Sooo sorry, again, for not posting in forever. I just re-read all my writings just to make sure my story is right. I'm thinking of ending it in a few chapters. I have an awesome new idea for another story though. Basically an AT Revolutionary War. Cool right? Ok Enjoy!

Prince Gumball….

Fionna will only be alive another week. So many preparations for her big party Friday. I'm letting Cake do invitations, Mr. Treetrunks and Mrs. Pig are getting the food, and Marshall Lee and I are decorating. It'll be outside by Fionna's favorite swimming hole. The trees make a perfect circle.

It's Saturday, my full day to hang out with Fi is Tuesday. Today is BMO, tomorrow is Flame Prince, Monday is Lord Mochro, Wednesday is Samantha and Doctor Prince, now called Jonathan, Thursday is Cake, and Friday is her all day long party. I just hope for her sake she really enjoys all this. It gets boring after a thousand years. I'm 992. Marshall is 1004. I age slowly while he can live forever. Guess Fionna likes older men… Oh, and me and Marshall will be having a bro day tomorrow to fully become friends again. I'm so excited!



BMO insisted on taking me into the computer world again to fight some monster butt. I won't be able to later because of the sun inside the game. Computer sun hurts vampires too. So I gladly accepted and grabbed my sword and BMO's new crossbow. She zapped us into Rage of the Meatballs and we fought meatball monster after meatball monster while trying to find the six keys to unlock the chest Lady Meatball drops once you defeat her. That gets us back to the real world.

The maze stumped us until we decided to slice the hedges. It worked, surprisingly. Once all six shimmering keys were safely stored away in my green backpack we headed off in search of LM. Really, you can see her greasy head from anywhere in the game. We yelled a fierce battle cry until we sliced a straight path through the hedges to the boss.

Smiling, BMO distracts the beastly woman and starts shooting arrows randomly at everything. One hits her stomach and she pulls it out laughing.

"You think arrows hurt me? You'll never defeat me!" Lady Meatball boomed.

"No, but I can," I whispered into her ear hole just as I was shoving my sword into her weak point, a soft spot in the back of her meaty skull. She screamed in terror and fell into a pile of ashes. I jumped off her falling body, did a triple backflip, and landed right in front of the chest without a single scratch. I high five BMO and we both use 3 keys and open the chest. Inside is two bracelets, one of a sword, another an arrow. We decide these are ours to have forever since BMO is a robot and can't die unless broken. I take the arrow and she the sword so to remember this fun day. Suddenly a portal opens and we jump through it yelling 'yippie!'


I meet Flame Prince at his house we built when we were 14. He casts Flame Shield on me and we head to the best spaghetti place in Aaa for lunch. It's half a day's walk so we race each other and I pick flowers for him to see and I splash in every puddle we find.

After a few hours of walking in the sun we reach Ms. Noodles Noodle Place. Inside, Ms. Noodle herself comes out looking stunning. She is an Ember person, basically an ember you find in the ashes of a fire but mutated into a living person. She was wearing a red-orange spaghetti-strap sundress that lightly flowed to her knees with a black belt and black shoes that really showed off her curves. Her hair was also black under a large red-orange sunhat. It flowed down to her shoulders and twinkled bright orange at the ends every few seconds before turning black again. I elbowed FP to go talk to her. She is 20 while were both 17.

I got us seats while Flame Prince introduced himself to the lovely, single, owner. She looked happy and gave him a sheet of paper she recently scribbled on. Confident, he came back and sat across from me at my table.

"Did you get her number?" I asked sing-songingly.

"Yup. She thought I looked fun and told me to call her next Sat. It's ok if I invite her to your party, right?"

"Totally dude! You two will be so cute! And she doesn't need mitts to hold your hand." With that he smiled and we looked over the menu. I ordered garlic bread with real garlic and some lasagna. Flame Prince got the spaghetti that Ms. Noodle cooks herself.

Once our stomachs were satisfied, I went over and invited Ms. Noodle to my party. I walked away and Flame Prince asked her to go with him. She hugged him and lightly kissed his cheek. I guess that's a yes. Flame Prince flew me home where we got swords for dungeon fighting. There's this one we found before we broke up that we never explored.

In the dungeon were simple evil unicorns. What was really exciting was the treasure at the end of the tunnels. It was two pegasi; one of water, the other red-hot coals. We smiled at each other and took the reins of our new pets. I named my water pegasus Flow and FP named his coal horse Steam. It's a good thing pegasi are immortal except when defeated in combat, I can keep a memory of FP thousands of years from now.

