If Only it's Not You

Disclaimer: Hunter x Hunter belongs to the great Yoshihiro Togashi-sensei

NOTE: BAD ENGLISH, JUST DONT MIND THEM,,,However i could assured that you could understand them.

Summary: Kurapika was off to his mission as a hunter, though not really related to his occupation being a Black-List hunter. Into a Shrine with a cursed pond, What do you know? He encounter with Kuroro Lucifer his arch enemy and end up turning into a girl after he fell from the said pond. And so as Being tied up with the Thread of fate with the Man. What will happen for both of these two?

Chapter 1

Curse the Stupid Encounter of MisLuck


The Kuruta said, while standing in-front of a a long stair of a shrine. He was still wearing his tribal been two years since the incident with the Genei Ryodan in York Shin City. He had left the Nostrad with Senritsu, for their Boss was completely bank bankrupt. If only Neon-Nostrad didn't lost her ability to foresaw future for sure, he was still inside the Nostrad family.

However, despite this- He didn't even manage to gain one single scarlet eyes. It was indeed a big hustle for a certain pain for the blonde's head. He has no idea what to do next, so for the mean time-The Kuruta had accepted a request from his so believe client. its not like he was wasting his time, he just wanted to at-least think carefully for a while before he move to his next plan.

And so here,Kurapika was currently on his mission to check an empty cursed shrine, on where was been abandoned and was believe hunted for two to three years. The wind blows coldly, he had stiffened a bit from the sudden cold. But so then he push away his thoughts and started to climb the long stairs of the certain said shrine.

While walking, each step he takes...The thoughts of what happen back then from York Shin City was still fresh from his very mind. He started to think of-What if he did not chase after the Ryodan when they were headed towards Beitacle Hotel? Surely his friends won't be captured in the first place. Or what if he didn't ask help from his friends in the first place? So that they wont get captured.

Kurapika shook his head vigorously, he is trying to push away those thoughts. It was not a very good thing to think of 'why-did-i-choose-my-friends-over-than-taking-my-revenge. Indeed he doesn't want to loose another friend anymore. What more, his friends Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Senritsu were different from any other people he met with his life. He just can't loose them.

From this, he finally reached the top of the said shrine.

The place was full of dust, the wind nearly hit his eyes with such dirt. Kurapika used his left arm to block his eyes from a dirt that might come in. After the wind stop he removed them, and so he had saw the view very clearly.

"...This is..."

The place wasn't look like what he expected. Fix shrine, Sculptured gods' of this temple. Off pillar over the pathway of the shrine box. The place doesn't look like that it was cursed. Or more like, the place was not-like not-even-cursed-at-all. He then started to wonder of what might have been wrong over this pretty place if not with the dirt, it could have been visited a lot of people who are religious. The Kuruta stepped in, as he-scanning the whole place. And he doesn't found things odd at all.

"Am in the right place?" Kurapika mumbled to himself, not hoping someone could answer. But so then, when he reached the backyard of the small Shrine, he found a very beautiful small pond. "..Oh..." The pond seem to be a baptize place. Its on were a person would cleanse he or her self from it, to purify thyself over sins. Or you could call for short as baptism.

He stopped from his feet, with his grey hue eyes with a bit shade of brown staring over the small pond. The mystery thought came from his mind.

"i thought this place was abandoned...Then why this pond looks so fresh-as if like...Someone is taking care of them..."

Kurapika tried to recall what was his mission. He had remembered what his client told him.

"That shrine is cursed! If you wash yourself there...You'll turn different!"

"..hm?.." Closing his eyes, and opens them again. "..will turn different...? what does he mean of that?" the fact of those words does make sense and half doesn't make sense. He retorted his gaze from the beautiful small pond. "Don't tell me..." A pause. "This pond was actually the cursed one not the shrine...?" Its only a hunch, but it does make sense right?

"Don't go near it! Don't even touch it!"

Those words came from his client, is really bothering him. How was he supposed to remove the curse from the pond if he can't even touch or go near it. With a sighed he rubbed the back of his neck. "Such a pain..." He took his chance to rest a bit. He was been standing and walking for hours lately. Before he take a sit from the ground, he patted the earth-removing the dust so that he could sit on a clean space.

