5:00 P.M., Friday July 23, 2012

Jack 1st POV

"Yes, Five o'clock!" I thought to myself as I walked out of K.O. Drive Through, welcoming the sun shining on my face. I hated working that place so much. If I were to make a list of the bad things there, well it would be easier to list the good things about the place, and by things I only mean one thing; getting paid. From the minimal wage to being treated like scrap by the costumers, that restaurant had to be the worst place to work at. I stood in the parking lot, and felt like something wasn't right. Wait, where is Arcee? Why didn't I realize this sooner? She should be here by now. It wasn't like her to be late without letting me know what was going on. I was about to call Arcee on my cellphone when a familiar male voice spoke up.

"Hey Jack." I looked over to see a green SUV pulling into the parking lot.

"Hey Bulk, where's Arcee is everything okay?" I asked, as I climbed into the passenger seat. I saw Miko wasn't with him. She would normally be with Bulkhead by now. Maybe she was at base annoying Ratchet.

"Yeah, Arcee is at base, we found...something. She had to stay at base to take care of it. Just keep it down when we get back okay? I know you aren't one to get loud but... things are just tense."

"Sure Bulk, guessing that's why Miko isn't here?"

"Yeah... Don't want to listen to screech metal today..." Ah yes, screech metal, Miko's favorite genre of "music" I never could understand what the singers were saying.

The ride to base was quiet and painfully awkward. I watched the desert landscape fly by, I enjoyed taking this route with Arcee, it relaxed me. I enjoyed spending time with her, she normally asked me about human culture, and I would ask about Cybertronian culture. She always did like it when I asked about it, guess it helped her think of the good things about Cybertron before the war. However this ride with Bulkhead, the same ride that would feel like five minutes, felt like five hours. Bulk drove up to the secret entrance in the plateau that was an abandoned missile silo that was the Autobot base.

We pulled up to the Command Center. Bulkhead came to a stop letting me get out. I scanned the command center for Arcee. She wasn't there. I kept looking and saw what looked like a red Cybertronian torso on the medical berth that was cut diagonal on the abdomen, a deep puncture in the side of the chest, oh no... could it be? Was that Cliffjumper? I never saw him before, I could only recognize him from what Arcee told me about him.

Ratchet walked by where I was standing completely ignoring me, which didn't bother me at all. He put tubes in some of Cliff's wounds. The tubes where connected to some sort of pump it looked like. Ignoring what Ratchet was doing I decided I should check up on Arcee and let Ratchet work. I ventured closer to Arcee's personal quarters and was able to hear faint sobbing coming behind her door. I didn't want to just barge into her room, even though she gave me the pass code for the door. When I first met here she didn't like me being around, I was a just another assignment she wanted to get over with. Arcee never hid that feeling from anyone. However she would slowly opened up to me. Little did she know is that ever sense my dad left, I didn't really open up to anyone as well, except her. She managed to work her way into my heart, just like how I worked my way into her life.

I gave a gentle knock on the door Arcee stopped her sobbing.

"W..who is it?" Arcee answered quietly.

"Hey, Cee, It's Jack." I waited a few seconds in silence trying to hear what was happening on the other side of the door. Arcee wasn't the one to want to talk about anything , rather her fists and blasters do the talking. I expected her just to brush me off, push me aside and all I could do was accept it. So I was surprised when the door suddenly opened, I looked up to see Arcee and her face covered in tears. Yeah... that must have been Cliff.

"H..Hi Jack, sorry I couldn't come today..." Arcee apologized trying to force a smile, it seemed like she was trying to get her mind off of what happened, but failing.

"Don't worry about, you okay? I asked gently while she sat down on her berth, I followed her as the door closed behind me.

Giving a fake smile Arcee replied "Thanks, and I'm fine, thanks for asking" She must been taking this really hard, I never saw Arcee shed a tear.

I rubbed her forearm doing anything in my power to try and comfort her. I remember how she was in the forest the first time we encountered Airachnid, how Arcee was terrified, brutal, but most of all careless, all because one of her partner being murdered. All those painful emotions must be coming up again, and probably even worse seeing Cliff in his current state.

"H...He didn't deserve any of this." Arcee finally broke the silence. I placed my hand on her cheek. She tensed up a bit at my touch, but immediately relaxed putting her hand on top of mine giving a small genuine smile. Normally I wouldn't dream of doing this and expect to live for another second, but it felt right, in some odd way.

"No one does, Cee." I replied faintly. We feel into a silence again, but happy with each others company.

Hours passed and Arcee drifted into stasis, apparently she didn't have any sleep the previous night. They found the body of Cliff at around four o'clock in the morning when returning to the mine that Arcee saw what had become of him by the Dark Energon when his life signal came back online. The Autobots were able to recover both his upper and lower body parts that were sliced by Megatron.

I kept my hand on Arcee's face, I didn't want to leave her. There was something I couldn't completely describe how I felt when I was around her, she made me happy, safe, and important. Plus right now she needed me and I was going to be there for her..

"Jack?" A stern yet soft voice came from the entrance of Arcee's quarters. I removed my hand and looked over to see the red and blue Autobot leader, Optimus Prime standing there relaxed and calm like he always did.

"Hey Optimus, sorry I didn't say come see you and the others I wa..." I tried to make eye contact with him but knowing Cliff was in the other room it was hard to. I could tell that the finding of his body has made the whole team uneasy.

"It is okay Jack, how is she doing? Optimus asked cutting me off.

"Not taking it well, finally getting sleep though, so that's a good thing." I replied to Optimus looking back at Arcee. She was mumbling softly in her sleep, probably having dreams about Cliff, the good times hopefully. I place my hand on her shoulder, I didn't know why I was doing it, it felt like the right thing to do.

"How about you? Do you need anything to...eat?"

I looked back at Optimus, he was right I did need some food however I really didn't want to leave Arcee. "Maybe later, after she wakes up." I replied.

"Alright Jack. Thank you for being their for her. I know she appreciates it." Optimus gave a soft smile and walked toward the Command Center. I checked my iPod for the time, "12 A.M". Scrap I have been here for a long time, it didn't feel like that long. My mom will understand why I was staying so long when I tell her what happened, I hope.

"You need to head home?" I looked up to Arcee, who was just coming out of stasis yawning.

"Nah, just hope my mom doesn't blow a fuse on me staying." I answered, "I didn't want to leave until you were awake." I softly added. I felt a cold metal hand being placed on my back. Even though the touch was cold, it warmed me. I don't know how to describe it, it just made me...happy.

"Thank you Jack." Arcee said giving me a warm smile. "I am happy you stayed."

Returning the smile I got off her berth and gave a slight stretch letting my joints pop. "Anytime partner, mind if I get something to eat?"

"Of course not, just come back, please." I turned to face Arcee, seeing how upset she was. I gave a reassuring smile.

