Hey guys! I know I usually go story by story but I thought I should start this while I'm working on the next chapter for Blackstar. Oh and Happy related Valentines Day! LOVE U GUYS! Anyway read and enjoy!
Shine always, JJ
A blonde-headed girl who was wearing a tight purple tank top and black sweat pants was currently kicking and punching a dummy in the Bobby Wasabi Dojo. Her blonde ponytail furiously swung back and forth as she kicked and punched the dummy. She then stopped and took a few steps back away from the dummy on the mat getting set in position to perform a perfect flying dragon kick. The girl looked at the dummy before her concentrating on it with her brown eyes full of determination. Right when she was about to kick the dummy's head off a nerdy boy wearing a sweater vest, with tan Dickies, boat shoes, with blue knee-high socks on burst through the Dojo's doors with a frantic expression. The blonde girl seeing his look swiftly came out of position and stood on the blue mat giving the nerdy boy a confused expression. The nerdy boy quickly ran over to the girl putting both his hands on her shoulders. He exclaimed, "Kim! You got to help me!"
Kim took the nerds hands off her shoulders and shoved him to sit down on the red bench across from the mat. She said, "Milton, calm down! And please be more clear you sound like, Jerry." Milton sighed as he slumped on the red bench and replied, "I need your help, Kim."
"Help with what?" She then took a swing of her water. Milton replied, "Well you know how the Valentine's Day Dance is in two days."
Kim nodded her head, "Yeah so...," still not getting the message Milton was trying to tell her."
Milton continued," Well I wanted Julie and I to have our first kiss on Valentine's Day, Friday, because I thought it would make it special, but I need you to teach me how to kiss...uh...again."
Kim exclaimed in shock, "WHAT! Milton do you remember what happened last time! And anyway I thought you were over the whole Aunt thing."
Milton responded nervously, "I am Kim but... I just... I'm nervous I won't do it right or I'll end up messing it up!"
He then shook his head in frustration not knowing what to. How was he suppose learn how to kiss in two days. Kim looked down at the boy in pity not sure what to do either about his dilemma.
Then Jerry and Eddie ran into the Dojo. Kim watched as they ran through the Dojo doors in terror as if the world was ending right then and there. Jack ran in after them and he didn't look too happy. Jerry and Eddie seeing the furious look on the brunette's face both quickly ran into the boys locker room locking the door right before Jack could get in.
Jack banged on the door and yelled, "You guys can't stay in there forever, you have to come out sometime! And when you do come out I'll be waiting to kill you!"
Kim crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the furious Jack as he quickly threw his black T-shirt off revealing him in a tight gray undershirt and angrily started to kick and punch the dummy, Kim was practicing on earlier. She watched him as he swiftly kicked and punched with no hesitation taking in the sight of his perfectly muscular body.
Kim asked cautiously, "Uh...are you okay Jack?"
Jack stopped and turned towards her giving her a mean look. He exclaimed in sarcasm as he walked towards her, "Am I okay! Am I okay! Yeah, Kim I'm freak'in peachy! Can't you see how I can't stop smiling!"
Kim took a step closer to him giving him a death glare and snapped, "Well, sorry for caring...JACK!" She then turned away with the last harsh word and started to walk towards the girl locker room. Jack's face fell at the now angry blonde and said, "Kim I'm sorry! The guys just did something really stupid that's going to make me the laughing stock of the whole highschool! And I just don't know what to do..." he then hung his head low feeling shameful. Pity fell upon Kim which forced her to walk towards the brunette.
She asks, "What did the idiots do now?"
Jerry's voice came through the boys' locker room door yelling, "Hey! You know we can hear you two lovebirds!"
Eddie yelled in agreement, "Yeah!"
Kim clenched her fists trying to ignore the idiots who liked to get themselves in trouble, the best she could.
Jack said, "Anyway...Jerry and Eddie typed up some love note that says "Will you be my Valentine?"'and put it in Donna Tobin's locker.
Kim gave him an unbelievable look and replied, "Ouch," as her perfect eyebrows scrunched together.
Jack said, "Yeah I know," as he fell back onto the blue mat, now starring up at the ceiling.