Unfortunately, Kurapika's luck had been running thin lately. He knew and heard from Killua's phone call, that His arch enemy Kuroro Lucifer was looking for a Nen remover. To remove the chain he put inside his heart, the judgement chain. One year passed he did felt that the judgement chain he inserted from the spider's heart seemingly removed. Or had disappeared. The Kuruta was not even sure, if his feelings were right or not, unless if he go out and check it himself.

Then he retorted to his defence when he heard the bushes over his back moved.

"Who's there!?"However, in the end Kurapika found himself wondering whether he should have counted himself as extremely lucky or unlucky. From the dark lashes of the bush, the said man appeared infront of his very eyes.

Kurapika's eyes widen in horror. If not much luck or mistluck, it was really a bad timing for this man to show up. This man who he just met the last two years ago. Still wearing the same clothes, that black cloack with an inverted cross same goes for his for head. Raven haired one with all back hairstyle.

It was no other than Kuroro Lucifer.

He gasped his name with pure shock."...Bastard...!"

Kuroro's eye brow twitched upward, he didn't expect to meet the Kuruta or either receive such a good way of greeting. "...Oh, its been a while...? What a strong coincidence...Kuruta."While Kurapika-begrudgingly trying to get his hands from making such move as attacking this guy-who he wants to kill.

"..you.." Kurapika gritting his teeth. "what are you doing here...?!" He eagerly ask the Spider Head.

Kuroro only smirked and passed the question back to the blonde kuruta. "And so are you?"

with that mockery, he can't take it anymore...The two started to clash out with a fight.

Let's cut their so long duel in a summary: The duel was like this, they did a one-on-one battle between him and Kuroro Lucifer. In the process, the shrine was half destroyed and so as the pieces of sculpture earlier on the pathway. As the two were immersed in their duel, the accident had happend.

Kurapika felled from the sky down to the small pond that was cursed, or he had nearly knew it was cursed.

Kuroro then landed from the ground straight with his feet. He checked the Kuruta, if ever he was drowning or going to take once more a blast attack. However, Kuroro-he himself, instead of attacking first, he waited for the Kuruta to come up. However.


A few minutes more,


He didn't rose up.

So then, there, Kuroro had thought, the little boy might be dead when he had assured using his Ben's knife have slashed the rib or Kurapika's stomach in a scratch, but even so, the poison was very strong, he does believe that the Kuruta might have been under by the poison.

Due to disappointment, of the thought he could play much more to drew anger towards the Kuruta was crashed down. For, he was dead, if not why is he still not even bothering to come up from the water? Suddenly the water was forming some little bubbles, the Spider head didn't notice.

With a sighed, Kuroro decided to leave however then-he heard a gasp.

Sure enough, The Kuruta rosed up from the water, breathing heavily. Kuroro was stunned from the view, the crystal water surely sparked with the every single tear it has.

"You bastard! Were not yet done!"

Kurapika barked to his arch enemy, for him not to leave, However, Kurapika notice the odd changed look from the Man. The Spider Head didn't even said one word or moved from his space, not even bothering to give him reply. Instead, Kuroro stared with his deep dark eyes to a certain spot of the Kuruta's body. On were his clothe was torn up-came from the slash of his Ben's Knife.

From the boy's shirt on were had been ripped from a knife cut and noticed something that was not supposed to be there. A thought flashed in his mind, and Kuroro's face bleached. He swore that he had a really bad karma. There, beneath Kurapika's torn shirt, he spotted two bumps on the chest.

The blonde hair twitched his eye brow in irritation. "What are you looking at?!"The next second, Kuroro and Kurapika were already the both was exchanging a question shock look. Kuroro covered his mouth with his left hand in a brooding manner, he tried not to loose his composure from sudden jaw drop he could have.

"What do you expect..." Kuroro grinned his lips. That made the Kuruta looks more in question face. He continued after noticing the questionable face of the certain blonde who was still inside the water. "..That the chain-user was actually a girl..." He smirked this time.

