A/N Hey, hey, hey! Yeah that's how I greet all my friends. And you my faithful readers are my best friends. I love Doctor Who and Glee so I had to write this. It takes place in season two of Glee. It's not really in any episode but it's before he meets Blaine and after the bullying started getting really bad. I'm sorry that I'm probably just making your Post-Pond depression worse but for this fic to work I need a certain redhead. I'm also sorry that I don't have Rory. I love him but he just didn't work in this fic. Don't hate me!

WARNING: thoughts of suicide

Chapter 1

It had been a bad day. Of course, most of Kurt Hummel's high school days were bad, but this day had been especially terrible. It had started with his alarm clock going off thirty minutes late and his car needing gas resulting in him being twenty minutes late for first period and receiving Saturday detention. He'd been slushied not once, not twice, but three times. He had a spare outfit as usual but he'd been slushied while wearing that one as well. So he'd had to walk around the rest of the day in grape stained clothing. He'd been locker checked a total of ten times. The worst part was that at least one teacher had been in the hallway over half of the times.

Then a couple of jocks had caught him after school and locked him in a janitor's closet. They'd stood outside of the door making stupid jokes saying that he should have stayed in the closet where he belonged. They'd eventually left and Kurt had pounded on the door and yelled until he was let out be a very confused janitor aboout ten minutes later.

He'd raced to the choir room for afternoon glee club rehearsal but arrived nearly halfway through the lesson. Mr. Schue had chewed him out and everyone kept shooting him disappointed looks. That was the worst, the disappointment. The looks seemed to say: 'Just be strong, you're so weak Kurt.'

He was at home now, alone. His dad was a football game with Finn while Carole was on the night shift. Normally when his dad and Finn went to games, Carole kept him company. His dad said to try and bond with her and Kurt had but it seemed as though his dad was asking him to replace his own mother with Carole which was a thing he'd never do. So he was at home, sitting on the floor of his basement bedroom. His head hung, his hand clutched tightly around a bottle of pills. This wasn't the first time he'd sat in the dark and thought about whether or not he should use the pills. They were sleeping pills, not too strong but if he took enough, they would do the job. He'd tried before but he could only take a few before he threw them up.

That was never for his own sake but for his dad's, Kurt didn't want him to be all alone. But he wasn't alone anymore. Burt had Carole and Finn, Finn would have two parents and Kurt would be forgotten. Burt didn't need Kurt anymore.

For the first time in months, Kurt opened the bottle and looked at the pills. He hated the way they taunted him with their promises of no more pain and release that he knew were lies but he couldn't help but think about.

"What about my dad?" he asked to no one.

He doesn't need you, the cruel voices in his subconscious whispered, he has the son he's always wanted.

He shook a pill into his hand to shut the voices up. He looked at it and contimplated the possibilities. He was ready, he poured some more pills into his hand and reached for the glass on his bedside table, his heart raced with fear but also excitement, finally the pain would be over. He raised his hand to put the pills in his mouth and-

Suddenly a loud noise filled the room, a noise that didn't sound as if it came from this world. The pills fell from Kurt's hands and scattered across the carpet, there was a dark streak in the carpet from the contents of the glass. A mysterious wind blew around the room, scattering loose papers. Kurt looked on in terror as a large blue box materialized in his bedroom. He sat frozen. This wasn't happening. He'd fallen asleep or something, it had been a long day. There was not a large blue police box in the middle of his bedroom.

All at once, a figure stepped out of the box, a woman. She had fiery red hair and expressive green eyes. She looked around and sighed. She opened the door of the box and called back into it, "Doctor! You've messed it up again, this does not look like Lima, Perú."

A man's head peered out of the box. "How do you know? This just could be the bedroom of someone in Lima, Perú!"

Kurt sat unable to move. The two people hadn't seemed to notice him yet, maybe if Kurt was lucky, they'd leave in whatever insane way they'd gotten in without noticing him. However, luck had never been on Kurt's side.

"But where's the person who lives- Oh hello," the girl said, spotting Kurt, "We're so sorry for intruding but we just um, Doctor explain!"

"We are," he said, struggling to get a piece of paper out of his pocket, "um, home inspectors! Yes, we've detected a dangerous substance in this vicinity and we need you to evacuate."

