AN: Hi guys. Fun chapter for you today. Again, I beg of you to inform me if any part of my chapters are confusing, I know what is happening, so it helps when I have fresh eyes read my work. We've got a lot going on for the next little while. I hope you enjoy!
Triangle Part 2
Chapter 10
There was no working lighting as they descended the steps, and much to Mikey's glee they got to activate the glow sticks. Donnie had made the little glowing tubes quite some time ago, but they never really had a chance to use them seeing as they always used flashlights. Cracking the plastic, Mikey shook the little tube with a dance and light flooded across his smiling face. Shortly after, a second light washed across Raph as he activated his.
It became colder as they descended, and as they stepped into an open room it became evident that the underground hideout was abandoned. The large room ate their light, making it feel as though they were in their own bubble as they explored. Since the room was so large, they split up. As Raph began exploring a stack of crates to the side, Mikey made his way to the far wall of the cave.
He felt nervous, there were little sounds all around and even though he spent his whole life underground, he felt as though the ground would crush him in here. Any sound they made echoed, only adding to the lonely feeling.
Stepping up onto a wooden platform at the very back wall, Mikey's chest tightened as he sighted the railroad ties on the ground beyond, a dark tunnel stretching in either direction. This was the way to go. "Raph, it's over here!"
Mikey jumped down onto the tracks as Raph hurried over, his hand over his headset as he made another report to their brother at home. While Raph jumped down after him, complaining about the headset's poor reception, Mikey began down the dark tunnel. The glow stick only made enough light to show so far ahead of them, and it felt as though they were venturing into eternal darkness. Mikey wondered if they should bring out their flashlights, but Donnie had specifically said to avoid using them, that the battery should be saved for getting Leo home.
"It'll take hours." Raph breathed with an undertone of frustration. He glanced down at the tracker on his wrist, watching the pulsating of his and Mikey's dots. A little arrow indicated Leo off in one direction, out of range from the tracker's map. The update Donnie had applied was useful, they could see if Leo was still alive this way.
With nothing else left to do, they began their long trek through the tunnel.
What Bey was witnessing in the small training room was extraordinary to say the least. Leonardo sat on his knees on the floor in deep meditation, his senses so high on alert he'd be able to pinpoint and probably kill a fly in the room without opening his eyes. Yet the turtle was completely unaware of the mutant lion perched across from him. They had performed this training exercise daily upon Leonardo's recovery, and yet he failed every time. Bey paced the room, making note that their captive couldn't sense him either. He suspected there could be an entire sports game going on in the room and the turtle wouldn't know any different.
Leonardo's resistance to psychic tampering was evidently non-existant. This would complicate things a little on their mission, but overall it was a good thing.
He motioned to Neil, the lion. This exercise was over before it began. With a nod, Neil dropped the barrier, a psychic wave that distorted one's ability to sense life. Immediately Leonardo's eyes snapped open, focusing on the two that would have just suddenly appeared to him.
"You're hopeless, Leonardo." Bey's blindfold was down over his eyes; his ears swivelling as they took in the tiny sounds about him. "I give up, you can't be taught. My brother and I have trained idiots who learn faster than you."
Leonardo simply got to his feet and walked over to the door, turning the knob and letting himself out. It had been an annoying habit of his, exerting his independence at any chance he got to make a point. He wasn't there by his will, but if he could express freedom at any given chance, he would. Leonardo didn't really care if he failed their training; he tried his best because he had to, but overall if he let them down that was a good thing in his mind. A small victory for him. Him walking out was just another expression of rebellion, he only stuck around for what was required, anything past that was beyond his interest.
Although the turtle might believe it to be a victory, Bey saw it as the first signs of breaking. The process would speed up once his pet was back with his family, and the effects of the implant were made fully aware to him. Reminding himself of this, Bey followed through the door, listening to Leonardo departing down the hallway, "Your train leaves in two hours, don't make me go looking for you!"
Leo kept his head held high as he moved through the corridors. His room was on the other side of the base, and it took some time to get there. The small training room they were using was in the lower levels, and it took several flights of stairs up to get to where he was going. Upon entering the door to his sitting area, Leo allowed his posture to rest. This place, even though it was part of his prison, was his only safe haven right now. Going to the back bedroom, he threw himself facedown on the bed. He was exhausted; they were running him on little sleep. He knew he shouldn't, that it would only make him feel worse, but Leo couldn't help but let his mind drift off as he attempted to get some rest.
As his mind began to fuzz with impending sleep, the ringing began deep in his head. Abruptly he jolted awake and sat up, already well aware of what would happen if he delayed. Even though he was upright almost instantly, the ringing intensified, a sharp screeching sound coming from behind his jaw. He cringed at the pain it brought, even though it was only for a second before it faded away. His heart was pounding and he felt tense. With a groan he buried his face into his hands as he caught his breath.
