I walked into my room and with a flick of my fingers, the door closed. I could control it now. That was my first power to inherit; it was more like a gift. Things were easier for me now, with just a single, swift movement of my fingers, I could do almost anything. Well not anything, I wished I could do anything. My family and I were Faunxes, magical creatures from France. I call myself a witch but Mom doesn't like it, prefers the term wizards, which was stupid because we don't use wands.

Wizards have three main powers; we acquire them before we turn twenty years old. We can't choose our powers; our descendants say they are intended. When we turn eighteen, we are catalogued as adults, and we are allowed to expand our magical knowledge, beside our main powers. We can only do extra magic if we have an enchanted source with us. On the day of our eighteen birthday, we visit our Master, and he creates a bracelet with our unique characteristics. The bracelet allows us to use magic that we normally don't inherit. Another thing happens when we turn eighteen; we're supposed to be with our mate by that time. I felt scared of what would happen next.

"Quinn, darling, bring some boxes from the truck."

"Mom, my arms hurt. Send Frannie, she's flirting with her boyfriend."

"Quinn, I don't want to have this conversation again." I rolled my eyes and made my way outside to get the boxes from the truck. Stupid new house, stupid new neighborhood, stupid Ohio and wizards.

"Hey, I heard that, Quinnie." Mom and Frannie could read minds. That was one of their main powers. I was sick of it. I couldn't wait to control it and place a wall around my mind, so I could finally have a little privacy. Frannie had taught me how to do it, but I guess I was too young to master it; I always ended up with headaches.

"You didn't HEAR it, Mom!"

I grabbed a few boxes and placed them inside the house. Where was my Dad? He must be the one unloading the entire truck. Frannie was lazy too, ever since she found her mate she's only had eyes for him. I continued to haul the boxes inside when something caught my attention. A girl was talking to her mother across the street. They were arguing about something. I couldn't see her face; she opened the car door, grabbed a bag of groceries and walked inside.

I laughed; our parents were treating us like slaves. I grabbed a lamp and began to walk inside when I heard someone talking from the street.

"So, you're the new neighbor?" The same girl from across the street was behind me now, I could feel it. I couldn't move and my hands started to sweat a little. I took a deep breath and I turned around slowly. "Cat got your tongue?" I was in front of her, but I kept staring at my shoes, afraid of what I was going to face next. "Can you talk?"

I lifted my gaze and our eyes met for the first time. My heart started to beat faster. In my arms, I could feel a thousand ants running over my skin, and I could feel a light pressure in my chest. Unconsciously, I looked at my right hand and it began sparkling. I quickly hid it behind my back. Mom told me the sparkle could mean a lot different things for Faunxes, but this was the first time it had ever happened to me.

Her eyes were beautiful, her long black hair was perfect and I bet she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my entire life. I couldn't understand what I was feeling, but I liked it. The pressure in my chest was increasing every time our eyes found each other.

I guess this is what Frann felt when she saw him for the first time.

"Yes." I said and kept staring at her beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm Santana, by the way." She said waving her hand.

"Quinn." I tried to smile.

"You're weird, me gusta." I smiled. I wasn't sure what she said but it sounded so beautiful. In seconds, Mom was next to me. "My mother sent you this." She gave Mom a basket full of fruits that I had not even noticed she had in her hands.

"Welcome to the neighborhood." The girl's mother said, walking towards us. She looked like a grown version of Santana.

"Thank you, young lady." My mother took the basket from her. "Hi, my name is Judy Fabray and this is my daughter, Quinn." I looked around me trying to hide my red cheeks. Frannie and my Dad were standing in front of the door. "That's my oldest daughter Frannie and my husband Russell."

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Maribel Lopez, Santana's mother." I couldn't stop staring at her.

They shared some random chitchat and Santana didn't talk anymore, so I just kept staring at her for the rest of the conversation. I wished I could hear her voice again. She smiled politely a few times; I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you all. See you guys soon." With that, Maribel grabbed Santana's hand, crossed the street, and entered their house.

I slowly opened my hand to see if the spark was there, but it wasn't. Mom grabbed my hand and dragged me inside quickly.

"Mom… what is going on?" I said looking at her dumbfounded.

She looked worried and happy at the same time. I looked at Frannie and she had a smile on her face. Dad was searching desperately for something in a box.

