Keroro and Tamama were watching TV one day, and they were bored out of their minds. All anime was replaced with cow auctions in Honor of national Pig Day. All cartoons were reruns of their least favorite episodes. It's not like they could just go outside, since Dororo and Giroro were training for some reason. Neither of them wanted to get hurt by guns or ninja stars.

And they didn't want to watch the commercial channel, either.

"I can't believe that they would make a fat-free food!" Tamama exclaimed with anger laced in his voice.

"I agree. What they need is a food with double calories." Keroro was nomming a burger, but it soon ended when he popped the last bit into his mouth.

"Are you tired of food dropping off your fork?" The TV had a clip of a man poorly picking up macaroni with a fork and narrowing his eyes and jerking his arms around to avoid the noodles.

"I feel bad for anyone who can't operate a fork correctly." Tamama said with a sigh.

"Then you need grab-a-bite! The greatest invention since the fork!"

"YOU GOT TO BE FROGGING KIDDING ME!" Keroro leaned forward. "THAT'S JUST A PAIR OF TONGS MADE OUT OF PLASTIC! WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD ACTUALLY..." He widened his eyes as an idea struck him, but he let it go and fell back into the couch.

"What was the idea you had, sarge?" Tamama knew that look.

"Eh, just an idea to create a useless product that no one would buy. It's self-explanatory." Another infomercial came on.

"Are you tired of being cold at night?"

"No, not really. It's called get a blanket." Tamama gave the TV some advice.

"You need the cozy, it uses space-age material to reflect warmth."

"That's foil. So space-age. Ermagerd, Keroro, we should really get that. It's like space agey and stuff." Tamama imitated a stupid girl's voice.

"I know, right? That would keep me like, so warm, because I want to spend 10 bucks on a piece of foil! It's gonna be, like, oz and shiz." Keroro replied.

"You squeeze, roll, and press, and now your bathroom looks like a mess. And why is it so hard to get out that last drop of toothpaste?"

"You have got to be kidding me. It's a tube of toothpaste, not animating."

Then, before presenting the product, one old lady on the TV said in a very unbelievable way, "Where did I park my car? Oh no." The frogs started cracking up.

"I can't believe she got paid!"

"Even Giroro could do better than THAT!" They kept laughing until a low voice was heard.

"What did you say about me, Keroro?" They froze and slowly turned their heads in fear. Then Keroro had an afro and Tamama was running to his side.

"Nobody talks crap about my acting." Giroro said before walking away.

Well, this was very fun to write. It was originally going to be a full story, but I had no idea what to do for it so that got scrapped. But I thought, 'why not? I mean, it'll take me a while to get back on the computer, may as well put up a story'

Yeah, enjoy this while you wait for the third chapter of Ask the Platoon. I'll probably put up a crack story later, so yeah.