AN: First fic so constructive criticism is welcomed! Not a very well done little fic, I'm stretching my writing muscles for the first time. Soon I shall board the bloody big ship that is 00Q.
He was staring off into space, a look of concentration hidden in the slight crease between his eyebrows, when she came in. A bitter looking woman, well into her 40's, she sat down across from him, the only thing separating them a table, and the handcuffs on his wrists. He was 18, barely into adulthood, yet she could see life had already taught him its' harsh lessons. She was trained to see these things, and besides, MI-6 already had a rather extensive file on him.
Hacked his first satellite at 13, shortly followed by the controls for traffic lights. All so that the man delivering his pizza wouldn't hit any red lights.
At 16 he was surfing through the security systems of any major institution that caught his interest.
The woman, M, was the first one to break the silence that had stretched taught between the two.
"We were not amused by your little trick young man" she said, all stern, proper, and very very British.
"What trick? You mean my note? I really didn't mean to cause so much trouble; you didn't have to bloody kidnap me. I have a phone. It's a new device people use to contact each other" sarcasm obvious in both his words and his face.
A sigh. "Yes…the note. You do realise it was pretty foolish to leave a note in the MI-6 security system saying 'ur security is paathetic lolololol'" for some reason he can't identify, she looks slightly disappointed in him. He doesn't know why he cares, but it still hurts.
"In my defence, I was intoxicated at the time. Some people drunk text, I drunk hack."
She sighs, looking upwards as if seeking divine intervention. M wasn't the first one to interview the kid, he was somehow able to be incredibly unhelpful, while appearing open.
"We know your history kid, and you've got two choices. One, go to prison for the rest of your life. Two, work for us, giving us your absolute loyalty and devotion. Either way, you belong to us now."
For the first time the kid looked uncertain. He hesitated, shifting uncomfortably, before answering quietly, "number two please."
Years later, a walked into the National Art Gallery and sat down next to 007. He introduced himself as Q.