"Russell," Mom turned to my Dad. "She found her mate, already?" I looked at my mom, worried.

My dad stopped searching in the box and sat on the floor.

"Why? This isn't supposed to happen now, maybe a year or two like Frannie but..."

"What are you talking about?" I knew my mother and Frannie could read my mind, however, this time they knew what I felt when I saw her. "Sweetie, you found your mate." Mom walked towards me and hugged me.

"Congratulations, Sis." Frann said smiling.

I sat on the floor, processing all this information. Why now? Am I too young for this? I'm just ten.

"Mom." I raised my hand again and the sparkle appeared once again, but this time the sparkle was different. I kept observing my hand, inspecting how the sparkle started to turn light green instead of normal translucent one I had first.

"Whoa, you made it. Remember when my red sparkle appeared?" Frannie said taking my hand in hers. She opened her right hand and I could see her red sparkle shining slowly.

I nodded. "What does green mean Mom?"

"That's your color, Sweetie, it means patience and loyalty. There aren't many light green sparkles, Quinn. You should be special."

"What color was yours? Same as your bracelet?" She nodded.

"When I met your Dad for the first time, a bright purple spark appeared in my hand. My color means, leadership and hope." She smirked and looked towards my Dad.

"I'm still the man of this house Judy, don't forget that." My dad said with a grin on his face.

We laughed. I couldn't believe this, I found my… mate. Now what? My hand stopped the light from shining through; I could feel that the small pressure I had in my chest was getting more prominent. I pressed my hand to my chest and tried to breathe normally, but I couldn't. The pain was almost horrendous.

"Mom, why…does it…hurt?" I struggled.

"Quinn, try to calm down, you are…missing your mate." My mom hugged me, trying to control me.

"Mom, I can't…how can it hurt...so much?"

"You'll be able to control it dear, just breathe okay. Just breathe and calm down a little, sweetie. Everything will be okay."

After a few minutes had passed, my ache started to fade away. I opened my eyes and tried to breathe normally again. The pain was still there, but it wasn't that strong.

"We have to teach you a few things now, Quinnie."

That was seven years ago. I was seventeen and my mate hadn't accepted me yet. Santana was with Brittany and there was nothing I could do to make her fall in love with me. I'd just wait, I've been waiting for a long time now and it hurts, it hurts every single day. I was tired of feeling like this, I wanted more and I wanted everything with Santana. It seemed I would never figure out how to make her fall in love with me, she just thought I was her friend and it tore me up inside. I've tried, but now there's nothing I could do. Sometimes I think it's too late, but I won't give up on her.

"Quinn, you packed already?" We had to fly to France in a few hours. Tomorrow was my birthday and I needed to get my bracelet.

"Frann, you know I can pack like ten minutes before we leave. I just need to move my hands. It's too early to pack anyway." I smiled and Frannie sat next to me. The birds outside were singing. The morning sun was shining bright through my windows. We had to leave early in the morning to France so we could get there before midnight.

"Hey, how's everything with Santana, I can't read you anymore you know, without your permission." I had learned to control the wall when I turned fifteen. I felt so relieved, for the first time I was able to think by myself. I loved it.

"Everything's the same. She's celebrating two years with Britt next month. At least she likes girls." I tried to joke but it sounded horrible, the pain was horrible too.

"You know she loves you. I've read her mind."

"Yes Frann, she loves me because I'm her friend!" I yelled, moving my hands and a cushion flew towards the wall. "She's not in love with me." I whispered.

"Just give her some more time, Q."

"Time? I have waited since I was ten freaking years old. I don't even know what's going to happen when I turn eighteen. Am I going to die?"

"Don't say that, Quinn!" Frann placed her hands around my body. I glanced at her bracelet; her red small spheres were shining uncontrollably.

"Don't be scared, Frann, I'll be okay." I looked at her eyes. Her expression was plain. I was scared and so was my family. What would happen to me?

"I swear if something happens to you I will put her in a spell of misery for the rest of her life."

"Hey! What have I told you before… promise me you won't hurt her, it is not her fault." Frannie was looking towards the window. She kissed my forehead, stood up and walked towards the window.

