Under the cover of darkness they rode, shadows that flickered between the trees created by the moon gave the impression that they were being followed, riding into a trap.

It was so hard to believe that the forest could be so silent and grime yet at the same time ablaze with noise, the sound of twigs snapping, every bird cry or trickling stream seemed to eco through the woods depths.

The cold breeze only heightened the sense of dread, chilling them to the very bone as it wisped around their faces, cutting under every opening in their clothing till it seemed that the goose bumps would never fade.

Merlin sighed, shifting slightly in the saddle as he did so. As much as he hated to admit it he was tried, hungry and desperate to return home where he could enjoy a full night's sleep in his own bed, a warm lit fire and the luxury of a steaming hot meal with Gaius where they would exchange stories on what the previous day had brought.

It had been six long weeks since he had last seen Camelot, six weeks since they had embarked on their mission so filled with hope and enthiasim that even Merlin whom had long learned to trust his mentors judgment had simply smiled in good humour at Gaius' concern that they were putting their lives on the line for a mission that was better left for the knights.

As they passed an ageing tree with a torn piece of blue fabric hanging from one of the lower branches, no doubt another passer by who had travelled endless kilometres through the ever thickening forest Merlin let his eyes close, feeling the calming rhythm of his horses gait beneath him. Long gone were those first few weeks of excitement, now they had been replaced with fatigue, weariness and frustration at Arthur's stubborn determination.

Merlin could see Arthur was exhausted, fighting to maintain hope that they would find those who had been taken but after six weeks they all struggled. Gwaine was ridding to Arthur's left, his long hair shifting slightly with the breeze, he remained looking forward eyes set ahead. Merlin could see the determination in there still but over the last few weeks even Gwaine had grown quite, his doubts like Merlin's becoming increasingly persistent. They were riding into the unknown and the swelling dread was becoming all consuming. Sighing Merlin straightened up in his saddle, if Arthur could be so confident the so would he. They would make it through together.

Arthur tried to hide his shivering as the bitting cold cut deep into his skin, drawing his long red cloke closer to him in an effort to beat the coldness, sadly just another battle he seemed to be losing. He glanced at Merlin to his right, his paled skin stood out against the dark surroundings. His eyes were glazed over, oblivious to his surroundings as weariness threatened to engulf him.

Sighing Arthur turned to his second companion Gwaine. The man had long since fallen silent, his tales of drunken fights and gambling exploits had eventually died away.

Arthur thought back to that fateful day when he decided upon the mission.

"Sire it will be dangerous, the patrols have found no sign of them and it's been over 2 weeks" Leon said quietly

Arthur knew Leon had been close to the Fredrick and Morwell the two knights that had gone missing, they all had. He himself had personally lead search party's to the area but not a trace of them was found. The only evidence that they had been in the area was a water flask lying innocently in the clearing.

It wasn't just the disappearances of the knights that concerned Arthur however, for many months now rumours had begun to circulate. Tales that had started off as simple rumours had now grown too frequent and disturbing to ignore.

The stories all told of a gang of bandits who had some how gained the Great Diamond of Avon, with the great gems power they had become unstoppable and more and more strong men from villages were being taken. Arthur had admittedly shown little interest when the tales first reached his knowledge knowing that disappearances were not uncommon in the land, dismissing the villages fear. However when towns closer to Camelot began to be affected Arthur knew he had to act, sending out a two of his trusted knights to investigate Fredrick and Morwell.

Arthur looked into Leon's anxious eyes

"Leon you know the rumours, we have all heard the stories. This gang can no longer be allowed to continue"

But sire what of the Great Diamond?" Leon said his eyes alight with dread

"Then it is even more so important that we find this gang and put an end to the disappearances, I am certain that Fredrick and Morwell's disappearance is not a mere coincidence. I will take Gwaine with me as he has knowledge and experience that is invaluable when it comes to bandit gangs, we will leave at dawn." Arthur had delivered the words with confidence but even in those early moments of deciding upon the mission he had felt they were riding into the unknown.

A sudden crack brought Arthur back from his musings. He reined in his horse, silently motioning for Gwaine and Merlin to do the same. The three of them looked around warily, scanning every shadow carefully as if it might jump alive suddenly. After two minutes or so Arthur felt his reflexes slowly relax. After six weeks of fruitless searching, ridding through the night and little sleep he began to wonder whether his senses had begun to fail him causing him to over react from what probably was a simple rabbit scurrying along the forest floor. Unfortunately Gwaine seemed to read Arthur's thoughts and put voice to his insecurities.

"Well princess I'm sure we could stand here all night waiting for the rabbit to attack or would you prefer the shadows to get us" Gwaine's face wore a mocking grin and he turned to Merlin

"Looks like our King is losing his marbles after all"

Arthur snapped, 6 weeks of hopeless searching, sleepless nights and insecurities all came crashing down upon him as Gwaine's words echoed in his ears. He knew Gwaine was only joking, meaning only to diffuse the frustration that they all felt but right now he was too exhausted to care, the cold wind bitting into his skin.

Reeling his horse around he faced Gwaine, Merlin watching apprehensively through tired eyes

"How dare you! I am your King and…."

Arthur never finished his sentence as the forest around them suddenly came alive with men all holding strange cylinders pressed to their mouths. They were surrounded out numbered three to twenty.

He opened his mouth to shout to yell at Merlin and Gwaine to flee but before he could even form the words he felt something sharp hit his shoulder. Looking down he dimly realised it was a small dart before he found him self on the forest floor. Arthur felt drowsy his eyes struggling to stay open. He heard two thuds and gathered that Merlin and Gwaine had been hit with the same thing, fighting desperately he looked up seeing a large man with a black cross tattoo stained into his forearm smiling nastily.

"We have been expecting you Arthur Pendragon" The voice was low and rough, Arthur heard a rumbling of laughter before he finally succumbed to unconsciousness, the blackness claiming him.