Bey called that the siren, part of the device they had installed on the back of his neck. Two small wires fed from the main device in the back and were inserted just below the skin of his jaw. They created an uncomfotable vibration in his eardrums, causing him to hear an unpleasent ringing. It was mostly used as a dog whistle to get his attention, but it was also triggered by sleep unless it was deactivated first. The first time he fell asleep with it, he tore one of the wires partway out in his agitation, and they needed to operate again to re-insert it. Since then he wore bandages over the device, not wanting a repeat of that incident.
Pulling himself together, Leo rose and made his way to the sitting room. He didn't have too much longer left to wait, once he was released for his retrieval mission he would be reunited with his brothers, and Donnie could figure something out with the implant. He wouldn't have to put up with the numerous effects of it much longer. Still, that was all assuming he could somehow inform Donnie of the device to begin with. His spirit sank. He'd probably take off his brother's hand if he even got close enough to touch it. That was the problem, he had been ordered to protect the device and keep it secret, at all costs. Which means if Donnie were to find the implant, Leo would have to be deeply asleep, unconscious, or dead.
Donnie had lost the communication signal. With his brothers so deep underground and out of his normal range for communications, this didn't come as a surprise but it did make him nervous. Leaning back in his chair, he simply watched the dots on his computer screen, slowly moving as Mikey and Raph got closer to Leo. There was little he could do to help at this point, and with the exhaustion from the previous weeks of work, as well as the recovery from his injuries he was barely able to keep awake. Leaning forward again to prevent himself from falling asleep, he let himself mentally evaluate his condition.
His left arm was healing nicely, he could move his fingers again. It was the great thing about being a mutant; wounds heal fast. His right arm, however, wasn't doing so well, and Donnie was completely perplexed as to why. Thinking about it, stress flooded into him, burning his chest; so normally he would change his thought process. His mind couldn't handle thoughts about the slow paralysis that was creeping up his arm. It had progressed just past his elbow, hence the wrappings to keep his arm stable against him. The progress was slowing at least, and the initial wound was healing, but at the same time there was a sinister feel to the whole thing. He didn't think he'd be getting his movement back in that limb any time soon.
As he began dozing off, there was a sudden glaring thought. He shouldn't be here. Donnie shot awake, the sudden urgency fading slightly, but not completely. This had been happening a lot lately, a feeling that he should be somewhere else, like someone was waiting for him. Unlike previous times, when he'd wake up and the feeling would go away, this time he still felt the slight pull. Lifting himself up from his chair, he glanced at his computer screen. There was nothing he could do for the others right now. As he walked out into the lair's common room, he went to retrieve his staff by habit. It wasn't there; it had broken in the battle so many weeks back. Donnie hadn't bothered to craft a new one, or even ask someone for help.
Feeling disheartened, he walked away from the weapons rack when something caught his eye. Dangling from the hook on the wall was one of Mikey's kusargima, the chain slashed through, credit to Leo. Normally Mikey would repair the chain, but with the weapon's age he had opted for crafting a brand new one. Donnie lifted the scythe, his eyes watching the foot length of chain dangling below it as he popped the blade out. It was in bad repair, but still functional as a backup weapon. With a sigh, Donnie retracted the blade and slipped the scythe into his belt. He'd probably die if he had to use it, but it was better he left the lair armed in some way.
As he turned to leave the lair, an invigorating sense of purpose filled him, and by the time he reached the turnstiles he was full of energy and cleared them with a roll off his shell, protecting his injured arm. For some reason, it felt good to be moving, to have a purpose. Whatever was calling him, was something he desperately needed.
He didn't know where he was going, Donnie realized as he ran through the sewers. Some deep instinct was directing him; The feeling was warm and inviting, yet urgent. He didn't direct himself; if he felt like going down one tunnel, he went down it. As he turned a corner, a sudden sharp feeling in his chest caused him to stop. After confirming it wasn't a cramp, Donnie looked around, realising that this tunnel was familiar. He slowed his pace as he made his way through. not quite sure how he knew the place, or what made it so different from the other tunnels he had been running down.
It was the set of rungs that triggered it. His finger traced the cold steel steps up to the cover above, the doorway to the surface. He figured he could climb it, but to push the cover aside would be a different matter. As he took another glance up his eyes widened as the floor fell from under his feet.
As he fell, not only did he hear his own cry, but other familiar ones as well. He abruptly landed shell-first into something firm, but soft enough to break his fall. The winded screech he heard confirmed that he had landed on something living, but it was more unsettling than that. As he rolled to his knees and looked down his eyes widened. Laying there, winded, was Mikey. He wore no mask, no padding; unarmed and decidedly afraid. Beside Mikey lay Leo, also unmasked, curled up into a ball, and clutching his arm as he screamed. It was a high pitched sound, unlike any Donnie had ever heard his brother make before.
Never? No, there was that time...
Donnie took a step back in shock and his foot hit something causing him to turn sharply. Raph lay there, unconscious and face down, breathing heavily. Even though he wasn't conscious, his eyebrows were crunched down as he gasped for air.
