Psychic Detective Yakumo

So, chapter 32 of PDY came out today and I didn't even know until a while ago. Of course, I got excited, but then I was a bit surprised to see that it was only 11 pages long. I sure wasn't expecting that. Still, I'm happy either way. Anyways, I want to apologize for taking so long to update. I just started my college life and well, I've been pretty busy. Things will probably be that way for a while. So, please just bare with me.

Anyways, I would like to thank all my readers, reviewers, followers, ect.! You guys are amazing and thank you so much for your patience! So, please excuse my grammatical errors and I hope this chapter meets your expectations. After all, I'm not quite sure what I wrote...

Won't Give Up

Chapter 28 - Breaking Open

He wouldn't get home and Haruka was getting anxious. She had already tried to call him a million times, but he just wouldn't answer. She paced back and forth, hoping Gotou would call her already to tell her that Yakumo was okay. She wanted to go look for him herself, but she had no idea where he was and a part of her was scared. She had never seen him storm off like that and she wasn't sure how she was suppose to face him. Biting her lip, Haruka sat down on the bed before feeling tears accumulating inside her eyes.

She should've just kept her mouth shut. She got Yakumo mad and now she had no idea where he was at. Letting out a sniff, Haruka tried to calm herself down. She knew that crying wouldn't solve the problem, but she didn't know what else to do. The guilt was eating her away and her body couldn't stop trembling. She looked at her phone for the millionth time, but it remained the same. She had no calls and no messages from anyone.

It was getting so late. The hours kept ticking by and she still had no news from Yakumo. Haruka buried her face in her hands, hoping Yakumo would just come through the door in any minute. She wanted to see him. She wanted to to tell him that she was sorry about everything that had happened. She knew that it wasn't really her fault, but she could have prevented everything. She had given a student too much trust and now she was paying the consequences. She should have just taken the warning the teachers had given her before.

What was she suppose to do now, though? Was she suppose to go back to school like nothing had happened? Was she suppose to report him? Haruka gulped as an image of Miyazaki appeared in her mind. She had wanted to help him, but instead, she only made his situation worse and not only that, she had also thrown herself in the mix. A shiver ran down her spine and she quickly tried to shake it off by wrapping her arms around her body. She wished she could just quit. She never wanted to go back to that school. In that moment, she wished she was still working at her old elementary school. She just wasn't ready for a high school. She wasn't ready to teach teenagers and that's why all that had happened to her.

It was in those moments that she really wished she could talk to someone. Yakumo had just dashed off to who knows where and Hana didn't seem to be answering any of her calls. It was only natural, though. She was a teacher just like her and she probably had a lot of work to do, but why was it that she always found herself alone?Haruka wiped a tear off her cheek as she looked down at the floor with sadness. She could easily call her mother, but she didn't want to worry her.

Haruka was about to lay back on the bed when she suddenly heard the front door opening. She quickly perked up and stood up from the bed as fast as she could. She was about to walk to the door when she saw Yakumo coming in the room. He seemed much more calm, but his face looked depressed and agonized. However, that didn't really matter to Haruka. She was just happy to see him and she couldn't help but smile as she saw him turning in her direction. She walked toward him before she gripped onto his sleeves.

"Yakumo-kun." She whispered with tears forming in her eyes once again. Her lips were trembling along with her hands and if Yakumo hadn't held her, she probably would have lost her balance. "I'm so glad that you're finally home. I've been so worried about you. I even called Gotou so he could help me find you. I was so desperate, but I'm glad you're finally back. I thought you were going to leave me."

He stayed silent, but Haruka didn't mind it at all. She was just glad to have him right in front of her. She was glad that he hadn't ran off like the way he usually did during cases. Haruka rubbed her eyes, hoping she would stop crying soon. "I'm so sorry, Yakumo. Everything is my fault. I should have been more careful. I should have seen it coming. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." He told her with a long sigh before he turned away from her. Then, he sat down on top of the bed, avoiding her eyes completely. "Everything is my fault. I don't know how to take care of you."