"Of course." I replied. I walked to the Command Center the atmosphere hadn't improved at all. Everyone was quiet, the only noises were from the medical area where Ratchet was working. As I approached the make-shift kitchen (a place where Agent Fowler got us some snacks and drinks for us kids) I noticed Ratchet was busy working with some Energon experiment. I could tell simply due to the fact that cylinders filled with both cyan Energon and lime green Synthetic Energy covered his work space. I wondered why Ratchet would waste Energon on experiments. The Autobots were running low and seeing as it is their "blood" and ammunition it didn't make sense why he would use it for experimentation now. The Synthetic Energon hasn't really been stable ever sense Ratchet was able to produce it. It was useless on Cybertronians, but is able to be used as ammo for some experimental aircraft the military are testing.

I walked by Ratchet, knowing he wouldn't want to be disturbed. I passed the medical berth and was able to get a good look at Cliffjumper. His mouth hanging open, dead eyes widened, scratches and dents all over what was left of his body. It was a painful sight, to know how close he was to Arcee, to know that his death had brought so much pain to her only then to see him turned into one of Megatron's lab rats.

Without any warning the the main console started blaring error sounds, startling Ratchet making him knock over a cylinder of active Energon about five yards away from me. The container crashed on the floor and Energon sprayed all over Ratchet's medical equipment and the main console. I jumped at the crash looking at Ratchet who was addressing the alarm and ignoring the mess. I suddenly felt a sharp burning pain in my chest. I screamed at the shock of the instant heat as I looked and saw Energon was all over my shirt eating it away and coming in contact with my skin.

"JACK!" Ratchet called out rushing to me. It was hard to breath, the Energon was being absorbed in my chest. I fell down to the ground screaming for my life as my insides were getting torn apart, at least it felt that way. I heard loud footsteps as Arcee ran into the room.

"Jack everything okay?!" Arcee yelled trying to find me. She gave a gasp when she saw me putting her right hand over her mouth and approached me slowly. The pain began to get worse and worse as I was able to see blood slpashing under my skin. Arcee gently lifted my head. Her hand was so kind, so gentle, but I could tell she was trembling. She was loosing her third partner. I kept screaming only to have my cries be cut off by the lack of air in my lungs. I thought this was my end.

"Arcee..." I tried to called out only to have my words be faint whispers.

"I'm here Jack." Arcee replied, leaning close to me. I saw the shock in her face, her eyes dashed around the area I was laying trying to take in all that was happening. It looked like Arcee was about to break into tears again. This time for...me?

"I..I need to say something Cee.." I still tried to speak but it was so faint. I need to tell her the truth. I need to leave nothing unsaid.

"What is it partner?" Arcee asked while gently grabbing my hand left hand with her other free hand. Tears forcing their selves from her eyes and kept falling onto my torso.

"I...love...you, partner. Stay safe...please." It was getting harder and harder to speak. I was about to accept death's embrace when suddenly a transformation noise came from my chest. Ratchet and Arcee both looked at the source from the noise came from. I looked at Arcee's face for possible the last time and saw fear, sadness and confusion right before my eyes closed.


Jack 1st person

I sprang consensus from what seemed like an eternal sleep. The last thing I could remember was the deadly pain all over my body, and it was all gone. I looked around to see endless white, no one or nothing around me just...white.

'Am I dead?' I thought to myself, as I looked around to the white void. It took me awhile to remember what happened before this. My thoughts drifted to Arcee, I told her how I felt. The feeling that had been confusing me when I was with Arcee, it was love. I loved Arcee. It didn't matter that we were different species. I didn't love her for her physical form, I loved her because of her personality. She was there for me when I needed help. I'm just glad I was able to tell her how I felt before I passed.

"You are not dead, not yet." A voice came ringing through the white world. "Everything about you will be the same, yet all so different." The voice stated.

"What's I'm not dead, what's happen to me, what do you mean by that? Please answer me!" I demanded, but the voice did not respond, and the white quickly faded away to black and my thoughts stopped.

4:00 P.M. Sunday August 2nd, 2012

"Ratchet he's waking up!" I heard the voice of someone I recognized but didn't know who it belonged to, it was a females voice. "Hey, buddy how you feeling." I opened my eyes to see a blue and black femme standing to the left of me. I was relaxed to see this person, yet what was her name.

"Been worse." I replied, I knew who it was, just why couldn't remember her name. This is getting frustrating.

"His Memory Cores are still powering up." Another voice came from the left of me. This time it was a male sounding voice. I noticed my arms and legs was held down by restraints, even my head. It felt like they were keeping me prisoner.

"Do you remember anything?" The female voice asked softly. I thought about the question moving my gaze to the opposite side from where she was standing, I remembered what happened with the...the... Energon. However I knew all these people around me, just their names...I can't remembered them. Why couldn't I remember their names. I remember these people being my closest friends.

"I...I remember getting covered Energon. Everything else is fuzzy." I paused for a bit, l looked back at her. "I can't remember your guy's names."

"What..." The femme replied, she was shocked, stunned, but most of all sad to hear those words. "Y...You don't remember me?" She asked holding back the tears that were obviously trying to come out of her eyes.

I opened my hand up closest to her offering it to her the best I could in the restraints "No, I remember you, partner. I just can't remember your name." I replied trying my best to let her know I knew her. She took my offered hand, but something was wrong, her hand wasn't larger than mine. In fact mine was slightly larger than her hand.

"As I just said your Memory Cores haven't fully powered up yet." The male voice came again snapping at the femme and myself.

"Arcee...What's happened to me?" I asked the blue femme next to me in horror. Just like that all my memories came back to me, everyone I cared about; my mom, Raf, Miko, Arcee and the other Autobots. However something else was pondering my mind, why was my hand the larger than Arcee's?

"When we brought Cliffjumper back to base, I removed all the Dark Energon in his body to make sure he didn't come alive again and attack us." The other voice said to me. My attention went to the medic I listened attentively to him as he continued, "I was doing some tests on combining Dark Energon with regular Energon." The medic paused.

"Ratchet, what was I covered in..." I asked more sternly however my words were filled with terror. I noticed Arcee's grip on my hand got tighter. In response I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.

The medic gave a soft sigh, "A mixture of both regular Energon, and Dark Energon. It managed to rip apart your organic organs and replace them with Cybertronian biology. You are you personality wise, your just a Cybertronian. Which reminds me, you should go back to stasis and recharge your Energon supply" Ratchet finished up his talk and went back to whatever he was doing before leave just me and Arcee in the medical part of the Command Center. I was surprised by Ratchet's words, me a Cybertronian? I guess I now know what that the voice meant by 'Everything about you will be the same, yet all so different.'

"What you said to me, before you went out." Arcee broke the silence that lasted for around a minute removing my head restraint. It took me awhile to realize what she was talking about, but when I did; I froze both mentally and physically waiting for her response. "Did you meant it?"

I took a nervous breath. "I meant what I said to you Arcee. I meant every word." I replied softly. She leaned over and pressed her lips against my forehead. I was shocked at what she just did, however it relaxed me. She stood straight up still holding my hand.

"Thank you." She softly said.

"For what?" I asked matching her tone, that wasn't the answer I was expecting.

