"...But Emily said she wanted to take that position as the head cellist. No way would I be giving up my seat." Melissa had been going on like this through the whole meal, and Ralph did not seem to help since when she would pause he would ask something about what she just said. Usually it was about who they were and she turned it in to tell him about their life story. "Now Emily has been after my position for as long as I can remember, but that's only because she's jealous." My sister took pride in being envied and I could tell that it would be the cause of her fall later in life.

"When is your next concert? I'd love to try to see it." My mother asked, feeling proud that her daughter was so successful in her 'career' choice. It makes me feel kind of guilty knowing I decided to choose a different path than what my mother thought I would take.

"In February we'll be performing the music for a big budget play and hopefully they will like it enough to keep us on as long as the play is still popular." Melissa replied as she started to peel an orange.

I made the mistake of looking over to Ralph, who seemed to be really impressed with my sister's accomplishments. To be completely honest, it pissed me off that she was such a show off and it did not help that my mother was become a well know author. I could feel my stomach turn as I pushed my food around my plate, trying to think of some form of success in my like.

"How about you Jack?" My mother sweetly asked me, not helping the sickness I was starting to feel. "Do you have anything big coming up?" I know she was not trying to spite me, far from it, but I could not help but feel like she was doing it on purpose.

Before I could mumble something inaudible, Ralph cut in. "He was looking in to a part for a play." It shocked me that he actually knew that, nobody knew I had been reading through a script.

Melissa shot her gaze to me. "Really?! Why haven't you told any of us?" She seemed to actually be hurt not finding it out from me. "Where you ever planning on telling us?" My sister shot at me, surprisingly causing me to flinch.

"Oh that's wonderful Jack!" My mother replied beaming.

"Yeah, I read through some script, but I'm not too sure about it. They want more big named people and I don't think this is my part." I said not looking up from my food. "Besides, they've been looking for reasons to start cutting people at my job and I can't afford to lose it right now. I actually like some of the people I work with and that's hard to come by." I joked trying to take some pressure off.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Maybe you're exactly what they're looking for and from what I could tell, you're one of their best workers. Your job would be stupid to let you go just like that." Ralph said, reminding me of his old self. He always hated self-pity even though he could get like that too. My guess is that he felt it too, since he stopped and stared at him plate as if he were thinking really hard about something.

I studied him even after my mother started to back up his claim. "I agree." I heard her put her silverware down. "I think you should at least try out for the part. Your work can't fire you for trying out for the play on your own time. Plus if you do get the part then you won't have to rely on that job." I could hear the same tone she had with Melissa finding it's way in to her voice. I would be lying if I said it did not feel good.

"I guess." I was only mildly interested in our conversation, still focusing on Ralph's confused look.

Before I could do anything, he stood up. "May I be excused?" He asked my mother as his breath seemed to speed up.

She looked surprised at his sudden change in demeanor, but nodded. "Of course."

Ralph thanked her as he pushed in his chair and disappeared down the hallway to our rooms. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, even the older maid standing off to the side. Giving my mother a pleading look, she gave me a slight nod, telling me it was fine to go after him. Running down the hall to his room, I could hear him talking to someone, my guess was on the phone, and fear was rising up in my system. What if it had been Andrew? "I just don't know what to believe any more." There was a pause, probably for the person to answer on the other line. "Well, like, somethings will seem so familiar, but then there are times when I feel like a total stranger again." Another pause with the only sound I could hear coming from my heartbeat. "No, I want to keep having these feelings cause it makes me feel like I'm getting better is so twisted way... Yeah, love you too. Bye." Before I could back away from the door, it swung open causing my to fall flat on my face. "Jack!? Are you okay?" Ralph bent down to help me up. "Where you eavesdropping on me?" He asked sounding upset.

I straightened my shirt before looking at him. "I'm fine. I was just making sure you were fine since you practically sprinted out." I said trying to take the blame off me. So what if I was eavesdropping, it's my house, right?

Ralph just raised an eyebrow and gave me a disappointed look that caused me to shrink away. "Jack Merridew! Were you eavesdropping?" He asked again sounding more stern than usual. "Tell me this instant or...or...I don't know, but it won't be pretty though." I could not hold back a snicker, but I quickly tried to cover it up when I saw the look he was giving me.

"Alright, Alright!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air. "Yes, I was eavesdropping on you, but I wasn't able to hear that well. I'm sorry. Now stop looking at me like that." I half lied.

He let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just...Next time I go off, please at least knock instead." Ralph sounded exhausted already. Instead of asking me to leave, like I thought he would, Ralph wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in to a tight embrace. Before I could ask him why, I could hear his soft voice, muffled by my chest. "I was talking to Brianna." Ralph seemed to be waiting for some form of a response, so a gave a short grunt. "She seemed really happy when I told her I was giving you a chance." My face was beginning to heat up at the memory of her and I's talk. Ralph let out a small chuckle. "It's funny 'cause I remember telling her something like that before and getting the same reaction. So maybe it's not as odd as I first thought." He looked up to be, bright emerald eyes sparkling with the smile on his face.

I could not help but smile back before leaning down for a sweet kiss. When we pulled away, Ralph grabbed my arm and started pulling me through his door, across the hall and in to mine. My heart beat was growing faster by the minute and I thought it would explode. "Let's go to the beach." A wave of embarrassment flooded through me as I pushed back some non too innocent thoughts. "I actually want to swim in the sun this time." Yup, same old Ralph.

A/N: Yay! I was able to put up another chapter! :D I think I'm more excited than I should be, but whatever. ^^

LustForTheLetters: Yeah me too. ^^ You're welcome and thanks. I'm not planning on taking a long break again so hopefully everything goes smoothly. BTW I read your fanfiction guide for Lord of the Flies and I love it! (anyone writing fanfictions should read it!) I just haven't had too much time to review Sorry. And thanks for the good review in it!

windsurfergirl: Yes! And here is another one Wahahahahaha! I'm trying to keep up with it. Hope you liked this chapter.

autobotjolt101: Yeah, she's actually kind of based on a close friends of mine that is pretty much a sister. Just a bit though. Thanks and yeah I want to make them a bit longer, but sometimes I have trouble especially lately (which is part of the reason I was gone so long). I will try and work on the next chapter for Ralph's Dream, but now it's hard to decided where to focus for it XD lol. So many options. hehehe ^^

hotwingincident: Sorry, just a lot of personally things smashing together at once, but it's getting better now and I can focus for on some stories. But yeah, so hopefully this answered your question...a bit? I think. lol