I was beginning to feel nauseous as we bumped over rocks and trees, forging a road into the forest.

"do you think we can stop now?" I asked paul. we must have gone five miles by now.

"you aren't enjoying our safari, Georgie?" John said looking at me with a grin. I ignored him waiting for Paul to answer.

"sure," Paul said. "I think we've gone far enough." he pulled the car to a stop and cut the engine. suddenly I realized how dark it had gotten. I looked out the window barely able to make out the trees around us. I shivered trying not to think of what was out there, when I heard a muffled voice. I turned back to John.

"oy!" he said jumping and started digging in his pocket.

"it took you long enough!" Ringo shouted when John finally pulled the hole out.

"well no need to thank us for saving your life." John said crossing his arms. Ringo looked at me, gratitude in his eyes.

"we have more pressing matters at hand right now." Paul said.

"like getting him out of that hole before maniac wizard man finds us!" I said.

"yeah boy, the mad git was very interested in you." John pointed out.

"well, we don't even know that he made it out." Paul said.

"who cares Paul! he's after the hole and whoever is in it apparently!" I said with a look at rings.

"not to mention he attacked george!" John shouted.

"I'm just saying." Paul said with a wave of his hands.

"anyway." Ringo said drawing the attention back to his situation. "do we know how to get me out yet?"

"unm well..." I hadn't the slightest idea. "is there anything in there that might get you out?" I asked hoping there was something.

"no just more holes." he said looking around.

"hey I have an idea!" John said. I watched as he started untying one of his shoelaces. I looked at Paul sharing a look of confusion.

"what are you doing Johnny?" Paul asked still confused.

"just watch." John instructed. "George hold the hole."

I picked it up and held it out. "no not like that! horizontally!" John said.

"oh." I said quickly changing it. when John had gotten his shoelace off he started lowering into the hole like a rope.

"you can do that?!" Paul asked. "put stuff in there?" his eyes were wide.

John nodded. "ok Ringo grab on to it and we'll pull you out."

"aye Johnny!" Ringo shouted out. John carefully started pulling it out. I had to steady my hands as he pulled out a minute Ringo

clutching on to the shoelace.

"he's still little." Paul pointed out.

"umm well at least your out." I said trying to cheer him up.

"yeah. thanks John." Ringo said. "do we still have that food we got earlier?"

"you're no bigger than one of your drumsticks, and all you can think of is food?" John asked shaking his finger then he turned and looked at me. "Go get the food Georgie, I'm hungry too." john instructed.

"well you're one to talk." Paul chided with a chuckle.

"just get it out o' the back. Please?" john batted his eyes. Paul laughed, and opened his door.

"come on George." he said as he climbed out. "just don't eat Ringo while we're gone." I joked.

"yum, I think a little beatle would be very appetizing." John said with a cackle. I shook my head and climbed out of the car. Paul had opened the hatch and was digging through the bags.

"I had almost forgotten about the groceries." paul said. I leaned against the car and lit a cigarette.

"can you hand me your lighter? i can't see a thing." paul asked. I handed it over to him. it was still very dark. I tried to look up through the canopy at the moon, but the trees were so thick i couldn't see a thing. i was broken from my thoughts as i heard a twig snap.

I elbowed Paul in the side. "Paul was that you?"

"was what me?" He asked his arms full of snacks.

"nothing." i look around, scanning the undergrowth. I didn't see anything unusual, not that i cold see much in the first place. Paul slammed the trunk shut.

"you ready?" he asked.

"yeah." i said dropping my cigarette, and stomping it out. when i looked back up i saw a pair of eyes looking at me out of the bushes. I grabbed Paul's arm and shook it, causing him to drop some of the food.

"why are you so jittery, george? you made me drop the food!" he bent to pick it up.

"look! Over there!" I said in a whisper, should I scare it off. he turned his head, and looked at it. he stood up slowly.

"Let's get back in the car." he whispered. I carefully opened the door and climbed in. I tried to look back at it out the window, but it was gone.

"What took you lads so long?" john asked, to loud for my liking.

"there is something out there." I said through gritted teeth.

"It's probably nothing to be worried about." Ringo said as Paul handed him a chip.

"you being so small you probably should!" John laughed.

"John, don't mock the afflicted. he can't help it." Paul said with a chuckle. I tried to relax, and join in the laughter. but I didn't feel safe out here lost in the jungle with large animals lurking about.

I looked out the front, all of a sudden my eyes grew wide. "Fellas." I said pointing at it.

"what now?" John answered. SLAM! "AHH!" Paul jumped out of his seat. a huge blue creature with a large nose, looked down at us growling.

Yay! thanks everyone, I will update soon! let me know if you can guess what the monster is. or if you have any ideas for the story!
