Onononononononono~! How are my favorite minions?

I know, I know. It's been so long. But you know, un, that I have been so busy- Ah, who am I kidding.

Sorry for so long. But in my defense, I was away. On a trip. And it was a good trip. Except the place wasn't good for people with food allergies to about 4 of the major food groups.

I don't own anything. Keep on sending in the letters!


KEY: * Means I added either a first or last name.

The difference between a Demon and a Reaper, not to mention all the other supernatural creatures is significant when faced in a crisis. Demons have been known to impersonate other creatures, example, an Angel.

When you are unsure about what to do in this situation, please call 1800-KILL-THOSE-DEMONS, and we will send out a representive with a scythe (Or twelve) to get rid of your… problem.

Thank you!

The Shinigami Academy Congratulates You For Surviving This Far!

Are their mixed familiar dorms since people get to have two? Do familiars live longer than normal animals? If so by how much?

Is being a Shinigami scary? Do you like cats, dogs, wolves, etc.? Do like the manga 'Black butler's main character Ciel Phantomhive?

Well, let's see…. We usually only allow two at most, (Honestly, people just keep on bringing in more. We DO NOT want a repeat of the flaming salamander incident. I fear I am getting to lax on that rule. I am going to fix that.) But, no, there are no mixed familiar dorms. Usually people have only two of the same kind, unless you have a cat and a flying wombat, in which we send you to the counselors at school.

Familiars do live longer than normal animals, for they are tied to your life force. But they do not live as long as you. Sometimes they can live up to 20-30 years, but that's when (Sadly) normal people start to take more notice and they get run over by a bus. Sad but true. Compared to normal animals, since they all are different, familiars can live up to more than 10 years compared to normal animals.

Being a Shinigami is scary. But it is so much better than being like a Harry Potter wizard. We don't have to worry about nose-less bald people trying to take over the world.

My preferred animal is a dog, puffin, or a phoenix. Mostly I don't like the last one, since it's a flaming chicken bird, but it is helpful in a getaway situation, so I must compromise.

Manga? Black Butler? What in the world are you talking about? Ciel Phantomhive? You mean that stuck up British Watchdog with a demon after his soul?

Yes. I am absolutely charmed.

Thanks for the advice and I tried to remember it.

No problem at all!

Thank you for writing to the Shinigami Academy!


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Mr. Benvolio,

Hola! I was honored to receive the letter accepting me into the academy, and just to let you know my familiar is a cat called Arwyn. I can't wait to make the journey to the academy from my home in Scotland and I was wondering just how I'm supposed to get there? Also, I have been getting followed by a psychopath with a lawnmower. He seems to be under the impression we are 'destined' for each other. I am becoming slightly afraid for my life. I do hope you can help.

Can't wait to meet you and all the fellow Shinigami!


Mhairi Laing xo

Dear Miss Laing,

It is wonderful to have such excited students at the academy! You shall but put in the 'Cat' dorm. (I really should be making a list of who is sharing a room with who…) Well, you could always drive, or take a plane. I personally prefer plane, since it is so much faster than walking. Another one? Goodness. We need more sane Shinigami. This isn't very good for publicity.

Here is my advice to get rid of him: You see a big rock? Pick it up and aim for his head. Then, run. Take the first plane to Britain you can find, hide under the seats or in closets as much as possible, and we will have someone to pick you up at the airport.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Headmaster Romulus Benvolio,

First, you didn't answer one of my questions in my last letter, ¿Can I paint my Death Scythe in a pink color? And second, as you said I couldn't bring my werewolf with me, I bought another familiar, can I bring a two meter-sized dragon? I hope for your answer!


Elizabeth Martin

Dear Miss Martin,

Dreadfully sorry! I do hope my memory isn't failing me, as I am only thirty. That is a scary thought. But, pink… You are only allowed to keep the Death Scythe whatever color and shape it is, so I would suggest praying to all gods yours will turn pink.

Sorry Miss, but…. Do you have any smaller and less likely to kill someone pets? I don't mean to be rude, but I have told someone in another letter, I do not want a repeat of the flaming salamander incident.

Perhaps a goldfish?


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Headmaster Benvolio,

Thank-you for relieving me of my guest. I would not be in correspondence again if it were not for the the facts that most of its stuff got left behind, including the chainsaw and a lot of make-up. THERE IS LIPSTICK IN PLACES LIPSTICK SHOULD NEVER BE! Anyway if you could give some instructions on where to send all of this and what can be done about red sharpie all over a TV screen that would be very helpful. The insurance doesn't cover "chainsaw attach" so I'm not sure how I'm going to get, well, anywhere more than 11 or 12 miles away. Again thank-you for the help.

-Whitney Montgumeryy

P.S. It is rather odd, but then again its also odd that banned Shinigami keep messing with the lives of your students.

P.P.S. Is it natural for someone to have blue hair?

Dear Miss Montgumeryy,

Your welcome. You said your 'guest' was a male? Make-up?

….We have group therapy if you ever need it.

