Here's a one shot story that I've been working on for a while so enjoy and please review

The skies over Durham city shone a stunning silver as clouds began to roll over ambitiously colliding with storm clouds and combined to form rain clouds, within seconds it began to claim its territory as the heavy droplets removed the devils rule of the pavement. As the rain continued to fall a slight element of happiness was added to the atmosphere. Two familiar figures emerged from the gala theatre. Laughing and joking on they tumbled into the gala square as happy as a pair of kids in a school playground.

"Thanks for that Captain"

"Hey it was well worth it plus that film was brilliant. Let's go for a quick walk, it's not like we're in a rush"

They headed down past the library, towards the steps that led to the nearest Wetherspoons and towards the area where the river was getting impacted by the tears of heaven. But this was a danger zone and they were walking right into a deadly trap.


The sniper rifle clicked as the magazine loaded the deadly spawn into a weapon of war. As the gunman breathed deeply, he pushed all the negative thoughts, everything that could possibly go wrong, to the back of his head and focused on his goal. Today he would take a life, an innocent life, but to him he would be 'Takin care of business', which was exactly as his boss would state it.

Nothing personal, just business

His rifle settled upon the railing as his target fell into his sight and with that in mind he smiled.

One bullet was all it would take to turn a happy living soul into a bloodied vacant state in seconds.

The targets position solidified.

Time To Burn. Time To Kill


The Captain paused at the bottom of the first set of steps and pulled Tintin into his line of vision.

"This really was a great day. It's a lot safer than going on half assed assignments across the globe courtesy of flaming Interpol" The Captain exclaimed as he'd never seen Tintin so happy in a long time.

"We need to do this more often" Tintin smiled. "Rowing tomorrow then!?" he joked laughing joyously.

"Oh very funny!" The Captain joked watching Tintin turn to face the next set of steps but this was the very event that led to doom. Tintin turning round gave the opportunity he had needed, and he took it, pressing his finger into the trigger he released the piercing weapon into the air.

Barely milliseconds later the bullet slammed straight into Tintin's chest, obliterating everything that stood in its path including the aortic wall leading to his heart. The impact caused Tintin to tumble backwards, falling onto the rain stained pavement. The Captain fortunately managed to catch his head before it hit the pavement. In his state of shock he attempted to move his hand up to the wound but it felt like all his energy was gone. Blood began to drain away and soon enough the pavement was covered in a deep coloured shade of red blood that was growing in size much to The Captains horror.

The Captain pulled him close, pressing his large manly hand against the wound in an attempt to stem the bleeding but it was proving useless as the blood was just flowing, spilling from his ripped artery. The Captain looked up to see a passer-by on their phone calling an ambulance but the Captain feared that it may be too late.

"Come on Tintin stay with me, stay with me" The Captain yelled, trying to get him to stay awake for as long as possible.

Tintin began to struggle as his breathing became erratic and his legs began to involuntary shake.

"I….I…..I can't feel anything" he stuttered, his breathing slurred in the presence of the blood that was beginning to drip from his mouth.

"Just …. Just focus on your breathing. Come on. Keep breathing" the Captain told him, close to tears, fearing that he was going to lose him.

Suddenly Tintin's body shook violently and that was the moment his life ended. His hand fell from the Captains grasp and slid onto the blood-stained ground. All the Captain could do was watch in horror as the pool of blood grew bigger than ever and his eyes dilated widely, getting blacker as the life drained out of him.

"No! Tintin!" he shouted helplessly, tears spilling from his eyes.

His body hung loosely in the Captains arms causing the blood to drip everywhere.

One Shot

One life taken away in an instant, an innocent man, pure of heart.

He had been through so much, before and after he had met the Captain, and in the end it was a single bullet to the chest that killed him.


Nothing Personal, Just Business

Please review please!