A drabble that decided to pop up in my head. I have no idea how this came along, but I somehow went from Bleach to Naruto. Oh well.

Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue. If I own Naruto, so do you! In idiot speak, I don't own anything that can make me rich, for I am just a poor little fujoshi!

*NOTICE* This story is written in a manner that a lot of people are unaccustomed to reading. The Italics are the thoughts of whomever is written directly prior to the italics. For example:

The man shivered. It's freezing today!

It means the man, who shivered, thought that it was freezing.

"W-w-who are y-you?"

A feral, dark grin.

"Me? Why, I'm nothing. Nothing…at…all."

Screams. A loud, insane laugh. No, a cackle.

"Pl-ple-please! Let m-me live! Mercy!"

Another cackle.

"Mercy? What's that? Why should I spare you? You threatened my precious ones. You hurt them. You deserve this!"

Desperation. The sound of feet hitting the earth, loud and painful. He is catching up. The Monster.

That's wrong, Iwa-nin-san. I'm not a monster. I'm a Demon."

Fear. Panic. Gasping breaths.

"Naruto! Stop!"

The chase halts. The Demon pauses. A shuddering sigh of relief.

"Please! Stop it! The team's fine! I'm fine!

He turns around, and a bright grin lights up, so out of place on blood splattered skin. The speaker shudders. This is not Naruto. It can't be.

"'Kashi-sensei? だいじょうぶですか(Daijoubudesuka)[1]?"

Another round of shivers. What has he done?

"H-hai. N-naruto. I'm fine. Stop it. Come back. Let… let the man live."

The grin widens. The man on the ground whimpers. Don't kill me.

"Hai—! 'Kashi-sensei, いくぞう(ikuzou)[2]!"

A shaky grin from the one-eyed jounin.

"A-ah…. L-let's go, Naruto. Home."


Innocence sparkles in clear blue eyes. Kakashi flinches. That… that naïve look shouldn't be there.

A shaky sigh. A silver head turning away from the whimpering, shivering lump that was once an Iwa jounin. Coal black eyes close wearily. Kakashi walks away from the carcasses of numerous Iwa-nin, only one of them alive, even just barely. Naruto lingered on the blood soaked land.

A dark, dark grin.

I'll follow you forever, and ever, and ever 'Kashi-chan. And anyone, anyone, that tries to touch you, take you away, will die. I will make sure of it.

Kakashi never saw the flash of possessive red in the Demon's eyes.

[1]: Are you all right?

[2]: Let's go!

AN: Er…. I really don't know what came over me when I wrote this. Really. It kind of spawned itself in the middle of class, and wouldn't leave me alone. This drabble is obviously Kaka/Naru, if you haven't already guessed. SATs are coming up. I'm taking them early, so I'm freaking out in my head.