A/N: Last chapter. *sniff, sniff tear* I've loved writing this fanfiction and all the awesome response I've gotten for it. Enjoy.

The Doctor, Amy, and Kurt stepped out of the TARDIS into Kurt's bedroom back in Lima. Kurt immediately ran over and jumped on his bed, laughing hysterically.

"I never thought I'd miss my bed," he said, hugging one of the pillows to his chest.

Amy nodded. "I know what you mean," she said, "As much as I love traveling with the Doctor, sometimes I miss my boring old little village."

He looked around the room, according to his clock it was only a few minutes after they'd left. He tried his best to think back to that night. His dad said he would be home at around midnight. That gave him a few hours. He looked around at the floor at the scattered pills. He laughed, even happy to see them. The Kurt that had thought that suicide was the only way out, the scared and helpless Kurt, was long gone.

"Are you OK?" the Doctor asked, seeing Kurt staring at the floor.

"Yeah, I'm great. I'm just wondering how to get all this stuff out of the carpet," he responded, looking back at his friends.

Oh God, his friends. He ran over to his phone and unlocked it where he was greeted by about 20 new messages, mostly from Mercedes.

From Cedes: White boy, u best have a good excuse for missing movie night. I'm gonna whoop ur ass tomorrow. :P

Kurt laughed and smiled. He'd never been so happy to have his best friend mad at him. However, as he continued reading, the grin slid off his face.

From Cedes: OK I'm not mad u. R u mad me. I'm sorry.

From Cedes: I know u have those nights u just wanna be left alone. I get it.

But she didn't, judging from the number of times she continued to text him.

From Cedes: I'm really worried. R u OK?

From Brittany: Dolphin? I herd that you arn't taking 2 Mercedes. R you OK? Miss you. by xoxoxoxoxo

From Mike: Dude, TALK TO MERCEDES! She's going to explode if she doesn't hear from you in the next two seconds.

Kurt immediately closed his messages and hit Mercedes's speed dial. She answered on the first ring.

"I'm seriously gonna whoop your ass," she said not even a second after the call connected.

"I'm really sorry Mercedes. I just-" he started.

"Do you have any idea what you just put me through? I was worried sick," Mercedes said, sending another pang of guilt through Kurt.

"Look I went for a drive, I turned my phone off, and I'm so sorry," Kurt said, coming up with the lie on the spot. When Mercedes didn't reply, Kurt sighed.

"How much do I have to spend for you on our spontaneous, for absolutely no reason, shopping spree we're going on tomorrow that I just came up with in a desperate attempt to keep our friendship in tact?"

That made Mercedes crack in an instant. "Well, there are these necklaces, boots, and shirts I've had my eye on."

Kurt laughed at his best friend. "I'm still pissed at you," Mercedes added but Kurt could hear the smile in her voice.

"Sure, Mercedes, sure," he said.

He looked back over at the Doctor and Amy who were standing in the middle of his room awkwardly, probably wondering what they were supposed to be doing.

"Look Mercedes I'll call you back. I still have a ton of homework for geography and I do not need that teacher on my ass. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

He hung up and ran over and tackled the Doctor and Amy in a group hug. "Thank you," he whispered, "for helping me realize my mistake."

Kurt and Amy both had tears in their eyes and the Doctor was sniffing slightly and rubbing his eyes suspiciously.

"Aww," Amy and Kurt said in unison in a teasing voice.

"Is the big, scary Doctor getting all emotional now?" Kurt asked in a high baby voice.

"I think he is Kurt, you made his heart grow three sizes," Amy said in an equally high-pitched voice, placing a hand over her heart.

"Hate you, hate you both," the Doctor said. However Amy and Kurt just laughed at him.

"Now, now Doctor don't say things you don't mean," Amy reprimanded.

Kurt looked around at his still messy room. The papers that had blown off his desk through the mysterious wind the TARDIS produced. The pills and Vodka were still on his carpet. He glanced back at the clock and realized he had two hours before his dad got home. Oh, he would be so pissed. Not to mention disappointed. Also sad. But mostly pissed.

"Well, sorry, guys but you should probably leave so I can clean this up," Kurt said, turning back to Amy and the Doctor.

"Nonsense, we'll help you," Amy said and elbowed the Doctor in the side hard so he would agree.

The Doctor let out a grunt of pain and said through gritted teeth, "You know, I would have agreed with you without the pain."

Kurt and Amy laughed and even the Doctor cracked a smile. They set to work and had the place nice and orderly soon. But Amy and the Doctor didn't leave. They sat around and shared stories for awhile. Until they heard a door opening and the already barely there color drained from his face.

"Who's that?" Amy whispered.

"That's my dad," Kurt said, he looked around the room. Everything was clean but how was Kurt supposed to explain the two strangers in his bedroom?

"Where should we go?" the Doctor asked.

"I don't know! Out the window?" Kurt said desperately.

"Kurt!" Burt called from the top of the stairs, "You down there?"

If Kurt had just been a bystander in this event he would have laughed at the look on his own face. He'd stood up and won against ten foot aliens and yet he couldn't face his own father. Oh the sweet irony.

"Um, yeah Dad. I'm coming up now," Kurt called back to his father.

He turned to Amy and the Doctor and gestured for them to hide around the room. He walked up the stairs slowly, feeling more like someone on "Dead Man Walking" then a seventeen year old talking to his father.