I stood next to her. Following Frann's gaze, I saw that Santana was in front of her house, she was looking for something in her car. I smiled; she could make me feel so calm, so quickly that it was incredible. Every time I thought about her, my worries would go away, at least for a minute. Why was she awake so early?

"She's coming to see you, Quinn." Frannie said walking towards the door. I looked at her and she gave me a weak smile. "I promise." With that, she walked out of the room.

I moved my hands, in a matter of seconds my clothes were on top of my bed. I grabbed the suitcase and started to place clothes inside. My heart began to race, Santana was in the house already, and I could feel it. I tried to look normal, so I kept doing whatever I was doing with the suitcase, this time using my hands to fold the clothes.

"Blondie, don't leave, what kind of sane person goes on a trip to France to celebrate her eighteen birthday? Without her friends? Answer me, Quinn, because it's completely insane." Santana sat next to my suitcase and I stared at her perfect eyes.

She was pouting. My heart was beating so fast; I swore it was going to burst out of my chest. I was used to her, to every single mannerism, how she smelled and the way she talked, but I couldn't control how she made me feel. It felt like the first time I saw her, but multiplied by a thousand. There was so much room in my heart for her. Occasionally, I thought I was going to pass out; there were so many things I needed to tell her. It felt like I was stacking them in a dark room, the very same room I didn't want to visit again. I've tried, but it's so risky and she's with Brittany and I was so tired-

"Fabray, you know I hate when you space out like that." She rolled her eyes and I smiled.

"Come with me then."

"With you? To France?"

"Yeah, why not? It could be fun. I mean, if you're with me, you won't have to miss me." I said and turned my head so she couldn't see my red cheeks.

"Who says I am going to miss you, Q?" I quickly turned back at her and she chuckled. "Okay, okay, maybe I will miss you, maybe." She lies on my bed with her elbows. I wanted to jump on top of her and kiss her. She smiled. "Hey, it's just for the weekend right?"

I nodded. I wanted to tell her, what if something happens and this is our last conversation. "Hey, San…" This was killing me. What if this was the last time I ever saw her? I've read that different things happen when we turn eighteen and our mate haven't accepted us. Which of the horrible things I've read was going to happen to me? "I want to thank you for all this years." Great, that was pathetic. "What I'm trying to say is thank you for being my friend."

She made a low growl. "Hey, are you okay? Are you going to stay in France forever? That sounded like a goodbye. Who have you killed? Are you trying to run away?" She sounded worried. I wanted to be happy and take this the positive way, but she was just my friend and that was normal. Right?

"Yeah, I mean… of course I'm okay. I'll be here Sunday night. I will see you Monday morning and we can pick up Britt and drive to school on our first day as seniors… together."

Santana cleared her throat and stood up from my bed. She grabbed something from the floor and handed it to me. "Happy birthday, Q! Hope you like it, it's too fucking early in the morning to bring Snix out, but I swear I will let her kick your ass if you don't like it."

This girl was going to be the end of me. "Thank you, San." I walked towards her and hugged her.

"Whoa, Q, why are you shaking?" Without releasing her embrace, I looked at my hand and all I could see was the light green sparkle. I closed the palm of my hand, took a big breath and tried to focus on anything but her scent. She pulled away and looked at my face. I quickly looked at my hand to see if was still sparkling, but thank God it wasn't. "Open it, Q." She smiled.

"This is beautiful Santana, thank you very much!" The small red box had a necklace inside with a charm of a silver star in it. "I love it." I said grabbing the necklace from the small box.

"Come here." She took the necklace from my hands and turned me slowly. "I knew you'd like it."

"I love it, San." I smiled.

"Yeah?" She placed the necklace on my chest, I moved my hair slowly and she snapped the clip shut. She turned me slowly and I noticed the grin she had on her face. "It looks…bea– pretty on you." She poked my nose and turned. I was blushing now. I walked towards the mirror and looked at the necklace. It was beautiful, not as beautiful as she was, but beautiful.

"San, can I tell you something?"

"Sure thing, Q."

I wasn't sure why I said that. What was I going to say now?

"I… will miss you." That's all I could say. I mean, what was I going to tell her? Look San, I'm a wizard and you are my mate, I need to fly to France so I can get my spell bracelet. Oh, another thing, because you don't love me in that way, I don't have a freaking idea about what will happen to me at midnight. Yes! Understandable, right?