"Telling me the truth."

I gave a weak smile before closing my eyes. I was puzzled. Did she love me back? If she didn't that's fine but I hoped that she would love me back after all the things we've been through. I quickly fell into stasis hoping that this will pass over and I can just suppress those feelings as soon as possible.

3:00 AM Monday August 3rd, 2012

I woke up from my nap and looked down at my new body for the first time, I was a full sized Cybertronian, by the looks at it I was a few inches taller than Arcee. I had the base color of white with red lines all over my body. I was impressed, I was once a six foot human, now I'm like some nineteen foot tall robot. I looked around the Command Center it appeared everyone was in their own private quarters. The consoles were left idle in case there were any Deception activity, Raf and Miko must have been at their home's by now. So I guess I was stuck here strapped to this berth until morning.

"Hey." A voice to the right of me surprising me. I looked over to see Arcee kneeling next to the berth I was in. Giving me a warm smile. She must have slept next to the birth I was in, for me.

"Hi" I replied returning the smile. I looked back up at the ceiling giving a sigh. I thought about my old life, my mom, and my school. I even started to remembered the first time Arcee and my mom met, her being kidnapped by M.E.C.H and Arachnid. I remember how scared she after Arcee and Agent Fowler saved us. Did my mom even know what happened to me?

"You okay?" Arcee asked gently putting her hand on top of mine.

Giving a faint smile I answered, "I'm fine, just thinking..." I flipped my hand over gently grabbing her's.

"About what?" She gently asked leaning closer to me.

"My mom, if she knows or not. If she is okay. That stuff" I looked back at Arcee. "How long was I out?"

"One week, and your mom knows what happened, she knows you woke up, which reminds me. Her and I made you a get well present." She bent down and picked up a large pale fabric, it looked like seven or eight white and blue quilts of the same type stitched together. "It's a blanket!"

I gave a small warm laughing at the though of Arcee knitting. She placed the blanket on me, it was long enough to cover me from my shoulders to my feet. She left my arms uncovered, probably so she could hold my hand. I looked at the hand made blanket for awhile satisfied with it. I looked back at Arcee giving her a warm smile, "Thank you, I really appreciate this."

She returned the smile and started gently rubbing the back of my head. "No problem Hot-shot. Thanks for being there for me earlier."

"Of course partner." I softly said, "Hey, how long do I need to have these restraints on?" I asked Arcee hoping she would take them off.

"Ratchet said he will take them off in the morning, sorry I bet their annoying huh?" She answered and stopped rubbing the back of my head and placed her hand in mine.

"You have no idea. Why did you guys put them on in the first place?"

"When you passed out, you thrashed around as all of this was happening." She answered gesturing to my body


Autobot Base 3rd POV

Command Center

12:16 P.M. Saturday July 24, 2012

Arcee held her partner with fresh Energon tears coming down her face. She already had to deal with the loss of Cliffjumper again, now she was watching Jack die in her arms.

"Jack, come on. Come back to me, please! You wouldn't leave me, you said you wouldn't!" Arcee cried out to the limp body she was holding close to her. Without warning Jack began jerking around violently. Arcee watch as he began coughing up a crimson colored liquid. "No!" She screeched as the liquid that she identified as blood came out of his mouth.

"Arcee get him on the medical berth now!" Ratchet ordered the second in command, she complied gently putting Jack on the berth holding him down from his violent spasms.

"What is going on here?" Optimus' voice came from behind Arcee and Ratchet. He noticed the femme holding the teen down. Optimus' eyes widened in shock.

"He has been exposed to a mixture of Dark Energon and Energon, I am running readings right now." The medic called out. The readings completed when Ratchet finished analyzing the data he gasped.

"W...What?" Arcee was afraid to ask. If there was any hope Jack could be okay she wanted to believe it.

"He has formed a T-Cog and a Spark Chamber. The Energon is destroying his organic organs, and replacing them with Cybertronian technology." Ratchet said in disbelief, instantly noticing Arcee holding the teen down. "I need to restrain him so no physical harm can come to him." Arcee looked down at her partner tears still forcing their selves out of her eyes as Ratchet put the metal restraints on the teen. "Assuming he grows full size the restraints will move and grow with his wrists and legs."

'How could have this happened?' The medic thought, 'Dark Energon doesn't create life, it destroys and twists it making whoever exposed to it a monster, one who's only instinct is of death and destruction. Unless it was able to combine and coexist with regular Energon when it entered Jack's body.'

"Take care of him Ratchet. He is in good hands old friend." Optimus said to Ratchet he quickly brought his attention to Arcee. "You should inform Mrs. Darby. However I would not recommend bringing her to base. No matter how much she wants to come." Arcee gave a small nod and slowly backed away from Jack's body. She was terrified, she couldn't loosing another partner. Especially not Jack, especially not after the last thing he said to her. "He will be okay." Optimus added trying to comfort the panicked femme.

End Flashback

Jack 1st POV

"I was so scared for you Jack. I didn't want to loose you. Your my partner, my best friend" Arcee softly spoke after she told me the story. She moved her gaze to the ground trying to hide her face. I gently squeezed her hand trying to comfort her. If it wasn't for these fraggin restraints I would dare try to hug her.

"I know Cee, I would be scared if you were hurt. Your my best friend too, I can't even imagine loosing you." I whispered.

She still stared at the ground but I was able to see a slight smile come on her face. She knelt back down next to the berth and rested her head on my shoulder and barely squeezing my hand . I found a smile also come across my face. We didn't need to speak anymore for the night, all was said we were comfortable and happy to be with each other again. I bet Arcee was also relieved to have me back, well somewhat back.

Medical Wing: Autobot base

8:00 AM Monday August 3rd, 2012

I woke up from stasis giving a small yawn. I looked to my right, Arcee was still next to me in stasis, her hand still in mine. I smiled at the sight, she hasn't left my side ever sense all of this. I recalled back to the Energon being split on me, I remembered the pain I felt all over my body, I remembered Arcee's tears falling on me, I remembered her holding me so lovingly.

"She has been there all night." A soft voice came from the opposite side of where I was looking. I turned my head to see Optimus working on the main console in the Command Center. He took his eyes off the screen to look at me. "She really does seem to care about you, not that I am surprised."

"I know." I replied, "Optimus I'm sorry if I became a burden to everyone." I added trying to avoid eye contact. I was embarrassed on how much attention the others had to give me to make sure I was okay and healthy.

"Jack, it is okay. You are part of our family, and we help our family." Optimus countered.

"Thanks." I whispered. That was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. I stared up at the ceiling of the medical center, my mind drifted to my mom; I wonder if she came to see me last night, I wonder if she would come by to visit soon. My thoughts stopped when I heard some shifting of metal next to me. I looked over to where the sound came from and saw Arcee wake up from her stasis. She gave a soft groan as she lifted her head up, her eyes meeting mine.

"Hey, good morning." I greeted her softly. Giving her a warm smile which she immediately returned.

