Angelique: Converse with CA

- caligulasAquarium [CA] began pestering carribeanMermaid [CM] at 15:47 PM –

[CA]: so wwe meet again landweller wwho wwouldvve thought that our paths wwould cross like this

[CM]: You're joking, right? You spoke to me a few weeks ago about your undying hate against me 'and all landwellers.' You really are annoying.

[CA]: i wwont take that tone from you you no good god damn wwench

[CM]: And yet, you wonder why I tend to hate you with an undying passion.

[CA]: i aint havvin that tuna tone from a landwweller like you but I havve a question to ask you

[CA]: havve you by any chance played that infernal game yet

[CM]: Why should you care?

[CA]: thats not the point, you disgusting landwweller

[CM]: Please stop calling me a landweller. You know my nickname, so why not use that instead of that annoying term.

[CA]: do you really think that i havve time to try and spell out Seywhatchamacallit in evvery single sentence that i wwrite to you

[CA]: no i dont

[CA]: so im goin to call you a landwweller, so you better suck it up, you pathetic human

[CM]: Well, I'll call you Sergeant FISH FOR BRAINS then. Honestly, like my friend would say, you're all talk and no balls. Stop trying to act cool and actually try to be tolerable for once in your sad, pathetic life!

[CA]: this is wwhy i cant stand talkin to such a disgraceful species wwhy i continue speakin to you ill nevver know

[CM]: Oh, can you hear that sound?

[CA]: wwhat in the name of alternia are you talkin about

[CM]: Oh, it seems to be the sound of me

[CM]: Casually not giving two shits

[CM]: Now I'm going to make sure that this is the last time you try to talk to me again.

[CM]: Goodbye, and good riddance.

[CA]: wwait

[CA]: dont go i need to tell you somethin about the game

- caribbeanMermaid [CM] ceased pestering caligulasAquarium [CA] at 16:00 PM –

- caribbeanMermaid [CM] has blocked caligulasAquarium [CA] !