A/N: Welcome to my story. I'm glad you clicked on this, because now, you're in for a treat. We've taken three games from the Zelda Universe and mashed them together into one epic adventure. Can you guess which ones? No? Don't worry, you'll find out as the story progresses. I hope you'll enjoy it. Or I hope you at least won't flame me about it.

"Good evening, everybody. Welcome to Channel 3 Action News! With your favorite reporter, ME! My name is Sid, and I'm here live at Zehro theater, where the stars from the Zelda games are gathering together for the big premiere of Zehro's new story, 'Trial of Three Heroes.'"

Tires are heard screeching very nearby. Sid turns out of curiosity and sees a limousine pull up. He instantly gets excited. "Oh, and here comes our guest of honor. None other than the man himself, Zehro the Demon Assassin! And accompanying him is none other than the somewhat-lovely, Vicky the Demon Assassin!"

The limo door opened and out stepped a teenage boy with brown hair, green eyes, and pointed ears. He was wearing a tuxedo to celebrate the release of his new story. He stepped onto the red carpet, and helped out the person that was with him. She had blonde hair, green eyes, and pointed ears. She wore a red dress to celebrate the event. Or maybe because she just loved the color red. They both walked forward, waving to the millions of people that they don't know and that mean almost nothing to them. Not a moment later, Sid charged up to the duo and spoke in an excited voice.

"Mr. Zehro, Mr. Zehro! It is an honor to have you here. We are so thrilled for the premiere of your new story!"

"Well, too bad. This premiere is a private screening. So EVERYBODY GET LOST!"

Everybody that was there groaned in disappointment becaues they couldn't see the premiere of his newest story. Zehro turned to Vicky, who was standing next to him and looking at him with a very angry look.

"Do you know how long it took me to get myself dressed like this?!" Vicky screamed. "The only reason I came out tonight was to be adored by thousands of fans!"

Zehro gave her a confused look. "What fans? We don't have any fans."

"Oh... right."

"Come on, let's get inside."

They both walked inside of the theater and walked up to the counter. The man had a very stern look on his face. Zehro stepped up to the counter and handed the man his ticket. "Hi, there. We're here for the premiere of 'Trial of Three Heroes.' I'm Zehro and this is my partner, Vicky."

"You got your ticket?" the man asked.

"...this is my story."


"I don't need a ticket to view my own story."

"No ticket, no entry."


"No ticket! No entry!"


Vicky sighed. "Just give him the damn ticket already..."

Sighing a bit, Zehro pulled out his ticket and handed it to the man. "Here's my ticket." Vicky did the same. "And here's mine." The man then took their tickets and they both walked to the room where the story would be shown at. Vicky looked at Zehro very excitedly. "This is gonna be SO great! I wonder if anybody has shown up yet?"

Zehro chuckled a bit. "Please, we're about thirty minutes early. There can't be THAT many people here, can there?" he said as he opened the doors.

"Hey everybody, Zehro and Vicky are here!"


Everybody in the room got up and started surrounding the duo. Mainly, they were congratulating Zehro for his newest story, and were chewing out Vicky for not doing a damn thing to help with the project. She didn't care, though. She never cared. They both walked to their seats, which were placed next to the hero and princess of the game franchise. Link sat next to Zehro, and Zelda sat next to Vicky. They all got comfortable and waited for the story to begin. The curtains parted, and the story began.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived an elf boy, by the name of Link. Across the land, there lived a beautiful princess in a giant castle. One day, the princess was kidnapped by a vile man of the desert, and the elf boy was forced to-

Zehro leaned next to Link and whispered "Who is this?"

"The storyteller. He's the one telling your story."

"WHAT?! Zehro silently screamed. "I don't think so. I'll be right back." He got up and walked off shortly after. The storyteller kept going.

The boy encountered many hardships along the way, but it was all worth it whenever he finally got to the castle of the desert man, and-

The power cut off in the middle of the storyteller's speech. After a moment of confusion, a single spotlight shone down with Zehro standing in the middle. "I'm not leaving the storytelling to this boring, proper, English-sounding guy."

But sir, I was supposed to do the introduction to the story. You were going to do everything else afterwar-

"I don't care. I'm doing the intro."


Zehro ignored the outburst and turned to the audience in front of him.

"Thank you all for coming. Before we begin, I'd like to ask you something. What would happen if three Links, from three different time periods, met each other? What if three Zelda's, from the same time periods as each of the Link's, were in danger? And what if all three of those Link's had to battle their rivals, to save their princesses and save their world, all in one adventure? Well, those questions will be answered right now. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you..."