My very first Spitfire fic. Inspired by meowsasscat's Spitfire gif Who Are You? I swear. I got so many feels from that gif. I'm not sure what sort of feels you were supposed to feel, but angsty feels overwhelmed me and so I wrote this fiction to console my feelings during this hiatus. Not like the angst will do anything to help that though ; _ ; Bear with me ok? I tried.

Who Are You?

Gone. Everything gone. As he looked at Artemis, sitting before him in the hospital bed, the very words coming from her mouth shattered his already worn out heart. "Who are you?"

Artemis looked around the room warily, unsure of her surroundings, then turned her attention back to Wally and asked him once more. "Who are you, and where am I?" she asked more sternly. Wally sat there beside her bed, staring down at his hands that were cupped around hers. She slipped her hand out of his and asked him the same question. Wally slowly looked up to see her face, only to be pained when he locked gazes with hers. He used to stare into her eyes, and get so lost in them. He loved it how whenever she smiled he could also visibly see the smile in her eyes, with just a glint of mischief, and a tenderness only he knew; but, what once was there was replaced with fear and confusion now. Wally felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced back to see Dick standing behind him, his expression solemn. "Wally, I need to speak with you." Dick looked over to Artemis, who gave him a defensive glare in return, before leaving the room. As soon as he left, Black Canary came in and stood by the door. "Wally…"

Wally still hadn't moved from his seat next to Artemis's bed. He reluctantly rose from his seat very slowly, and walked to the door where Black Canary was waiting to usher him out. "Don't worry, Wally. I'll be here with Artemis." She reassured him. Wally looked at her grimly, and then walked out of the room. When he walked out, he saw Dick leaning against the opposite wall. He didn't say anything, only leaned off of the wall and shifted his feet. He wasn't in his Nightwing uniform. He came as himself—he came as Dick Grayson.

"Follow me." Dick finally said, and walked down the hall away from Artemis's room. Wally emitted a slow and tired sigh before he turned around to close the door. When he grabbed the doorknob and started to close the door, he glanced up to look at Artemis. Black Canary was sitting beside her, talking to her, asking her questions. Artemis hadn't looked so fragile before, but what caught Wally's attention and made him cringe every time he looked was the white bandages wrapped around her head, and bandages that wrapped around her arms and peeked out under her hospital garment sleeves, where he was sure there was more.

Wally followed Dick into the hospital courtyard. He had just exited the building when he saw Dick stop in the middle of the courtyard, his back faced towards him. He walked forward, stopping just a few feet behind Dick, and rested his hands in his pockets. He let out a sad, quiet chuckle. "She says she doesn't know me." Dick didn't say anything. "Says she doesn't know you either. Not even the rest of the Team." Still no response. Wally looked sullenly to the ground, his brow furrowed. "…What the hell happened, Dick?"

Dick looked over his shoulder hesitantly, then hung his head and heaved out a heavy sigh before turning his body to face Wally. "Wally. Artemis… she… she's lost her memory."

Wally's hands balled into fists. "You think I don't know that?!" he lashed out. He was outside and he finally had room to shout. He started pacing back and forth feverishly, his hand running through his hair in frustration. All of his emotions he had bottled up in the room at that moment surged through him, and he couldn't control them. "I meant what the hell happened out there? Tell me. Now." Wally wanted answers, and he wanted them now. He hadn't once agreed with the plan from the very beginning. No matter how much he wanted to believe that Dick's plan was bullet proof, he's had this feeling he wanted to push away, a stomach dropping feeling that something would go wrong. He wanted to agree, to believe, to push away all of the doubt and unnecessary worrying because it was Artemis's choice, so he chose to respect her and her decision. But now that his worst fear has become reality, he wanted answers. He wanted to know what could have caused Artemis to forget. To forget who she was to him, to forget everyone, to forget all of their memories together as a team, to forget their memories together…to forget him. Wally looked up from the ground and glared at Dick. "Dick—"

"I don't know!" Dick yelled at Wally. Pain was evident in his voice. He didn't want what happened to Artemis to be real either. Dick closed his eyes and took off his sunglasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. He looked at Wally, and emitted a stressed sigh. He put his sunglasses back on and tried to explain in a calmer manner. "I don't know… she—"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Wally asked, his voice growing more sinister. "You of all people should know. How could you let this happen to Artemis? How could you let something like this happen after what happened to Kal? I told you. I told you we should have gotten her—the both of them—out after that incident. Now we have both of your undercover subordinates incapacitated. One who's in a catatonic state and is still within the enemy's grasp, and the other, Artemis, who has lost her memory and in a hospital bed. So tell me, what do you mean, you don't know?"