"huh-What?!" he then sensed a small weight coming from his very own chest-movement like something was bouncing a bit on whenever he move. Kurapika exclaimed in surprise-and made Kuroro has his surprises too. The response was somewhat wrong-or a bit off. And so then he finally felt what was the changes on his very body. Kurapika had forgotten that his arch enemy was in front of him watching-he said while holding both of his chest who was currently soft as a girl has.

He touched them with his very bare hands. "They are soft..." He gulped. He believes its a nightmare, ONLY if it was. "No way..." He shaking his head, "This couldn't be happening!" He tries not to give in, it was a pure horror than anything perhaps?

"W-w-w-w-why-" A tutter. "How did i happen to have some-!" A trembled. "W-w-w-w-w-woman's-C-c-c-Chest?!"

Kuroro can't help but to laugh out loud.

Kurapika gave him a deadlock dagger. And so he shut up, and tried to pretend that he wasn't laughing anymore.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

"Me? Why me?" Kuroro chuckled a bit. "I didn't do anything to you, except scratching you with my knife." A pause. "I don't know anything of what's currently happening to you."

"You bastard…Don't lie!" He managed with a strain voice while shooting the man looming over him with a glare that could have killed a man, if looks could kill.

"Oh?" Kuroro raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by his small feat of pushing him. "Perhaps, it may cause by the curse of this shrine?"

Kurapika's eyes goes close open-close-open. He can't trust the man, but with that sudden comment, Kurapika had remember something about a curse. The curse on the pond, he had clearly forgotten everything about his job. The words came back from his head.

"That shrine is cursed! If you wash yourself there,You'll turn different! Don't go near it! Don't even touch it!"

"Then...That means...It could be possible that...I was cursed from this pond?!"

With that sentence,The both felt like they have forgotten to kill each-other not until, Behind Kuroro's back, the one last statue of the altar while the rest was broken, This one last sculpture cracked in pieces and reveals a very bright light.

Kuroro was caught off guard, but he was not harm, though he shielded himself with his dark cloak.

"What-Now?!" Kuruta said while blocking the sunlight through his vision using both his arms, he had forgotten to cover up those small chest.

There, reveal, a Beautiful Goddess of the Shrine. She was floating and transparent, wearing old clothes as if she came from a theater old play. She was wearing pure white clothes and long slashes of sleeves. The beautiful ghost woman greeted them. "Am the Goddess of this Shrine...My Name is Shiera...The Thread of Fate."

Kuroro was only silently being still from his place, While Kurapika was still inside the cold water, as if he didn't even bother that he was wet, and turned into a girl. "What is thy name of you two?"

Both look over each other before answering, "Kuroro." The Raven Haired man answered first, and followed by Kurapika. "I'm Kurapika."

The Goddess glances over the two. She was not pleased-half same time, she was having a mischievous grinning.

"You have destroyed this Shrine..."Kurapika gulped, And Kuroro remained still silent. "And you, my dear." The Goddess was pointing over Kurapika. "You fell over the cursed pond of baptism."

Kurapika hardly forgot to give respect and said, "huh, what?" The Goddess closed her eyes, with a sighed and said to the Kuruta. "You were cursed from the pond." Then Kurapika knew now why he turned into a damn girl. He hoarse an explanation for this. "What's the meaning of this?! Why did i turn into a girl?! Answer me!"

"Like i said, that pond is a Pond of Baptism..." A pause. "However, that's a pond on were changing the gender of whoever took their bath on the pool...Either if your a man-you'll be a woman, and for a woman-will turn into a man. That's how it works."

"the fuck..." Kurapika whispered to his self, he was trying his best not to get angry about a damn curse. Yeah, he doesn't give a damn about it, what more...He just turned into a woman! So then, he rosen up from the water. But he was remained in a SHE body.

"What the..." He look up to the Goddess Shiera. "Why didn't i came back being a guy?"

"As you see, its a curse...You won't return normal as long as you don't find a way to remove it."

"what!?" A jaw drop from the Kuruta, and So Kuroro covered his mouth with a small chuckled, Receiving a dragger of another death glare from Kurapika. The Goddess notice the other man, so she turned to speak to Kuroro, who supposed to be not in the bussiness-was in the bussiness.