"Hey." She replied quickly followed by a heavy yawn. She let go of my hand and I let go of hers. "I need to get some Energon, want me to get you some?" She asked me. I stared at her blankly.

"How would I know if I need Energon?" I asked feeling very, very stupid. She give a small laugh.

"You would feel weak depending on how much you need." She answered my question. "and seeing as you haven't gotten any Energon aside from the amount Ratchet gave you so your body could develop, I would say you need some. Yet, I'm not the 'Chief Medical Officer'." She teased throwing up air quotes with her index and middle fingers.

"Very funny." Ratchet spoke up some where in the inventory section of the base which branched off the Command Center. Arcee rolled her eyes at the medic's comments. "And Jack, she is right for once you should have some Energon."

"Okay, I will have some." I replied hoping that Arcee would make Ratchet's famous temper flare up. As Arcee left to go retrieve the Energon, I looked back down at my body. I still couldn't believe I was a Cybertronian. Questions started to fill up my head 'Did I have a alt mode? Do I have weapons?' My thoughts were interrupted again but this time by the sound of a car drive into the Command Center, 'Mom'. The car door opened and I heard small footsteps come from the vehicle.

"How is he doing Optimus?" A familiar female voice spoke softly to the titan. I recognized the voice instantly, that was definitely mom.

"He's awake now if you want to speak to him." Optimus calmly replied.

"Hey, mom." I said to her for the first time in a week.

"Jack.." My mom said her words chocking on her emotions. Optimus lifted her onto the berth I was strapped into. I was taken back on how small she was, well from this perspective at least. She grabbed my fingers weeping softly. I couldn't tell if she was crying tears of joy, or tears of sadness. "I... I missed you so much." She finally spoke through her sobbing. I began to get a bit emotional as well, enough to have a single tear roll down my face.

"I missed you too." I replied staying as still as I could not wanting to harm or startle her. She held my finger for a minute softly crying before we heard metal footsteps enter the Command Center. I looked over to see Arcee carrying two cyan Energon cubes, the cubes where about the size of Arcee's hand.

"Hey June." Arcee spoke softly. My mom wiped the tears from her face giving a small smile and chuckled her face turning red.

"Hello Arcee. Sorry, didn't expect to have a emotional breakdown." My mom replied to the Second in Command.

"It's okay, I know how you feel." Arcee replied looking at me with a warm smile. I returned the smile. I was so lucky right now, I have the people I care about around me. They were there for me, and I was there for them. "Alright Jack, I need to you just to suck on the cube. It will be over before you know it." Arcee said as she gently place the Energon cube to my lips, I sucked on the cube like she said, I felt the parts of the cube that made contact with my lips instantly turn into a liquid and go down into my parched throat. It took about ten seconds for the cube to disappear, that is when it hit me; I couldn't taste it. Coming to this realization I looked away from Arcee and gazed back up at the ceiling.

"What's wrong Jack?" Arcee asked and placed her hand on my shoulder sipping on her own Energon cube.

"I couldn't taste that. I can't taste anything anymore, can't I?" I replied to Arcee's question. I noticed her head drop and her small wings slump. It sounds so stupid to bring something like that up but I lost a sense that is so important to humans and now just to have it gone. I missed it.

"I'm sorry Jack. I really am." She replied taking her hand off my shoulder and placing it in my hand. I looked back at her giving a small smile.

"It's fine. I am alive, I'm safe, and I got my family here. I don't need anything else." I said trying to cheer her up.

"Alright Jack, time to get you on your feet. Your not a big help to us if your just laying down not doing anything." Ratchet's voice barked at us, interrupting our conversation. Arcee took the blanket off of me and folded it nice and neatly placing in on a empty berth next to mine. I looked over to my left and saw the orange and white medic open his hand so he can get my mom back on the ground. "Don't want you getting hurt, he might be a little clumsy." My mom stepped into his hand and Ratchet placed her on the ground gently.

'Oh man, here we go. Prepared to be humiliated Jack' I thought to myself taking a slight breath. Ratchet unlocked each of the restraints that held my arms and legs. I sat up slowly instantly feeling dizzy and disoriented. I placed my hands on the side of the berth to support myself. I felt metal hands pushing on my back to keep me up right.

"I got ya." Arcee spoke under her breath, barley letting me pick up what she said. I looked around the base, I couldn't believe how far the ground was from my eyes. I didn't want to move my legs, not yet I didn't feel comfortable standing up knowing that my mom was close by. Ratchet rolled his eyes grumbling and went back to cataloging the inventory. I gave a slight chuckle at the medic's reaction. I was would believe he would want me to take things slow.

"Well Jack I need to get back to work, I'm going to come back and visit after my shift today okay?" My mom finally spoke up.

"Sure mom, I'd like that." I replied with a bit of a groan, my back ached for some reason. Probably just stiff from being still for more than a week. My mom jumped into her car blowing me a kiss and drove out of the base. Optimus gave me a faint nod and went back to work on the main console. Leaving me and Arcee alone in the medical center. My back ache started to fade away when Arcee's arms wrapped around me holding me tightly. She hid her face into my neck gently pressing into me.

"I missed you so much Jack." She spoke softly. I returned the embrace putting my arms around her waist and gently pulled her close to me.

"I know, I missed you too." I replied. I felt liquid running down my neck, I looked down the best I could and saw Energon tears rolling down Arcee's face. I gently petted her back trying to comfort her. This must have been a complete emotional roller coaster for her in the past week. She held me tightly with no intention of letting go, and I did the same.

"Hey Cee" I finally broke the silence.

"Y...Yeah?" She answered.

"Where I am going to be sleeping? I don't feel comfortable having Ratchet watch over me while I'm in stasis." I whispered hoping the orange and white medic didn't hear my joke. Arcee gave a small chuckle and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"That is a problem Hot-shot, huh?" She teased, "We'll figure it out."

"I'm going to try and stand up, okay?" I said dropping the subject with a slight laugh. Arcee let go of my and I let go of her. 'Here we go...' I thought to my self and I shifted my legs to where they were hanging off the berth facing the Command Center. I slowly placed my feet on the ground, and stood up. Standing up for the first time in a week it felt like I was being released from a prison. Surprisingly I didn't have that much disorientation, just some aches in my legs just like I had in my back. I tried taking a few steps, first my right foot, no problems. Then I tried my left foot, also no problem. I jumped when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked over, and of course there was Arcee helping me along. I took my steps slow, after awhile I started to walk faster and faster with Arcee staying next to me.

"It's nice to walk." I spoke up looking around seeing the base from a new point of view. "So this is how you guys see the world huh? I like it."

"Figured you would kiddo." Arcee replied looking up at me giving a small smile. We stopped in our track when a yellow sports car and green SUV pulled into base.

'Oh boy, Miko's here' I thought. I liked Miko, she is nice, and brave. However she can get on your nerves fast, and I know I will get nothing but questions for the next few months from her. I looked at Arcee, leaning into her ear. "There goes the peace and quiet." I whispered. She replied with a small chuckle.

"JACK!" The Asian girl yelled while running up to me. "Wow your big."

