A/N: The Prologue for my new story Out of the Rabbit Hole.

Full Summary: In Tarrant's world of talking flowers and big-headed evil queens it's always an adventure. A place he once loved before Alice set things right again. Then she left when all was well once again. Tarrant should be ecstatic things are back to normal in his mad little world; but things weren't the same without Alice anymore. She was the only one who treated him like he was a hundred percent sane. Of course he knew he wasn't but it was still nice to be treated as such. At first The Hatter thought he was only missing their time spent together. Soon though Tarrant realizes maybe what he's really missing is Alice. After three years of loneliness The Mad Hatter decides to do something about it. Like traveling out through the rabbit hole to our world. To Alice's world.

Disclaimer: I don't own Alice In Wonderland or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in any way obviously. But this fanfic idea is 100% mine. (Even checked to make sure no one else had done one like this when I got the idea.)

I also don't own the cover picture but a big thanks to who made it: kara-lija on DeviantART


They say a heart that has never felt the warmth of love should be pitted but I believe we should feel sorrow for the hearts that have gotten to close to the fire that is love and have come back burned. For they know the truth of what pains the Earth in all it's splendor has to offer.

For I have been burned, for I know the pains of love.

A/N: Thanks for reading and it'd be great if you gave me some feed back. (: Chapter one will be out tonight or tomorrow.