Bittersweet Perfection

Summary: Kendall Knight lost both his parents at a very young age, causing him to go from foster home to foster home that usually abuses him – physically, emotionally and mentally – throughout his life. But then, he gets placed with the Diamonds.

Rating: M (Incase I put things in here that need it)

Warning: May contain things that people might not approve of.

Pairing: Kogan

Disclaimer: I do not own anything recognizable, which includes BTR. I only own the plot and any OCs that may be added.

A/N: Another story that I am starting. Okay, so I didn't actually want to start another story until at least one of the stories I'm working on were finished, but the idea to this story has been stuck in my head and I couldn't wait to start the story. So, I am posting it.

And on a side note, the words or names that are mentioned in this chapter I am sorry if they offend you.

Here ya go; hope you like it. :D

Chapter One. Beginning.

A long, long time ago – well, almost seventeen years ago – a boy named Kendall Knight was conceived. His father was in the military and got sent to Iraq, while his mother had to stay at home alone and work at a grocery store that barely allowed her to get by; they had barely gotten engaged by the time that the fiancé was sent off to Iraq. A couple weeks into his leave, she had found out that she was going to be a mother. She was so excited; she had always dreamed of having a little baby girl that she was able to spoil. Little did she know, the baby was in fact a boy.

When she had written to her husband, telling him that they were going to by parents, he had seemed excited. Granted, it was through a letter and he was always a good actor to begin with. But a few days later, she had received a phone call stating that her husband had killed himself. He left a final letter, although it was never sent, to his wife; I truly am sorry for what I am about to do. I was never meant to be a father and I never wanted to disappoint you, but this is the only way that I can think of that is less painful that ending out marriage. I love you so much and I am sorry.

She spent most of her pregnancy after that just sitting in her house, crying. She didn't know what to do; she didn't want to go through with life without her husband. It was the day that she was meant to give birth and she refused to go to the hospital. Instead, she stayed at home and gave birth by herself. She had been studying to be a nurse before she got pregnant, so she knew what she had to do for the birth to be safe.

Once the baby boy was born, she wrapped him up in a blanket that she found in her room and laid him down on the floor next to the table. She sat down on the chair closest to him, grabbed a piece of paper and pencil, and wrote a note for whomever to find her to read. However, it wasn't written for that person. Instead, it was written for her fiancé, saying something that would no doubt confuse the person to find them; I am coming.

It didn't take long for someone to come into the house and find the body of Kendall Knight's mother and little baby Kendall. The woman happened to be the neighbor who came home to a baby crying. At first, she had thought nothing of it until the baby continued to get louder and louder as the night went on.

By the time the neighbor got inside of the house, Kendall's mother was sliding off the chair with blood splattered everywhere and a handgun laying on the ground right next to the chair; Kendall was screaming at the top of his lungs. The woman had quickly rushed over to the baby and picked him up and then dialed 911.


Sixteen year old Kendall Knight had spent a long portion of his life in and out of foster homes. The reason that he left the houses had been basically the same thing every time; abuse in the home, which was considered not safe for the children inside of the house hold. Many times families lost more than just Kendall that way. But sometimes, the luckier times, Kendall simply just caused so much stress for the family that the family couldn't deal with the consequences; and they quickly had called his social worker to get her over to their house and take him out of their possession.

Kendall had many trust issues with people because they always seemed to not want him after so long of meeting him; by the time they had gained his trust, they were throwing him out of their life. So, eventually, he just stopped trusting people. And the social worker, the only person that has been there with him for as long as he could remember, was the only one that he trusted.

Kendall had gone through many families throughout his life time; and while Kendall was always trying to get away from the families that he got sent to, his social worker told him that if he was to be taken away from the family that he was with at the moment, then he'd be stuck with the next family until he turned old enough to live on his own. And knowing that wouldn't stop him from acting up in the household, the social worker got to work on finding him a new family.

It wasn't that the social worker had given up on Kendall – truly, it was the opposite – but Kendall was predictable and had anger management issues, so she was sure that Kendal was going to screw things up. And this family hadn't lasted as long as the other; only a short span of four months. But it wasn't all Kendall's fault, she decided. The family was probably the worst family that he had been sent to yet, and the parents in the house had been mentally and physically abusive; not that the things that they were telling Kendall got to his mind. He was very egocentric, which caused the degrading things the people were telling him to go in one ear and out the other. Which really, the social worker was very glad to hear that because the things that people said to him was mean and rude.


The Schmidt's was the family that Kendall was living with at the moment. On the outside, they looked a lot better than the families that Kendall stayed with. But in the confines of their home, they were actually the worst. They managed to call Kendall al the names in the book – even fag, which Kendall had managed to punch Mr. Schmidt for using. He had gotten in trouble for punching him; and before that point in time, they hadn't been physically abusive. But they thought it was necessary to keep Kendall under control, and from what they thought at the moment it was.

Until the day their daughter came home to visit with her fiancé. The daughter wasn't so bad, but her fiancé was. He had gotten information about Kendall from the Schmidt's and found out about him liking guys; which resulted in more name calling – the daughter's fiancé's part – and more punching – Kendall. And after the daughter left, Kendall had gotten sent up to his room and got locked in there for a couple days, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom.

And that had resulted in a call to the social worker.

Kendall was smirking at the fact that he was leaving the house, but the smirk disappeared when he was reminded that this was the last family change. And something in Kendall was telling him that it should be a good thing, but Kendall couldn't get himself excited about the fact that this family wasn't able to leave him.