"As for you, young man..." Kuroro turned back being the figure of a Danchou. He listened carefully to whatever the Goddess about to tell him."Since, you and this young boy - destroyed my shrine...I would have you to pay for it."

"Ehh?!" Kurapika does a side comment.

The raven haired man was now in questionable look and he wants to laugh, He is the leader of Genei Ryodan, no matter what he destroy,steal, he wont bother to pay them.

"What do you mean about going to pay...?" Kuroro said with his cold voice, but a slight mockery inside.

The Goddess knew, that both of these men are not going to listen, or, they are really out of manner. With a slight evil grin, the Goddess waved her right hand and formed something like a red thread of ribbon. It flew over to the right arm of Kuroro and to the left arm of Kurapika-Tied up together, as it later own formed into a bracelet chain.

"What on earth is this?!" Kurapika said, while trying his best removing the chain bracelet from to Kuroro's. The Spider head was calm, though are he even aware that they were this close and attached? Side by side as you could see. The Goddess then continued.

"In order to pay for the sin you have both done...You'll have to be tied up together with each other finding a way to remove the curse from you pointing to Kurapika...And for you to learn your manners...pointing to Kuroro"

"Why-Noway in hell! Why is he with me?!" Kurapika pointed to Kuroro, Kuroro was only have to twitch again his eyebrow upward, The raven man took his chance to question the Goddess. Before he could say anything, the Goddess answered him immediately. "That's a punishment for ruining my shrine, and..." A pause. "You can't even break that bracelet unless if both of you change each of your fate."

"..fate..?" Kuroro quoted inside his mind, as the Goddess left to say, "And if you separate yourselves with each other, you and you will die. In other words to say, no matter what happen's you cant be separated with each other."

"What!?" this time both of their mouths exclaimed, though Kuroro's way of speech was still calm and cool. Then he felt the clutching fist of the small Kuruta beside him who just turned onto a girl.

"Why, Why it has to be with him?!" Kurapika was obviously not agree on what just the Goddess said, "Right, i have ruined your shrine and cause you a lot of trouble...But...Not with this man!" The Goddess just sighed and smiled.

Said by the Goddess. "People hate each-other, People love each-other. Everyone must have to learn their lesson of how to accept someone...Even if they were the one's who have destroyed your life..."

Kurapika flinched in a small gasp that escape his mouth. The Goddess wasn't really pointing at him,but he knew what the Goddess was trying to meant. But still of course, there's no way in hell he would accept Kuroro Lucifer, the one who massacred his all tribe. Over his dead body that might happen.

His eyes glowed eerily in the darkness of the tunnel of his thoughts,like a glowing ember. Kuroro peered into his eyes, taking in all the negative emotions; the hatred, the resentment, everything, with cold face. Looking into those scarlet eyes, he could not help but to smile. He had suspected that the Kuruta boy's eyes were the brightest among all that he had ever seen, and he was right. Enraged by his smile; which seemed twisted and wrong in his mind, Kurapika's eyes glowed even redder out of anger.

The Goddess ignored everything but to continue explaining them what to do. "The way to remove the curse is, To Full Fill each of you're wishes...Goes for Kuroro and same goes for Kurapika. In other words, all you have to do is to fullfill the long want of each-other."

"With that way, the curse that bind us will be remove and lifted?" Kuroro just observed both the Goddess and the Kuruta on his side.

The Goddess nodded to Kuroro, "If you got it, then,you can't let each other die, your lives are tied up within."

While Listening,Kuroro was a bit off to the conversation, as a matter of fact he can't really relate, and why did he end up being inside this problem. he can't help but to remain silent.

"One more thing, That is you should Learn to Love." The word 'Love' gave more surprises from the Kuruta's eyes...there's noway...He slight mocking himself.

"I will show up once again if the time comes, I'll be always here by the both side of you." With that the Goddess Shiera vanish from a vapour of soft lights.