"That's not true!" She responded a bit too quickly, but she couldn't help it. She didn't like to see Yakumo like that especially if it was because of her. Haruka sat down next to him and tried to get him to look at her. She pulled on his sleeve, but Yakumo didn't seem to budge. His eyes were glued to the floor as his brown hair covered his face. "I already told you that it was my fault. I wanted to help him because all the other teachers didn't really like him. I wanted to reach out and save him from himself."

He didn't say anything, but she could see his hands clenching into fists. Haruka moved back a little as she looked at him with surprise. Was he really that angry? She thought he had already calmed down, but now she was afraid he would punch the wall again. Placing her hands on her lap, Haruka looked at the floor along with him as she spoke. "He was always fighting with people. To say that I stopped him from fighting in the streets one day. He also tried to throw one of his classmates down the stairs once. The other teachers told me that they just wanted to see Miyazaki suspended or expelled and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him."

Haruka looked up to see Yakumo's expression, but he remained motionless. She knew she was listening because she could hear his breathing getting heavier with each word she said. Letting out a small sigh, Haruka reached out to touch his hand despite her already flustered face. She was sitting so close to him and she honestly couldn't remember when they had both sat down that way in silence. If they were under different circumstances, she probably would have found it peaceful.

"I wanted to help, Yakumo. I really did." Haruka continued, but this time she could feel her tears crawling down her cheeks again. However, her tears were able to catch Yakumo's attention. He turned to look at her and Haruka came face to face with his beautiful red eye. She gave his hand a tight squeeze as he wiped away her tears with his fingers. Despite his torn face, his hands were so soft, gentle, and full of care.

"How did things end up that way?" She pressed on before leaning her head on his shoulder. "I never wanted this to happen. I never gave him any motives. I never gave him any reasons. It was all a big misunderstanding. I would never cheat on you, Yakumo. I would never betray you. I told him that, but he didn't listen to me. He didn't care that I was married."

He placed his hand over her head, but he remained silent. Still, Haruka was able to feel his warmth traveling to her body and it was starting to calm her down a little. She felt so safe with him that it was indescribable. It was really clear to her that Yakumo was the only one for her. There was no one in the world that could ever replace him in her heart. Even though he wasn't perfect, Haruka loved him and she wanted to stay with him for the rest of her life. Haruka shifted her body so that she was looking directly at him. With a faint smile, she slowly caressed his cheeks and admired him.

"I'm so sorry, Yakumo." She apologized again before she looked down at the bed sheets. "Please don't put the blame on yourself. This really has nothing to do with you. I should have known better. I should have been more careful. I should have realized what was going on before it happened. Everything is my fault, so please don't worry about it anymore."

"Don't be an idiot." He told her, but his voice was starting to get a hint of sarcasm which meant he was returning to his normal self. He playfully hit her head with his fist before he gave a small smile. "Everything that happens to you concerns me. It has everything to do with me."

"Yakumo." Her mouth almost went dry while her voice almost disappeared along with it. She was looking at him curiously when he suddenly turned his body so that he was facing her directly. He grabbed her hands tightly which made her heart skip a beat. She hated herself for reacting that way, but she couldn't help it. A million years could pass by and she would still get nervous all the same. Haruka didn't have to look in a mirror to know that she was blushing like crazy. She cleared her throat before she turned away. She could also feel Yakumo staring at her intensely.

"This isn't your fault." He reassured her and Haruka could almost hear pain in his voice. He grabbed her chin to turn back around and Haruka was surprised to see his face only a couple of inches away from hers. "I don't know how to take care of you. Something always seems to happen and it always my fault for not being alert enough. You're my wife, but I can't seem to fulfill the title as a husband."

"That doesn't matter to me." She suddenly blurted out, surprising herself a little. Despite all the embarrassment and awkwardness she was feeling, Haruka leaned a bit closer to him so that his breathing was practically hitting her skin. She spoke to him in a whisper before her arms started pulling him into an embrace. "I think you're the best husband ever. I'm so happy being with you and I know no one would ever be able to make me feel this way. You're the only one for me, Yakumo. I love you with all my heart."