"Miko, what did we talk about? Give him some space." Bulkhead called out to his friend. Miko brushed him off shooting off all kinds of questions; 'Did it hurt? Did you have weird dreams? Are you armed? What's your vehicle form?' I raised my hand up to stop her.

"No, it did not hurt, no I didn't have any weird dreams" I said lying through my teeth. "No I'm not armed, I think, and no I don't have a vehicle form." I looked over at Rafael and Bumblebee giving both of them a warm smile Raft returned the smile while Bumblebee simple nodded.

"Good to have you back Jack." Raf spoke up.

"Thanks buddy." I replied.

"Yeah, you gave us scare there Jack." Bumblebee clicked and beeped, yet somehow I was able to understand that. Ever sense he lost his voice box during the war on Cybertron Bumblebee has had to communicate with clicks, whistles and beeps. The only human that knew what he was saying was Raf, so it was nice to understand the scout for once.

"Sorry, didn't really plan for this to happen." I replied rubbing the back of my neck.

"I hate to interrupt but Jack we need to discuss your alt mod." Ratchet spoke up interrupting me again. He really seems to like doing that. "My scans tell me you have the ability to have two alt modes at one time."

"What?" Arcee spoke up, "He can have two?"

"That is what I said, want me to check your audio receptors?" The medic snipped at Arcee. I noticed Arcee folded her arms shooting him a annoyed glare. Ratchet's attention returned to me, "Also, I don't know why it is there, but you still have your human heart, it now pumps Energon I don't know where to, but it does. That is what a Spark Chamber is for, there is no need for your heart. Yet there it is." I was puzzled by what Ratchet said, yet at the same time happy to know that some part of my old life was still around. I couldn't help but to have a smile on my face to hear that. I felt Arcee's hand grab a hold of mine, our fingers interlocking.

"Wait how can he be a Tri-changer? He's to...small." Bulkhead pointed out, scratching his head.

"Triple-changers have more advanced ways of folding up parts to accommodate their size, they don't need need to be a certain size to be a jet, or a semi truck like Optumis." Ratchet replied to green Autobot.

"Any reason he is similar to Arcee's height?" Bumblebee clicked asking the medic.

"Some readings indicate that some of her bio-signature must have have came in contact with him during his early development stage. That same bio-signature also helped the Energon successfully form his Cybertronian body without killing him." I turned my attention to Arcee, taking my hand out of hers and wrapping it around her kept on going, "Well, I need to run some more test on you Jack, so go sit back down." I rolled me eyes, just a few minutes ago he wanted me up and walking about, now he wants me to lay back down. I brushed the thought off as Arcee helped lead me back to the berth I was in.

I laid back down on the berth and with out wasting a second Ratchet started up scans on my body. I stayed as still as I could. Arcee walked over to Optumis who was signaling her to come to him. I slowly began to think about the alt modes I might want. With the opportunity of two I figured it would be a good idea to have one car and one aircraft. I always like the Porsche Carrera GT, so that might as well be my car mode. I thought of aircraft I should pick; F-22, F-35, or F-18. Or maybe a helicopter; AH-64 Apache, MH-53 Pave low, or maybe the SH-60B Seahawk 2. I decided I would go for the F-22 Raptor, it had the speed and maneuverability to engage in a dogfight and support air cover if things get to hot on the ground. Yet again my thoughts were halted when a weird click came from my cheeks. A mask shifted over my face startling Ratchet and myself. Two icons appeared near the bottom left hand corner of the horizontal lens that covered my eyes; a medical cross, and radar.

"Okay, I think I'm done for right now." Ratchet finally said stopping his scans ignoring the mask that went across my face. I got up, carefully walking over to a metal wall close to the berth to see the reflection of my mask. It was white with a red line down the middle, the lens that went from side to side was a glowing cyan blue. I don't know how I did it, but I had the mask slide back into the sides of my face. It was something as breathing, I just did it without real effort. I locked eyes with my reflection, for the first time seeing the cyan blue glow from them.

"Hey Jack." Arcee spoke startling me. I looked over and saw Arcee holding the blanket her and my mother made. "I talked to Optumis about were your going to sleep and I was wondering..." Arcee took a slight breath, "If you want to share quarters with me?" I was stunned by what Arcee said, she would never let anyone so close to her, not even Cliff.

"Uh, sure... I' mean if you want me to." I stammered, trying as hard as possible not making things awkward.

Arcee gave a small chuckle, "Alright then, I'll set up your birth." she added and walked down to her, I mean our quarters. I walked into the main Command Center, looking around I saw Miko and Raf playing a video game with Bulkhead and Bumblebee watching, Ratchet patching up Cliffjumper's scars, and Optumis giving his attention to the Main console. I took a double take when I can to full realization what Ratchet was doing. I approached the medic.

"Ratchet, what are you doing?" I asked.

"It isn't right having him all scarred up and in pieces. Just trying to give my respects." Ratchet replied softly even he was upset with Cliffjumper's passing. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your guy's loss." I added trying to comfort him.

"Why? Your only sorry so you can get all nice and cozy with Arcee!" Ratchet snapped back knocking my arm away locking eyes with me. "You never cared about any of us aside from Arcee!" I backed up a few steps. hearing those words hurt badly; yeah I cared a lot about Arcee, but they were all my family I loved them as much as I could.

"Ratchet, I'm sorry if you think that. It's not the case. If it wasn't for my limitations as a human, I would have put my life at risk to save your guy's lives, and not just Arcee's." I spoke softly to the medic trying to calm him down.

"The fact you know about us in the first place is the issue." Ratchet mumbled and started working again on Cliff. I shock my head and went to go check up on Arcee. I didn't want to cause any more trouble for today.

I knocked on the door where Arcee was getting everything ready. At this point I wanted to be out of everyone's way. "Be out in a minute." Arcee called out. I waited a few seconds when Arcee opened the door. "Hey Jack, everything okay?" She asked gently placing her hand on mine, it was obvious she knew something was bothering me. I looked back at the direction Ratchet was.

"I guess not." I replied. Arcee pulled me into the room closing the door behind us.

"What's wrong." She asked again this time a bit annoyed. I gave a small sigh.

"Ratchet told me what he really though, and... it hurt, a lot." I answered not trying to meet Arcee's gaze.

"What did he say?"

"Well, first I tried to give my sympathizes for Cliff's passing." I paused for a second making sure I didn't start an emotional breakdown with Arcee. Thankfully I didn't and continued on. "Then he snapped at me saying that I didn't care about anyone other than you. Arcee, you guys are family to me. All of you, and hearing that... made me feel like I've been giving off the wrong impression." After telling my story I shifted my gaze to the ground. There was a bit of silence as Arcee processed the story I told her. She gave a soft sigh.

