
TPWABW: Thank you! Nah, she's just scared. Give her some time. :)

Muirgen79: Thank you so much! I feel that if I made Nicole all enthusiastic about meeting an alien race, it would make this story just one of many whose authors made the OC react the same. I think that the fear factor makes the story a bit more realistic. I hope you like this chapter and thanks for reviewing!

Sunstreaker's Girl: Thank you so much, dear! I'm sorry I couldn't get back on your e-mails, my internet is pure crap and I could barely get this chapter posted! Nicole is a circus with feet, as you'll read in the future! :)

Trainer Azalea: Thank you so much and I agree with you!

Bee4ever: Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you like them! Please enjoy reading this chapter!

Vodid: It's okay, I'm just glad you reviewed! And I'm even more glad to know that you like this story and Nicole's reactions! I hope you like this chapter! :)

Alice Gone Madd: She will calm down, don't worry. Just wait and see what happens in this chapter. :)

ThisIsHope: I'm glad she makes you laugh! She's a walking circus. I hope you like this chapter and I'll try to add even more humor if you like it! :)

Skydreamer1990: Thank you so much! I also wish I was in her shoes, and this is the closest I can get to it! Thank you and I hope you like this chapter! :)

Angel of Randomosity: Haha, honestly, me too! But it will all happen, trust me! All it takes is a bit of time for everything to fall into place. Thank you and I hope you like this! :)

SleepiPanda: Thank you! I'm glad you liked that. I feel that accepting the Transformers with open arms is overplayed and I wanted to add a bit of a fear factor in, so I'm really happy to hear it worked out nicely!

Makkenna Witwicky: Thank you so much for the feedback! It really means a lot. Nicole is a bit more open in this chapter, as you will see, and I will do my best to make this story as good as it can be without overdoing things, like Nicole's fearfulness. I look forward to more feedback because it really does help me improve the story and my writing!

NumberOneVillager: Thank you so much!

Fun-sized Friend: Thank you so much! I hope I don't disappoint. :)

RoxanneRay: Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! I'm really glad that you like the humor in the story! I hope I don't disappoint with this update! :)

Chapter 12: You're The One I'm Afraid Of

"Please tell me that you have those glasses." Mikaela pleaded as she looked at me.

I looked at Sam. "You didn't sell the glasses, right?" For once, I pleaded that those dreaded glasses were still in our possession.

"Yeah, yeah, nobody bid on them." Sam assured, causing a wave of huge relief to wash over me. "They're back home."

And then something snapped inside my mind. If the glasses were at home, we had to get them. There was no way we could get home by foot and not break the curfew. "As much as I hate to say this," And I really did hate myself for saying this, "We have to go with them home."

"Why?" Sam said as I looked at him blankly. He looked around for a very short moment, looking at the dark night sky before he froze, realization dawning upon him. "The curfew." He blinked, looking at me. I nodded. "What's the time?" He asked Mikaela and me.

"I don't have a watch." Mikaela shrugged, her blue eyes dancing from Sam to me.

"It's 10:34, young fellas." The one named Jazz piped in, standing up from the car he squished moments ago, causing the metal to creak as he got up off the shell. "You goin' somewhere?" He took a few languid steps forwards, putting his hands on his hips, the blue visor watching us.

"We have to go home." Sam said as I tried swallowing my fear. Sam wasn't afraid of the robots and he was the chicken of the family. Well, maybe I was right now, but that was because of the giant black robot with huge cannons that pointed them at me. It was hard to stay cool. "We have 20 minutes to get back home."

"I can get ya there in 2." Jazz said, a smirk on his face.

Oh no, I wasn't going anywhere near an insane speeding robot. Nope. Not me.

As I was thinking that, my head unconsciously shook 'no' to him. "You scared?" The robot tempted.

I was terrified, really. "No." I boldly said, straightening my back and puffing my chest out.