There was silent for the next seconds to come and Haruka could really feel her face burning up. She was saying things that she usually didn't really say out loud, but she knew that in that moment, it was necessary for her to remind him how much she loved him. It didn't matter what happened because she knew that her feelings would always remain the same. Even if he didn't feel the love as strongly as she did, Haruka didn't regret marrying him and she definitely didn't regret falling for him. She was glad that destiny had allowed her to cross paths with such a marvelous man.

"You've saved my life so many times, Yakumo. Have you forgotten?" She told him in a low voice and she tried not to gasp when she felt him hugging her back. Her words were reaching him and that was enough to bring tears in her eyes again. She buried her head in his chest while her hands gripped onto his white shirt. A part of her wished she could stay that way forever.

"If it wasn't for you, I would probably be dead by now." She continued on, pulling him even closer to her. "You've helped me out so many times that I even lost count. Yakumo, you've done so much for me already, but you have to remember that you're human. There's only so much that you can do for me. You can't keep an eye on me forever. It's unreal. So, please don't put the blame on yourself. I'm the one that needs to learn to stand up for myself. I can't keep depending on you. I need to learn how to take care of myself."

"You're too much of an idiot for that." He whispered in her ear which only made her heart pound even louder. She felt like it was going to burst right out of her chest in any minute. When Yakumo slowly release her from their embrace, he looked at her straight in the eyes and Haruka suddenly became lost in his gaze. "That's what I'm here for. I see nothing wrong with you depending on me."

It was in that moment that he suddenly pushed her back against the bed. Her eyes widen when she saw him climbing on top of her. Yakumo looked down at her and Haruka could feel her heart racing faster than ever. Then, a part of her started wondering if she was dreaming. "I can't let someone else touch you." He told her in a rather calm and composed voice. "You're my wife. I can't sit back and watch you cry."

Then, without giving her a warning, Yakumo bent down closer to her and when their faces were only millimeters away, he slowly moved in to kissed her. At first she didn't know how to respond, but when her mind began to process everything that was happening, she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. Without her telling him too, Yakumo deepen their kiss and almost completely deprived her from air. His kissed her with such a passion that she had never felt before and she knew her face went red when he started exploring her mouth. She snapped her eyes shut, wondering what had gotten into him.

"Yakumo," She breathed out, turning away with some embarrassment. He had never done that before and she was hardly used to him kissing her. He quickly lifted his head to look at her and Haruka could almost see him smirking with amusement at her reaction. "What are you doing?"

He didn't bother to answer, but he did get off her. He stood up and Haruka couldn't help but wonder if she had offended him in some way. She didn't know what was wrong with her. This was suppose to be a normal thing between couples and yet, she was dying from nervousness. Haruka sat up on the bed, but she almost dropped back dead when she Yakumo unbuttoning his shirt. He was stripping right in front of her. Trying not to panic, Haruka quickly stood up from the bed and grabbed his hands. "Yakumo? What are you doing?"

"What do you think?" He asked with an annoyed tone, but when he saw her worked up face, he gave her a small smile. He continued to unbutton his white shirt and when he was finally finished, he threw it on the floor fiercely. Then, he turned around to face her before he grabbed her hand. He placed it over his bare chest, showing her how loudly his heart was pounding as well. It was the same as hers if not faster. "You're my wife, Haruka and I think it's time we make it clear."

He didn't give a chance to speak because he had already pressed his lips against hers. Haruka closed her eyes again as she tried to shove away her nervousness and insecurities. Her mind was still a mess and she still couldn't believe what was going on. However, she became completely alert when she felt Yakumo unzipping the back of her dress. Once again, she panicked and pulled away from his kiss. "Yakumo." She was acting so pathetic, but she couldn't help it. She just wasn't used to it. "What are you doing?"

"You don't have to be embarrassed." He told her, pushing her back against the edge of the bed. He placed his strong hands on her face as he tried to calm her down. His sweet and gentle smile was enough to hypnotize her, though. "You're with me. I'll see you beautiful no matter what. Strangely enough."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Haruka asked him with a pout, but he ignored her and turned his focus back to the zipper. Once he had managed to slip the top half off, he began to kiss her neck. It wasn't long before her dress had completely slipped off her and was laying on the floor. Haruka silently squealed, realizing the little clothing she had left.