"I know you care about all of use, not just me. Ratchet has always jumped to wild conclusions about people." She replied putting a finger under my chin lifting my head up. "He'll be fine, and I know the others don't think that. Plus we care about you too." I gave a small smile. She dropped her hand and grabbed my right hand with both of her's. "I care about you." Hearing her say that thoughts and emotions of my father came flooding back, thoughts and emotions I thought I got rid of. I shut my eyes and I felt the stinging of tears forcing their way out of them. Arcee saw the tears I was shedding and moved in embracing me in a hug. I returned the embrace holding on to her, starting to sob softly.

"I have never trusted anyone in life as much as I trusted you guys, not even my own mom." I was scared on telling Arcee this, I never let anyone know how insecure I was. "After my dad left, I learned he left cause of me. I was to much a burden to him. It hurt so much, knowing that if I did something different my dad could still be with mom and me. I..I was always afraid that my mom might leave me as well for the same reason. I shutdown, didn't let anyone close to me, I didn't want to be hurt like that again. Then I met you guys and for the first time I felt safe. I don't want... I don't want to be abandoned again." I sobbed as Arcee rubbed my back. There was some way she held me, it was so gentle, so caring. Those same hands that could rip a 'con apart with pure brutality, were also so soft and kind to me.

"It's okay Jack. I'm here, I'm not going to leave you." Arcee softly said comforting me while starting to massage the back of my neck. I kept a hold of her not wanting to let go. "Your my family Jack. Always remember that." I looked around at our room that Arcee prepared and saw two berths put next to each other. Arcee let go of me and saw what I was looking at. "I want to keep you close." She softly said. Hearing the truth in her words, a smile found a way across my face.

"Jack, Agent Fowler is here to discuss getting your alt mods." Optimus called out over the base's intercom.

"Let's go partner." Arcee replied to her leader's words as both of us exited the room.

"Not surprised." Ratchet barked as we entered the Command Center, earning a glare from Arcee.

"Don't listen to him." Arcee whispered to me.

"Hello Jack, nice to see your okay." Agent Fowler spoke as he exited the lift to the helipad. I looked over to see the government operative walk up to the guard railing having eye level to me. Agent Fowler always came to base when there was an issue dealing with a hostile foreign government, or to escort something of interest. Either way whenever he came, something was wrong.

"Hey Fowler, thanks." I replied to his greeting.

"Well, I would like to know what vehicles you want as your alt mods, Ratchet told me you get to have two. So, when you think of some let me know."

"I already thought about them. Kinda had a lot of free time strapped to a bed." I gave a small glare to Ratchet who was occupied working on Cliffjumper.

"Alright there kid, what will it be?" Fowler asked not noticing my glare. I looked over to Optimus, he however did notice it.

I turned back to Fowler giving a small chuckle at the thought of my forms. "A Porsche Carrera GT, and a F22-Raptor. If possible." I had to pick some really expensive vehicles didn't I?

"Alright, I will make some calls. In about two hours come Nellis Air-Force base, Prime has the coordinates. We'll get you all set up." Fowler finished walking back to the lift.

"Jack may I speak to you?" Optimus called when Agent Fowler left, looking intently at me.

"Of course." I replied knowing what was going to be discussed.

"See if you can get him to think more about others and less about himself Optimus." Ratchet adding his two cents. Those words caused a wave of anger and rage filled me. I was about to call Ratchet out on the comment, instead I found it best not to make a scene. However Arcee felt differently.

"How dare you say that!" Arcee's voice rang through out the entire base. Her voiced was filled with angry and disgust at Ratchet's words. I raised my hand up signaling her to stop.

"Ratchet has the right to think what he does." I locked eyes with him, "No matter how much it hurts the other person."

"Now I see." Optimus spoke up after watching our conflict. "What is the problem here Jack?"

"Ask Ratchet." I answered to the towering Autobot. His attention shifted to the medic.

"He doesn't care about the Autobot cause! He is only here to get Arcee. He doesn't have the capability to care for anything outside of him." The orange and white yelled, trying so hard to get his point across. I looked at the ground, thinking about what I told Arcee. He has never been so wrong in his life. "And he knows it." He finished.

I gave a small chuckle. "You have no idea how wrong you are. I won't waste my breath trying to convince you. If you still think I don't care about you guys or the Autobot cause, you'll never change your mind." I finished.

"Jack has shown many times that he thinks about us Ratchet. There is no need to question him." Optimus said backing me up. His attention turned to me. "As Agent Fowler said, in two hours I will bridge you to the base he mentioned."

"Yes Optimus." I answered and walked back to the quarters Arcee and I were sharing, not wanting to deal with Ratchet anymore. Even with what Arcee said about everyone being there for my I still had my doubts. I punched in the pass-code to the door that lead into our quarters. I walked in as soon as the door opened and got took a look around the room, Arcee didn't do anything to decorate the place, just the berth and a custom built dresser in the far corner of the room that Arcee used to store items of personal value. She never showed me the things in there, and something tells me I really don't want to know. I walked up to the berth and saw that Arcee covered it with the blanket she made for me.

"Jack?" A soft voice spoke from the for long silence. I looked at the entrance to the room and saw Arcee walk in. "You got a lot of words from Ratchet, you okay?"

I looked to the ground letting a soft sigh escape. "I'm fine. Just don't want to deal with him." I mumbled sitting down on the berth hiding my face in my hands. I just wanted to get my alt modes so I can go for a relaxing drive. Arcee wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder, sitting down next to me on the berth. She didn't say anything, she didn't need to say anything to help comfort me.

9:30 AM Monday August 3rd, 2012

"Hey, Jack." Someone whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes, finding myself leaning into Arcee's shoulder. I gave a soft groan waking myself up. "You fell into stasis for a bit. It's almost time to head to the base." She added.

"Sorry bout using you as a pillow." I teased giving a small chuckle. "Thanks for waking me up." I rose myself off the berth giving a slight stretch. After my stretch I offered my hand to help her up. She accepted it, and stood up.

"Anytime Hot-shot" She teased back, giving a wink. "I'm going to come to the base with you, do you mind?"

"Of course not." I answered walking out to the Command Center.

Everyone was doing the same thing they were doing during Agent Fowler's visit. Except for Ratchet who was no where to be found. I looked over to Cliffjumper's body. The medic managed to put the two pieces sliced back together. I saw Arcee walk up to her old partner's body. She lifted his lifeless hand looking at the wound where the Dark Energon sliver that Megatron impaled to change him into a destruction craving monster. That monster was the last memory of Cliff that Arcee could hold onto.

"I'm so sorry Cliff." Arcee murmured quietly, so quietly that I was barely able to hear what she said. I slowly approached the lifeless shell standing next to her. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I'm sorry I didn't stop them from turning you into this monster. I'm sorry I left you." She added trying hold back her flooding emotions. She didn't say anything else, just stood there holding her old partner's dead hand. I remained next to her in silence, there didn't seem to be anything I could say that would make things better. "Jack, promise me something." She said breaking the silence turning towards me letting go of Cliff's hand. "Promise me you won't ever do anything were you can get killed. I can't loose another partner, I can't loose you. I..I just can't."

"Arcee, I promise." I said calmly placing my hand on her shoulder. "Just be sure you don't get yourself killed. I can't loose you either." She grabbed my hand taking it off her shoulder and put it on her right cheek.