Jazz crouched, resting his elbows on his legs, extending a finger towards me slowly. "Touch me and prove it." He said as Sam and Mikaela were too busy talking to Bumblebee and Optimus.

I moved a step back as a wave of coldness washed over me and my stomach did a crazy cartwheel. "I really don't want to." I muttered.

"Then you are scared. Scaredy-cat." He teased, and my pride bit into it immediately.

"I'm not afraid of you." I said, even though I was. I glanced at Sam and Mikaela, and they were chattering normally with the robots. So why on Earth could I not do the same with Jazz?

"Then show me." He extended his finger again, letting it rest there for me to touch him.

"Don't hurt her, Jazz." The medic's voice said lowly, so that just Ironhide, Jazz and I could hear it.

"I would nevah! How many times do you think I've done this?"

"Not once, we have never touched humans, and you are not going to be the first one to do so." Ratchet scolded.

"Oh, and you are?" Jazz argued.

Could I gather the courage to touch him?

"She looks uncomfortable." Ratchet said.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Jazz asked me.

"No." I lied. I was really, really uncomfortable around them.

"See, she's fine!" Jazz said.

"She's lying." Ratchet looked at me and then looked at Jazz. "For a Special Ops, you are extremely unperceptive."

"Now that's just rude." Jazz frowned at Ratchet.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked me as he was done talking to our 'guardian' and the big truck.

"She wants to touch me, but she's too scared." Jazz snickered. My God, he never stopped talking.

"-Nothing." I said at the same time as Jazz did. Eventually, all that Sam heard was 'she's too scared'.

"Scared of what?" He asked with a look of confusion.

"Touching me."

"Nothing." I repeated at the same time as Jazz did. "Stop it, dude." I glared at him.

"Little lady," Jazz started, his once relaxed finger straightening and pointing itself at me. "That is not how you talk to older people."

Unsurprisingly, Ratchet was the one to answer. He snorted at Jazz, crossing his arms. "Like you're one to talk."

"Hey, I happen to have some manners!" Jazz said as he stood up, looking at Ratchet.

Ratchet huffed. "Not nearly enough it seems."

Ironhide snorted as a laugh. "You tell him, Ratchet." He crossed his arms too, the cannons looking imposing as always.

"Who side is your old aft on?" Jazz said, itching for a verbal challenge.

"Obviously not yours." Ironhide snorted again.

"I'll remember this!" Jazz exclaimed. "And then Imma beat your aft for it and take your job."

Ironhide scoffed. "As if you could do my job-"

"Autobots." Optimus said in his regal and baritone voice, causing all unnecessary chatter to cease, and all eyes to meet his. "Time is of the essence. The humans much reach their destination posthaste, and we must remain in our alternate forms to not attract unnecessary attention." He gave them a look. "Now, transform and roll out."

Without a single hum of voices, they all transformed into cars in a splendid mash of metal and cables. In under 10 seconds, every Autobot was a car, and you could never tell the difference between a normal car and them.

Which was pretty obvious, since Bumblebee had already tricked us once.

As all the cars were here, I wondered if I should maybe take that ride that Jazz offered.

"Nicole, what are you waiting for?" Sam said as he opened the door of the Camaro.

"Nothing." I said as I gave the Pontiac Solstice one last look before sliding into the passenger seat of the Camaro, Mikaela having already seated herself in the back.

"Where to, homeboy?" The radio asked as the door shut itself and the comfortable leather seats took me in.

"Home." Sam replied as the engine turned on, the Camaro leading the way out of the foggy alleyway.

A few minutes were spent in silence before someone decided to speak up, that someone being me. "I wonder what mom and dad will say." I said as the Camaro drove over speed bumps, my breasts jumping up and down with the motion, before the car smoothly drove forwards. It was silent in the car, with no radio singing.

"About what?" Sam asked.

"About this." I said as I made a motion with my hand. "All of this. The robots, the glasses, the cars."

"Mom and dad can't know." Sam said. "They'd kill us."

