Hi guys! This is my very first fanficiton so I really hope you like it! This story will probably have a good bit of FAX in it because I just love them together You don't like it? Don't read it! Anyway… PLEASE REVIEW! I am completely open to constructive criticism and your ideas. Let me know.



"What are we supposed to do?" I growl, frustrated. "Just sit here? Just wait? Newsflash! That's not working! NOTHING is happening!" I find myself pacing furiously back and forth in front of Fang, Angel, and Dylan. None of them say anything, knowing that nothing they say will make me feel better about our situation.

It's been four and a half days since the apocalypse took place, since most of the human race was wiped off this planet, since absolutely everything changed. The first two days after it took place, we spent exploring. I don't think I ever really noticed before how much color this world had until it was all gone. We flew as far away from the rest of the flock, who are safe in the underground city that was built in preparation for the apocalypse, as we dared. The land is barren, all color burnt away from when the sky freaking exploded on us. After we were fairly sure we had seen all that we could see, we headed back…. And then we waited…. And waited… and waited for my mom or one of the other people in charge to come looking for us, to come find us and take us down to the city. That, sadly, has not happened yet, though I'm pretty confident they'll find a way to get to us.

It's not that being out here alone is so bad. For the first time, I truly feel like my family and I are not in danger. However, knowing this fact does me no good if I can't relax. I won't relax until I see that the rest of my flock is okay… Dylan says he got them to the caves and they went underground with my mom, but that's not really enough for me. I need to SEE them, to touch and hold them, to never let go… to finally be able to say "It's over. We made it."

Once I see that everyone I love is okay, I know I'll start to appreciate this a little more. Now, before you go putting words in my mouth, YES, it sucks that basically the entire human race has been exterminated, but now, my family and I can finally live how we deserve to. This is our time.

My hands curl into lethal fists. If there's anything I'm NOT good at, it's waiting, waiting on someone else's move and not just taking matters into my own hands. I feel completely helpless and I can't freaking stand it.

Fang catches my hand as I pace past him again. He stands, massaging my fingers until they relax and then touches the anxious lines that I know are on my forehead, smoothing out my angry scowl.

He looks me dead in the eye and my heart can't help but give a little jump, even through my anger. "They're coming. I promise."

I sag in defeat, allow my face to relax out of its scowl. Fang pulls me into his arms and I don't resist at all. It's one of my favorite places in the whole world to be.

I notice Dylan watching us from the corner of my eye. He wears a pitiful withdrawn expression and makes no move to hide the fact that he is studying us closely. Feeling a pang of sympathy in my gut, I step away from Fang, which is extremely hard to do. Have any of you been held by a drop dead gorgeous guy who holds the key to your very existence? Have any of you had to step forcibly step away from said "drop dead gorgeous guy"? Yeahhh… it ain't easy. Let me just tell you.

Fang studies me closely, the tiniest amount of confusion sparkling in his dark eyes. Oh, those eyes. I could get lost in them. I really could. They're just so perfect. At first glance, Fang's eyes look almost black, but if you take a closer look, you'll notice that there are actually golden flecks mixed in with the black. And then there's the-

"Max! Earth to Max!" Angel says, swiping her hand in front of my face. I jump in surprise and resist the urge to blush.

"Oh…umm what?" I ask, feeling dumb. Yeah there you go Max. Atta way to lead. Get majorly distracted by freaking eyes. You are pathetic. I mean, really? I literally have to stop myself from face-palming at my own stupidity.

Angel giggles and I can only guess that she has been listening in on my embarrassing thoughts. I shoot her a dark glare. "What did you want?"

Her expression sobers up and suddenly she looks like my baby again, like the fragile six year old that the flock and I rescued from the school after the erasers attacked us the very first time. I hesitate. Things between Angel and I were unstable to say the least. At first, she was just my baby. She was the kid I absolutely adored and I was fiercely protective of her. Then, she started trying to take over MY flock. She thought that she was more fit to be the leader than I was. (TOTALLY not true). She ended up betraying me and kicking me out of my own flock after Fang and I discovered our fascination which each other's lips and accidentally missed out on an eraser fight, and then I had to swoop back in and save them when Angel ( as their "leader") let them waltz right into a trap. I, obviously, was re-elected leader. Angel then proceeded in turning to the "dark side" and bringing Fang down with her which almost resulted in his death. After that, Angel seemed to have realized that maybe she didn't know what was best. She had returned to acting like my baby and sticking by my side no matter what. And yes people, this is a seven year old I am talking about. Let me just tell you now, my flock and I are not your average Jos.

So, after a moment's hesitation, I sit down and pull her onto my lap. She wraps her tiny little arms around me tightly and murmurs something in my ear.

"What?" I ask, pulling out of her embrace so that I can look her in the eye.

"I said I'm hungry," she mumbles, barely audible and I know that she feels bad for complaining.

I sigh. "I know, sweetie. We all are." As you have probably predicted, yes, most of the food on this barren wasteland was taken down in the apocalypse. As if proof of that, my stomach gives a low rumble. It's painful to be so hungry; however, going hungry is not something that is new to us.

She nods into my shoulder and I tighten my grip on her until she falls fast asleep in my arms. Gently, I lay her down on the ground and stand up.

Panic begins to set in as I look around and find that neither Dylan nor Fang are sitting where I thought they were. I spin a full 360, my heart pounding wildly.

There! I exhale in relief. Dylan and Fang stand together a good distance away from us. They're talking and the nosy part of me is dying to know what they have to say to each other that they can't say in front of me.

Sighing, I lie down next to Angel and wrap my arms around her. Suddenly, the need for sleep over takes me and I am out like a light.