

Chapter 4

The Next Morning

The newsies started filling out and the girls (except Frenchie and Melody of course) followed saying goodbyes as they went.


"So tell us 'bout youseselves," Jack said, the other newsies nodded.

"Well what do you want to know?" Belle asked kicking a rock.

"Well umm, where you goils from?" Jack asked as they turned a corner.

"Well were from Florida , but I've only been living there for about a year, before that Australia. Frenchie's from up north, Quebec to be more specific,she'd only been living there for about four months . Melody's from up there too,been living in Florida for about ten months .And Sketch and Shorty are natives," Belle answered, by the time she finished they were a the distribution centre.


Melody was so bored and lonely, she'd started counting the buildings in the skyline out the heard a moan and looked down at Frenchie. Her eyes slowly opened her eyes. She watched as they widened and she screamed.

"Where are we? Is this where I think it is? Am I like going crazy or something?" she sat up against the propped up pillows.

"No, this is where you think it is," Melody answered.

"Where are the others?"

"Oh they're out selling, Melody answered.

"Well, thanks for staying wih me."

"Your welcome."

Melody suddenly felt like someone was watching them. She turned around and saw Race standing in the doorway.

"Hey goils, I wanted to check up on you, and I brought you'se some food," he said walking in,Frenchie's face went from shock, to embarrasment and she started blushing.

"Thanks, um I'm gonna leave you two alone now," Melody said and she walked ou the door.

"Sooooo you'se awake."

"Yeah and um sorry for the whole prince charming thing I don't usually say stuff like that," she said looking down at her hands.

"Actually I thought dat it was kinda sweet," he said, and went to sit next to her on the bunk.

"Really?" She asked looking up at him.

"Really," He answered sincerely.

"Oh and I was wonderin' if you'se wod like ta go out wit me Tamorow night?" He asked going out on a limb, he looked at her hopefully.

"Yeah I'd really like that," she answerd smiling.

"Hey, you know any card games?" he asked her.

"Well I only know go fish and blackjack," she answered.

"You'se wanna play Blackjack

just foah fun?"


"So your from Florida," Race asked as they played.

"No, not really I'd only been living there for about four months. I'm from up north Quebec to be more exact, and honestly I couldn't stand it there it was always too hot, but I guess it's 'cause I'm so used to snow, I mean it didn't snow all year long but it was ALOT colder than are you from?"

"I'se was born in Italy, but me'se family moved here when I'se was 'bout five. Me Ma died on de boat ride ovah' and me pa was shot in a bull chase, " Race answered not looking at her.

" I'm so sorry, Hey look at me," she put her hand under his chin and forced him to look at her," Look everyone goes through ruff stuff, hey I was bullied up until I came here, and I never fit in anywhere, well except the girls. There was one person though who totally got me, my cousin Kitty but she disapeared a few years a-" she was cut off by Race hugging her. She hugged him back of course. When they pulled apart she missed his arms being wrapped around her and the smell of cigars, and cheap cologne he gave off.

"Tanks foah' dat, you wanna get back ta da game now?"