"I know, but we can't lie to them." I said. "How do we explain a concept car in our driveway?" I alluded to Bumblebee. If he was our guardian, that meant he would be sticking around, as much as I didn't want him to.

"I can't think about that right now." Sam replied rather grumpily as he instinctively put his hand on the top of the steering wheel.

"You're gonna have to think about it, like it or not." My ornery side showed. "Because that talk is gonna happen, and you know it."

"I'll leave you to do that talk."

"Hell no, I always do the hard stuff! Man up, Samuel." I used his real name, letting him know that I was dead serious.

"Grow a pair, Nicole." He growled.

"My balls have always been bigger than yours." I hit him low verbally.

"Hey, how about you two," Mikaela broke us up. "How about you two just forget about the impending talk and think about where the glasses are? The sooner we give them the glasses, the better."

There was silence as I crossed my arms and looked out the window. I hated arguing with people, mostly because of how deeply my words could hurt them. It didn't matter that I didn't mean thesaid words, but they could hurt in ways I couldn't imagine.

She was right, though. The sooner we give them the glasses, the sooner they will leave. And our 4 thousand dollars that were spent on a Camaro would be gone, too.

So it was lose-lose situation, either way.

Bumblebee drove us to our home without missing a single turn. While it was cool to be in a car that drove on its own and could have highly intelligent conversations with you, it was also scary. It knew a lot about us. I just feared that once they got their glasses, they would kill us. I prayed that that wouldn't be the case. After all, all my fears were well-founded. I didn't know why Sam and Mikaela weren't petrified, though. Maybe I took on all their fears.

After all, in every group there was one person that was the most paranoid and most cautious of all. I knew it was me, this time.

Or maybe, they were just too trusting.

Bumblebee pulled into the alley behind our house, where none of the cars and trucks would be seen by stranger eyes. Sam and I practically leapt out of the car, leaving Mikaela with Bumblebee. "I need you to stay here, alright? You gotta stay here and you're gonna watch them." Sam said as I watched her reaction.

She was silent for a moment, knowing fully well that she couldn't say no. "Yeah, okay."

"All of them, you hear what I'm saying?" Sam repeated.

"Yeah, alright." She tentatively replied.

"Five minutes, alright?" He showed her a spread out palm, showing all five fingers of his hand as he ran beside me and through the wooden fence, which was miraculously unlocked. Dad must have left it open for us, which only meant that we had to hurry.

We ran over dad's meticulously kept grass, the 'do not cross or you will sleep outside' rule not even crossing our minds. Dad must have had a third eye or something, because the second we stepped on the grass, I could see through the window him getting up from the couch and walking over to the door to the yard. And just in time to see us jumping over his beloved grass.

"Ugh, Nicole." Dad groaned as he slowly opened the door. "Thanks for staying on my path." He said sardonically.

I quickly turned around, seeing Sam running to the door. "Dad!" Sam said as he crashed into the door, pushing dad slightly backwards. "Oh yeah, sorry about the path, I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now, how about that?" Sam said as he tried to casually lean on the door, to block dad from getting into the yard.

The expression on dad's face was one of surprise, concern, worry, and of course, irritation. "You know, I buy half your car, I bail you out of jail and then I just decide to do all your chores." He said as he looked at both Sam and me.

Oh man, this just wasn't our day.

Sam's face blanched. "The chores." He said so quietly I could barely hear him. That meant dad had to walk the dog, water the grass, wash the dishes, make the beds, get the groceries…

I suddenly heard commotions behind me and like something was cutting through the air.

Were those things transforming again?

Oh man.

"Life is great, huh?" Dad said sardonically.

I nudged Sam harshly as I was behind him, partially hiding from dad so that he wouldn't see me and berate me some more, since he loved doing that. "Life is fantastic is how good it is." Sam said as he turned around and both of us saw Optimus rising up.