It was easy to tell that the man was lying but he looked very proud of his little story. Kurt glanced at the paper the man had stuck in his face before looking up and saying quite clearly, and with no trace of the fear he felt, "Are you stupid?"

The man seemed fazed by this question and the girl behind him seemed to be trying hard not to laugh.

"Wh-what do you mean?" the man asked, looking like a hurt child.

"The paper," Kurt said, pointing to said object, "it's blank. Shouldn't there be some kind of ID there?"

The man and woman exchanged a look. The man looked at the paper again, there was an ID card from what he could see. This boy could see that the paper was blank, this wasn't good.

"Well," the man said, clearing his throat, "I don't think we're in Perú, where are we? Oh, and what's the date?"

Although Kurt shot the stranger a confused look and was thinking this guy was definitely off his rocker, he answered both the odd questions. "September 23, 2011. You're in Lima, Ohio," Kurt said, "if I were you, I'd get out as soon as you can."

The man and woman looked confused. The woman suddenly gasped. "Doctor, look."

She gestured to the pills which they apprantly hadn't noticed until then. Kurt himself had forgotten what he'd been about to do. The woman looked very concerned and came closer to Kurt slowly and knelt next to him.

"Hey, what's your name, sweetie?" she asked gently.

"Kurt Hummel," he responded, although he didn't know why he was telling this to a total strangers who probably thought he was a crackpot insane person now.

"Well, I'm Amy and this is the Doctor."

Kurt looked up at the man, "What kind of a name is that? Did your parents hate you or something?"

The Doctor looked deeply offended. "Well it's not my real name. I choose it myself. It's a tradition among my people."

Kurt nodded although he was thinking of a million different insults just for the guy's name.

Amy spoke up suddenly, "Look Doctor. It seems like the two of you play for the same team."

Kurt's gaze snapped to the Doctor. "Wait you're-"

"See? Team bowtie!" she interrupted, tugging the blue one around Kurt's neck. He gently smacked her hand away.

"Well it's about time someone else wore them," the Doctor said, straighting his bowtie, "bowties are cool."

Kurt smiled a little am the two but he mostly looked crestfallen. He was so pathetic that he wanted this weird stranger to be gay. He was so sick of being alone.

"What are you doing here? And what is that?" he asked, refering the second question to the blue box which still stood in his room.

" We were on our way to Lima, Perú since you apparntly missed that entire conversation. That's my TARDIS: Time And Reletive Dementions In Space. It's a time machine," the Doctor said in a bored tone as if he was discussing the weather.

Kurt looked behind the Doctor at Amy, she seemed much more sane, and raised his eyebrows. She nodded excitedly, pointed at the 'TARDIS', and gave him a thumbs up.

The Doctor croutched down next to Kurt and picked up one of pills. "What happened Kurt?" he asked in a low voice.

Kurt's race mind raced trying to find an explanation. "I have allergies, I needed to take them and when you vaporized or whatever in here I dropped the bottle and they scattered," he said.

The Doctor shot him a disappionted look. He sniffed the pill he was holding and licked it experimently. "You lied," he shot at Kurt, who flinched, "these are sleeping pills. Not to strong, but I'm guessing strong enough for you to hurt yourself."

"I just need them to sleep," Kurt said quickly. He drew his knees up to his chin and grabbed his toes, an old nervous habit of his.

"Then why did you lie?" the Doctor shot back.

Amy walked over to the spilled glass and picked it up. "And why were you washing the pills down with," she sniffed the glass and wrinkled her nose, "Vodka."

Kurt was crying, choking himself with hard sobs. Amy walked over and sat down next to him, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"Why, Kurt?" she whispered.

"Why do you care?" he asked harshly, jerking away from her hand, "I've known you for about ten minutes."

Turning back and seeing Amy's hurt face, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm just so tired of feeling so trapped and alone."

Amy's face lit up. "I've got an idea."

"No Amy," the Doctor warned. He clearly already knew whatever this spectacular idea was.

"But Doctor," she whined, "he needs us."

The Doctor seemed to be trying and failing to resist. "Fine," he said and Amy let out a soft cheer.

The Doctor turned to Kurt and held out a hand to help him to his feet. "So Kurt Hummel, how do you feel about seeing all of time and space?"

TBC Reviews are Love (^_^)

Peace, Love, Glee (and Doctor Who)
