Greetings. Hey, guess what? I actually plan to finish this story! I'm sorry for not finishing the other ones… writers block didn't go away. Don't kill me! *hides in a tornado shelter* Anyway, I actually thought up an ending to this one before I started writing. I tried not to make the relationship develop as fast as they usually do. ^^"

These chapters are written at 2am… so this is how my brain works at 2 in the morning. Suspicious… e_e (I do apologize if it gets confusing.)

I'll try to update weekly. I hope you like this one! Please enjoy, and I love you all! (No matter how awkward that may sound.) XD Thanks for reading!

Another day, another mystery; however, this day seemed to be a little different. This time, the culprit seemed to be trying to reason with Neuro as he mercilessly stared down at her. Even Yako was starting to get a little shaken up. This mystery had been a much longer one, one that had lasted several days. The culprit had actually made things pretty complicated; in fact, her alibi had been so complex that Yako would have been completely clueless on her own.

"Haven't you ever wanted love? Haven't you ever experienced hate?! How can you be so…!" The culprit screamed at Neuro. She looked exhausted, looking up at the blonde demon from her position on the floor.

Neuro's sharp-toothed grin widened as the mystery's energy formed into a colorful, disoriented aura. "I will never understand you humans." He replied simply. "Itadakimasu."

Yako waited for Neuro to finish his meal. Night was slowly approaching. All she wanted to do now was to go home and sleep. She stared up at the sky and focused on the small glimmer of a star. She suddenly felt a light yank on her hair that pulled her down lower and Neuro's face invaded her line of vision.

"Time to go, slave." He announced as he leaned over her from behind. He released her and started walking away, and Yako followed him. She rubbed the back of her head as she stared at Neuro's back. She wondered if any people he'd ever encountered had moved him at all. "That mystery was quite filling." He commented, interrupting Yako's thoughts. "Whether I understand them or not, the human emotions add flavor to the mysteries."

"You mean… you've really never felt those emotions?" She dared ask as she walked up next to him, trying to look at his face. He glanced down at her without moving his head. The glimmering green glow in his eyes made her a bit nervous, but she didn't try and cover her question.

"Human emotions such as that would cloud my skills." He replied in a smooth voice. His eyes refocused on the sidewalk again as Yako broke eye contact. She returned to walking silently behind him. For some reason, she felt a little… disappointed, but she couldn't figure out why. Had she secretly been hoping for some weak point in the demon's solid defense? She let out a sigh. No, nothing would make him waver. She'd known that fact since the first time she'd seen him solve a mystery.

The two headed back to the office. Neuro sat in his normal spot at his red desk while Yako took a seat on the couch. Godai was watching one of his shows, so Yako decided to join in since she had nothing else to do. About an hour passed with only the sound of the TV and the occasional sound of a page turn from a newspaper Neuro was reading. Yako was beginning to wonder why she and Godai were still there.

'Haven't you ever wanted love?!' One of the characters hollered. Yako's mind strayed to today's culprit and how helpless she looked. She couldn't help but feel sorry for them every once in a while. For whatever reason, she turned her head to look behind her, and was surprised to see Neuro there. His green eyes were focused on the screen.

"N-Neuro…" She called quietly. Neuro's serious expression turned to that of a blank smile as he raised the remote in his hand and the TV clicked to the news. Godai yelled in protest and he lunged for the remote. Neuro easily pushed him aside, like he'd swatted a mosquito. Now, she could have been wrong, but Yako caught herself thinking that maybe the victim had gotten to Neuro, however impossible that seemed or not. Then again, his routine roughness with Godai said he was perfectly fine.

Godai pushed himself to his feet and grabbed his jacket. "I'm going to get dinner." He muttered in frustration.

"Get me something too, Godai-san!" The orange haired girl called after him. The door slammed shut and Yako wondered if he'd heard her or not. Neuro tossed the remote onto the couch and returned to the computer. "Eh?" She looked toward Neuro. What was the point of changing it to the news if he wasn't going to watch it? She stood up and walked over to his computer. She didn't like what she saw. There were diagrams of human anatomy on the screen. 'This could end badly…' Yako thought to herself. "N-Neuro, what's with the anatomy?"

"Studying humans." He replied. "Demons vary in anatomy, whereas you humans are all exactly the same. That makes it easier."

As she thought before, this could end badly. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head, thinking of new ways of torture. She already knew the answer, but she felt the need to ask anyway. "And just what is it about anatomy that got you so interested…?" She cut off when Neuro unexpectedly took her hand. He stared at her palm and ran his fingers along hers, extending them. He rubbed her fingertips, like he was looking for muscle or bone. Yako reflexively jerked her hand away and took a few steps back. "What are you up to?"

She was a bit surprised that he didn't answer. He simply turned back to the computer and began typing again. Yako couldn't do anything but stare at the demon, illuminated by the computer screen light. She didn't jerk her hand away because it hurt, but because he was actually being gentle. He had been looking at her hands with a child-like curiosity that she didn't recognize… it almost made her feel guilty for moving away so fast.

Yako's eyes strayed to the newspaper beside Neuro's arm. She walked closer and noticed a picture of… more dead bodies. As if she hadn't seen enough at her age. The title was the name of a new ship, Belladonna. "Um… Neuro? What's this?"

"Our next target." He replied, a smirk crossing his face.


"I smell a mystery…"