And then I, being the one with an eye for detail, noticed something. "Dad didn't take out the trash." I whispered to Sam as I saw the trashcan near our driveway.

Sam put his hand to his forehead as he turned back around to dad. "Oh dad, the trashcans! Sorry dad, I'm gonna do the trashcans."

"No, I don't want you to strain yourself and Nicole to get her pretty nails messed up." Dad replied as he looked at me. My nails were indeed pretty, as I always had a manicure, but I didn't like the fact that he was against me. Dad started to open the door, but together with Sam, we pushed it back closed.

"No, I'm not gonna strain myself! Nicole will do the trash and I'm gonna scrape the grill and-" Dad went to open the door again, but once more we pushed back. We couldn't allow dad to get out into the yard and see the robots. "It would hurt my feelings if you do it!" Sam said.

"Mine too!" I contributed.

"You sure?" Dad gave us a dubious look.

"Yeah, we're sure!" I backed him up, seeing that this was going nowhere. "We're gonna do the trash, scrape the grill and we're gonna sweep up the whole house!" I said.




"Right now!" I said with enthusiasm, just to get him off my case. I heard leaves rustling and as I looked back, I saw Optimus stepping into our yard.

Holy smokes, what the hell was he thinking he was doing?

I moved away from Sam and just as I was about to walk towards Optimus, Bumblebee emerged from the corner of the house, freaking me out.

I almost screamed in surprise, but quickly I put my hands over my mouth. "What are you doing?" I whisper-yelled at the yellow robot.

He made a couple of four-fingered hand gestures that I didn't understand, all the while saying silent. If he used his radio, that could have caused dad to come out of the house and see where it came from. But that didn't matter though, because a 25ft robot was in my freaking yard!

"Get him out of here!" I repeated as I went back to Sam, accidentally slipping on a puddle on the stone path and shoving Sam into the door. The door clanged again as I fell on Sam's back.

"I love you." Sam blurted out to dad as I grabbed my brother by the shoulders to keep myself from sliding to the ground. I froze, having fallen onto Sam in an awkward position, but not daring to move. "God, I love you. Just so much right now." Sam reeked of sweat and was wet and his shirt was shredded and I did not want him touching me.

"You know, mom wanted me to ground you two." Dad said, sending a look my way.

"Just another thing you did for us, dad." I said sweetly, praying to God that Optimus stayed silent. I could feel each footstep vibrating through the ground as he was getting closer. Man, where did he get the brilliant idea to come into my backyard?! "I love you too, dad." I sucked up to him, smiling a sweet smile. He was such a sucker for my sweet smile.

I glanced in Bumblebee's direction, looking out for other Autobots as well. But I saw Bumblebee looking at us, with a sad look in his blue eyes. It was like he was watching something that he could never have in his own life.

I immediately looked back to dad, pretending to agree with whatever Sam was prating to him. I was thinking about something else though.

Did robots have parents? Did they experience family bonds and love the way we did? Did they even have emotions like ours?

"Go to your rooms after you're done cleaning the house." Dad said, batting a finger at both of us. We nodded. "And Nicole, you're walking Mojo tomorrow."

Nobody wanted to walk Mojo. Especially when he couldn't go faster than half a mile an hour, because of his broken leg. Walking him was a real bother. "Okay, dad." I agreed. Another thundering footstep could be felt through the ground and I could hear more leaves rustling in the distance.

My stomach did a cartwheel as I was struggling to keep a normal smile on my face. A nervous one was practically begging to take over my face. "So, what are you waiting for?" Dad asked.

Sam and I didn't waste another second with him as we fled from the door. Dad walked back to the couch in the living room, shaking his head as he did so.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at the big blue and red robot as he circled our yard, leaving giant footprints on the pristine grass. Oh, we were so screwed for this.

"Watch the path!" Sam shrieked. Optimus didn't know where to put his feet. Why didn't just stay put in the first place?! "Please, please!"

