BlueMoon Goddess: Alright it took what feels like a century, but this is the final chapter guys! Thank you all so much for sticking around, even though it took forever to update the last few chapters. I'm happy you guys still reviewed, favored and followed. All those reviews kept me inspired to see this through and make sure everything was great. So since this is the last chapter, I'm not going to prolong it any longer so let's get on to it!
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, its characters, or Brenda Jackson's book 'Irresistible Forces' which this fic is based on.
Summary: Kagome Higurashi wants a baby, not a relationship. And Inuyasha Takahashi is just the man she's looking for. Of course Inuyasha is taken aback by the woman's proposition, one passion filled week on a Caribbean island for the sole purpose of making a baby. Even with the crazy deal, he sees it as an opportunity to finally get his sexy lawyer into his bed, so it's a win-win situation. However once the deal is over, will either of them be able to say farewell?
Kagome was up and ready to head back over to Inutaisho's estate. Even though she was technically staying there, she had decided to book a room at a hotel about an hour away from the estate. After seeing Inuyasha and letting her anger out on him, she knew she needed to cool off before heading back. Plus it gave time for Inutaisho to be by himself and not have anyone bother him. Now it was a new day, and even though the wedding was canceled, she figured now was a good time to hear what Inutaisho had to say about this. She never got the chance to talk to him last night since she decided to check on Izayoi and comfort her, so she really wanted to make sure that Inutaisho was alright in light of all of this.
She was about to head to the door when she heard knocking. Thinking it was probably housekeeping she opened the door and was shocked to see Inuyasha on the other side.
"Inuyasha?" She said surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"To see you of course." He replied.
"How did you know I was here?"
"A source told me. Now are you going to let me in or are we going to let the entire floor know our business."
To be honest she didn't really want to let him in since she was still a bit angry with him from last night. But he must've had his reasons for seeking her out so she should give him the benefit of the doubt. So she moved back and allowed him access into the room.
He moved into the room and stopped in front of the room dresser to face her as she closed the room door.
"Alright Inuyasha, you wanted to talk so talk. Why are you here?" Kagome asked him.
"I'm here because I have something I need to say to you." He replied calmly as if he wasn't nervous as he was.
He knew coming into this that Kagome might still been mad at him, especially after she blew up on him the night before and shared her true thoughts and feelings. But he knows once he got his own feelings out to her that they will be able to get through this and work things out.
"Well then? I'm waiting for what you have to tell me." She said, when he didn't start talking.
"I didn't ask you this before but I want to know now. Why did you change your phone number?"
His question threw her off a bit. He wanted to know about that? "I thought, considering everything, it was for the best. You had my business number if you needed to contact me if it was an emergency, and I had your number in case something happened."
He nodded. "And how have you been doing?" He asked in a tone that let her know he truly wanted to know. "I didn't get to ask when I saw you yesterday."
No he didn't since he was being a grade A jerk. And of course last night she didn't let him have the chance to ask her if she was doing alright. "I'm fine. I actually went to the doctor's last week and she said everything appears as it should be."
"Good." Then he stopped for a moment to collect his next words. "I apologize for all the things I said that night to you. I had no right."
She shrugged. "It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. In order for us to move forward I think it does mater. I've been doing a lot of thinking last night and you were right. I can't hold a grudge against my father forever. He's done more than enough over the years to let me know that he regretted the decision he made with me and my mother. I guess it was just so easy to dislike him rather than admit how much I actually wanted him in my life growing up." He didn't say anything for a moment and then. "I can vividly remember a kidnapping attempt when I was five."
Ignoring her flinch of surprise he continued. "Luckily it wasn't successful but soon after that I had gotten a bodyguard named Myoga, though he was a sorry excuse for one. He was with me ever since that incident, taking to me school and looking after me when my mother was sometimes unable too. It wasn't until earlier today that I learned that he was sent by my father to protect me, keep me out of harm's way."