Kim responded cooly, "Well, I'm sure everything will be fine Jack. You should just tell her the whole deal and hopefully she'll pass it off and not say a word to anyone. I mean what's the worse that could happen?"
Jack gave her a look with his chocolate brown eyes saying, "It's Donna Tobin, Kim."
Kim replied," Right-t."
Then an awkward silence fell upon the three teens in the Bobby Wasabi Dojo. Jack was currently still lying on the blue mat with his arms behind his head supporting his neck and was starring at the ceiling like he never had seen it before. Milton was currently sitting on the red bench having horrific flashbacks of Aunt Gurdy. While, Kim was currently having an internal battle with herself about liking Jack or not.
Kim spoke up breaking the silence, "So, Jack...you got a date for the Valentine's Day Dance? The blonde then mentally scolded to herself: 'You just had to ask him that Kim didn't you! Now he's going to tease you for a having a crush on him when you absolutely don't.'
Kim was surprised to not hear a teasing remark from the brunette but a loud groan and him thumping the back of his head down on the mat; now having his arms and legs sprawled out on the mat also.
Jack groaned, "Ugh...I don't want to think about that now, Kim!"
The blonde crossed her arms over her chest and said, "Cathy Davis said no didn't she," as she gave him a knowing look.
Jack rolled his chocolate brown eyes replying, "Yes."
Kim shook her head down at the frustrated brunette. Jack caught her action and exclaimed, "Yeah, well what about you and Brad, Kimmy? "How did that work out for you?" he jumped up from the mat and walked right to the blonde expecting an answer.
Kim glared at him and retorted, "Totally fine, Jack! And never call me, Kimmy! She said the last word through clenched teeth.
Jack laughed, "Oh please he said no didn't he?"
Kim snapped throwing her arms up in exasperation, "Okay, Jack! Maybe, he did say no but I do have a date!"
Jack snapped, "Oh really, who's the next Mr. Crawford?!"
A smirk then spread on Kim's face as she gave Jack a proud look saying, "Andy Forester..."
Milton fell off the red bench in shock squealing, "Andy Forester!"
Kim turned around facing Milton with her hands on her hips and said, "Uh...yeah," as she gave him a look of confusion.
She then heard a loud bang come from behind her and quickly turned around to see Eddie and Jerry out of the boys' locker room. She guessed the bang happened when they both busted through the door. She then seemed to notice them starring at her in shock with the same look Milton still had on his face. Kim asked irritably, "What?"
Jerry and Eddie simantenaously exclaimed, "You're going to the dance with Andy Forester!"
Kim nodded her head slowly and responded, "Uh...yeah?" She said this making it sound more like a question. Kim's deep brown eyes then somehow made there way to look at Jack. He was just standing there in his tight, gray undershirt and jeans; with his arms crossed over his chest. Kim then became confused by the look plastered on his face. If you glanced quickly at him you would think he's glaring but he wasn't. Jack was looking straight forward at Kim with a stone, cold, hard, serious look that made shivers go up her spine. Kim felt like she had been under his glare for about 10 minutes straight and it was starting to creep her out. The blonde finally had enough of the brunettes hard stare on her and snapped, "What, Jack! Stop looking at me like that!"
Jack just gave her a hurt look and then let his head fall shaking it. He then brought his head back up not even looking the blonde's way and walked right past Eddie and Jerry out of the doors of the Bobby Wasabi Dojo.
After, two minutes Jack had just walked out Eddie asked while scratching his head dumbfoundly, "Uh...Jerry wasn't Jack suppose to kill us?"
Jerry looked at Eddie and then suddenly pumped his fists in the air yelling, "Woo! "I guess we ain't gett'in karate chopped by Jack today Eddie!"
Jerry then noticed Kim still looking at the Dojo's doors with a confused expression. Jerry ran excitedly towards the blonde and exclaimed, "How did you throw Jack off Kim?" he then went down on his knees begging, "Seriously, how did you? Teach me your wise ways, oh blonde one. Please?!"
Kim then looked down at Jerry still with the confused expression across her face she replied with confusion, "Honestly, Jerry I don't know?"
I hope you guys like it don't worry it won't be one of those stupid clich'e valentines things. Anyway, please review and give me ideas for further chapters!
Shine always, JJ