After some seemingly interminable seconds, Kurapika's scarlet eyes were turned off, and they broke away. However, since they were tied up in the bracelet chain that can't be remove even if they want to, Strange things never ceased to happen. As Kuroro jumped away from him, he felt a strong tug to his left wrist. All of the sudden, Kuroro stopped halfway in his jump as if someone had pulled his right wrist forward, while Kurapika was jerked forward as well.

Kuroro blinked in surprise, Kurapika frowned in confusion. They looked at each other, both noticing the strange phenomenon that happened just a fraction of second ago. Slowly, they both straightened while keeping a wary eye at each other. Kurapika raised his left arm and pulled. At the same time, Kuroro's right hand was jerked forward towards his direction.

"Aren't you..." Kuroro started and Kurapika gave a short look at Kuroro, when the man pointed over his torn tribal clothing. "...Planning to cover that up...?"

Kurapika felt his face whole red, he had forgotten to cover his chest, well, he finally has some boob's, even though he was originally a male, he of course still felt embarass having a girl's chest. It was indeed a big shame.

"Don't look!" He said, covering them by his own. What should he do now? The fact that he turned into a girl, it can't be mean that-Even his UNDER part turned into a girl. Just not yet, just not yet...He wanted to figure out if his under, he want's to know what inside...His...

Kuroro can't help but only to chuckle. If only other's could see the funny reaction's the Kuruta is showing. It was amusing for him, he will not get bored for sure.

"So, what are we going to do?"


Into surprise, Kurapika started the conversation, Right they need to fullfill each of their wishes. In any other words, teaming up and not killing each other-or to say, They are not allowed to kill each-other at all.

"Well.." Kuroro put his hands both in his pocket. "What do you want to full-fill anyway...?" Kurapika took his chance to look into Kuroro with narrow eyes, of course he still doesn't trust the man. Kuroro knew what was the kuruta thinking and he just continue. "Except for killing me." A Grin.

"dammit." Kurapika cursed silently, and then he retorted his eye level gaze to the man, to the spider head. "My wish is to reclaim all the Scarlet eyes of my clan." to Kuroro's surprise, he didn't expect a fast answer from the kuruta, he can't help but to question the kid, or to annoy him. "As in, All of them?"

"Yes. All of them."

"For real?"

"Of course"

"But that's too many to collect."

"I Don't care."

"Even it takes a lot of years?"

"So what if it is!?"

Kurapika couldn't hold it anymore. The man was literally annoying, or annoying him in purpose. The said man was just pretending not to make any smiling reaction. To see, of how he was currently having fun playing with this kid.

But suddenly a evil grin formed from the Kuruta's lips. It was his turn to ask the Kuroro of Genei Ryodan. "Well what about you? What do you wish for? What do you want to fullfill?"

"That is three questions..."

"Just answer me!"

So there, Kurapika found the somewhat weird dumb side of the Fearsome genei ryodan leader, Kuroro Lucifer put his left hand to his chin since his right hand was bonded over Kurapika's left hand's by the chain bracelet.

"No you mention." Kuroro said without specific person to talk with nor facing over. "I don't really have anything that i want to full-fill on this world." The Kuruta can't help but to blow out a harsh sigh, yes, very irritated right now.

"OH great, you don't know what you want on this world?" He ask mockingly while putting his both arms in cross,level to his chest. "How about that stealing goods of yours and killing innocent people of yours? Is that just for fun?"

"Oh," Kuroro trailed off. "You're wrong, i don't particularly like stealing and killing either."

"Oh really? Then what was that for?"

"I just want to get what i want. And so what i want."

"That's the same."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

The two changed each of deadlock dagger, really, they really love to form a fight from a simple conversation huh?

With a sighed, Kuroro continued. "It's not like," A pause and took attention to the listening kuruta. "..I don't have things that ive' wanted. Or more like..." Kuroro then looks above the sky. "I have forgotten what was it, its just from the start...I just wanted to obtain..." however the sentence wasn't finish off.

The kuruta with grey eyes just now notice that the man himself was sad [?]. No, the man before him, the one who massacred his tribe, his very arch enemy that he could just kill right away if not with the bond, who could have thought, that...Kuroro Lucifer has a very handsome masculine body and figure ey?