"You said earlier today. Does that mean that you..."
"Yea. I finally had the talk with my father that needed to be done for a long time." He admitted.
Kagome was shocked. After he said that he would never talk to Inutaisho, he actually sought him out to get everything out of the way.
"What made you change your mind?"
"Well for starters you did."
"I did?" She pointed to herself.
"After you came to my hotel room, I couldn't get what you said out of my head. And I realized that you were right. I was angry at my father because not only for what he did to my mother, but because growing up I needed him and he wasn't there. I missed out on having a father in my life and because of that I resented him for so long. But after we had a long talk, I realized that I need to let my anger towards him be buried and work on building a relationship with him."
"Inuyasha…" She was so surprised that she couldn't believe it.
"So many years have been wasted already and I don't want to waste anymore. I'm not going to deny him the chance to know his grandchild. And I'm certainly not doing to deny the mother of my child to see him…along with the woman whom I have fallen in love with."
Kagome went completely still with his last words. "What did you say?" She whispered softly, absolutely sure she hadn't heard him correctly.
"I said." He replied, walking towards her and closing the gap between them. "That I don't want to deny my father the chance of getting to know his grandchild, or you, the woman I've fallen in love with. And I do love you Kagome. I've known it for some time now. I just realized how much over the past two weeks."
Kagome inhaled sharply, held the air in her lungs and then released it to ask. "Are you sure?"
He smiled. "That's the one thing I'm sure about."
"Oh Inuyasha, I love you too." She said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace.
"When I talked to my father earlier, I gave him my blessing for him and my mother to marry."
"You did?" Kagome asked, leaning back a bit to look at him in surprise.
"Yea. And right now he should be talking to her and getting the wedding back in order and on schedule."
"That's wonderful!"
"He even asked me to be his best man. Though I don't have a tux or anything to wear. I didn't plan on attending, let alone being a part of the wedding. I don't have time to just go and get one either, the wedding will be starting in a few hours."
Kagome gave a sheepish smile. "Actually…"
"Hmm, what?" He asked, interested in the way she was looking.
"I actually have something for you to wear."
"What, how?"
"I was hoping that you would change your mind and attend the wedding. So I bought a suit with me before I flew here."
"Even after the argument we had, you still hoped that I would attend the wedding?"
"Yes. Because even then I loved you and I knew deep down you would look beyond your resentment toward Inutaisho and do the right thing by letting your mother be with the man she loves."
This woman truly was something else, Inuyasha deduced. She believed in him and knew in the end he would make the right decision. Another reason why he loved her so much and why he was glad she was the mother of his child.
"Well then what are we waiting for?" He said, grabbing her hand and making their way toward the door. "We have a wedding to get too."
The wedding was simply beautiful. Inutaisho was clearly a proud man and so much in awe when he saw Izayoi walk down the aisle. She was in her own designer ivory vintage lace wedding dress with long sleeves and her long ebony hair was up neatly in a side bun with a birdcage wedding veil on top to complete the ensemble. During the exchange of vows Izayoi was nearly in tears trying to say her vows to him that Kagome was almost in tears as well. She could clearly see how much Izayoi loved Inutaisho and she was so happy that she was there to see it firsthand. Of course Kagome did have to chuckle when she saw Inuyasha make a slight face of disgust when the priest announced them husband and wife and they kissed. I guess any child would get disgusted seeing their parents kiss like that.
Of course, after the ceremony, it was time for the reception, and it was in full effect. People were either dancing, chatting at various tables and congratulating the bride and groom. Kagome was sitting down resting her feet. She'd already danced with Inuyasha, a few of Inutaisho's friends and Inutaisho himself. Now she was finally able to rest her feet.
She looked up at the call of her name and smiled when she saw it was Inuyasha. "Hey, finally decided to take a rest huh?" She laughed lightly. He was dancing earlier with a friend of his mother's and after that even more older ladies wanted to dance with the handsome hanyou.