Prince Gumball….

Marshall Lee showed up one minute late at my castle wearing his usual plaid shirt and torn blue jeans. I was dressed in one of my many black and pink suits.

"'Sup Gummy. Where you wanna go first?" He asked while sucking down a berry. I coolly smile at him and point towards the Candy Delight; the best topless bar in Aaa. I say,

"Marshall Lee, tonight is going to be legend, wait for it, dary! Legendary! So suit up!"

"Wow man, you're a lot cooler than I thought. But I am NOT gunna wear a suit. If Fi finds out say you dragged me here under some kind of drug. Let's party!" Marshall hollered.

Inside we were taken to the best seats in the house because of MY royalty. One fine lady after another danced for us and we paid kindly. Marshall's Song "I'm just your problem" came on and he got up and sang to the dancer. This one was a water element. Her transparent body moved to the music so gracefully. When her time was done I turned to Marshall and said,

"Man, that chick was fine! I would love to take her back to my place."

"Well what's stopping you? Come on bro, I'll work some magic for ya," he said as he ushered me towards the dressing room. We paid the small fee to get backstage and quickly we found the lady. He walked me straight up to her and said,

"Hey, have you met Prince Gumball?" and then left! She giggled and held out a hand.

"My stage name is Panty Typhoon. But my real name is Trisha."

"It's truly a pleasure to meet you, Trisha. You can call me Bubba," I said before lightly kissing her hand.

Marshall Lee….

After getting Bubba hooked up with that water girl I went to the back rooms for a private dance. The lady was an excellent dancer and looked very nice in a bikini bottom and no shirt. For a little extra I was allowed to look AND touch. Very satisfying and worth every penny. After that I went home to watch some monster movies and try to copy their abilities. Demon thing.



My day with LM was really just hanging out with the kids and flying together close to the sun. My nieces and nephews sat with me while we rode their daddy. That was a relaxing and fun day. They all made me little necklaces with seashells and confetti. Now I have something to remember this day by too.


Prince Gumball picked me up from my house and took me to a flower filled meadow. On the other side was a breath-taking lake. He picked me the most beautiful flowers and found two heart shaped stones. I gave the bluish one to him and took the light pink one. More souvenirs. We ran through the field and really let the sun soak into my skin. After a spaghetti lunch with more garlic we climbed some trees by the lake till we were at the top. I striped down to my bra and undies and he stripped too, to my surprise, into his black boxers. From the top we held hands and leaped forward into the cool water.

The water was oddly salty for a lake. Once we reached the surface Gumball pulled some kind of serum from his hair.

"You drink half, I drink half, and we both can breathe underwater for 2 hours. You ready?" he asked.

"TOTALLY! Gumball, what time is it?"

"ADVENTURE TIME!" we both yelled before downing the serum. I take his hand and we sink ourselves into the water. I take a breath and get surprised by how normal breathing water feels. We encounter a few turtles and various kinds of fish. Soon we discover Atlantis, the mermaid city. That's when I realize this is the ocean. I panic and trash around trying to get out of the suffocating water. I forget I can breathe and almost pass out. Somehow, Prince Gumball holds me still and I become calm. Terrified, I slowly swim with him into the city. There the mermaids all stare in wonder at my golden locks. All their hair is made of water currents with seaweed or shell decorations.

He takes me to see King Triton, the ruler of the oceans. Inside his massive castle is real air that I can breathe out of the horrifying salty waters. He feeds me a royal feast of swordfish and lets me keep the sword part to use in battles underwater.

"Fionna the Human, you are welcome back here anytime you wish. I anticipate you becoming a hero of the deep. Good luck in your transformation and may the seas be kind to you always," he said as a farewell. With our serum in the beginning stages of not working PG and I swiftly glided to the surface, taking stops every 15 feet to let the nitrogen in our blood get used to the pressure. Finally, we find dry land and I hug Gumball with all my might.

"Oh Gumball! You are so tricky, but thank you. I don't think the ocean scares me anymore. You deserve this," I said before kissing him lightly for a quick second. He smiles stupidly and begins to tell me of his new girlfriend Trisha. I tried asking him how they met but I got no answer. Oh well, guess I'm just happy he found someone to love.

Again, sorry for waiting so long to post. The rest of her adventures next time I get a chance to write. Drum roll please! I'M A FREAHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL! YESSSSS! Love you all 3