I quickly removed my hand when I heard someone behind us clearing their throat. I looked behind me and saw Ratchet standing at the foot of the berth Cliffjumper was in. He gave me a sour look, folding his arms.

"You are only proving my own point." Ratchet said to me. I was really starting to get annoyed with Ratchet's attitude. After all the things we have been through with our war with the Decepticons. Ratchet still can't trust me.

"Jack lets not waste our time with this. We need to get going." Arcee whispered softly. I nodded softly agreeing completely with her words. Why should I try to convince him? As I said earlier, if he hasn't started trusting me know, then he never will. I walked passed the medic entering the Command Center. Optimus was next to the ground bridge controls. The ground bridge was an amazing work of technology, the ability to transport people to anywhere on the planet in a matter of seconds.

"Jack, Agent Fowler will be waiting for you. Arcee your going with him?" Optimus asked the blue femme following me.

"I would like to be there, be funny watching trying to figure how to get into his vehicle modes." Arcee teased me gently nudging my arm. Optumis gave a nod, he punched some numbers into a console, pulled the lever that pumped Energon into the ground bridge.

To the right of Optumis, a tunnel about ten yards deep was drilled into the mountain the base was occupying started to give a green light and release a humming sound, the ground bridge was powering up. When the ground bridge was fully activated, a green vortex opened at the end of the tunnel.

Nellis Air Force Base

9:42 AM Monday August 3rd, 2012

Arcee and I walked into the vortex and within seconds we were in a highly defended military base. I looked around, military jets, cargo planes, attack helicopters, and UAV drones were neatly parked scattering the large airfield I was standing it.

'Gotta love you U.S. Military.' I thought to myself. I looked down as three military officers approached Arcee and myself.

"Good Morning sir," One officer said to me, then gave his attention to Arcee "ma'am, we were told to bring you to Agent Fowler, if you two would follow me please." Arcee and I followed the Officer, I looked around the base. I saw multiple hangers with Aircraft parked in them getting repairs done.

I saw groups of both military troops and civilians either welcome back, or saying good bye their loved ones. That was when something caught me eye, a line of about thirty military troops standing in salute. I watched as a casket with an American Flag was draped over it was carried passed the line with a family following behind it. The family consisted of one one women about in her late twenties holding a new born child and an older women with her arms around the other younger woman. Both of them eyes filled with tears. I felt my insides turn at what I was witnessing; a family welcoming back home a fallen hero.

"Sergeant Micheal Fosgrow." One of the officers said noticing what I was watching. "He died in a Decepticon attack in Iraq." I lowered my gaze to the ground. "He would have made a great father." The officer added.

"He didn't deserve this, no one does." I spoke under my breath. "This wasn't their fight." I moved my eyes back to the soldier's memorial to see the troops giving their respects to their comrade and his family.

"If I may ask, do we know who caused the attack?" Arcee asked the officers.

"Some Decepticon going by the name Airachnid." My eyes snapped to the officer. Ever sense her kidnapping my mother with the terrorist organization called M.E.C.H. and trying kill Arcee. She has earned the most hated being in being in the world in my book. "She slaughtered all the men and women who were stationed in that unit who was trying to help civilians trying to evacuate the area due to reports of Decepticon activity. Left no survivors both military and civilian."

"She will pay." A cold voice filled the air, I looked over at Arcee. Her face was filled with rage. "They won't die in vein. Tailgate won't die in vein." Her words shot out like arrows piercing me giving me a little bit of fear. She never mentioned Tailgate that much. I remember the stories she told me after my first encounter with Airachnid in the jungle when I blew up her ship trapping her on Earth. I was hoping to kill her then and there, only that just wasn't the case. Arcee knew Tailgate for most of her life and when the two were caught up in the war it was only natural for them to be partners. In one of the main battles for Cybertron. Arcee got split of from Tailgate and their unit only to be captured by Airachnid. Airachnid interrogated the helpless femme, putting her through a series of torture techniques. The last card Airachnid could use against Arcee was her own partner. So that's what she did, murdered Tailgate right in front of Arcee.

'What if Arcee really did her hands on Airachnid? Would she be as brutal and cold in murdering Airachnid? Just like how Airachnid killed her partner?' I thought to myself.

"Hello again Jack, and good morning to you Arcee." Agent Fowler spoke up interrupting my thoughts. I leaned into Arcee's ear.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." I whispered to Arcee. "If not for you, then for me." I gave my attention to Agent Fowler. "Hey Fowler."

"Your going to have to hold me back." Arcee whispered back in my ear. Her words didn't give any hint of teasing or flirting, only a dead cold series. We followed Fowler to an empty part of the base far from any military personal where only a Yellow Porsche Carrera GT and F-22 Raptor were present. "Fancy." Arcee commented dropping our secret conversation. "Alright Jack, all you need to do is..." She was cut off when a ray of green shot out of each of my eyes scanning the Porsche. I processed the information, instantly my parts shifted around, obvious parts from cars appeared on my body unorganized. The parts slowly started folding up to where they matched my body before I scanned the car. The only thing that would be recognized as a car was two wheels on my shoulder blades, and two wheels on the side of my ankles.

I took a breath, and just like I scanned the Porsche I scanned the F-22. Again parts from an airplane appeared on my body. A cockpit on my chest folded up, wings on my shoulder blades laying down on my back covering the wheels also there, and two thrusters placed next to the wings. Everything folded up to where I would have no limitation of movement, and little constraints.

"Alright, try to..." Arcee was again cut off when a alarm for the base started blaring. Someone, or something was coming. Arcee readied her blasters arms getting in cover behind the F-22. I followed her into cover, activating my mask and turning on the HUD. The radar and cross again popped up, only to be joined by two icons, one looked like a mini gun, the other looked like missiles. Wait, why were these two new icons here, Did this mean I'm armed? It wouldn't make sense why I would be, I haven't been given any weapons. I looked down at my right hand, without much thought I had some parts of the top of my wrist split apart and a Gatling gun raise from inside my arm.

"A...Arcee!" I said in shock at what I was able to do, but most of all scared on how I acquired a firearm. She looked at me, then noticed my wrist.

"Where did you get that?" She asked looking at the weapon attached to my arm.

"I...I don't know I just found out I have it!." I yelled. I thought about the other icon, the missile. I took a slight breath, looked at my left hand. I shifted my hand back inside of my wrist only to be replaced with a barrel about one foot thick. "Missile launcher!" I said to Arcee who seemed to be amazed at the fact I was already armed.

"Must have been when you scanned the Jet. Your body must have formed those weapons." Arcee stated. After her words we heard the sounds of helicopter blades cutting the air, only to be followed by the sounds of gun fire. The sounds were coming from inside the base. "I'm going to take a look." Arcee whispered to me. She was just about to get out of cover when I reached out for her shoulder.

"Not without backup." I insisted.

