Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the song Crazy Train!

Chapter 1:

The clock struck two and blurs of people come and go some smiling, some crying but all moving forward except one. She stood staring at the double door that could change her life, take her away to a new reality. If only she could just step up onto the metal surface and through the doors, but she couldn't. Her tears cloud her vision, her mind races, but her heart beat is slow and unnerving. Could she do it? She didn't know. And the tears flow harder.


The woman jumps at the sound of her name and frantically surveys her surroundings. She couldn't face him now not after everything that had happened, but as fate would have it there he was buying a ticket to board the very same train she was currently standing in front of, but why? She pulls her coat in tighter to her body and looks away hiding her face in her hood. She refuses to be seen, but couldn't help but to have one last look at the man who had destroyed everything she believed in. He looked unfazed about what had happened prior this morning as he stepped up onto the train and out of her life forever.

Back to the question, could she get on the train? No, not with him aboard. With this sudden realization, Kagome drops her ticket to the ground not caring where it went or whose hands it got into and makes her way back to the bench where she had been sleeping earlier and waits for the next train to arrive.

"Kagome…I'm so sorry…I didn't mean to hur-"

"Hurt! You didn't mean to hurt me? After all that sneaking around and lies…all you can say is sorry?"

"I don't know what else to say"

"How about you say let's work this out, it won't happen again…how about…I love you"

The air was thick with tension and the tears were already being let loose as they gently glided down each of the parties' cheeks to fall to the floor. It was hard after she had found him with her, she didn't know what to do she couldn't even remember how to breathe. She was already running from a family that didn't want her but now she had to abandon the man that told her it would all work out, that now they could be together fully. So she did it, she gave herself to him that day and seven hours later here he was defending himself for being in bed with another woman. It wasn't fair none of this was fair, but everyone always said that life is never fair in the first place. Kagome hung her head not giving the man the gratification of seeing anymore of her tears and in a weak whisper said.

"Get out"


"GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" and he left. Now all she had to do was leave too.

The clock struck three and the train came slowly into the station eagerly awaiting its passengers. Kagome slowly got out of her very uncomfortable bench and once again makes her way to the ticket booth.

"Train seven for 3:00 please" Kagome weakly states as she pulls out her wallet to find that she has just enough money for this ticket, this is her last shot to get on that train. She can't back out, not this time. She boldly walks up to the train, the doors slide open and Kagome's weakness comes back to fight.

'I can't do this, I'll have nothing left'

'but you already have nothing left!'

Kagome's heart and mind were battling each other and neither side gave the impression that it was going to give up anytime soon.

"Hey get out of the way some people need to get on the train!" A man yelled from behind the conflicted woman. Kagome did not budge, he could go around. But he didn't, instead he pushed her into the train and poor frightened Kagome froze in her place as she watched the doors close behind her.

'No please I wasn't ready, I shouldn't be here!'

But it was too late the train was already gaining speed taking to an unknown place where she could start a new life, one where she meant something. Though in Kagome's mind this was not true and something was not right, she stood up from her position on the floor and dusted herself off before scanning the cart. No one was around, where did everyone go? Didn't they push her onto the train in this car, so wouldn't they be here too?

"Are you lost? Of course not how could one be lost when they know exactly where they are." A strange voice whispered in Kagome's ear causing her to jump and bump into the wall. As Kagome regained her balance she looked up to the voice that had startled her and gasped at what she saw. He was beautiful, a little rough around the edges but who was she to judge? It looked as if she hadn't seen sleep in years. He had long silver hair cascading down his back; it was a bit tousled but still glimmering. A top his head were the two most adorable little dog ears she had ever seen.

"Can I touch them?" Kagome asked

"Touch what exactly?"

"Your ears, can I touch them?"

The man looked taken a back at first, but a smirk came to his face and a glint to his eye before he slowly lowered his head.

Kagome was amazed she couldn't believe she actually asked a demon if she could touch his ears! What was she thinking, he could kill her for asking something as stupid as that, but then he lowered his head maybe he was different?

As Kagome slowly reached out her hand to lay her fingers delicately on his appendages, she looked in his eyes. They looked lost and sad though there was a glint of mischievousness in them as well. Almost there, her fingers were millimeters from the tips of the fur, but her eyes never left his. That is, until they went dark and almost evil. She felt him take a hold of her wrist yanking her arm back down to her side.

"No I don't think you can." He said in a whisper that was filled with hatred.

Kagome snapped to her senses and quickly pulled her a bruised wrist out of his iron clutches. She brought her wrist to her chest and began to rub it hoping to alleviate some of the pain and hopefully some of her fear.

"Sorry" Kagome whispered back. She knew that it was a stupid question and that he possibly couldn't be any different than any other demon she had ever met. Then she heard a small chuckle that turned into hysterical laughter. How could he laugh at her?! She just had the worst day ever and didn't even want to end up on this train, then a raging maniac just caused her even more pain and he was LAUGHING?! Next thing she knew the back of her hand forcefully met the side of his face and the laughter stopped it was dead quiet.

'What did you do, are you trying to give yourself a death sentence?! What are you going to do now? '

Before Kagome could let out even the slightest sound she was pushed to the ground with a pair of hands wrapped around her neck, it wasn't tight but it had just enough pressure for the point to get across and keep her on the ground.

"You really shouldn't attack someone that could out power you so...easily" his grip became tighter with the last word and Kagome lost her nerve. She became consumed in her thoughts she couldn't believe it this is how she was going to die, heartbroken and on a train to gods know where. How could this happen? How did everything fall apart so quickly? Her words were cut short when the man on top of her shifted just enough to plant a small kiss on her cheek. Kagome's heart sped up, she was nervous, but she should be fighting back. Except everything in her bruised body told her to just let up, let life have its laugh. Then just as Kagome was expecting the worst, the man lifted his body off of hers and held out his hand for her to take. Kagome hesitated.

"Take it or don't one chance offer." Kagome continued to stay planted on the ground, confused as to what had just transpired between them. Eventually the man rolled his eyes, took away his hand and turned his back.

"Fine suit yourself; I hope the ground fits your liking if that's where you're going to stay."

"Why did you stop?"

"I wasn't going to fucking rape you, but…" The man moved in on Kagome and swiftly lifted her off of the ground then immediately pulled her in close. He then wrapped his arms around her small waist and put his nose in her hair, taking in her scent. He fisted her shirt in his hands and then quickly pushed her away as soon as he felt her arms snake around his neck.

"Who are you?" Kagome asked suddenly fully aware that this man did not scare her. She felt she could almost trust this man, if it wasn't for his rollercoaster behavior. She wanted to get to know him, his life, and why he has attached himself to this train. She wanted to help, or maybe that was just the part of her that begged for a friend. Either way this is what she got and she had to take it.

"Inuyasha" He held out his hand. Kagome looked at it, it was rough with many scars running up his arms and disappearing under his shirt, this was her chance, right now that passing of one reality to another all she had to do was take his hand. Kagome did not hesitate.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully they get longer!
