Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim to own this franchise or nay of its characters.

Grotesque Boys, Rotten Romance

I smile and the orderly.

"Are you sure these will make me better?" I ask.

"Of course the will the Dr. has never been wrong before."

"Al-alright. I just don't want to hurt anybody ever again."

"You seem so nice. How could you have done those murders?"

"I was blinded for my love for Jack and I couldn't cope. He was sleeping around."

"What about the quiet silver-haired man that says he loves you?"

"He was my ex and he came back from Sweden to see me and I had moved on. He couldn't deal with it."

"That is the saddest tale I have ever heard. I need a tissue."

They are honestly having these morons watch me? They obviously don't think I am something to be feared. Their loss. I call on Thor's might and the restraints shatter. I smile and break off a piece of the bed. When the orderly comes back I stab her. I grin and twist it in so deep in comes out the other side. I grab the keys in her pocket and open the door and walk out. I walk over to Harald's solitary cell and unlock it letting him out.

"Come on we have a pretty little boy with a head full of golden spikes to kill." I tell him.

We walk past a cage with a red-head with green eyes screaming Aki you can't be dead. I open his too for the sake of it. I go and open every interesting looking member and then I take Harald outside. I place him the passenger's side of the car and sit down beside him. I hot wire the vehicle. We drive over to Jack's place. Harald is laughing and occasionally looks at me. In a moment of clarity he asks,

"Did you ever love me?"


He lets his hair fall over his face and ignores every other word I say. I get out of the car and run up to Jack's apartment I kick open the door and grab him before he can even scream.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks.

"Because if I can't have you no one can." I reply.

Harald turns on the stove and lights rags soaked in oil on fire.

"I'll drown in the flames every trace of your name." I whisper into Jacks ear.

Harald laughs.

"I will burn in this fire, every part of your desire Dragan!" He smirks.

I brush the hair out of his face and sit him down. I turn back to Jack.

"I love you more then you'll ever know. Why did you need, want those girls? I am so much better. I killede them all! Every slut that spread their legs just for you! Why do you still hate me?" I ask.

"I love you more than you'll ever know. You still don't need him. I am so better for you, a better partner in crime. I changed myself for you, went insane for you! And in this moment of sanity I demand that you lie to me and say you love me! Please, just three little words. Please." Harald begs.

"Fine. I loathe you. You are a sniveling, catty little pile of whiteness and daddy issues. I never loved you, don't love you and will never love you so shut the fuck up and don't you dare even look at me without permission, dog." I snarl at him.

Jack tried to crawl away while I was occupied with Harald. I stand on his back crushing it in a bit. Harald rocks in the corner.

"You can use and abuse, do anything, I won't refuse." He mutters laying his head against the wall.

I feel the strings of my heart pull and shake and drag Jack over to Harald. I push the hair in his face behind his ears and tears stream into my hands.

"I love you." I lie.

And he smiles sadly.

"No you don't." He says falling back into place.

I push Jack up against the flames and let them eat his skin away. I sit with Harald and brush his hair as the place goes up in smoke and fire. The fire burns all traces of my desire, I am left with an empty feeling.

"Is this loneliness?" I ask out loud.

"No, it's sanity. You have just realized what you've done. Horrible isn't it?" Harald laughs. "You should have just asked him out like a normal person would rather than leading me on and going on a homicidal rampage causing me to go insane and kill Aki Iyazoi and try to behead you and Jack."

"You were going to behead me?"

"Yes I wanted to keep it preserved and with me forever."

"I didn't want Jack to run off with one of those girls."

"I didn't want you to run off with Jack."

"Then I guess we'll go to hell together."

"Don't be stupid, I don't believe in hell. Now hel I do but not hell."

Brave walks in and smiles at us. he sits down beside us and leans his head against my body.

"It's cold in here." He says after a while.

"I know." Harald replies.

"Harald said it was sanity kicking in." I mention.

"I think it's really just regret." Brave says.

We think about it and Harald turns to Brave.

"You're right, it's regret. I regret ever letting you go." Harald says.

"I regret leaving for Brazil and being such an easy catch." Brave says.

"I regret the entire homicidal rampage, the rape of Jack, taking advantage of you Harald and admitting to murdering several women in front of a cop." I say.

Harald laughs and so does Brave. Brave looks at us with sorrow in his eyes.

"I am only doing this out of mercy." He mentions.

"What?" Harald asks.


Brave pulls out a gun and blows a whole straight through Harald's head and Harald dies with a grin on his face. He turns to me.

"I am sorry."

"It's okay."

I let him shoot me. I wonder if Harald is right and there is nothing there o if something horrible awaits us and the edge of death. I wonder if I will fall into hell or merely stop this meaningless exists. One thing I know for certain is that everyone is waiting for me. Harald, Jack, Carly, Aki, Stephanie, Mikage and Brave. Waiting for my arrival in where ever the edge of death is. I am finally rid of this obsession, this rotten romance.

This is the end of Grotesque Season, Rotten Romances. Next up is a dating sim. After that we'll check out my profile and sent me a PM correctly guessing five out of ten bonus characters/dates and you get to choose the next theme.