Dick didn't say anything; he only dropped his hands to his sides and his eyes drooped, discouraged to say anything more.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything." Wally waved his hand and turned away, frustrated with his lack of answers. He had to admit to himself, though, that he was relieved Dick didn't tell him. He was sure he wouldn't have handled listening too well. He walked forward toward the building, and stopped to glance back, only to see that Dick had already left. "I'm sorry…" he thought he heard Dick say.

Wally returned to Artemis's hospital room, only to stand outside her door. He wanted to believe, so badly wanted to believe, that everything inside was back to normal and as it should be; Artemis remembering who he is. He was afraid of walking in there again. He was afraid that by walking inside that room, he would trigger her to forget and ask him that same painful question again. All he wanted was the bad nightmare to go away. He stood there, staring at the floor for fifteen minutes before Black Canary opened the door.

"Oh, Wally, you're back. Artemis is resting." Black Canary informed him, stepping aside so he could see inside the room. "I've managed to help her recover her memory of who she is and who her family is. She remembers that she was a part of the Team, but those bits and pieces are still blurry."

Wally sighed in relief upon hearing the news. He briskly walked past her and into the room. He immediately went to Artemis's side, and looked gently down upon her. He was glad to hear that Artemis had recovered her identity and that she vaguely remembered being a part of the Team, but when Canary failed to mention anything about her recovering any memory of him, he could only grin sadly. "What about me?"

Black Canary looked at him, trying to find the right words to say to him.

"She… hasn't said anything about you yet. Her encounter with you when she woke up surprised her. She's a bit wary of you now." Wally felt his shoulders sink and his chest tighten.

"The process will be slow, but I'm sure her memory will come back with due time." Black Canary reassured him. "For the time being, you should head back home for the night, Wally." Wally glanced back at Black Canary. "I know you want to stay here by Artemis's side, Wally, but she's lost her memory. She's already wary of you, and if she has any bad impression of you that could change her relationship with you completely. She may end up resenting you."

Wally turned his attention back to Artemis and gently brushed stray strands of her hair away from her face, his hand still lingering on her cheek. "Resenting me, huh?"

Wally had always wondered what her impression of him was when they first met; the impression of him before he opened his mouth. He remembered asking her. Artemis had told him she only cracked a joke at him because she was insecure; the reason of her insecurity being because a cute boy entered the room. Wally could only grin when he thought about it. He had teased her saying, "You thought I was cute? Just cute? Nothing else? You sure handsome didn't pop into your head after? Or undeniably irresistable?" This only earned him a punch to the arm and a hearty laugh from Artemis only he'd be able to bring out of her; but, that impression then compared to now is different. The mere thought of Artemis resenting him pecked at his heart. He wouldn't be able to withstand her rejection.

"You can come back tomorrow, Wally." Black Canary said, as she walked toward the door. Wally nodded in understanding, but still never left Artemis's side. "Wally?" Canary queried, once she was at the door.

"I'll be just a minute." Wally called back.

Black Canary looked at Wally, concern outlining her face, understanding his need to be with her for a moment. "Okay, Wally. Goodnight." She said, and left the room.

"Night." He called back, even though Black Canary was gone.

It was just him and Artemis now. It hadn't been like this, just the two of them, since the time she left to join Nightwing's undercover mission. Except the only difference is that they would be at home lounging around on their couch, watching a movie this Friday evening; not spending it in the hospital. He pulled a chair over and took a seat beside her. He hunched over and leaned his elbows on his thighs, putting his face in his hands. He then leaned back into his chair and dragged his hands down his face tiredly. He opened his eyes and glanced at Artemis. Seeing her sleeping soundly before him right now is what made his tense shoulders relax and put his mind at ease for the moment, despite what had happened today. He was beyond grateful and glad to have her back. He was relieved to have her within grasp and not in harm's way. To finally be able to touch her, hug her, kiss her – if only he could do all these things – because she was here right in front of him. Tangible. Not fleeting as she was in his dreams. She was safe, and that's what was important. But, why wasn't he happy? He should be right now, but he just wasn't.

Wally leaned forward and reached for Artemis's hand, gently cupping it in his own. He caressed her hand, grazing his thumb gently over her knuckles. He continued to look at her tenderly as he slowly brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. He sat there for a while more just gazing at Artemis, and then finally stood quietly from where he was seated and leaned over Artemis, bringing his face close to hers. Her hand still in his, he brought his lips to her forehead and gently kissed her, murmuring, "I love you."

Wally then released Artemis's hand regrettably, gently placing it back down over her other hand, on her stomach. He walked toward the door and glanced back. "Sweet dreams, Arty. Dream of me, would you?" he grinned sadly. As he slowly closed the door, his eyes were only fixated on Artemis.

What... What did I just write? ._. Well I just made myself sad now.