"No!" I shrieked as his foot landed on the fountain, the white stone crumbling down in asymmetrical pieces. I was surprised that mom and dad didn't hear this. The TV must have been on a higher volume. "Oh man." I gripped my head, ruffling my chocolate brown hair in the process. This was so bad. So, so bad. "Couldn't you wait for five minutes?!" I glared at the robot.

He looked at me with his blue eyes, muttering. "Oops. My bad."

"I told you to stay!" Sam yelled at him as well. These robots were nothing but trouble.

"God." Sam and I said at the same time, both feeling exasperated and tired of all of this.

Suddenly, something big and warm nudged me from behind, causing me to do a double take. I almost fell forwards, my heart racing. What just pushed me? I quickly turned around, my brown locks dancing around me, seeing a big yellow robot in front of me.

"What is your problem, now?" I glared derisively at it. I didn't need him on my case, too. The other robots were transforming in the alley behind me, inconspicuously (sort of) walking into my yard.

"No problem here, sir." His radio spoke quietly. "Just wanna tell ya that boss is impatient."

Boss. That must mean Optimus. He was the biggest of them, so I just assumed he was their leader or something.

"Yeah well, I noticed. He broke my fountain!" I whined to the yellow Camaro. "Who's gonna pay for that?"

"Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it." He played a song.

"No! You're not helping!" I shook my head and walked away from him. I didn't need his songs to make me feel better or any of the like.

Mikaela suddenly ran out from the alley, abruptly stopping when she saw the robots littered around in the yard. "I told you to watch them!" Sam said to her.

"Yeah well, they seemed to be in a little bit of a rush!" She muttered extremely quickly.

I heard petite dog barks, and I immediately knew that they were Mojo's.

Oh man, what if they stepped on Mojo? What was he doing outside the house at 10pm?

I quickly dashed towards the sounds, frantically looking for the purebred Chihuahua. He was right beside Ironhide, sniffing his leg.

Oh no.

No, no, no.

"Mojo, Mojo!" I called for him, hoping that Ironhide wouldn't raise his leg, but I also hoped that Mojo wouldn't raise his either. But of course, he did, and the pristine yellow fluid splashed all over the weapons specialist's foot.

"Off the robot!" Sam called from behind me as he rushed in Mojo's direction as well.

"Ugh, wet!" Ironhide exclaimed as he pushed Mojo, causing him to fly in the air for a split second before falling on the leg in the casket, the one he broke when he fell off his little penthouse. Mojo whined loudly and I couldn't take the sound. I immediately scooped him up in my arms and petted him.

"Mojo, you okay, baby?" I cooed to him, hugging him. He said nothing, but he was trembling, dark chocolate eyes wide with fear. I kissed him on the head, worry on my face.

Something flashed in my eyes as rage filled me.

Nobody hurt my dog and got away with it.

AN: Sooo, we had some interaction with Jazz. I really love Jazz and it's a shame people don't take the time to write some interaction with him. He can be sooo hilarious when he wants to. You can expect a lot of humor in the Jazz/OC story I'm planning to do! - That is, if it wins the poll. So far, Jazz is in the lead!

And Nicole is ganging up against Ironhide (although he doesn't know it yet). Maybe not the brightest idea she had. I would like to thank you all for waiting for me to update, I KNOW it takes a lot of time, but I'm seriously pushing myself to write. I haven't had inspiration for full 7 months, but that's my issue. I'm NOT stopping with either of my stories! It may take me a month (or two) to update, but I'm sure as hell not giving up.

On another note, if you see any mistakes, they are all mine, because I gave my Beta this chapter and since I have no internet, I couldn't reupload the Beta'd chapter. So I worked on this one since it was the one already in my Doc Manager. I thank my Beta deeply for all the work she has done and time she has taken to read and correct my chapters. She truly does an amazing job!

So, the last AN for now, please tell me how you all liked this and those who haven't, please vote on the poll at the top of my profile!


Pentatonix – Get Lucky