Hey Y'all. My name is Taylor and I'm very new to the website. I will try to update more often, hopefully at least everyday. Alrighty with that here is chapter 2.

Emmett's POV:

I am, not only was Bella alive and a vampire but she is hugging me. "Emmett it is so nice to see you" she says. her voice sounds like an angle singing. "Bell-how-when-what-your eyes" was the only thing I could get out. Her eyes were gold just like mine. she smiles and says "Emmett, we both have stories to tell" "Yes we do." that is the only thing I could say. "Call Esmé, Carlisle, Jasper, and Alice. I would like to tell my story once and only once." "yes Ma'am" I reply.

I am really sorry about the length it is so small. As you can see this is a filler chapter ,Most of my stories are about 1,000 words a chapter but this story is really hard to get going. Please PM me if you have any ideas. Also i am writing a about a girl named Taylor who gets imprinted on by Paul. So I have my hands full, plus I'm sick. So hopefully you all have good ideas, AS ALWAYS R&R.
