Heaven's Angel-Chapter 1
The tip of a cigarette lit up in the dark night but was quickly snuffed out on the rooftop. A shadowy figure stood, slipped the pack into his pocket, and walked close to the edge. Looking down at the cars one hundred stories below him, he silently took a grappling hook from his rucksack with gloved hands. First, he dropped the rope then he secured the hook on the edge of the roof. Swinging his legs over the side, he gripped the rope and started his decent. One story down, then two. The third from the top was his destination. Looking in the first window he came across, he saw it was a dark, large, and most importantly empty living area.
Testing the window to see if, just by some off chance, it was open, he was no surprised to find out that it was securely locked. Inside, he heard the jingle of the doorknob "Marde…" He said to himself, more out of annoyance than fear. Slipping down the rope as to be out of eyesight, he saw the light come on and strained to hear anything, but couldn't.
Suddenly, the window to the left of him opened. Long pale arms pushed it open and out leaned the most beautiful creature the man had ever seen. Long, curly red hair spilled over lean and bare shoulders. Spotless skin gleamed in the city lights. But this face, this face with its high cheekbones, pouty pink lips, and huge green eyes just captivated the man. So much so that he forgot momentarily that he could very easily be seen. Luckily, this angel was looking up and squinting, as if he were trying to see the stars through the New York lights.
"Puppy?" A deep voice boomed through the whole room, although it was slightly muffled since it wasn't in the room. The angel, 'Puppy', jumped and ran from the window, forgetting to shut it. The lights shut of and a door closed. Almost as soon as the one door closed, another opened and heavy footsteps pounded through the dark room. The man took this opportunity to slip in through the open window, watching the back of a rather large man nearly rip the door that the angel must have gone through. This must be Cartman, the man thought to himself.
"Puppy," Cartman said menacingly "what did I tell you about leaving your room? What if someone had seen you? You could have been hurt."
"I'm sorry, Master," the angel whispered sweetly.
"Now," Cartman's voice was much more sedated this time, "I have just a little more work to do. Get into bed and wait for me."
"Yes, Master."
The man slipped behind a couch, the oldest trick in the book, as Cartman walked by him, never noticing the open window. Good, thought the man, this will be his escape route.
Alone again in the living room, he debated with himself for a moment whether he should go for speed or art in this mission. He could just go up behind Cartman, put a bullet in the back of his head, and go on with his life. Or, and this was become the more favorable option the more he thought about it, he could go see this "Puppy", maybe woo them (as he is known to do), then whenever Cartman comes back, he'll put a bullet or two in that large stomach, kiss the angel one more time, and sneak off into the night. Smiling, the man made his way to the angel's room.
Trying to be as quiet as he could, he pulled open the door to see a stark white room. White walls, white carpet, white bed with white posts and white curtains. No windows. The curtains were drawn. Inside them, he could hear a rustling and the curtains drew back to revel the angel, his hair standing out even more against the sea of white. The man was certain that he stood out even more with his tanned, scarred skin and old, baggy, brown and black clothing.
"Excuse me," the angel said, green eyes wide with curiosity and pink lips slightly parted, "But what are you doing in my room? Does Master know you're here?"
"Ov course, mon cherie," the man said in his heavily accented voice, "Your 'Master' know awll about me."
"What is your name?" Oh god, Christophe thought, this voice is going to haunt his dreams for weeks.
"Mon aime, you may call me Ze Mole, but ze more important question iz, vwhat is yours?" Christophe stepped closer to the angel, cupping his chin when he asked his name.
"Non non non, vwhat is your real name?"
Christophe looked at this little beauty in pure confusion. But before he could say anything else, he heard behemoth footsteps approaching the room. So, in pure playboy fashion, Christophe slipped into bed next to the boy and closed the curtains behind him.
"Now look, herez vwhere we play a little game, oui? We play ze game called 'silenz'. You don't speak, okay?"
"Okay…" There was hesitance in the angel's voice, but he complied nonetheless.
The door opened, much more softly then the last time Cartman did it. Christophe laid back on the pillows and curled his arm around the red head, fingering the gun at his side, slipping it out of it's holster but keeping it out of sight
"Puppy, I am sorry about how I treated you earlier, now let's…WHAT THE FUCK!" Eric Cartman flung back the curtains to see the missionary pointing a gun at him with an arm around his beloved puppy.
"Je suis desole, Monsieur Cartman, but your time on zis side is over." And with that, the trigger was pulled and the life of Eric Cartman was over.
"Well zat as anti-climatic." Christophe said disappointingly. "Ah well, it vwas lovely meeting you, mon cherie, mais…my time iz over." With that, Christophe exited the bed and stepped over Cartman's body, blowing the drug lord a kiss. As he was leaving the room, he didn't hear the little redhead slip out of bed. It was only when he was about to climb back out the window did he hear that soft voice again.
"Can I come with you?" In the doorway to his heavenly room, the redhead stood, looking nervous and white and oh so deliciously naked. Christophe took off his overcoat and threw it over the other's shoulders.
"Of course, mon aime," Christophe said. Pulling the angel close, he planted a big kiss on those ruby lips, slipping his tongue between them, deepening the kiss. When he pulled away, a rugged smile stretched across his face and he pulled the redhead though the window with him, disappearing into the night like the trained missionary he is.
I like this and am writing more, but I do hope you like this first chapter. Review if you want! I promise my little redhead gets much more character development in the chapters coming!