Hi there! I'm Laura and this is my first Mortal Instruments Fanfic! I really hope you people like it!
Clary pov
"Hey guys I'm so bored!" I said " We should play truth or dare!"
Jace, Simon, Maia, Isabelle, Alec, Jordan and Magnus immediately said yes and we start to play.
"Okay you guys already know the rules you choose truth or dare and if your mission is not accomplished a piece of clothing poof! Goes off!" Isabelle says
"Okay then, Jace! Truth or Dare?" I say
"DARE! Truth is for pussies!"
"I dare you to kiss Magnus for 2 whole minutes" I say. Jace moved toward him "WAIT! But right on the lips!" I say popping the p
I hear Jace swearing under his breath.
"Come on Jacey how bad can it be?" Magnus says with a high-pitched voice
"Well first of all I don't want my first gay kiss to be with the High Warlock of Brooklyn and I really didn't want to have a first gay kiss at all!" Jace says
"Well actually you can take your shirt off" Simon says
"YEEESSS! Finally you get a good idea blood-sucker!" Jace says as he take off both of his shoes.
"Thanks, it makes me feel appreciated" Si responds
"well don't get used to it! Maia truth or Dare?" Jace says
"Truth" Maia says "I'm not in the mood for a lesbian kiss"
"Rate everyone in this room from 1 to 10" Jace says
"Okay: Jordan 100000000000 because he's obviously the hottest here, Jace a 9, sorry Jace but I think Jordan is hotter, Isabelle a 10 because damn she's gorgeous and I envy her hair, Alec a 6 he's not my type and he got a 6 because of his eyes, Clary an 8 her curls are so cute! Simon a 6 he's too geek, and Magnus a total 5 he's too glittery!" Maia says
" so I'm the hottest boy here?" Jordan asks
"Yeah…"Maia says blushing and they just stare into each other eyes
"Well stop undressing each other with your eyes and let's continue playing!" Magnus says
"Okay Alec ,truth or dare?" Maia asks
"Since when you know you're gay?" Maia asks without thinking even for a second
Alec just stared with his jaw in the floor.
"What? I've always want to know!"
Alec took off his jacket without thinking for too much. "Im not going to tell you guys! Sorry but that's something that nobody needs to know!"
"oooooh shy boy it's undressing! I like this game! Keep asking hard stuff so he has to undress!" Magnus says
"MAGGIE!" alec says " you're supposed to be on my side!"
"Sorry but I like your body!" Magnus says " especially those bright eyes! Damn you make me crazy!"
"Please stop flirting and let's continue!" Jordan says
"Okay hmm Izzy! Truth or dare?" Alec asks
"Truth" Izzy answers
"How many guys have you slept with?"
"Alec! You're my brother!"
"Yes I know"
"4" Izzy answers and buries her blushing face in Simon's neck
"Okay I expected more" Jace says and suddenly he grabbed me to his lap "I hope you don't such a big number Clary"he whispers in my ear
"Jordan truth or dare?" Izzy asks
"Dare! I'm not a pussie!" Jordan says
"I dare you to make a prank call to Luke" Izzy says handing him her phone "I don't have his number and doesn't have mine so you can use my phone"
He calls the number and puts it on speaker phone:
(LUKE, Jordan)
Hello, It's Jamie from the hospital am I talking to Odette's husband?
Excuse me? What are you talking about
Yes it seems that you're her husband well we want to inform you that you have identical triplets!
What!? Really?
With her condition we didn't thought she'll make it but she did!
What condition?
We thought you knew that Odette used to be Otto! She used to be a fat man but with the help of a very powerful Warlock we got her pregnant!
Beep beep beep
"I think he didn't found it funny" Jordan says
"Yeah he had always hate prank calls" I announce
"Hmm, Clary truth or Dare!" Jordan asks me
"Dare" I respond
"I dare you to get drunk and confess us your most awkward secret!"
"Okay" I say while Izzy hands me a bottle of Vodka, after a couple minutes my head starts to feel funny
"ahhhh a unicornnnn!" I scream
"What?" The unicorn says with a male voice
"Almighty sparkly unicorn why do you talk with Magnus's voice?"
"I'm going to ignore that comment" the unicorn says
"Now Clary your most awkward secret is?"
"Ehmm, well yu ahl know dut my mum is nau married to Luk! Weeeeell a couple nightssh agouu I wash in a dait with my hottie Jacey-daisy and whun I got home I ran into them duing it!" then I start to dance with everyone looking at me. Suddenly I stop and I say "But guys my mum doesn't know dat I entered dat nuight into her ruom so SHHHH it's a secret!"
We all stare at her. I can't believe her! Why she didn't tell me! I could have helped her more than that; I understand her
"you know guys, when I was like 8 I entered into Maryse and Robert's room and I saw them on bed. Naked. Doing it. Maryse made me swear that I wouldn't tell anyone, two months later she told us about her pregnancy. That night she got pregnant of Max." I choked a little bbit at saying his name.
I can see the horrified looks from everyone in the room but I'm only looking at Clary. She's looking at Chairman Meow.
"look at this animal" she says " it some kind of fish?"
"Chairman Meow it's not a fish!" Magnus chrieks
"Offcourse he is! He told me!" clary almost yell "Don't worry Timothy I know the real you we can go through this!" she whispered to the cat.
"Clary forget about the cat! Ask someone!"
"What? AHHHH the truth or dare thingy!" she suddenly realizes
"ehmm yes?" I say
"Jace! Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with me! And you have to give a lap dance to Isabelle in 3 minutes!"
"yeahh so your dare completes the 10 minutes!" she says like it's the most obvious thing on the world