I would suggest the dump, or send it to someone you know that is a pyromaniac. Everything would be better if we could just send our hated stuff to fire-lovers. Red sharpie… On a TV screen? Wouldn't that just come off easily because its marker on plastic?


Insurance… Perhaps you want to talk to your parents about the car, and getting a new one. I cannot do anything about Chainsaw Insurance.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

P.S. Yes. It is odd. I blame Sir. Jonah, a professor that used to work at the school. Don't worry. He's gone now.

P.P.S. Natural? I wouldn't say its natural… Unless you have been watching all those anime shows with people with pink, purple, multicolored, etc.

Dear Headmaster Benvolio,

Can we bring our own clothes if we get them you?

Thanks again.

Victoria Smithe.

Dear Miss Smithe,

We do supply uniforms, as this is a formal school, but on weekends and extracurricular activities you do need your own clothes, so I would bring them. If you are like some of the other students we have had before, they just brought their familiars, bedding, and a trash can, and bought everything else in town.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Headmaster,

thank you for answering my questions and i wasn't TOO worried about Grell i have a Sebastian plushy and he would stop whatever he was doing when he saw it...I've started playing an odd version of fetch with him. (i throw the plushy and he runs after it) also another question, why are MP3 players not allowed at the Academy?


Dear Sir or Madame (As I am too lazy to go through my previous letters to find your name),

I am surprised how many people are complaining about Grell coming over and destroying their things. He does have work to do…

…Good for you?

MP3 Players are not allowed because, well… No offense and I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but the new kind of odd shuffling you call 'Dancing' isn't dancing. I have been around for 100+ years, (Although, I am proud to say, I barely look thirty.) and the kind of dancing just makes me wince.

MP3 Players… They influence the terror of dancing.

No thank you.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

I am pleased to join. However, I have a concern my wife to be, a half demon named Jordan, I cannot live with out her. So, i was wondering if she could stay with me even though she wouldn't be attending the school? Also, my familiar has been recently deemed insane. She is lion cube. May I still keep her?


Betty Box

Dear Miss/Mr. Box,

Wonderful! About your wife, a half demon? I think I have a compromise. Would it be alright if you two lived in the town a mile or so away, but then drove/biked/walked to the school? I do not want to put any of my students in danger.

Your familiar has been declared insane? You would be surprised at how many Shinigami have been declared insane by normal people. Your lion would live with you, just as long as none of the meat is my students.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Mr. Benvolio,

Are there other Shinigami dispatch societies out there besides London Britain? Are there any in France or Italy? Do you have transfers from those divisions? I've heard that the Parisian Division are quite spunky and really strong, they rival the London Dispatch.

If there was a Shinigami by the age of twelve and is a prodigy, will that Shinigami be given equal rights just as anyone in the Academy or be given curfew and age related rules?


Ms. IV

Dear Ms. IV,

Yes, there are Shinigami Societies in quite a few countries, some of the territories and smaller countries go to others in other countries, like Liechtenstein Shinigami learn in Switzerland. France has the Jeanne D'Arc Academe, built in memorial of one of the first woman Shinigami, Jeanne D'Arc. (I don't prefer the English version, Joan of Arc. Jeanne sounds better, non?) In Italy, the Italians have Santo Vita Academy, run by my older brother, Remus.

Sometimes I think he got the lucky draw…

Yes, the Parisian Division is rivaling us, but it's always good to have a rival. Gives you someone to beat! Madame Lyon loves to brag about her Shinigami, when she 'forgets' that we won the last Shinigami Games.

Everyone has equal rights at the Academy, no matter what age you are admitted or what class you are in, you are all treated the same. You get punished if you don't follow the rules, expulsion and suspension are for everyone, etc.

The only difference is that once you have completed your first year at the Academy, you are allowed to go to the village, town, whatever you prefer to call it. Curfew is at 10 o'clock for all, and if you are out in the halls or on the grounds, you will have detention.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Yo, Headmaster I realize that I have broken several rules which are the following rules chewing gum, having more than two filmilers, cussing, having a motified death scythe , and destroying part of the monkey dormI have reasons for doing everything that I did butt lunchtime is here so I have to end this letter P.S I was forced to write this


The Awesomeness

Dear You-Have-Detention-And-I-Know-Who-You-Are-Troublemaker,

Clearly, like I say in my 'Address to you' Detention. With Professor Antonio! Professor Gilbert and Ludwig can help to. Yes. I am evil, I know.

I am going to send everyone a rule book now, and make certain people read parts of it out.

Oh the fun I will have.


What in the world-!?


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Head Master Guy,

I have a few questions to ask. First of all, can I bring my familiar? She is a chicken called Arrow.

Why is... Grill was it? I don't know, being arrested? Was he invading personal space of need students? He sounds... Yeah.

Can I bring my Zelda poster?

Why is your name so weird that I forgot how to spell it?

Why is twilight such a sloppy film and story?

What am I even saying anymore?

Well anyway, I look forward starting at the school!