"Would you come with me for a moment?" He asked, holding his hand out for her to take.
"Sure." She reached out to place her hand in his as he then lead her out of the reception area towards the gardens of Inutaisho's estate.
For a few moments they didn't say anything as they walked side by side along the stone walkway. It was a beautiful night, stars were dotting the sky and a half moon sat in their wake.
He then stopped, pulled her close and cupped her face in his hands. "I love you Kagome."
She reached up and cupped his face in her hands while tears glittered in her eyes. "I love you too, Inuyasha. I thought I only wanted your baby, but then I discovered I wanted your love as well."
"Now you have both. But there is one more thing I want you to have. My name."
Reaching into the back pocket of his pants, he pulled out a white velvet box. Her eyes widened and she stared in amazement at the huge diamond ring.
"Pretty soon your stomach will grow, declaring to all the degree of my passion for you. I want them to know the depth of my love for you as well."
He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger. "Will you marry me Kagome?" He asked softly.
More tears came into her eyes and complete happiness filled her entire being. "Oh Inuyasha…yes, I will marry you." She said, smiling through her tears.
She blinked. "Tomorrow?"
"Yes, I want us to marry tomorrow. We can arrange a reception later back home with our families, but I don't want to leave California without binding you to me. I love you so much I can't imagine my life not joined with yours. Will you let me marry you tomorrow?"
He smiled before lowering his mouth to hers. The moment their lips touched she knew in her heart that this would be the start of the rest of their lives.
Six years later
Kagome was in the kitchen gathering up some food and putting them on different spaces on the counter. Today was a very special day for her and Inuyasha and she wanted everything to be perfect. She was just about ready to take the quail out of the oven when she heard tiny footsteps coming near her.
"Mommy…Mommy, where are you?"
"I'm in the kitchen sweetie!" Kagome called out, placing the quail on the counter top carefully.
Just then a little girl with black hair with silver streaks that was pulled into a bun on top on her head and golden eyes came into the room. "Mommy, look at my dress that nana gave me. Isn't it pretty?" The girl said, twirling around in a Korean boob tube top that was black at the top and the rest of the dress was a peach color with a black rose tied around the waist.
"It's beautiful Emiko. Nana did a wonderful job making that for you. But you're party isn't starting for another two hours so try and be careful not to get it dirty okay."
"I still have to finish preparing the food for your party so why don't you go see where daddy is and show him your dress."
"Okay." She then left, calling out for her father along the way.
Kagome still couldn't believe that six years ago today her baby girl was born. Every day she looks at her and she sees herself in her daughter. Though when she hit that infamous age of two she noticed Inuyasha in Emiko more with his stubborn nature and always wanting to get his way. Yes, she was really thankful for her precious little jewel.
"Mom! Moooom!" Another little voice called out.
"I'm in here Kei!" Kagome called out, when she then spotted a little boy with brown eyes and silver hair with adorable silver dog ears on top of his head. He was dressed nicely in a pair of dark blue jeans, white buttoned up shirt wearing a blue suit jacket to complete the ensemble. Another stylish gift from his nana.
"Is it time to eat yet?" Kei asked hopefully.
"No honey, it's not time to eat yet. Your guests won't be here for another two hours." She said, finishing the last touches on some of the food.
"But I'm hungry now." He wined. "I haven't eaten since breakfast."
Kagome let out a sigh of defeat before grabbing a dinner roll off from the try and giving it to her son. "Here, this should hold you until your guests arrive. Now why don't you go outside and play with Emiko and try not to get your clothes dirty."
"Yea, sure mom." Kei said, nibbling on the roll, then running off without much thought to what his mother was saying.
Kagome couldn't help but laugh at her son. The boy was so much like his father when it came food it wasn't even funny. But what was really funny was the fact that she was expecting not one, but two children at the time of her pregnancy.