"Jack, don't do this. Not know." Arcee glared back at me, her glare however wasn't filled with annoyance or irritation. Rather it was filled compassion and worry. I returned the look, I couldn't loose her she meant to much to me. "Scrap, fine. Just keep your head down. Got it!?"

"Yes ma'am. Hey where did Fowler go?" I asked looking around for the government agent.

"Probably trying to help his people get out of here." Arcee said pointing to the troop coppers taking off and fleeing the base. "Okay stay behind me!" Arcee quickly got of cover and her metal feminine body shifted around to form a ninja motorcycle. I also got away from the F-22. I don't know how I did it, but I shifted the parts on my body to form into the Porsche I scanned following Arcee. It was so neat to drive for the first time. I managed to see my reflection from one of the aircraft parked at the base. I wasn't yellow like the other car was, instead white with a red line on the side.

We quickly got to the source of the chaos, only to find another femme present. Her black metal skin with purple highlights, the eight legs folded up on her back, her two insect like eyes. It could only have been Airachnid. She opened fire on us with the blaster she installed in her hands. She didn't need to change her hands to blasters, only thing needed was the purple circle in the middle of her palm. Arcee and I swerved dodging the fire. Arcee transformed into her main mode jumping up giving Airachnid a kick to the abdomen. I shifted backing into my main mode standing behind Arcee.

"Well, well if it isn't Arcee." Airachnid hissed. "Oh, and it looks like you have a NEW partner. What happened to sweet Jack? Did someone kill him too?"

Arcee gritted her teeth. She popped her two curved blades from her wrist and charged at the Decepticon. Arcee kept on the offense, trying to slash Airachnid, punch her, kick her but everything she did Airachnid blocked. Airachnid managed to get her hand behind Arcee's head slamming it into her knee. I was about to charge into help her when Airachnid jump high in the air landing behind me. She kicked my knee in forcing me to get on my hands and knees. I felt her claws grab my head with the faint sound of her blaster priming up to fire.

"Look what I got Arcee." Airachnid growled trying to taught Arcee. "He is very handsome."

"LEAVE YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!" Arcee yelled with pure rage.

"Awww, what number are we at for the number of partners you had? This one your fourth?" I looked at Arcee, she was trembling. She was afraid of loosing someone again. I closed my eyes scared to die, scared if I did everything I could in this world, but most of all scared of loosing Arcee. I opened my eyes when I heard the sound of metal joints clicking and saw one of Airachnid's spider limbs come in front of me. She pushed the sharp blade at the end of the limb up against my chin.

"No... Please...Don't..." Arcee begged her eyes wide and mouth hanging open. She retracted her blades falling onto her knees submitting to Airachnid.

"This is priceless Arcee. I have another one of your partners so close on joining the All-Spark," My eyes widened when I felt a sharp object get pushed through my abdomen. I gave a small wince looking down to see another one of Airachnid spider legs pierced though my stomach. "and all you can do is beg for mercy."

"NO! JACK!" Arcee screeched. Airachnid slowly took the leg out of my chest. Letting me fall to the ground.

"JACK?" Airachnid asked me with pure joy. "Oh, it is so good to see you again. You have gotten so big." Airachnid turned her attention to Arcee. "It's been fun robbing you of another partner. See you again Arcee." I heard the sounds of a T-cog as Airachnid changed to her Helicopter form and flew off.

"No, no, no, no." Arcee whimpered as she crawled up to me. "Jack, Jack can you hear me?"

"A...Arcee." I said softly slowly. I felt so cold as the Energon that was once pumping through me made a puddle on floor. I felt like as if life was turning it's back to me.

"Don't leave me. You promised!" Arcee yelled at me. I felt her warm arms wrap around me pulling me toward her. I looked up into the sky I couldn't think, the pain was to much. "I'm so sorry, don't leave me. Please." I pressed against her feeling the warmth of her body for the last time. I shifted my gaze slowly to her. I stared into her beautiful blue eyes, seeing tears falling from them.

"I'm never leaving you." I soft said giving a slight wince. I put a hand over her spark chamber. "I will always be with you." We both leaned to each other, our lips meeting. It felt perfect, so much passion, so much love. We held our kiss not wanting to end this moment. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to be next to Arcee. I slowly broke away as I felt my back and neck getting sore. "I will see you again. I'll...be...waiting."

Nellis Air Force Base 3rd POV

10:30 AM Monday August 3rd, 2012

"I will see you again. I'll...be...waiting..." Jack said as life escaped his body becoming limp. Arcee held her partner close to her not saying anything.

"I love you too." She whispered breaking the silence. She had been thinking about what he told her when he was covered in Energon before he passed out. He loved her, and know she figured out that all this time she loved him as well. She gently pressed her face to his for one last kiss. No matter how hard she wanted it to, it wasn't the same as the one she and Jack shared a few seconds ago. She put her face to her partners chest, letting the tears flow down her face, and her cries heard by all who were around.

A green vortex formed in mid air, only to be followed by Optimus and Ratchet who had a medical kit ready to patch up any who were harmed. The two scanned the area, instantly noticing Arcee holding Jack's lifeless body.

"By the All-Spark." Optimus whispered in shock at the sight. What could have happened? "Arcee?" He asked the blue femme tenderly.

"I couldn't save him, I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!" She screamed. She had lost everything in her life, her home, her planet, her partners and now the only being in the universe who she cared so deeply about.

"I'm sorry." Ratchet softly said still taken back at the site.

"Why?" She hissed back holding his body closer to her. "You never trusted him!" She placed her face back down on to Jack's chest. "WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME?!" She screamed to the lifeless body that was once her partner. A crowd of survivors of the attack started to gather watching the blue femme grieve over her loss.

"We better get him back to base Arcee." Optimus ordered soft and kindly. Arcee slowly nodded allowing Optimus to pick up Jack's body. Optimus and Ratchet got to get a good look at Jack's wound Airachnid gave him. Both of them giving a sorrow look. The three walked through the portal being normally greeted by the other members of the team. That soon changed when they saw who Optimus was caring.

"Oh my god. What happened?" Miko asked, instead of being the hyperactive girl everyone knew, she was calm, taken away by what happened. Optimus placed Jack on one of the medical berth's and Ratchet started to run diagnostics. After placing the boy down, he gave his attention to Arcee.

"Jack just downloaded his alt modes, he..." Arcee paused trying to hold another wave of emotions as she remembered the event. "He got everything all downloaded, when the bases sirens blared. I wanted to go check it out, but he insisted he came along." She paused putting her hands to her face, falling to her knees. She softly sobbed despite her best efforts not to. "Airachnid got the best of me, and killed him in cold blood." She lifted her face out of her hands showing a face of pure rage and a hunger for revenge. A hunger that would never go away."I will slaughter her, she will die. I will make sure of it."

Ratchet gave a slight gasp catching everyone's attention.

"What is wrong?" Optimus worryingly asked the medic

"Nothing." Ratchet answered turning around showing everyone the smile on his face. "Jack went into Stasis lock!"

Author's notes: Thank you guys so much for all the kind reviews :D It really means a lot! Chapter 2 will be coming soon.