Summary: Home is safe right? Wrong. A young girl kidnapped in her own garden after a heated fight with her mother. She is taken away from her life, and put into another by a demon whom claims to be saving her from her family. Written as a letter from captive to captor. This is Kagome's tale of how she survived being stolen by a demon. Based off the Novel "Stolen" by Lucy Christopher. Enjoy.

A/N: What's up?! I know I haven't finished my other fanfic "The Unknown." But I just finished this amazing novel "Stolen" and I just dreamt up the novel, only instead of the original characters it was all replaced by Inuyasha characters, and the setting of the dream was in the feudal era… Anyway, this novel is absolutely remarkable, and I suggest some of you read it. You don't have to read the book to understand the plot of this story. I hope you all enjoy this fic just as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or "Stolen" by Lucy Christopher.

You saw me before I saw you. Though I knew you were watching me, how could I not? At the time I did not know that you were watching me for a reason. You were just a guard, one of the many guards that resided in the palace. When I looked up, I saw you staring at me. Your eyes were a beautiful gold. Such a rare color, even then I could tell something was not right about your eyes. No human could have such beautiful golden eyes like you or have the silvery white hair that you have. You must be a demon.

You wore the same uniform as all the guards wore, the basic gray shirt and pants, with a helmet that covered your lovely hair. Those uniforms were odd in Japan where I lived, they were the clothes the Europeans wore in the east. Father bought the clothes from one of the many fashion designers at the Summer Ball we held at the palace. Though of course you must've known that, didn't you?

You watched me that fateful day, I could always feel eyes on me, but when I looked at you, you looked away. You seemed so shy, I studied you. You were handsome I'll give you that, you looked out of place wearing those guard clothes. You were tall and lean, strong like most of the palace guards. If I looked more closely I could make out the tiny scar that marred your left cheek. I wonder how did you get that scar? Did you get the scar from training with the other guards or did your other captives give you that? I looked away from you.

Mother was berating me again, my kimono. It was a lovely pink and white kimono, with Sakura blossoms. It was tight showing off my curves, and the neckline dipped low showing my chest. Mother said it was not proper for a girl my age of 16 to be wearing such a provocative kimono. So what if I wanted to wear a kimono to show off my body. I do not care what my mother had to say about my choice of clothing. We argued back and forth until finally I stormed away from her into the garden where I felt safe, were I could feel free.

But you knew that didn't you? You were there in the garden when I got there you looked so innocent like you were patrolling the grounds for any threat. You know for someone uneducated you planned this so precise.

"What are you doing here." I had asked irritably, you looked at me in surprise you clearly did not expect me to talk to you first.

"I am sorry milady I was patrolling the grounds like your father had requested of me. Forgive me for disturbing your peace." You bowed lowly out of a sign of respect or was it mockery? Your voice was masculine yet soft as you had spoken to me, it had sent shivers down my spine for some unknown reason. You straighten up and turned to leave, "Wait!" I had called out to you, you paused in mid step. I could not see your face only your back. You must have been smiling, I have fallen into your trap.

"Yes milady?" You turned half way to look at me out of the corner of your eye, "What is your name?" I had commanded, not asked. You turned fully to me looking at me with such surprise eyes. You did not think I would be this bold did you? "I am Inuyasha milady." You bowed again.

I smiled at you, Inuyasha what a different name. "My name is Kagome." I had said stupidly, of course you knew my name. "Yes, Kagome-sama I know." You said flashing me a smile showing me your pearly white teeth, your fangs probing out.

You turned and walked away, your walk was slow and refined. You walked away from me with a purpose, you looked so mystical just walking away from me. How disrespectful of you, why did you walked away from me, I did not yet dismissed you. Was this part of your plan as well, walking away from me knowing I would follow you and scold you for walking away without being dismissed?

"Hey!" I had called from your retreating form, you weaved through the forest that surrounded the garden, in slow even steps not even making a sound. You did not respond to me and that irritated me even more, how dare you. I am Higurashi Kagome a princess heir to my parents throne as soon as I wed, I am your better. "Wait up!" I had called, trying to keep up with you. I tripped over a few twigs here in there, you have been walking, gliding really across the land, how graceful.

You continue walking through the dense forest, not even acknowledging my presence, until finally you stopped. I was panting when I finally saw you, "What's the big idea Oh wow." I looked over the land where we stood, how beautiful. We stood in a small clearing, with a little pond in the middle. Sakura blossoms, that reminded me of my too tight kimono laid scattered across the pond. I stepped nearer, inspecting the area. This place I do not know, when I was younger I would explore the grounds, but I have never seen such a place like this before. Was this an illusion?

You walked in front of me nearing the pond, you crouch and scooped your hands into the sparkling water and sipped it. You looked over your shoulder at me I could see the water trickling out of the corner of your lip, down your chin then your throat. I looked away, I could feel a blush coming. "Well?" you asked, I snapped my eyes back at you forgetting the heat that had roused in my cheeks. "Aren't you thirsty?" you asked gesturing to the pond that seemed to shimmer, my mouth watered. I was in fact parched, chasing you through the woods had tired me out.

I stepped nearer to the pond, I felt your heavy gaze on me watching my every move. I moved closer to the pond, closer to you and crouched right beside. Perhaps I was a little too close to you than I should have. I leaned in towards the pond so I could inspect it to see if it was safe to drink. I saw my reflection through the shimmering water studying myself. Strands of my ebony colored hair had fell out of my neatly done bun, framing my pale face. I could see a sheer sheet of sweat near my hair line, I narrowed my eyes at my reflection. I am a princess I am suppose to be perfect, yet here I am sweating like some kind of dog!

Looking away from my reflection, I had put my anger down. I looked into the water and saw it looked clean enough, I leaned closer towards the pond and sniffed it. It smelled clean enough, but I was still not reassured I looked over at only to see you stare at me with pure curiosity and… something else that I could not decipher. When you had noticed that I was staring, you blinked at me like I took you out of some trance. Then you had nodded at me in reassurance, silently telling me that the water was fine.

I wonder why did I believe you, why was I so juvenile that I actually took at sip of the surreal water. I should have known it was a trap. I took a sip of the water, it was good. It tasted so good, feeling the cold water wash down my throat I couldn't help but let out a small moan. I drank more and more, until my stomach was filled with this blissful water. I turned and looked at you and you smiled and said something. I could not hear you by then my head was ringing, I tried to stand up but my knees buckled underneath me and you caught me before I could fall in the water. I looked at you in confusion, you said something again I could not hear. I opened up my mouth to speak but I found that I could not find my voice.

You picked me up bridal style and held me close to your chest. I was beyond scarred by then, I could not use my voice, I could not move. I clenched your shirt in my hand and rested my head on your shoulder. I felt sleepy, my eye lids were growing heavy. What was happening? I opened my mouth to ask you but I found I could not talk. You held me closer to you, and took one giant leap onto a tree branch. In the process your guard helmet fell off your head, there where the helmet had covered your head laid your disheveled hair and… dog ears.

Had I not been in the state I was I would have commented on how adorable your ears were. I reached up to touch your ears but my arm fell limp. What have you done to me? I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out, you continued to jump from tree branch to tree branch. My vision was growing hazy and before I knew it I had blacked out.

A/N: There's the first chapter of "Stolen" hope you liked it!