hey guys! happy new year! Im sorry I didnt update soon, but my mom just passed away a few days ago so Ive been dealing with that, sorry if this one isnt good, I try -_- :) well enjoooy~

DIS: must I have to do this, ok I own nothing in this story :'(

On the bed was…

Dick Grayson! He looked broken, bloody, and still. Damian ran over to the man he missed so much. The younger desperately looked for a pulse, but he couldn't find one, Dick's body was unnaturally cold, his to blue eyes seemed to see something in the distance. Damian backed away as he felt something within his stomach drop with realization; Dick Grandson the man who cared for Damian and had been a father figure for the younger was gone. Than the world seemed to weigh too much, the boy dropped to the floor and cried his heart out he shrieked and shivered with grief, not caring if he woke his family, as he cried desperately he heard an all too familiar voice whisper

"I love you little D" and just like that the world went black, all senses blinded…

"Grayson!" Damian yelled, waking up drenched in cold sweat. He was in his room in the manor but what had happened to Dick? Damian instantly ran to Dick's room, dreading the thought of seeing him Dead once more, but knew his father and brothers would never think of checking the room. When he reached the room, on the bed was a healthy Grayson, he was sleeping so peacefully, not broken, bloody or dead. Damian was utterly confused, he began prodding the older to confirm if this was a dream or not

"Dami, what's wrong "Grayson asked casually, getting into a sitting position

Damian's eyes went wide, his mouth agape

"Whatever joke you are doing isn't funny, you pretender" Damian sneered

"Whoa are you okay little D" Dick asked, genuinely concerned by the others actions

"Y-you were missing, a-and dead, I saw you, I…you had no pulse" Damian barely whispered, ht tears sliding down his face by the time he finished

At that moment Dick realized what was going on, the little one must have had a nightmare

"Little D, it's really me, I think you just had a nightmare" Dick said gently, reaching out to hug the boy, which of course the boy embraced.

For the next half an hour, Damian cried into Dick's chest, explaining what had happened and how he felt, by the end of it Damian calmed down enough, he growled out

"Don't you ever do that again… idiot" as he leaned more into Dicks shoulder

Dick could only smile with pride that the boy loved him that much

"Don't plan on it" Dick murmured, closing his eyes a bit, leaning in the pillows

Damian willed himself to sleep, knowing he was safe in Grayson's arms and telling himself that…

It was just a dream

REVIEEEEW ME MAAAAAAYBEEE? YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOOOOOOO~ :) I know crappy eh? oh I have more stories if you'd like to read 'em?

OH by the way did any one else see 'American Psycho' tooo? I just watched it xD