Mikey struggled weakly to right himself, seemingly stuck on his back. Donnie crouched down to push his brother onto his stomach when a massive shadow caught his eye, causing him to freeze. It was then this absolutely absurd idea crossed his mind. They were going to be eaten. Donnie began to grind his teeth, his tongue feeling a small gap. Why did this all feel so foreign, like he was watching it in a movie? As the shadow neared, Donnie struck with a bite, the only way he could think of to fight an opponent as years of training dissolved away in his mind. As he struck out, the softness and warmth of fur surrounded him, stopping his assault short.
"Don't be frightened, little one."
Focus returned to Donnie's eyes as he stood in the sewer, his good hand clutching the rung as his mind clutched at the memory that had suddenly been triggered. He stroked over the new information again. They had been children, newly mutated, laying is a cold and gooey puddle. Another, a human with a kind voice, had been with them when the accident happened, but he had already fled by the time Donnie could open his eyes and understand what he saw. One of the others, who had become aware before him, was already making his way towards a goal, following something. They all followed, not wanting to be alone. That was how they fell into the sewer.
Donnie was the only one who was uninjured, but that was only because his fall had been broken by one of his brothers. Leo's arm was fractured in two places, and Raph had cracked both of his knees, as well as receiving a head injury. Mikey suffered a broken collarbone, and a damaged shell, likely from Donnie's hard landing on top of him.
That was when the giant rat showed up, and Donnie lashed out to protect his turtle brothers. He cracked a grin at the memory. That explained why Master Splinter had once told him he was important to the family, because from day one he had been thinking of his brothers. Donnie had never realized how true that had been until now.
Splinter had pulled him into his arms and promised him safety with words he couldn't understand back then. Perhaps it was their Sensei's confident voice; even though he must have been scared, he did what he could to ease their fears first. He had saved them, taken them someone to grow strong again. Somewhere Donnie must go now.
Now knowing where to go without the use of the calling feeling, Donnie continued down the familiar tunnels as new memories gripped him. Raph having to learn how to walk while the rest of them were already running. Leo's first swim. Mikey discovering music from an old mp3 player that Donnie had taken apart. All those missing gaps were in this hallway.
Because it was just around the corner they spent the first year of their lives.
At a dash, Donnie spun the corner and the sight was so familiar to him he almost forgot that it had been close to fifteen years since he had seen this. In the very center of the large room on a mat was Splinter, kneeling in meditation. A doorway to one side led to where Splinter had slept, a doorway to the other side led to the bedroom the four of them had shared. As Donnie entered, approaching his Sensei slowly as all the memories suddenly quieted. This is what he had been called for.
"Kneel, Donatello."
They had been keeping up a good pace for a long time, so when Mikey stopped abruptly, Raph assumed it was for a rest. As he turned to put his brother back on task he paused upon seeing that his brother's eyes were narrowed with focus."What is it Mikey?"
"Train." Mikey was tense as he as he focused on something unseen down the tunnel back the way they came.
Raphs eyes focused into the darkness, "You serious!?" It was then he noticed what Mikey had, the railway ties were shaking, and the low growl that he had assumed was an underground noise was growing slowly louder. Then the light came around a corner, still some distance away.
"Aw Crud."
They took off at full speed, knowing full well what would happen should the vehicle behind them catch up. He was already tired from their walking down below in the cold, but he was warming up very quickly as he and Mikey darted through the tunnel at a dangerous pace. They couldn't see very well; Their glow sticks didn't light far enough ahead, so each step they took was a risk of tripping.
Mikey was the one to catch his foot on a tie first, recovering quickly with a roll. When he was back on his feet he had his kusarigima in hand, chain twirling.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you could just beat it to death with that." Raph snapped as his brother caught up, running low. The train was getting close, its light washing over them. He wondered if whoever was driving that thing could see them, and would stop. He doubted it.
Suddenly from beside him the chain was released, flying towards the ceiling and wrapping itself around what Raph had been overlooking the whole time. The support beams crossing the roof of the tunnel. Mikey suddenly ran to the side, jumping to run along the wall, his chain supporting him as he ran sideways under the beam. Using the momentum, he brought his legs out and was suddenly swinging towards Raph.
Realizing what Mikey was planning, Raph stopped running and began backing up with a skip, his arm held out. When Mikey met him they grabbed each other's wrists. Raph's weight was enough to ruin the momentum though, and they were swinging straight on into the approaching train.
Mikey leaned back, signalling his intentions as the smaller turtle planted his feet on Raph shell. Raph didn't have time to think, following his brothers lead he allowed Mikey to use his shell to launch a flip around the chain, pushing Raph higher into the air. He used the momentum from Mikey's backflip to launch himself onto the train just as it got to them. He bounced once off his shell before he could flip himself to his stomach and grip the top of the moving train, but not without sliding back several feet, almost off the edge between cars. Opening his eyes fully, he began searching for Mikey. It was difficult rotating himself to look behind, and it was incredibly dark behind the train's light, but relief flooded through him as he sighted his brother's glow light a car back. They had both made it.
Suddenly Raph let loose a grin. They'd be reaching Leo within the next twenty minutes at this rate. He just hoped this train actually stopped where Leo was being held. Pressing a finger to his headset he began his report to Donnie.
But only received static in response.
End Chapter 10
AN: *Falls down a flight of stairs and then gets hit by the train*