Kurapika felt his face blush off a bit. Or that was so wrong. What was that anyway. By Slapping his-self from some thoughts that he isn't supposed to. Kuroro pulled him out from that by saying, "For now, i should call my spider's so that they won't do anything so absorb."

"What?!" In his surprise shock. Not that one, "Are you kidding with me?! Why would you call your damn comrades?!"

"take it easy. I'll just order them not to inter-fear with this."


"In other words, so that they won't lay a hand on you. Or i will die."

"Oh great, really, what a selfish thoughts of yours, I'm very thankful." Kurapika said in a sarcastically tone.

"Now wait here." Kuroro took his step to leave the Kuruta alone in order to get some good reception on his phone. And yet he has forgotten the chain bracelet putting them together at very least of ...

"ouch, don't you pull so suddenly!" Kurapika barked, for he nearly falled from his step by the sudden pull move of Kuroro. "ah.." Kuroro then looked back to the kuruta and decided to drag him alone to get some good reception.

"Hey wait! Don't touch me! Let go of me!" With protesting, Kuroro just ignored them, he was a kid after all. But anyway...He can now call his troupe member's to tell something that they isn't supposed to know, But they really need indeed.

"DANCHOU! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID!?" Nobunaga exclaimed over the small phone he was talking with, though its Shalnark's phone. Kuroro's ear's might have been gone deaf due to the sudden shout from the phoneline.

"Listen Nobunaga. And give the phone to Shalnark first."

"Damn!" He swore as he straightened up. "Here Shal! Danchou want's you online!"

"Err ok?" Trying to smile, Shalnark took the phone line. "Hello Danchou."

After few minutes explaining the details to Shalnark with a nod the phoneline ended.

"So what did Danchou said?" Phixn moved forward from his space.

"Well, for the mean time we are here to stand by. For..." Shalnark does an eye contact to Machi, Machi knew what he meant, he meant for someone to caught both Nobunaga and Phixn in her strings if ever they would straggle him to death.

"Well you see, Danchou is been tied up with the Chain guy, and..." A gulp. "They would be travelling together in order to remove the curse that was on the Chain-user."

"What?! Why would danchou help that chain-bastard to lift off the curse upon his?! whatever curse he had...!"

"Maybe there was a thing that they can't refuse for?" Machi shoved the young man forward. With that comment, all of them turned to the Pink Haired girl, Machi. "..well...Its just a hunch anyway..."

"right, and..." Shalnark said while he put his both hands in his hips. and said, "Danchou will be alright, being near with the chain-assassin..."

"Get away from me!" One said while kicking rudely at the other. With the hand.

"If only i could, I would." The other one shoved the smaller one away.

"Hands off!" The one with lighter voice barked.

"But our hand's can't even separate this far..." He mocked the small kuruta.

The two continued struggling to stand up on their own, but their movements were clearly restricted to their wrists. They had no idea on how things had ended up this way. What was more out of place was the fact that they were bickering.

"Ok then lets make a deal here before moving to find somewhere to stay." Kuroro order, as if, he owns' the kuruta.

"I agree with that, this doesn't get us anywhere." The Kuruta said in a sarcastic tone.

"I promise to collect the Scarlet eyes with you...Then after that, do what you want, i don't care if you still want to kill me."

"Good. And...What about your wish to full-fill then?" Said Kurapika tapping his feet.

Kuroro only stared his deep eyes to the kuruta's one. And said, "Seek that with me yourself."

"Its a Deal We take it."

Author's Note: Wew, i don't have betareader, but anyway...this is my first time making such a long chapie, with atleast [i think] words that could describe properly what's happening. But anyway, please be gentle with the review.

Next: and so then, Kurapika had to travel with Kuroro Lucifer to full-fill each of their wishes. The Deal to find the scarlet eyes of his clan-in exchange to seek of what Kuroro really what to full-fill on his life. But things won't be easy, they will be either discover a new thing, or end up discovering each wounds... As the last thing he could have expected in the universe he was living in. But reality is reality, no matter how harsh.