I thought of this when I was thinking of my new chapter for my Harry Potter and Star Was crossover.

I suddenly noted Revan's physical similarity with Aizen. Both have brown hair, brown eyes, and look so bad-ass in a robe.

Then, I took note of their personality comparisons. Both are incredibly manipulative and can think of complex plans that have their enemies scratching their hairs off to figure out. Plus, both Aizen and Revan can rally multitudes to their side or put you into their strings with mere words. And finally, both can literally fuck your minds.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Star Wars.


Brown eyes opened to perceive the newly-risen sun. Sitting up and putting on his spectacles, a brunet man stood from his bed and went to his door. Entering his study, he settled himself in the middle of the room, put his sheathed blade across his lap, and closed his eyes. He felt the currents of energy circling the room, spreading out beyond the building and the walls of this fortress. Almost immediately, he was bombarded with cries of pain and suffering. But most are as usual as it gets. His focus is in one specific quandary. Its location is in an abandoned town on the outskirts of the east.

The situation: a gang from one of the less lawful towns felt destructive and tried to terrorize one of the peaceful towns. Some gangsters went into homes, destroying things. Some beat others for the fun of it. And a third particular group of gangsters chased a woman away from the town towards the abandoned one and cornered her. It's quite obvious what they wanted.

Sighing, he stood and went towards the patio and vanished.

A woman screamed as one of the gangsters pushed her into a wall in an alley, fully blocking her exit. He smiled nastily. "Come on, lady, resist some more! We like our bitches unwilling!"

The woman crawled towards a corner. The gangsters laughed and walked towards her. Within one step, a slash appeared on each of their necks, killing them instantly.

The woman watched with shocked horror as she spied a lone figure, whose back is towards her, at the opening of the alley, holding a sword, which oddly didn't have a drop of blood on it. The back showed a white haori with the kanji for 'Five' on it. He slowly turned towards her. His appearance is that of an adult male with well-combed brown hair, calm brown eyes, and scholarly glasses.

Her eyes widened. "G-gobantai-taicho A-Aizen Sousuke-sama," she weakly asked. "What are you doing here?"

Aizen's eyes boringly bore into hers before he raised his free hand towards her and muttered something indistinct and she fainted, before she could flinch.

Lowering it, he slowly walked towards the town, intent on dealing with more pests that are nothing but lesser pawns in his large plan.

Aizen flashed back in his office, sheathing his clean blade. As he sat down at his desk and began writing in a clean sheet, he heard a female voice asked, "Aizen-taicho?"

Aizen smiled as he looked up and saw a petite girl with brown eyes and black hair, which is held up in a bun in a tied cloth. She is wearing a black shikakusho with a badge on her left bicep. On her back was a sheathed katana. Other accessories included shoulder, elbow, and leg guards. He said, "Ah, Hinamori-kun, good morning. I trust you slept well?"

Hinamori Momo smiled and nodded. "I slept quite peacefully. Thank you for asking." Then, she became serious. "Have you been engaging in your vigilante hobbies again, taicho?"

Aizen chuckled. "Ah, but, of course. It wouldn't do well if I don't have a hobby. After all, the other captains have one."

Momo sighed. "Why do you do these things, Aizen-taicho? There is the underlying risk of being seen and reported to the other captains."

He smiled. "What's life without a little risk?" He went back to his writing as Momo sat down across him. He then added, "Besides, if I will not help Rukongai, then who will? Captains rarely unsheathe their blades unless something worthy of their attention appears and their lieutenants are like their mini-me. And as for the underlings…they only patrol Rukongai and deal with minor Hollow intrusions. I am merely doing what a Shinigami is sworn to do, protect souls."

Momo gave a soft laugh. "There's more to it than that, taicho. Even I know that."

Aizen didn't reply. Of course there's more to it. The Rukongai, especially the higher-numbered districts, resent Seireitei for its prestige and ignorance of their plight. Shinigami has the mindset that a Hollow attack on Rukongai is the only thing worth their time and effort in Rukongai. As such, any fight between districts is none of their concern. They will not expect any help, whatsoever.

And that is where he comes in. As he has done so in the past, he puts matters into his own hands and dealt with the…Rukongai troubles. And to avoid detection, he used his powers to project a false hero in their minds, an alter ego, per se. The result would be that Rukongai will no longer look towards Seireitei for protection and instead towards his alter ego. However, it won't be long before these rumors circulate throughout all Rukongai and towards Seireitei and reach the sotaicho's ears.

Ah, speak of the devil, Aizen thinks as a black butterfly flies through the open window and onto Momo's raised finger.

Her eyes glazed over before it returned to focus, allowed the butterfly to fly out the window, before saying, "The sotaicho has summoned an impromptu meeting for all captains and lieutenants. It's important."

Aizen held off a smile. He stood up and said, "Then let's not waste any more time, then, Hinamori-kun. It wouldn't do well to be late for the meeting."

As captain and lieutenant walked towards the First Division Barracks, Aizen Sousuke's mind wandered.

How long has it been? How long has he walked this earth, away from those he held dear? Millennia…he's counted millennia since his appearance into this world. And he's already done much since then.

However, Shinigami…that is beyond his capabilities. The corruption is set too deep to be removed…even far deeper than his previous conquest. To change them, he must do something large and meaningful in their eyes. Only then will he anticipate change.

Entering First Division area, he frowned in his mind. How sad that no one has seen the true face of Aizen Sousuke, not even the ever-sympathetic Unohana Retsu or the sly Ichimaru Gin.

To the Shinigami, to his enemies, to his colleagues, he is Aizen Sousuke.

But to himself and himself only, the only important perspective, he will always be Revan, former Dark Lord, turned Jedi Master…Master of the Force.