Without even bothering to look up at her, Yakumo pushed her back against the bed again. His wet kisses worked their way up to her lips as he climbed over her. He played around with her hair while his hot body pressed against hers. They were so close to one another and Haruka felt like she could melt right in his arms. Her heart was pounding so fast that she didn't think it would be able to keep up with her emotions. For the first time in a long time, Yakumo was actually making a move on her the way a husband was suppose to. She wasn't going to deny that she was happy about it, but that didn't make her any less nervous. So, when she felt Yakumo's hands reaching to touch her panties, she panicked for the third time.

"Yakumo," She exclaimed completely out of breath. She reached out to grab his strong bare shoulders, catching some of his attention. Once again, she probably amused him with her flustered face. "Are you sure you know what you're doing? You're not sick or something?"

"You really are an idiot, aren't you?" He told her, but Haruka didn't find his humor funny. His other hand went around her back and he unexpectedly unstrapped her bra. Haruka blushed for what seemed like the millionth time and she quickly pulled Yakumo closer to her when he completely pulled her bra off. Why did she have to feel so embarrassed? Why couldn't she just go with the flow? "I told you already. You don't have to be embarrassed or scared. You're with me."

"I know." She nodded before she snapped her eyes shut. She didn't know what else she was suppose to do. However, her body was responding quite nicely and she couldn't help but groan when Yakumo started fondling with her breasts. She quietly bit her lip before Yakumo started kissing her again. It was just their second time doing something like that or maybe even their first. The only time Yakumo had ever made a move on her that way was after their wedding since Gotou had basically gotten him drunk. Now, they were there together and Haruka's emotions were starting to jumble up.

"Yakumo," she whispered again to him, completely out of breath. He was calm though and his face seemed just as composed as ever. Still, she couldn't forget how fast his heart had been pounding because of her. What could be a better love confession than that? Even so, despite all that, Haruka decided it was the perfect moment to push her luck. "Yakumo, do you love me?"

"More than anything." He replied, surprising her in the most unexpected manner. She gasped before her fingers intertwine with his soft hair. She played around with it as her mind tried to process the words he had just said. He bent down again to kiss the nape of her neck and it was then that Haruka started hearing Yakumo unbuckle his belt. "You're my wife and I'm the only one that's allowed to touch you. Do you understand? Don't ever let any other guy get close to you. If that happens, then tell me and I swear I'll make him regret it."

Could it be that she was hearing right? Maybe she was already dreaming? If it was a dream, Haruka hoped she would never wake up. Her eyes were swelling with tears once again, but this time, they were tears of happiness. With that being affirmed, Haruka launched herself forward and kissed Yakumo back passionately. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pulling him in closer and closer. She loved him and being with him made her so happy. After dancing around with his tongue, Haruka pulled back to whisper something in his ear. "I love you. I love you so much it hurts."

She briefly saw him smiling and it was then that Yakumo started to unbutton his pants. Once that was done, he held her hips gently like if she would break if he held her any tighter. Then, he pulled down her already wet panties as his hands grazed the side of her thigh. She still felt a bit embarrassed, but she tried her best to ignore it. Haruka bit her lip as her hands gripped on tightly to the bed sheets. She was ready for whatever was suppose to come next.

Yakumo bent down again close to her and he buried his head on her neck. Without looking at her, he adjusted her body and slowly opened her legs after that. She could feel herself rising in temperature and she almost collapsed when she finally felt Yakumo penetrating inside her. She quickly placed her hand over mouth, hoping that Yakumo hadn't heard her moan. Still, he grabbed her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Haruka looked up at him as he slightly hovered above her. She was panting uncontrollably, but she calmed down a little when he kindly placed his hand over her cheek. Then, he smiled in a way she had never seen before.

"I love you." He told her silently before he pushed himself deeper inside her. "Don't ever forget it."