Everything went well during there talk as it was mostly Burt talking about the game and Kurt pretending to listen, the normal thing after football games. Kurt feigned a yawn and told his dad he was ready for bed.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow son," Burt said.

Kurt nodded in reply and ran downstairs where he was surprised to find the Doctor and Amy watching one of his favorite movies on his TV.

"I thought you two would have left," he said.

"Without saying goodbye," Amy said, "Hell no."

Kurt walked over and gave them both a hug again. Wow he'd heard of Minnesota Goodbyes taking a long time but never days like their's was becoming.

"Why don't you stay? Just for a little while. I'll show you Lima," Kurt said.

They other two didn't need much convincing. The Doctor and Amy slept in the TARDIS, which was put under a cloaking device by the Doctor.

The next day the trio set out to take Kurt back to school. They were walking into the main doors when Kurt was tackled by a blonde blur.

"Kurtie!" Brittany squealed. "I missed you over the weekend! Tana says I shouldn't get so upset cause it's only two days but two days is 24 hours and 24 hours is 1,440 minutes and 1,440 minutes is 86,400 seconds. That's a lot of seconds! And I missed you for each and every one of those seconds, Kurtie. It felt like months, Did you go somewhere?"

Kurt stilled. Brittany couldn't tell? Could she? No, it was impossible. Brittany turned to the Doctor and pointed her pointer finger right at his nose. "Who are you?" she asked fiercely.

"Brittany this is my... uncle. He goes by the Doctor and his best friend Amy. They're here visiting me," Kurt said, the lie slipping off his tongue with ease, before turning back to his companions only to find that the Doctor was staring at Brittany with a look of intrigue on his face.

"What is it?" Kurt asked.

Ignoring him, the Doctor walked up to Brittany and pulled the blank papers he'd first shown Kurt out of his pocket and showing it to Brittany.

"What do you see on this, Brittany?" the Doctor asked.

Brittany cocked her head and looked at it for a minute. "Nothing. It doesn't say anything, it's blank. Is like one of those illusions? Cause I'm bad at those, I never see what I'm supposed to. Sorry."

Brittany handed the paper back to the Doctor with a smile before skipping off. The Doctor continued to stare after her.

"So, Brittany, she's special?" the Doctor asked, not taking his eyes off the skipping girl.

Kurt nodded and shrugged at the same time. "Yeah, I'm kind of the only person who gets her. Santana is her best friend and yet she can be a total bitch to her sometimes. Then again Santana is just a total bitch to everyone."

The Doctor nodded slowly, looking thoughtful. "What do you know?" Kurt asked.

The Doctor looking surprised which made Kurt snort and roll his eyes. "We all pretty much spent every second of our lives together for the past month, I think I know you a little."

"The paper I showed you before, the one that I just showed Brittany a few seconds ago, it's not just blank paper, it's called physic paper. When a person looks at it, they see whatever the owner of the paper wants them to see or what the owner just thought of," the Doctor explained, "When I showed you the paper, you should've seen a fake ID card that said I was certified to be in your house. When I showed Brittany the paper, she should've seen a small cartoon of a dog. I thought she might like that. The thing is, you both could tell the paper was blank. Most of the time, only people of higher intelligence or physic aliens can tell that it's blank. Neither you or Brittany are alien nor of higher intelligence. But you can tell which is so odd. Are you and Brittany close?"

Although his head was reeling, Kurt made himself answer. "Yeah, we're pretty close. I dated her last year because I thought that acting straight would let me be closer to my dad. It didn't work to well but we've been great friends ever since. Actually we've close since before that. You know when we met we just clicked."

"Because you can both see," the Doctor whispered, barely loud enough for Kurt to hear.

"What?" Kurt asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You can both see through physic things. Like she talked about never seeing what she's supposed to in optical illusions that's because most of those illusions have physic properties," the Doctor elaborated.

He looked Kurt in the eye and said, "You're both normal people, just keep an eye on her, OK?"

Kurt nodded. He wanted to know more but he was interrupted by Mercedes.

"White boy!" his best friend called down the hallway. He ran to her and gave her a huge hug.

He noticed that she'd brought the whole glee club with her. "What are you all doing here?" he asked.

"I was just following Brittany because she said she saw you but everyone else is here because she also said something about your British uncle."

She looked around Kurt at the Doctor who just waved awkwardly. Amy put her arm around the Doctor and said to Kurt, "Thanks for showing us your school Kurt but we should get going so we can catch our flight. Sorry we couldn't meet your friends."

Kurt nodded, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He waved and let out a choked 'Bye'. They responded similarly and then, they were gone. Kurt thought the goodbye wasn't the best, it was rushed and sudden and had far too few tears for Kurt's liking, but that's the thing about goodbyes, they're never going to be exactly the way you want it to be, probably because in our hearts we know we just don't want to say goodbye at all.

Kurt cleared his throat and turned back to his friends. They all just stood together in silence for a moment before Sam spoke up.

"OK this is one of those awkward silences where I'll just say anything to get it to stop so, nice bow tie Kurt."

Kurt smiled at the new kid until Santana snorted.

"Are you kidding, it's a bow tie, it's lame."

Kurt straightened it. "What are you talking about Santana, bow ties are cool."

BTW: before people start commenting on this, I know Brittany's texts have spelling errors. That's the point. Also I've kind of had this idea about Brittany just seeing more then other people for a while. I hope you liked that. Anyway, Bye forever (unless you read my other stuff). Reviews are Love (^_^)

Peace, Love, Glee (and Doctor Who)
