The Host; a fan fiction
The Host written by Stephanie Meyer

Sun filtered through the small opening in the ceiling and danced across Ian O'Shea's face. His eyelids fluttered and opened and immediately he sensed the warmth that radiated off his Wanderer.

She smiled and glanced down to see her still peacefully sleeping against his side. Ian wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer as he placed his lips against her forehead.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply, stretching out her stiff limbs. "Morning, my Wanderer." Ian whispered into her ear as she placed her head onto his chest and curling herself more into him.

"Good morning." She replied, reaching up to kiss her lips.

A spark burst between the two of them as Ian began to deepen the kiss, showing his true love for her. Suddenly Wanda's stomach growled loudly and Ian chuckled at the disturbance. Pulling back, he stared at her as if she was his guardian angel.

"I love you, Wanda." He whispered softly to her as he sat up, bringing Wanda with him.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Ian."

Intertwining their fingers together, Ian pulled her after him and down the hallway.

The kitchen was busy and bubbling with people as usual. Jamie, Jared and Melanie all sat in their usual spot, two empty spaces left there for Ian and Wanda. Bowls of steaming porridge were placed on the table as the couple took their seats and greeted their friends.

"Morning Mel, Jamie, Jared." Ian began as he shovelled a large scoop of slush into his mouth. Sunny and Kyle stumbled in together, their hands interlocked between them as they marched in the group's direction.

"Good morning, everyone!" Sunny chimed gleefully. "What is everyone doing today?"

In turn, everyone went around saying their chores for the day. "Helping Jeb with a new section of the cave." Ian spoke thirdly.

"The field." Wanda said shortly after Ian.

He rounded her, warning her with his eyes. "No, you're not Wanda." She looked up at him and smiled, taking his hands in hers as she rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am, Ian. I'll be fine. I'm getting stronger."

As their argument progressed, people slowly dispersed from the table, leaving Ian and Wanda the only two left. "But not strong enough yet." He pushed.

"Ian! Hurry up, the tunnel isn't gonna wait forever, ya' know?" Jeb's rough voice cut in. Ian swivelled around to look at Melanie's uncle and nodded.

"Just be careful, ok? I can see that no matter what I say, it won't change your mind, am I correct?"

She grinned and shook her head. "No, sorry, Ian." He sighed but kissed her lightly on the lips before hurrying after Jeb.

She remained in her seat for another minute, just staring off after Ian, longing to just stay with him all day and have his arms wrapped around her, holding her close.

After several minutes of just sitting there, Wanda emerged into the field where everyone was already busy at work. She began bending down and pulling out the sprouts of carrots. Five minutes later and she was still on the first one, trying to rip it out of the soil.

"Here, let me, Wanda…" a voice from behind her said. She straightened up to see Trudy behind her. She bent down and pulled the orange carrot out of the ground in a matter of seconds. Wanda huffed in frustration and turned to try the next one. No such luck, Trudy pulled that up as well.

"Why don't you deliver water around to everyone?" The woman suggested lightly.

Wanda nodded and rushed off to the kitchen to fetch the water bottles. Two minutes later and she was carrying four water bottles back to the field which were weighing her down. These four were to be dispersed around the field, the next round were to be given to Jeb's group.

The group in the field thanked her gratefully, taking long sips out of the water. By the time, she was winding her way down the tunnel towards the newly crafted one, the more her arms ached and sagged. Once or twice, she had placed them down for a few minutes to stretch and rub her arms. Ian was busy at work as she entered the tunnel. His white singlet was plastered to his body in sweat, his muscles quivering with every movement he made. He turned around to grab a tool from Jared when his eyes came to rest on Wanda.

He scuttled down off the ladder he had been standing on and towards her direction, quickly taking the water bottles out of her hands. As soon as the objects were out of her arms, Wanda sagged with exhaustion.

Ian quickly placed the drink bottles onto the ground so that the others could grab them if they wanted them and gathered Wanda into his arms, letting her lean against him. "Wanda… you should be more careful." He cooed into her ear.

She shivered as his breath tickled the hairs of her neck. She nodded and breathed in his scent which was mostly sweat, but still it comforted her.

Ian heard Wanda sigh and tightened his hold around her. "Why don't you take a break?" he suggested, rubbing her back lightly.

She nodded but whispered. "But I want to stay with you…" He kissed her forehead at her comment and led her to a large rock that broke off from the wall. She sat down and leaned back, gazing up into the midnight eyes that belonged to her partner.

"Now rest, my love." He whispered and took a long sip from the bottle before offering it to her. She took a sip as well and watched as he worked and worked and worked, while she just sat there.