I'M ALIVE! :D Missed me, peeps? No? Oh, okay. Anyway, Percy and Annabeth are both 27 years of age, married, and they have two kids (Sofia "Sofie" Grace and Lucas "Luke" Arthur, both 5 years old). Thalia is forever 15-almost-16, and Grover is about 27, 28years old (in human age). So, yeah, that's all. Enjoy! :)

This two-shot is dedicated to MoonlitSky321, the one who've suggested this idea.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own characters, except for little Sofie and Luke and the plot itself.

"Bye Sofie. Bye Luke," Annabeth said to their children.

Percy waved to the kids and their godparents (a.k.a. the babysitters). "Bye kiddos. Be nice to your Uncle Grover and Aunt Thalia, 'kay?"

Sofie and Luke nodded and said, "Yes, Daddy."

"You sure you're gonna be okay here, Thals? Grover?" the daughter of Athena asked the Huntress.

They nodded. "Yes, Annie. Now go to that fancy restaurant. Bye!" Thalia said while pushing the couple out of the door.

"That was supposed to be a surprise, Thalia!" Percy shouted as he and his wife were pushed out of their house.

The girl smirked. "Whatever, Kelp Head; I don't care. Off you go!" she said as she slammed the door shut.

She turned to the satyr and the kids, grinning. "So, who wants to bake some cookies?"


The four had been doing—and re-doing—batches of blue cookies, just like what Sally Jackson-Blofis taught her daughter-in-law. Fortunately, Annabeth, being the daughter of Athena she is, had a copy of the famous blue cookies. Thalia and Grover, together with Sofia and Luke, followed the instructions; everything was okay until the kids played with the ingredients, particularly the flour and food coloring. They threw and splattered flour and blue coloring everywhere; unfortunately, 'everywhere' included their godparents.

"Gods of Olympus, Thalia!" said Grover, whose hair and face was powdered white with drops of blue on his mortal disguise. "Help me stop the kids!"

"I am helping you, Grover!" Thalia spat back. They continued to catch the children, but to no avail. Grover started to panic.

Oh, gods, he thought, Percy and Annabeth's going to kill us when they see this mess. Especially Annabeth!

In his moment of panicking, he reached for his reed pipes in his pocket and started playing some tunes. Vines began to crawl inside the house, attempting to catch Sofia and Luke. Instead, it got tangled up on the furniture and appliances. The kids pointed and laughed at what they claimed as the 'long, green thingies'.

While they ran towards their parents' bedroom, Thalia noticed the vines that continued to grow. She stomped towards Grover, who stopped playing his pipes as soon as he saw the Huntress nearing.

Thalia shouted, "What in Hades, Grover! What did you do?"

The satyr fidgeted nervously before facing Zeus' daughter. "I-I played my pipes so I c-can stop the kids…"

"Well, you did a great job there, Grover," she said sarcastically.

"At least I tried!" Grover said.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever. I'll try to remove these vines before the two lovebirds come home."

"But how?" he asked curiously.

Thalia smirked at him. "Just watch and learn, Grover. Watch and learn."

She closed her eyes and raised her arm up. Grover saw this and realized what the girl was going to do.

"No, Thalia, don't!" he said with widened eyes.

But it was too late. She had already summoned lightning to get rid of the vines. But instead of being removed, the vines were caught on fire and started burning everything they got hold on.

The adults screamed, and the kids, having inherited Percy's Poseidon-ish powers, were not that affected of the fire that touched their bare feet. They continued to run while Thalia and Grover splashed water on the fire.

"I warned you, Thals," Grover said while throwing a bucketful of water on the fire. The blaze was getting smaller, for the demigod and satyr had been splashing it for almost 30 minutes.

Thalia took time to glare at him, but said nothing. They continued extinguishing the fire for ten more minutes, and they had successfully extinguished it. The two were tired and worn-out by that time, and were ready to lie down on the slightly-burned floor, but suddenly remembered one important thing.

"The kids!" they exclaimed simultaneously. They were suddenly alert, and then searched the whole first floor of the house for the children. They shouted Sofie and Luke's names while looking in every room (some of which are luckily not scorched). The Jackson children, wanting to play, mistook the shouting of their godparents as a hide-and-seek game. They took off from their room upstairs excitedly and ran down the stairs.

As they sped off to their hiding places, Sofie and Luke ran past Thalia and Grover, who were still looking for them. Grover sensed them running, so he signaled to Thalia about this quietly. They briskly walked towards the mini-library, which the Huntress said is the hiding place because "it was the boringest room and most perfect place to hide in."

"'Boringest' isn't even a word," Grover mumbled to himself.

When they had reached and entered the mini-library, they whisper-shouted—well, Grover whisper-shouted, Thalia just screamed her lungs out—Sofie and Luke's names, as if playing a real game of hide-and-seek. After some shouting and looking around, the demigod and satyr finally heard some quiet giggling from between the marine biology and microbiology—who studies microbiology, they do not know—shelves. The adults slowly and gently tiptoed towards the source of the sound, and…

They stepped back and screamed very loudly in surprise. Sofia and Luke had jumped in front of their godparents and shriek-laughed. After the "surprise attack", they had run outside of the library and towards the kitchen. While this happened, Thalia and Grover breathed in and out deeply, slowly putting their selves in proper disposition. After doing so, they ran after the kids, again. They ran in the direction of the kitchen, avoiding some burned things and jumping over semi-burned vines.

"Sofie!—Luke!" Thalia said while panting. Grover did the same, except for the shouting bit.

Grover, having over-sensitive satyr senses, smelled something burning inside the kitchen.

"Hey, Thalia," he asked, "did you summon lightning again?"

She looked at him incredulously. "Excuse me, what? You think I did that?"

Grover groaned. "Ugh, just ignore what I said, Thalia. Let's check out the other half of the kitchen."

The Huntress grumbled childishly, but followed what he said. What they saw had beaten all other surprises and weirdness they had seen for the day. Luke, who was standing on a mini-stool, turned the stove on and off, burning bread and marshmallows. Sofie, on the other hand, was playing with the blue food coloring and the flour they used earlier. Both of the children's mouths were full of blue cookies.

Thalia and Grover were suddenly alarmed of what they were doing, especially what Luke was doing.

"Grover," she started, "take care of little Sofie there. Clean her up. I'm gonna stop this kiddo from burning up any more objects here."

Grover nodded, and then proceeded to carry Sofia away from the freakishly huge kitchen (which, by the way, was starting to smell like a mix of overly-burned toast, roasted marshmallows, and smoke).

Thalia approached the 'aspiring chef'. "Hey there, buddy," she said. "What'cha cooking?"

"Iym cuhking ahre wuhnch," Luke said while chewing his cookie, toasting his bread, and roasting some marshmallows—all at the same time.

She kind of understood it as "I'm cooking our lunch," but you never know with this kid—he might have inherited his father's Seaweed Brain-ishness. She slowly reached out to turn off the stove to avoid any unnecessary kitchen burning; however, Luke had other plans. He beat Thalia to the knob and turned it more to the left, making it burn more brightly. He guffawed loudly and clapped happily, despite the fact that he was in front of a fire which was starting to set other flammable kitchen items near it.

Thalia, although feeling tired and groggy, summoned rainclouds and willed it to rain on the fire in the kitchen. Rain poured in the entire house, not just in the kitchen, where the fire really was burning. Luke started jumping and clapping and laughing, and Thalia could hear Sofie's squeals of happiness.

This night, Thalia thought with a sigh, is the weirdest and most tiring nights I've experienced. Ever.