She still remembers going in for her twelve week checkup and the doctor had told her that instead of one baby she was going to have two. That totally through her in for a loop. She was prepared for one, but two was unexpected, especially since twins didn't run in her family or Inuyasha's. But once the shock wore off she was happy to know that instead of one there would be two bundles of joy and twice the love to share. And once she told Inuyasha the news he had surprised her too by saying he already knew around five weeks that she was having twins since he could smell it but decided not to say anything so she would be surprised.
Looking at all the food and deciding that everything was fine for now, she decided to go upstairs to finish getting ready before the guests arrived. Before leaving the kitchen she stopped by the backyard to see Kei and Emiko playing with their grandmothers.
Kagome loved her yard. In fact this beautiful home was one of the wedding gifts Inuyasha had brought for her, since they both agreed apartment living wouldn't be right with their new additions. It was one of the places she fell in love with since she knew her kids would love to run around the vast amount of space and play in it. Not to mention it was good for having picnics and family gatherings on such a warm day like it was today.
Figuring that her mother and Izayoi had a handle on the twins, Kagome made her to way the bedroom that her and Inuyasha shared and picked out an hunter green short sleeve elastic force hollow collar dress that a had a thin belt tied around the waist. She was just about to take her robe off when she felt two pairs of arms wrap around her waist.
"Hey you." Kagome said smiling, feeling her husband's arms around her. "Shouldn't you be outside keeping an eye on our children?"
"They're fine. My mother and your mother are out there watching them. Besides, I think I should be keeping an eye out on you in case you need help putting anything on…or better yet need help taking anything off." Inuyasha smirked into her neck, giving it a quick kiss.
"If you help me then we'll definitely not be ready to greet our first guests." Kagome giggled, as she felt Inuyasha's hands starting to move toward the tie around her robe. She giggled again. "C'mon Inuyasha, we don't have time right now."
"There's always time for a quickie."
"You know you don't know the meaning of the word." Even after six years of marriage, Inuyasha's "quickies" were never considered done quick in her eyes.
"With you, there are no such thing as quick." Inuyasha said, making his way into her robe and going towards her stomach to gentle rub it. "Maybe we can ask my parents to look after the twins and we can go to the island and have a little celebration of our own since we never did get the chance."
She turned around to look directly at him and gave him a smile. Kagome knew like him, he was referring to their recent wedding anniversary. The twins had caught the flu that was going around and Kagome, not wanting to leave them, decided not to go anywhere and just stay at home to take care of them.
However the day in California when they had wed will always be a day she will remember forever. That night he had whisked her away to his island off the Normandy coast where they had spent the next three nights more in bed than out. They had then returned to California and spent a few more days with Inutaisho and Izayoi. A wedding reception was planned for them in New York in August and she was very happy about it. They had also made plans to return to Latois again next year. They wanted one more child and thought the island had proven to be the perfect place for future Takahashi's to be conceived.
"Inutaisho and Izayoi had a beautiful wedding didn't they?" She asked Inuyasha.
"Yes, it was nice. But nothing was more beautiful than our wedding." He said, leaning down and kissing her lips. "You looked stunning that day."
Kagome had to agree. Thanks to Izayoi's original she'd been wearing. His mother was simply incredible. Izayoi had made a few phone calls and the dress had been delivered to the Inutaishio's estate just hours before the wedding. Inutaisho had hired a photographer and numerous photos were taken. Every time she glanced through the wedding album she was reminded of the day that she married the man who now meant the world to her.
"And you looked handsome yourself." She added. And he had. "I love you." She whispered, doubting she would ever tire of telling him that.
"And I love you and I plan on spending the rest of my life showing you how much."
And she knew that she would spend the rest of her life showing him how much she loved him as well.
BlueMoon Goddess: Well there you have it, that's the end folks! Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing this story, I hope all of you enjoyed it. And since this fic is finished, check out my other Inuyasha x Kagome fics, 'One Night Love Affair' and 'Enemies of Yearning.' Well, until next time guys! ^_^