A/N: Bet you guys looked at this and thought, oh! Update already!

Actually—and I really am sorry to say this—it's just a quick announcement. In the last chapter I did say this has become a free-time story, so of course I wouldn't be able to update so soon…anyway that's not why I'm doing this! Getting off track again…

I got a few reviews asking if this is Ralph/Older Vanellope. I didn't want to have you guys wait a month or so for the next chapter just to find out, but I am also prevented from responding via PM for various reasons. So I'm making this quick jumbled author's note/fake-chapter thingie to tell you 'no.' This is, unfortunately, not a ralph/older Vanellope. Van is cute the way she is and personally, if I were the game's manufacturer, I wouldn't age the characters. I mean people buy the game BECAUSE of the cute kids. If they were all teenagers it wouldn't be as exciting for the target audience. That's just my opinion, but I'm not bashing any older!vanellope fics out there! I've read some great ones, it's a cute idea, but that's not for this story. Sorry.

Second, I know some of you are curious, but Ralph doesn't get paired with Carmen either. She DOES get paired with someone eventually. It will probably be revealed in the next chapter or so, but how else am I going to keep you readers if there wasn't that mystery?

Thanks for the reviews, guys! I really appreciate them, and wish I was able to respond without having to trick some of the silent readers. Unfortunately that's just how things work out though; I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story!

I'm going to leave this up for a day and I'll take it down, just to give people time to see it.