Amber Jones*

Dear Miss Jones,

You will be in the 'Chicken and other Farm Birds' dormitory. Please make sure to not bring Arrow to the school Barbeques.

We do arrest him, he has a long charge list in the station, but for some reason, (Yes I do know why) he keeps on getting released. Trust me, sometimes I feel like putting him in the white room with a straight jacket.

That depends. Is the Zelda Poster made from the actual company, or from some fake cheap place? You know, we only accept the best.

…I'm going to ignore that. I am Italian. I am not British. I was named after the founder of the Roman Empire, my older brother named after the brother of Romulus, and Benvolio has been a well-known family since the beginning of time. Yes. I know it is weird.

Don't even get me started on Twilight. God. No one cares about sparkly Vampires and girls who do nothing but get into trouble. Honestly. How in the world did that get popular?

Don't ask me. You're the one asking the questions.

That's wonderful! We hope to see you soon!


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio not that-weird-name-no-one-can-spell.

To Headmaster Benvolio,

Thank you for the compliment, sir! I'm not a genius, just a bit logical. And I wasn't trying to get Alan into the campus just asking, sir.

But…another question if my questions don't bother you at all. Is there any way at all for me to find and get rid of the rest of Niger Lupus' gang before they attack us again?

Any advice and help to get rid of the Wolf Demons would be much appreciated!


Lady Death (I like that title!)Annalisa Llamza

Dear Lady Death AKA Miss Llamza,

Logical… Your much more logical then I was at that age… Everything is fine! Don't worry.

I don't mind answering questions! Figuring out how in the world to save everyone at a safe distance is always fun!

Niger… Well, you could always just poison them. A tasteless, odorless poison. I have a friend that can make them, just make sure you wear a gas mask when I tell you to.


Headmaster Romulus (I could tell.) Benvolio

Dear Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Me and my twin brother were wondering if we could share a dorm, we don't like to be separated for long periods of time. Both of our familiars are large cats, mine is a female panther named Li while my brother has a male Lion named Akio. Also you said our death scythes would change to fit us, if our death scythes turn into something really strange or dangerous will they be taken away.

Sincerely Chloe and Cole O'Neal

Dear Mr. and Miss O'Neal,

In your first sentence, it is not Me and my twin but my twin and I. And don't give me that look. I am a teacher you know.

Normally we wouldn't have people of the opposite gender room, unless you have, like in one of our newer cases, a mate or husband/wife, but I will allow you. No goofing off however. I don't like it when siblings room together. Makes such a hassle.

Cat dorm! Lots of cat people this year…

Yes, your Death Scythes do change to whatever color/design/thing that fits your personality. If it is potentially dangerous however, we must take it away and give you a new one to fit your personality. After all, we do not want children running around with flame throwers yelling 'FLAME ON!' Or something like that.

Also, you never get the same shape twice, so it is easy for us to find you a new Scythe.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear headmaster Benvolio

I have a little bird called Gilbird i received him from an old friend,

But he always follows me is it okay if it follows me?

And where can i get a death scythe?

Greetings and have a nice day,

Smets Laura

Dear Miss Smets,

You may keep Gilbird, but please do not allow him into classes. I do not want the death of a familiar on my hands. We have had one to many children crying when the Barbeque tastes funny and they can't find their pets afterwards.

We pass out Death Scythes during class, when we believe you have learned the theory well enough and are capable for handling one of the most dangerous things in the universe.


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio

Dear Headmaster Romulus,

I am honored to be accepted into the Academy, the man who is in my closet has told me so much about it! He always gives me doggie biscuits and told me to tell you "If those kids had any sense of humor they wouldn't have needed therapy. Except Anthony." I have a couple of questions. The first one is can I wear a skirt? You said the uniform consisted of pants and shorts according to the season but I would prefer to wear a skirt. I was also wondering if you ever had a twin named Remus? My familiars are Ahiru the duck and Turtle the tortoise. Which dorm does that put me in? I also want to know where the fear of fish came from. I mean, besides the fact that the last fish I owned was cannibalistic. My last question: Can you reap a Shinigami's soul? or do Shinigami not have souls?

See you (very) soon,

Maggie Burns

Dear Miss Burns,

…That's great? Has the man in the closet done anything suspicious?

Yes, you may wear a skirt. It really doesn't matter as long as you stick to the dress code assigned.

…Yes. Again. I do have a twin named Remus. He's the Headmaster at the Italian Shinigami Academy. (And no, I am not older, nor have a killed him or thrown rocks at him recently.)

Two? Well, they aren't any mythical animals, and they aren't flaming flying wombats, so I fear you can keep them. Try to keep all damage to the minimal.

Your dorm would be the Tortoise, since they cause less damage to ducks then ducks do to tortoises.

You don't want to know. My fear came from lots of escapes from death, a man eating fish, and lots of chew toys. I don't feel like reliving that again.

You cannot reap a Shinigami's soul. Because, like you said, we don't have souls.

Don't pull one of those happy rainbow quotes out, you hear me?


Headmaster Romulus Benvolio