"Aw, come on, hun, you can tell me!" Phoenix sat across the table at Tapper's, batting her eyelashes relentlessly at the man across from her, a pout plastered across her face. It was already their second date, and he wouldn't even mutter a word about his first name. Every time the subject was brought up, he simply brushed it off, telling her to "just call me Calhoun". To be honest, it was all getting just a bit ridiculous.

"I don't want to tell you, it's stupid." He insisted, leaning back in his chair and taking a swing of his drink, eyes focused on the ceiling.

"I'm sure it's fine! Come on, how could a dynamite guy like you ever have a stupid name?"

Their banter continued for a few minutes, Phoenix continuing to assault him with "please"s and "it can't be that bad"s as Calhoun relentlessly ignored her.

"If you don't tell me, I'll… I'll just leave!" She let out one last attempt at convincing her boyfriend, not really intending to leave at all. But it was worth a shot.

Calhoun sighed, grabbing onto her wrist to stop her from standing.

"No! I… fine, I'll tell you…"

Phoenix giggled, leaning forward in anticipation as if she had been waiting years for the words that were about to escape his lips.

"It's… Tallahassee…" His cheeks lit up with blush, eyes flickering to hers for a moment before quickly moving away.

"Oh, sugarcube, that's adorable!" Phoenix giggled once more, jumping out of her seat to place a quick kiss on his cheek. "I love it! I think I'll start calling you that every day from now on! Tallahassee! Taaaallaaahaaaassseee… It has the sweetest little ring to it! Oh shucks, it's sure giving me the honeyglows already…"


"Yes, Tallahassee?"

"Would you not- Ugh, fine, whatever…" Calhoun sighed, allowing a small smile too creep onto his lips. Maybe he would get used to the name. Then again…

"Hey, Tal'?"


"You've got the honeyglows."

"Shut up…"