Time notion could be completely useless over there. On top of that, if that 'Kingdom' was anything like Lemuria at all, time itself would seem to either stop or pass with incredibly slow speed.

He saw no living soul. Where is everybody? He kept thinking. What kind of people would live in such a wonderful looking place? Nobles…? No. He shook his head. I doubt all the money in the world would be enough to achieve this...

And then, as if it had been the sole purpose of the dream itself, or perhaps as if his own consciousness had understood his need for answers, there was a thick, vertical column of bright light in front of him. It made the same delicate sound as a feather caressing the surface of a mirror calm pond of water, yet it gave the impression to be so strong that entire worlds could be shaken and torn apart with it. This feeling... Felix grabbed his chest, feeling his whole heart accelerate its pulse with the mere feeling of such power. His Adept senses, however, seemed to recognize that source of light. It was just the same some time ago, when he showed himself to Jenna after three years. At Sol Sanctum… And also when he was about to cast the Mars Star in the respective Lighthouse's beacon.

Is it really you…? Wise One?

"As you can probably imagine…" Said a deep, unmistakeable voice. "… I'm not fond of normal, expected visits."

Sure enough, the column of light had eventually faded away and been replaced with the shape of an enormous, orb-like stone with a rocky, intimidating eye on the middle of it. Its gaze was piercing Felix's soul through so easily, he could hardly understand how in the world had Saturos, Menardi, Alex and him managed to escape the Elemental Stars Room unharmed. He seemed so godly…

"The Wise One…" Felix gulped for a moment, swallowing his own nervousness in the process, or at least trying to. "Are you trying to punish me, for bringing Alchemy to the world?"

"No." The Wise one blinked slowly. "We are in a dream, Felix. Your dream, to be precise. Dreams are people's own worlds, universes, realities… Whatever happens in here, happens because you so want it. Albeit unconsciously."

"For someone who's supposedly powerless in somebody else's dream, you certainly strike me as a God, very much like in reality." Felix said. "But let's say I play along, and say that I'm in my own dream… Why have I dreamed of this place just now? And why are we in here, despite the fact that I don't even know where this is?"

"Perhaps you did not know at first… But you yourself could manage a guess." The Wise One's rocky body hovered over the ground and towards the road behind Felix. "Follow me, young one. We have much to discuss."