He was taken to the social workers house that night – usually he was sent somewhere else, so he was slightly confused – and was able to sleep in a bed that did wake him up in the middle of the night. But when he was woken up the next morning, he was brought down to the kitchen where a woman and a boy who looked Kendall's age sat. The woman was in a business suit and kept checking her cell phone every ten seconds; while the boy was sitting there slowly eating what looked like pancakes and bacon.

Normally, Kendall would be running towards the fridge, trying to eat something as fast as possible before having to quickly make something for his parents. But today, there was a plate of food waiting for him already; his social worker had motioned for him to sit at the seat that the plate was settled at, which was next to the boy.

"So, Kendall. This is James Diamond." The social worker, Kelly Wainwright, introduced. "James is my friends' son."

"So?" Kendall stated, he knew that the hostility probably wasn't the best thing to be putting out there at the moment, especially with his social worker there, but he just didn't find the point in being introduced to someone who won't be in his life for more than the couple minutes it took for him to eat his breakfast and leave to meet his new family. And he had no doubt; the boy didn't really care either.

"You're gonna be leaving here with him." There was a hesitant smile forming on her face and Kendall instantly regretted the hostile tone in his voice; she was just trying to help, and here he was making things worse by taking his trust issues and anger problems out on her.

"Sorry, Kelly." Kendall said, sighing and then looking over at the boy who was now staring wide eyed at him. "Uh, hi. I'm Kendall." He stuck out his right hand, mostly to show Kelly that he truly was sorry; but part of him was slightly embarrassed. This boy – James – was absolutely breath taking and he was being a jerk; that was definitely not how you impress people with his beauty.

"James" Was all the brunet beauty provided before digging into his food once again.


The whole ride to the house was awkward. The woman that was with James had been a nanny for James, and was only there to take him to pick up Kendall and back home. James was trying to avoid Kendall's intense gaze by staring out of the window and watching the trees and grass and houses go by on the way to the house that Kendall was going to be living in from now on until he was able to move out.

The houses seemed to be spread out pretty well, a couple acres or miles being in between each house, and they were all gorgeous, which only made Kendall nervous. The families that he usually got set up with were barely able to make it by without him, and they never seemed to be able to buy Kendall even a pair of jeans, the state – and sometimes his social worker – buying the necessities that he needed. But here was James, dressed in and white v-neck tee shirt that clung to his washboard abs that laid underneath and a pair of skinny jeans that were clinging to each curve of James' legs. The clothing was no doubt a very popular brand and had cost way more than anything that Kendall owned.

Thinking about what his new parents would be like made Kendall nervous, mostly because they were definitely gonna be a more sophisticated version of James. Kendall was going to stand out more than he wished.

Kendall's palms were getting sweaty, which was weird because he only got this way when he was nervous around someone that made his heartbeat speed up and his thoughts race. And maybe, Kendall admitted, that was partly due to the fact that James was now taking a glance his way; but Kendall refused to think too much about it.

"Okay, so we are going to be home soon and I have plans today, so I can't show you around or make sure you're settled. Mom won't be home until next week; she's on a business trip. Dad's never home so don't expect to see him around much."

Kendall's heartbeat sped up at the mention of the words mom and dad; he was never allowed to call his past foster parents that, it was always their first names or Mr. and Mrs. And he had to turn to look out the window to hide the smile that showed up on his face, but it quickly disappeared as they pulled into a driveway and started slowly down to park in front of the house.

James was the first to get out, quickly making his way inside the house and slamming the door in his haste to get to whatever he had planned. The woman that was driving got out a couple seconds later, shaking her head at the slamming of the door and leaving Kendall in the car alone as she walked into the house.

Kendall stared at the house in awe, not expecting to see something so beautiful. The houses that they passed to get there were gorgeous, but they seemed dull compared to this house; James' mother no doubt had a thing for looking perfect. And what surprised Kendall more than the look of the house was that he seemed to feel right at home at the house; he hadn't even gotten out of the car yet, and he was already hooked.

He shook of the feeling almost as quickly as it showed up, not wanting to get too attached in case they treated him the same way as his other families, and got out of the car, grabbing his bags from the trunk before making his way into the house.

The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, flowers and pretty little breakables placed throughout the house. In front of him was a staircase that spiraled to the second floor and most likely to where the rooms were placed. There were a couple people walking around, dusting things and rearranging things that were misplaced or turned the wrong way.

Kendall walked up the spiral stairs, trying to find his room so he could set his stuff down before he wandered around the house. He passed James' room on the way, noticing that the door was slightly ajar and there were two people in the room with him. One of the boys was Latino, running around the room and trying to get James cheered up; and now that Kendall could see, James was looking down at the ground, a frown gracing his lips. The other boy was a pale skinned, brunet haired god – Kendall didn't know how else to describe him – who was just sitting at the desk in the room, while watching the Latino with a smile on his face.

Leaving before he got caught, Kendall walked passed and continued until he came across another room that had the door opened. The room was empty, so Kendall assumed that it was his. He quickly walked into the room and closed the door, trying to figure out what was actually going on. First, he got sent to live with his social workers friends, who were rich. Secondly, his new brother was gorgeous. And thirdly, there was the friend of James; the brunet haired beauty that had dimples on gracing his cheeks while he smiled and gave James a run for his money. Not that he would admit that in front of James, he seemed to run off the compliments that he earned from his looks and telling him that someone was better looking than him would probably make Kendall's life a living hell.

A/N: So, I wanna say that this will be updated soon. But I can't because I want to get Make You Mine done before I get too into anything else; which is kind of hard because I keep getting into new ideas for stories and starting them. But tell me what you think, and maybe I'll update sooner than I want. Tell me what you think of Kendall and his past, and James, and what you think about the story idea. :)

So, don't forget to review, they really do help me update sooner…