Frannie was standing in front of my door now. I bet she read my mind. I quickly blocked it back. With all that rush of emotions, I forgot that I had two mind readers in the house. She shook her head in disagreement and walked away.

"I will miss you too, Quinn." Her phone beeped. I bet that was Britt. This early? Gosh, leave her alone for a few minutes. "See you on Sunday okay, and please be safe. On Friday we can have a party at my house." I looked at her, trying to memorize every single detail of her face. What if I don't come back?

"Thanks again, San."

"That's what best friends are for, right?"

Ouch! "Sure, San!" She smiled before waving goodbye to me. She left and I waited until she crossed the street. She was talking on the phone. Who was she talking to? I was curious, so I walked to Frann's room.

"Was Brittany calling?" She turned and shook her head in denial.

"Nope, Maribel called her." I smiled. At least she wasn't leaving me for her. I mean, it has happened before, but today was different. I couldn't stop thinking of what was going to happen tomorrow, so it was nice to know she left because her mother called and not because Brittany summoned her.

"You know, Quinn…" Frann was smiling now. "Santana thought you looked beautiful with the necklace. Yeah, I know the word she used was pretty, but what she was thinking was way beyond pretty." I blushed.

"Are you messing with me, Frann? Because let me tell you, this is not funny."

"Quinn, I wouldn't joke about that." She smiled again. "You know what else she thought?" I looked at her. "That you should cut your hair again, she likes it better short."

"Really?" I couldn't believe this. My mind was in chaos; I couldn't describe what I was feeling. I was scared, happy, sad, scared again and in love. This could mean so much and at the same time nothing. Friends complement each other all the time.

"Girls, we're ready to go." Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Quinn. We don't know what is going to happen. It could be something simple as a third eye, or a… curse." I opened my fist slowly, and noticed my sparkle light decreasing, slowly.

"Frann… I don't want to talk about it, please."

"Well, let's go, Sis."

I finished packing and walked downstairs. Mom and Frannie were talking in front of the door while Dad was in the car waiting for us. With luggage in hand, I left the house and walked toward the car. I sighed and looked back at my home. I was getting inside the car when my phone beeped.

-Hey, Fabray… chill it's just a weekend. See you on Sunday. Xx

I turned and looked across the street, second floor to be specific. Santana was waving at me. I smiled and waved back at her.

-Text me when you land. I'll text you at twelve, well… France time :) Happy Birthday Q!

-Thank you again San, text you in about nine hours.

-Tell your ass I feel sorry for it.

I chuckled and looked back at her, she was smiling.

"Tell her goodbye, baby girl, you'll see her soon." Dad said. I waved back at her and Dad started to drive. I kept looking at S until I couldn't see her anymore.

I was tired. I turned my phone on; it was 9:22 a.m. Mom gave me a little hug and grabbed my luggage. I gave her a weak smile; I wanted this to be over already. Once out of the gate, Dad went to get the rented car. I missed Santana. Every time I wasn't not near her, the pressure in my chest began. I was used to it already; I've learned how to ignore it, but sometimes it was inevitable.

-Hey, I'm here already ;)

A few seconds passed and she replied.

-God, I was worried. How's your ass?

-It's fine, I think Ha-ha ;)

-Just three more hours Q, are you excited to turn eighteen?

-Not really…

-You're no fun

I waited inside of the car. Mom was filling out the paperwork. I just wanted to get to the village already. I didn't know if I could handle another hour seated. I kept exchanging texts with San for a while until I fell asleep.

"Quinn, we're here… wake up."

Frann was shaking me gently. I opened my eyes and looked around me. All I could see was tall trees, the animals echoing in the distance and the moon light bright in front of us. We stopped in the middle of a trail. Mom moved her hands and a few purple sparks flew out of her fingers. A black tall gate started to appear. We drove inside the village. The tall houses were painted in different colors, creating a beautiful view.

We passed the river and drove straight to our house on the hill. The house looked the same as we left it two years ago when we visited here to get Frann's bracelet. I pulled out my phone; it was 10:40 p.m. I placed a strand of hair behind my ear and walked inside the house.

