The idea to write this story came to me in the shower yesterday, when i was having my mini shower concert and i randomly sang the lyrics of Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. Here's my favorite lyrics: "My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea. You touch me once and it's really something, you find I'm even better than you imagined I would be. I'm on my guard for the rest of the world but with you i know it's no good. And i could wait patiently but i really wish you would." Here it goes. Enjoy the chapter.

Hermione, the petite, pretty girl of 20 with long frizzy hair and brown eyes, closed the paperback novel she has been reading for the past three hours with a heavy sigh. She definitely has mixed feelings for the ending of the story. The book was called, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, and although there's a happy ending she can't help being a little sad about it. It was too good to be true. Yes, that's it. It can never happen in real life. Definitely not to her. The loneliness she feels right now is gnawing at her brain. Here she was, in her own flat in London, all alone, spending the weekend in her bed, enjoying each lazy moment. But she has always been a strong girl. She doesn't always give in to her emotions, unlike her friend, Ginny, who would surely bawl her eyes out after reading this book. She plans on lending it to her, you know. Just for the fun of it.

It has been three years since the war has ended but Hermione still cringes at the very memory. Everything in the wizarding world is at peace now. At least she hopes so. After she finished Hogwarts she went home to her parents. They have never really fully forgiven her for taking away their memory during the war no matter how many times she explains to them that it was necessary to protect them. They were just too concerned for her, she knew. This summer her parents surprised her with a question. They actually asked her if she wanted to go to college. A muggle college. To get a muggle career. And to her surprise and the surprise of all her friends also, she accepted.

Her fat orange cat, Pepper (Crookshanks died two years ago so this cat is new), opened its bright blue eyes, purrs, nuzzled on her leg and went back to sleep. Now Hermione just finished her third book this week and now she has nothing else to do. She's done with the psychology book she was reading for her future classes and her room is neat and dusted so she can't do any more cleaning. She has read practically every book on her book shelf including her cousin Irene's girly magazines lying around everywhere that she left behind when she visited her two days ago, which she didn't really enjoy but she knows it was worth something if she wants to blend well to the muggle girls. She lay down on her bed and stretched her legs, waking Pepper again in the process. The cat jumped to the floor and disappeared under the bed. She stared at the Lord of the Rings poster on the slanting roof of her attic bedroom and smiled at the sight of Legolas, the handsome and brave warrior elf. She let her mind wander off to Middle Earth, imagining she is walking hand in hand with Legolas. She likes him very much, and that's her problem, and she can't help thinking that Legolas' white blond hair reminds her so much of a guy she knows back in Hogwarts. She shook the thought away. She knows she can only fall in love with fictional characters whether in science fiction or fantasy novels. She knows she's a big nerd, and she's perfectly happy with that. She doesn't like any real guy, anyway. Well, that's not exactly true. She likes Ron, but they're just in what the urban muggle youth called "friendzone". She's given up on him a long time ago.

And at that moment where Legolas was about to kiss her in her daydream, her phone rang. Darn, she mouthed, picking up the phone.

"Hey, girl!" the quirky shriek of the girl on the other side of the line. It's her friend, Ginny. "Watcha doin'?"

"Nothing." She answered, guiltily, sitting up on her bed. She's not going to admit she's been daydreaming again. But she really wanted that kiss.

"Then can I apparate over?" Ginny asked, enthusiastically. "I'll bring pie and some cookies my mom baked this morning."

"Let me guess," Hermione began, "You want to watch muggle movies again."

The last time she came over they had a TV series marathon and she can't believe Ginny made her sit for more or less nine hours watching the first season of Pretty Little Liars because she has heard muggle girls talking about it in a coffee shop and she was so intrigued she made Hermione get her a copy of the series. That was the worst nine hours of her life, listening to Ginny figuring out who A is and listening to her frustrations about everything in the show. Hermione swore never to watch the second season if it kills her. She hates drama and chick flicks and kids doing sex and drugs. She's suddenly alarmed Ginny is thinking about watching Gossip Girl this time because she mentioned they're going to watch it before. She would surely die. When she asked Ginny to a TV series marathon one time, Ginny cried and cried and went home in some kind of a trauma. They watched the first season of Game of Thrones, and Ginny doesn't like it when characters die because it reminds her so much of the war with Voldemort and all the people they love that died in that war. Hermione felt guilty after that. Ginny's more of a fairy tales kind of chick. She lives for princes rescuing princesses and living happily ever after. When Khal Drogo died, she died with him. Ginny has never really forgiven Hermione for making her watch the show.

"I'm kind of into classic American movies right now." Ginny began. "I've been doing some muggle research and so it's either Dirty Dancing, Sleepless in Seattle, or Breakfast at Tiffany's."

"Sounds very girly to me," Hermione said, groaning.

"We're girls, Herms." Ginny urged. "We have to live up to what is expected of our gender."

Hermione scoffed. "Fine," she said, finally. "Apparate your lazy ass here. I'm making popcorn."

Hope to update this story soon. Please leave reviews. Your ideas or song suggestions for my shower or whatever. HAHA. Have a good day :)