
Alfred was tired of watching Mathew pace, and when he wasn't pacing he was outside where Alfred couldn't be. All in all, Alfred was bored.

He had finished a game of chess with him on both sides, he counted to one hundred twice, reread a book he had in his travel bag, and went so low as to play pretend with the pillows and covers.

This was what he was doing when it hit him. He was being a mighty hero-knight (plain knights are boring) and slaying a large fire-breathing dragon with two, no, three heads. Just as he raised his sword to give the death blow, Alfred was hit with an empty feeling.

Alfred didn't feel like playing anymore. Where was Mathew? I need Mathew, if he doesn't come in the next few moments I will kill him! Suddenly he realized what these symptoms meant. The empty feeling, the loneliness, the anger, and Alfred bet if he felt his head he would have a low fever.

His heat was coming early.

Alfred thought about all the Alphas in camp, they might try to come get him. Oh God! They'll rape me and knot in me and it'll feel so good! The heat was talking already.

Alfred shook his head and decided to go for a walk. He would leave a note to Mathew and go hid in the woods until his heat is over.

As he went further into the woods, Alfred noticed a berry bush with ripe black berries. He stopped to grab a handful and popped them into his mouth as he walked.

Just has he finished licking the juice from his fingers he felt the emptiness increase and a wet feeling start trailing down his rear.


Arthur was on yet another run. This time it was more than just finding his second that kept his mind preoccupied.

The Omega, Alfred he recalled, was out of his reach just as much in it. His stepbrother wouldn't deal well with Arthur asking for him as a mate.

Arthur could just see him now, pheromones making the air smell like heaven, body flushed and trembling in excitement, face pressed in the covers of Arthur's bed…. Those pheromones weren't disappearing.

Arthur stood straight and glanced around with sharp eyes around but saw nothing. The scent was still there though. He started to follow it, dodging bushes in his path.

There! He couldn't help but to launch himself out at the hearth of that scent, pinning down the Omega.

He held down the blonde's hands as he sniffed and licked the neck before him, humping against a thigh. Arthur heard a high pitched whine and looked up at his future mate.

Alfred gazed back at him, eyes glazed with lust. Arthur was startled but the scent of a horny Omega was so distracting that he couldn't focus on how many problems he would make by mating with him.

Arthur snarled and pulled Alfred up for a bruising kiss making the Omega whimper and buck up against him. Something still bothered Arthur; something was different about Alfred's scent than any other male Omegas he had come in contact with. Suddenly he figured it out and smirked at the panting Omega.

"You're FERTILE!" Arthur cried out and suddenly his desire shot up higher than the sky. A fertile male Omega!

Arthur sucked on Alfred's neck hard and Alfred howled with delight. Without reason, Alfred was scrambling to get away and Arthur pulled back confused. Didn't he want it too?

That train of thought was evaporated when Alfred torn his shirt off and pulled his pants and underwear down and off. Alfred's member stood proud and dripped with pre-cum. Arthur attacked Alfred again leaving love bites wherever he could. Alfred let out a whine but still pushed Arthur away.

Arthur was getting frustrated with the Omega being a tease and would have pounced on Alfred again until Alfred turned and got on his hands and knees. Arthur came up behind him and gently pushed Alfred's face into the dirt and leaves.

He tore open his pants and pushed them down some but was too busy to take them off. He moaned as his cock touched the cool air.

Arthur noticed the natural lubricant that flowed in tiny streams down Alfred's legs and growled at the sight. Lucky him, male Omegas in heat needed no preparation or lube. He just pushed right into the tight heat.

Alfred keened loudly at the intrusion, pushing back to engulf Arthur's entire length. Arthur couldn't hold back, having such a wonderful Omega in heat under him, and immediately started thrusting hard and fast.

Alfred moaned every time his inner walls were brushed, since heat made him sensitive, until he screamed when Arthur hit that one place inside him. Suddenly Alfred was screaming loudly and crying "More, more, more! Please!"

Suddenly Alfred let go, coming over the dirt as expected of a recently plucked virgin. Arthur felt Alfred's walls close around him and could only move a few more thrusts before finding his release. He felt his cock start to swell and pulled a lethargic Alfred to him and rolled so they could be more comfortable.

Arthur shifted once and felt his knot refuse to move so he just nuzzled his Omega's head and fell into a deep sleep.

I really didn't want anything to happen yet but it happened anyway….

I'll explain, Alfred ate some berries that hinder thinking and Arthur was drunk off of pheromones. How are Arthur, Alfred, and Mathew going to react?