I opened my room and placed my bag on the bed. I looked through the window. I missed her. I was furious now. How much longer did I need to wait? I couldn't anymore. I couldn't deal with this pain. I wanted her. I grabbed my phone to call her. I quickly stopped myself, I couldn't do this. Not now… not in here. I screamed and moved my fingers in desperation. The sparkle started to fade, what's going on? I collapsed and started to cry.

"Hey, we're here, Quinnie. We're here to protect you, sweetie."

"Mom, I… I can't anymore." Dad and Frann ran inside the room.

"You're not giving up, right?" She cupped my face in her hands. "You know we can't… you can't give up on her Quinn! Damn it… you know the consequences. This is not the girl I raised, a Fabray never gives up."

"We're here, Quinn. Santana loves you… think, think how she would react if she knows you're not coming back." Frann said looking at her sparkling bracelet.

"What's the difference, Frann? I'm going to die anyway!

"Quinn, stop it, stop it now." Dad yelled. "Baby girl," he took a big breath. "We don't know what is going to happen, but I'll assure you we won't let anything bad happen to you. Okay… look at me." I wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"We're here, Quinn." Frann said looking at my eyes for the first time since she entered the room.

"At midnight… we'll be ready. We'll be here and in the morning, we'll get your bracelet. No matter what happens. Then we'll fly back to Ohio, together." I nodded in her arms.

How could I think of leaving her? She needed me, I needed her.

"Thank you, I love you all."

We played a game, just to spend some time together. I wasn't paying attention though. It was almost midnight. I smiled at them and looked at my phone again. Mom stood up, if she needed to attack, Frann held me close to her and Dad was ready to kill someone. Mom's bracelet was shining lightly; she was the one who could control her feelings the most. Frann's bracelet was sparkling so bright, I could see the ray in her eyes. Dad's necklace was sparkling in a perfect rhythm with Mom's.

My phone beeped; the small sound distracting us.

-Happy Birthday, Quinn!

Santana's text made my heart twinge, but with emotion this time. I noticed it was midnight. Mom smiled and Frann held me tight. I began to type, but when I looked at my hand, I stopped. The sparkle was getting brighter and brighter.

-Thank you San, I lov-

I felt like something exploded inside of me. I dropped my phone without sending the text.

"Are you okay?" Frann yelled.

"Quinn…Quinn, look at me!" Mom yelled in front of me.

I couldn't move, I tried to move or open my eyes but I couldn't, my mind wasn't responding. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it. I removed my wall, I tried telling them to help me, but I guess they couldn't read my mind. Something inside was breaking all of my bones. I could feel the pain, but I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything. Dad picked me up and placed me on the bed.

"Quinn, please open your eyes baby girl."

"Don't give up, please Sis. I need you here."

I wanted to tell them I wasn't going to give up, not on Santana. Never, but for some reason I couldn't communicate with Mom or Frann.

"Mom, look at her hand…her spark is not green."

What? It's not green, but green is me. That's my sparkle. Suddenly, I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I thought of San, smiling and waving at me from the window. For a few seconds, I was happy and at peace. I awake in a white room, no windows and no doors. I tried walking but my body wasn't responding to any movement. I could hear a voice echoing in the room, I couldn't tell who it was.

"Let it go, Quinn… you'll be okay. I will take care of you."

I felt a hand on my chest. The pain was increasing every time I tried to control it. I looked everywhere, but all I could see was the tall white room. There was nobody standing in front of me, and there was definitely not a hand on my chest.

"Let it go, Quinn." I heard again.

I couldn't… what if I didn't see her again? My head was pounding, the ache in my chest increasing once again. What if something bad happens to San and I wasn't with her? I couldn't… I needed to fight. I tried to scream but nothing happened. I could still feel the hand on my chest. The hand caressed my skin; I could feel how the hand was penetrating my chest. Once inside, the hand grabbed my heart and pulled it out from my chest. The pain was indescribable. I collapsed. I needed to fight though; I needed to do it for Santana.

"What… are you… doing?" I mumbled.

"This will be ours now." The voice said.

"It's not...yours."

"It's ours."

I closed my eyes, the pain was atrocious and I needed to rest. I couldn't help it anymore, so I tried to move. I looked at my chest desperately; I thought it was going to be ripped apart. Slowly, I moved my right hand and opened it. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I was too tired. Santana appeared in my mind again. Smiling, I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. The light green sparkle was there, I was alive.